Hi all. I'm Danny, 16, from Northern Virginia. My main interests are in computers, internet, and all things tech. Im also a big fan of hard rock (Metallica, Pantera, etc.) Hoping to contribute something to this amazing site.
Hello. I'm Vejay from Leicester in the UK. But I've been living & studying in London for 2 years now. I found wikipedia through google last year when researching an essay on sustainable fuels & it's been invaluable since.
Veej03:58, 4 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Hello Wikipedia. I just joined earler today. I learned about Wikipedia from my friend whakum a couple years ago, and have used it for research, as well as spent many an hour browsing through articles. My interests are video games, anime, and biology and chemistry. LifeMega07:13, 4 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Hi, been reading the wikipedia for a while now, just decided it was time to get a user account. I'm from Wiltshire UK and can't really say what my interests are, I'm into so many things. I think obsessively about anything that catches my imagination! I'm not too confident with the 'behind the scenes' stuff at wikipedia so please forgive me if I get confused!... Flume22:24, 4 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Gday mates! I've been contributing to Wikipedia under the username jfolley, but I've created a new account, as I felt uncomfortable using my real name. I've been reading a fair few articles since 2003, I've started a couple, and contributing whatever I can, whenever I can. I'm going to sit down and read the rules and protocols soon (before I do anything else). So long! Steadfastninja13:02, 5 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Hiya... I've already added a couple of bits here and there, but then i got a message off of BorgHunter, so figured I'd follow it - nice to be welcomed though :) Horus Kol13:24, 5 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Hey there! I'm Dan, 22 from the UK. Having been introduced by my tech friends, I've used Wikipedia for over a year for research and to satisfy my general curiosities. I have already made some contributions by tidying up the spelling/grammar in some articles although I hope to contribute to this wonderful resource using my own knowledge. Wikipedia has such a huge community with quite a daunting task, which is why I decided to get off my ass and help! I envisage I can help not by creating huge articles but by filling in gaps, doing research and tidying up articles. I have a wide range of interests from IT (a sector in which I work) to motorsport and of course exploration, mainly in the UK. Hopefully between us all we can make this the best resource on the web. - Feenix16:14, 5 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Hi! I've known about this site for a while, but just decided to jump in recently.. I've been reading about how everything works and I'm hoping that I can make a contribution. I'm mostly interested in health/medicine, dentistry, chronic pain, and related subjects although I dabble in web design and other tech stuff. Feel free to give me any feedback that you think would be helpful, and I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone.
goodwillstacy23:30, 5 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Greetings all. I'm 20 years old, currently attending university in the UK. Mostly I'm into computer games and the like. I've made a few minor changes in the past, mostly correcting grammar or adding an odd fact or two. I'll doubt I'll get round to a full article, but hey, you never know :) Phoenix198520:24, 6 December 2005 (UTC)Phoenix1985[reply]
born in colorado as a cattle rancher...moved to canada....was in the canadian army...uncle sam hired me from there to go to viet nam ...got out of the military at 21 after 29 months combat duty...went to alaska where i have fished, mined and logged for the last 38 years...i like all animals and most people...have 3 children ..one is a nurse and two are computer engineers...i have a grade 8 education so we can safely assume they got their brains from my wife of 35 years...i'm a jack of all trades and a master of none...i'm a good cook ..do dished and can change diapers with one hand and eat a sandwich with the other...i can fly, skipper a boat and drive most any equipment...i can't put up with is a bully or a liar...other than that i'm a git along to get along kinda guy...stumbled on to this web site...already broke some rules and was threatened with expulsion...so i think i will just lie low and observe...Johnsonpass21:23, 6 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
The subject is the equivalent of Good Morning in my native language, Telugu. I am from Hyderabad, India. I am working as a Software Engineer. I am interested in reading books, especially SF and Murder Mysteries. And also I am a quizzer, so automatically that makes me interested in everything under the sun :-). Nice to be here and hope I will make a meaningfull contribution to this community.
Hi! I'm an ex-experimental Chemist, now working on Chemical Informatics, in collaboration with a bunch of Natural Language Processing people. I've got a cunning plan to get images, SMILES and InChIs for many of the organic chemicals on Wikipedia.
--Peter Corbett22:47, 7 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
I am only trying to correct an entry which is untrue and malicious
My name is Bill Maniaci. I am a retired police officer and disabled veteran. I am the Deputy Chairman of the Jewish Defense League hhtp://jdl.org.il. My user name for Wikipedia is Benmoshe. I apologize if I have broken the rules but my intention is only to set the record straight. Someone continues to post lies and malicious disinformation about my organization and I am only seeking to post true and accurate information. Every time I make a correction someone else causes the page to revert to the old (incorrect) information. My email is: [removed] and I would appreciate some understanding and assistance. Thank you----Bill Maniaci01:33, 8 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
I am Jon-Erik Beckjord,BA,MBA, aka Erik Beckjord.
There is a page referring to me, Erik Beckjord, that has errors. I request ADMIN HELP
to allow me to correct these errors. I can also be reached at rudy(at)stealthaccess.net
or, rudy@stealthaccess.net
I also wish to reach the anti-vandal committee to discuss how I can be allowed to correct
hundreds of errors in the Bigfoot and Cryptozoology pages, (seek permission to edit), and then not see those edits be wiped out.
I am a researcher and field worker of 30 years in UFOs, Crop Circles, Bigfoot, The Loch Ness Monster, and psychic photography. I have run three brick and mortar UFO/CZ museums. I have run hundreds of trips and expeditions.See all my sites at http://www.beckjord.com
Also, I am very unpopular with inexperienced fans of these topics on forums. I do wish to get along with people here, but I do realize some of those fans are also here. Any help
from admins and veterans will be appreciated.
What can be better than making your own entry in the world's fastest evolving encyclopedia?! I've been aware of wikipedia for some time now, but never had cause to start an account. I was listening to a podcast (TWiT) and as a result of the discussion there I decided to go look myself up here. I didn't find myself, but a federal judge by the same name. I thought I'd make an entry for myself in the event that someone thought I'd magically aged and become a judge.
Well, hello all! I am David Sentelle. Born September 8th, 1970 in Richmond, VA. I don't know what details about myself anyone would be interested in. Email me and ask if you really are interested.
I'm Related to the telecommunication engineering field and usually took help from wikipedia. This always on my rescue whenever i'm in tension or in trouble. So i thought to be a wikipedian.
I am one of those accidental inventors. My first 'accident' was making non piercing nipple jewelry for those of us chickens who did not want to feel the pain, nor take the chance of infections, etc. Now you find imitations all over the web of my patent and patent's pending.
But there was another acccident, in that my jewelry caused several welcomed side effects.
Sexual Arousal
Sexual Stimulation
Sexual Enhancement
Natural Lubrication
Stimulation of lactating mothers
and Stress Relief
It's been an uphill battle in that everone seems to think if they put an extra loop, curl, one less leg, change the material -whatever- they now have their own design. Wrong! Speaking of which I should check out definition of "PATENT"...
In the meantime, I have come up with another idea to patent but it is out of this field and has to do with cats.
Wait4Me! December 8th, 2005
PS - It sure would be great if these posting programs had a 'spell checker'. Just a suggestion.
Hello Wikipedians:
I have used Wikipedia before but not joined. I would certainly be happy to contribute to this valuable collective effort. My background is in newspaper reporting, conservation, environmental protection, and major interests are in firearms, hunting, American Civil War studies and Civil Rights issues. David5475520:59, 8 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Hey everybody. I’m a computer nerd that has been using wikipedia for a bit and decided to contribute. I'm into religion, particularly Christianity, so you will probably see me on those pages often. In my spare time I like to play video games and travel. (or play video games while traveling).
Hi, i'm MPN and i've added Tomophobia, The Mosquito (product) and Spuddy Buddy to Wikipedia since I joined here about a month ago. I hope to make Wikipedia better by marking junk articles and nabbing vandalized pages. This is a great website!
Hi, I am from Turkey and I am a PhD Student at EPFL. I read a lot from Wikipedia for a very long time. At last I decided to post new entries to the Wikipedia and for that reason I brcame a member :) See you around...
Hi, I've been a regular user of Wikipedia for a couple of years. It's been good to see it grow to the point where routine searches come back with an answer of some sort. That wasn't always the way.
I've just created an account with the object of contributing as well as reading.
I am English, but I live in the Alicante province of Spain. I teach English and computing. I have also lived in Malta, Cyprus and South Africa. My areas of interest are linguistics, botany and gardening, history and computing.
Well, I'm 23 yers old, and I live in Israel. There is nothing much to tell about what I'm doing because I'm prepearing to go to the University next year, so now I'm just working a little bit as a trips guard. I'm interested in Biology, Astronomy, and almost everything in the world. My hobbies are Rappeling, Climbing, and Diving(not yet got my diver liecense, but I hope that soon I will. Well that is about everything in general. Hope to find very useful things in Weikipedia and to give as much as I can.
i have been here for a few weeks. created an article about women artists. interests are food, art history, and asian culture. bad at proofing but good editor.--964267sr02:37, 10 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Bold text As a polyglot who does five languages, I find it disappointing that Hausa language which
is spoken by about sixty million people in West Africa is not on the list of Wikipedia.Hausa, of course is
not my mother tongue.My mother tongue is Yoruba.To these two languages I add French, Spanish and English.I
would very much like the two West African languages to be added to Wikipedia. This would inspire many
native speakers of the language to make a contribution.
Hello. I recently joined Widipedia in November of this year. I had never heard of Wikipedia until my son told me about it when we were trying to find some information on a company that went out of business. After doing some exploring, I decided I would like to contribute to the project. I am a civil engineer. I have a wide variety of interests and at this time, I have only added to a few articles. As I become familiar with the site, I will add my interests on my user page. QuickDraw15:48, 10 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Bold textThis is the most interesting work I had ever found on the Internet.It took me nearly 5 hours
to find that there is a special facility on Wikipedia for sending email to the contributors in Wkipedia.I
would like to suggest that a book titled "Mastering Wikipedia" would be handy for this enormous work. It
would save a lot of time for newbees like me to negotiate or surf through.The book would be something
like the ICQ one, and it could be called Italic textThe Official Guide.
{Zik 15:53, 10 December 2005 (UTC)]
Hi there. I've used Wikipedia for quite some time, and have found it to be an invaluable resource. I figured it would be best to contribue back, if I could. I am currently a student, and a paraeducator (aide) for a continuation school.
After signing up, I never realized how much effort goes into this! It's absolutely wonderful, and I hope to prove to be a good contributor.
I've known about this place for ages and used it for info a couple times. I finally created an account because I didn't like making edits anonymously, and I'm a bit of a stickler for proper grammar and punctuation, though primarily only when it alters the meaning of what is being said. I'm fairly good at proofing for spelling and grammar.
As far as my interests and areas of expertise, I'm very familiar with the Music Business in the US, especially in regards to publishing, copyrights, and trademarks, though also in regards to labels and distribution. I also have had a fair amount of experience reading, understanding, and analyzing legalese whether in the form of statutes, articles, or judicial opinions. I enjoy debunking misinformation. I hope to be able to find some use for my skills here.
My name is Victoria. I never heard the Wikipedia untill I was inform by my friend. This is great! I browse around I had find out alot's of research. My weekness is about religion. I was very fascinated. I love reading the Bible. Find out a lot's of things. The more you search the more you learn.
I was really interested of writing about marketing. I end up browsing around about history of the bible. I am so glad I did. So many information. I don't know where to look. I had a website store trying to advertise it. To find out more about some other tools for marketing. [1].
I was very impress about the Wikipedia. Thank God for this site. It helps alots of people to communicate. And tell what they believe or what they don't believe,ideas,opinion,logic,education and etc...etc... We are all learning to each other. This is what is all about. Share things about anything. I don't know a lots because of this site allowed us to search and learn things.
Thank you for allowing me to share your web site. Thank you Wikipedia! Don't forget to see my web site. Just log on to... [2]
I live in Washington D.C
I joined cause Wikipedia is a awesome site that I use to get whatever information I need.
I love soccer (and I am a serious player) photography and art.
Well I guess photography is a art!!
Life.is.good00:28, 11 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Well I didn't introduce myself when I first joined so I guess I will now. My area of expertise is of .hack so most of my contributions will be of that category. Any other edits I make will probably be because there is obviously false information in the article or something like that. Kulaguy04:05, 11 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Tis Ananth here. Am presently doin my Management from India.This involves a lot of research work towards Assignments & Notes.
Wishing You all the good time & Enlisting your support in helping me out .. Also, Dont count me out. U can count on me to deliver the goods whenever you want!!! Thts a promise!!!! Whatever you want/need , Just Ask!!!
^^;Hi I am a loooover of anime and I came to join yall's community............well just wanted to say that and I hope to make friends and I help people and I am in to the Japanese ways
Although I've used Wikipedia in the past as a reader, I recently came across some vandalism in the Gay Games article. That inspired me to learn Wiki, and I've had a great time contributing to Wikipedia. I find it quite addictive.
this is a beautiful community, and i'm very happy to be finding more ways to engage with everyone here.
Wikipedia has helped me in many ways already, often through health and nutrition information, or science and math background, but always by aiming for that neutral point of view.
Hi everyone, I´m a Wikipedia-addict born in Venezuela, but currently living in Brazil. I´m into the software business, but with my many interests, I get hooked up very easily even by reading random articles.
Even so I access Wikipedia several times a day, my contributions are mostly limited to Venezuela. I´m working to change this, desiring to post info that can truly be considered reliable; and in my opinion, the Wiki concept is as great a revolution as the birth of the internet itself, no matter what controversies and criticism arise from its misuse. The key point is to accept Wikipedia as it is: a Gateway for broader knowledge about ANY topic.
Well, I´m grateful about having this space to express my support to the Wiki team. Keep it up!
Reynaldo15:14, 12 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
I am raghavendran a software engineer working in chennai,India and feel more happy to join here and i have more interest in photography and i will contribute in the field as much as i can.
My name is Nick and I'm from Indiana...I go to school in a town called Muncie, IN, where Ball State University is located. The Wikipedia has saved my bum many times. And sometimes I just surf the whole thing to learn something new. I'm a Music Education Major and really have a firm grip in the realm of popular music. I really want to add anything I can to update music-related articles. Anyways, ask me anything, and I'll give you my best answer. Take care, friends.
As you would guess, I am new here. I would like to get my feet wet in the Wiki world by cleaning up articles that need help. Then moving on to possibly writing some of my own. I am also a photogapher so I can help there to. I am very new to this so I will need help getting around at first, but I am a quick learn, if somone would just teach me the ropes! I would appreciate an experinced Wikipedian adding me to there messenger possibly to show me around in real time. I am Barbie649@hotmail.com or BarbieWyatt649 for AOL. THANKS
I found out about the Wikipedia through the radio (Future Tense radio program) and I have benn using Wikipedia for a while and finally decided to help out some. I know alot about computers and programming and theatre.
Marcushan21:24, 12 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Hi...I'm new here and would like to learn more about how to do stuff around here...like putting things in catagories and using templets. Guess that's all...--Octopusouphut02:19, 13 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
I am a new Wikipedian just learning the ropes of editing and adding new entries. I am interested in a variety of things, from books to law, with a focus on technology. I would love to meet other Wikipedians who can help me become a worthwhile contributor to this online community. Feel free to visit my (work-in-progress) user page for more of my interests.
Liiitle confused. I have little to no general computery knowledge but wish to write several articles and can't figure out how to do so!
I'm not even sure where I'm posting this or what I'm posting...
Can somebody please reply to me via email at;
just had to do it, become part of this great opportunity to say a couple of things about a couple of things...
Jpbehrman particularly keen on adding to the psychology and psychotherapy stuff and also a bit of a techy nerd...
Officially a nerd....I spend hours on end reading an encyclopaedia...will edit anything I can improve without too much effort, most likely stuff to do with games. Actually, since I don't normally take risks of any (please tell me I got that in italics? I've only just read the introduction thing) kind I'll just tell people about possible improvements on a discussion page...probably...for now...
I am a newbie on Wikipedia and my knowledge of {{{HTML}}} is very limited. Can you please tell me exactly what to do to start editing an article on Wikipedia.Or conversely can you recommend somebody who will have the patience of helping me by e-mail correspondence.
{Zik 19:42, 14 December 2005 (UTC)}
I have been coming to this site for research for a couple of months now and thought it was about time I joined!.
Im from England and am 21 years of age.
I am at university studying Literature and am eager to help any way I can and get to know a few people here already whether they have the same interests or not!, I like a good debate!.
Media, Power and Foucault
Ancient Near Eastern History
'British' Mythology
My undergraduate studies were in Anthropology adn Ancient History at UCL - using anthropological methods to cast light on ancient history, very much in the mold of Michel Foucault's studies on Ancient Greek homosexuality.
My post-graduate studies have focused mainly on anthropology of the West - that is post-industrial material culture, concepts, and 'myths', particularly with regard to media and popular culture. However, I retain a great interest in Ancient Histor particularly the Near East - my undergraduate thesis as on 'The Interaction of Ethnic Groups in Mesopotamia circa 4000BCE - 2000BCE'
I hope to have many interesting debates and discussions with many of you, and here's to expanding knowledge!!
hi wikians, i feel great to be with this community. Stumbled on to wiki while searching the google for my seminar on Hybrid Cars and has hence forever in love with this. My interests include Physics, Electrical engineering, Genetic Algorithm, automobiles, teaching etc.. Looking forward to working with you.--Scisaint17:57, 15 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Hey, thanks all for the kind reception I've recieved so far. My main interest is in early music, especially pre-Baroque. Makemi01:29, 16 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Hi, I'm a new (ish) user living in the Czech Republic, soon China. My area of expertese would be underground indie bands of the nineties, and I've been working on this already. Hi all. --Bienfuxia15:36, 16 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
I'm not from South Africa, nor have I ever been there, but I am fascinated by it, so I figured it would make the perfect subject for my comment. jesus_geek
Hey all. Relatively new to the Wiki, still learning. I am proficient in English and Spanish, know about computers, and most importantly, love doing reasearch via web... Mixmatch08:50, 17 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Hello! I`m Andy.
I`m an engineer living and working in Cape Town.
My main interest is Astronomy and related sciences..
Hopefully I`ll be able to contribute once I learn a little more...
Thanks! Andy17:30, 17 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Ha ! Harvestman here helps hosting hundreds o’highly, horrific, hastily hewn histories. And aims at an awkward appreciated approach at avery awful affair, acknowledging an absurd ardor (ask : Ada or ardor).
I’m french with interests in computer science, language, beauty and – coherence. Wish us all success in designing a knowledge world that the world deserves. - Harvestman18:51, 17 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
New user(duh) Interests are History and Natural Resources. Been browsing, reading, and using wikipedia for about 2 years, finally decided to join up, since anymous can't create articles anymore
CuBiXcRaYfIsH19:59, 17 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Hello all. I have run across Wiki here and there, usually while googling for things. I decided to search for one of the keywords in my own field of study and found that the wiki article doesn't exactly address the significance of the word as I know it, so I have decided to write a different article about it. However, I thought that I should learn how this all works first! Mander20:58, 17 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
I don't really know what to say about myself here, but uh.. hi. I guess I'm just posting up here to prove I'm capable of reading directions?
Yeah, I guess so.
I'm in high school, but please don't underestimate me. I can do a lot of grammar and spelling edits, and I'll expand stubs wherever I can by doing excessive, obsessive google reseach. I'll make time for experts to expand articles they know a lot about, instead of having to do little edits.
Strange Emily22:24, 17 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Well, hi. My name is Duinemerwen. It comes from the Sindarin word "Duine" and "Emerwen", or River and sheperdess.
--Does anyone here know how to put down the boxes that say things like "This user is a native speaker of English" or "This user is made of meat"?
--Guess my identity and win recognition. By the way, if you go to the same workplace as I do, then you only win partial recognition.
Duinemerwen23:45, 18 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Try this page, it gives you the complete syntax, examples and lists.
1) Formatted boxes : Edit your article or user page and copy a code text like that : {{user wikipedia}} which will give that box when you save the page.
2) Your own box can be made with this code : {{userbox|id-c=lightgray|info-c=yellow|id=JRRT|info=''This user comes from the middle earth & speaks a quite fluent Sindarin''}}
This user comes from the middle earth & speaks a quite fluent Sindarin
Decided to man the barricades after the controversy from the last couple of weeks. I'll mostly be working on the Danish version, which needs a lot of work, and most likely also on Wikimedia Commons.
Hello, All. After noticing more and more Wikipedia entries popping up during Google searches, I finally joined on December 17, 2005. My first project will be working with a graduate student who started a new Wikipedia page on health policy analysis, and I'm hoping more students will get involved over time. I'm also looking forward to finding out more about how online communities work from this experience. Advice and suggestions are welcome.
Hi this Wikipedian is from queensland australia. my interests are varied and eclectic so hopefully I can add my three cents to the collective all Flinxster13:13, 19 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Hello, I am Robert, I have a cooking wiki already established that is in need of a few good contributors. I would be interested in giving Admin rights to a few good contributors. The wiki has mucho content but no real active community and just a handful of contributors. The project is located at Cookbookwiki.com and I can be contacted at wikimanager@yahoo.com, I recently removed google ads and such. I need help getting the community part of the wiki active. Feel free to stop by and add your comments to our home page discussion or get started. From my understanding, there is much content that can be added that is missing from wikipedia due to politics. So, if you would like a cooking wiki playground, please stop by or contact me. - Robert
hi:) I just got myself an account on Wiki. I've been lurking around for ages, making small changes here and there, but today I finally decided to stop being lazy and get an account lol. Fuzzi logic00:59, 20 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Hi, I've read Wikipedia articles for a little while now, and I just recently realized that anyone can edit articles, so I decided to join. --RandomPurple 01:21, 20 December 2005 (UTC)
Hello, I am Sidious1701. I love playing the guitar and clarinet, although I have not mastered it. I found out about Wikipedia when I was resaerching uranium for school. Then I started going back to the website since I figured out you can edit stuff. Then, I tried to create an article on the sprat, but it said only users can create articles so I joined.Sidious170119:30, 20 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Hey ya'll. I've been surfing Wikipedia for a year, and have joined to "help out". I'll be mostly be doing sport-related material, especially baseball & football. Peace out, ya'll.
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen!. (It's afternoon here in sunny New Zealand.) I've been using Wikipedia for a year or so, and finally decided to create myself an account. I like to hang around the Recent Changes page spotting and reverting vandalism. When I'm not on Wikipedia, I can likely be found at the Kingdom of Loathing or Homestarrunner.com. I enjoy roleplaying and... hmmm... there's plenty of other things... but I really don't have time to list them all now. See you around sometime. TheST01:15, 21 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Hi, I've just joined wikipedia, but have used the site as a reference for some time. I'm an telecommunications engineer living in New Zealand. --Xagent8605:23, 21 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Hi all
Music, old 1940-50s blues, shouters and rock, 1950 hillbilly and honky tonk, 1960 folk, early 60s Ska, 1965 beat, 1970s singer songwriters, that's my interest. Hope I can add and correct some for Wiki!
Kees, Eindhoven, Netherlands
clueless from baires says:
how the heck do i insert an image. do i use regular html code? it does not seem to be used in the edit page textbox.
thank you
I have been around WIKI for a few months now, and still learning stuff, like in the last few days I figured out how to put user box images on my home page that illustrate who I am and my interests. Like this one for example.
I've enjoyed Wikipedia for years, but never contributed due to concerns about the business of Bomis. Now that those concerns are in the past, I'm happy to start participating. My knowledge is very wide, and I'm annoyed by incorrect details. I therefor hope to participate in small ways in many places.
Hello all, I've been anomyonously editing for some time and have decided to join. I generally am interested in editing comic-book and animation related articles, and am interested in helping with as many as I can.-Finite21:10, 21 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
From 1979 to 1985, I worked as the Edgerton, WI, correspondent for the Janesville (WI) Gazette. In that role, I wrote about southern Wisconsin history, education and people. From 1985 to 2003, I worked as the education reporter and columnist for the Wisconsin Rapids Daily Tribune in central Wisconsin. My columns for this newspaper included Markings (personal opinion), Our Town (central WI history), and Over the Rapids (central WI people). I am a seven-time recipient of Wisconsin Newspaper Association first-place awards for excellence in journalism. As of June 2006, I will have earned an English degree (with secondary teaching certificate) from the University of WI-Stevens Point. I previously earned journalism and history degrees from the University of WI-Whitewater.
I am a published poet and essayist. My poems appeared in the book Blackberries Grown Wild (Apple Cider Press, 2000). My poems and essays have also been published in regional, national and international magazines and journals.
I have also been an actor and director, mainly in local community theatre and college productions. I've been involved in theatre in the Wisconsin communities of Edgerton, Whitewater and Wisconsin Rapids.
I wrote the first annotated bibliography of Edgerton, WI, author Sterling North (who wrote the memoir, Rascal); led a fundraising effort to place a bronze sign in front of North's childhood house in Edgerton in 1984; and served the Sterling North Society for several years in the early 2000s as moderator of the group's online discussion board. In southern Wisconsin, I served as the youngset-ever member of the Rock County Historical Society's Board of Trustees. I founded RiverSide Variety Players (a Wisconsin Rapids childrens' theatre troupe) in the late 1980s. I have also served as president of Historic Point Basse Inc. (a living history society devoted to the preservation of an 1850s rural village site near Wisconsin Rapids). I am a member of the Sterling North, Mid-State Poetry Towers, Riverwood Roundtable, and Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets literary societies.
My areas of expertise include the life and work of Wisconsin-born authors/poets Sterling North and Lorine Niedecker; the life and work of Chicago and Edgerton potter, Pauline Jacobus; the life of Abraham Lincoln; contemporary American literature; central Wisconsin murder cases (especially the life and crimes of Plainfield, WI, murderer Edward Gein); the Jack the Ripper case; collecting books and autographs; and the lives and careers of central Wisconsin authors and activists Edith Nash and Frances Hamerstrom.
If you have an image that is available under free licence, then consider uploading to Wikipedia Commons, or you might find a suitable image for what you want is already available. Wikipedia code is a little different from html, but you'll learn soon enough. I'm just learning myself, so I can only suggest that you practice in the sandbox like I do.
Name: Morris Gruever
Occupation: Artist-Creator (Photographer/Storyboard Artist/Illustrator)
Age: 42
E mail: Gruever@Hotmail.com
Citizenship: Canadian
Company Name: GrueverVisuals Inc.(2000)
Canadian born photographer/visual artist Morris Gruever adopted the personal computer as well as the digital video camera after fifteen years+ of creating artwork at a traditional easel and making photographs in a traditional darkroom.
Mr. Gruever comes from the traditional imaging background, but as an adopter of the digital easel/darkroom, the 'Gruev' employs the multi-media tools which best enable a freely produced special effects chamber of exercises for exteriorizing ideas, fantasies, and for conjuring symbolic images. While knee-deep in one of the most fascinating processes of human intelligence-development, namely a place inside where the creative thinker is making concepts concretely materialize and ideas visible to the senses and the perceiver's consciousness,the artist also remains involved in what every human society possesses, its own form of verbal and visual culture, which appears to be a phenomenon unique to our species.
Although production and distribution of paintings, illustrations, drawings, as well as storyboards, remains the foundation of my visual art studio, I have embarked upon making
e-comics and digital video net casting. I am an experienced muralist/painter with various decorative techniques at my disposal, knowledge of color and proportion, able to provide creative direction and develop bold new ideas for my original artwork.
Look forward to new projects! Morris Gruever, Artist will travel!!!
I look forward to using and contributing to Wikipedia ...Posted:2006/04/28
Hello everyone... As my first Wikiventure, I just now (12/22/05) did a WikiGnome job on the article "Gothic novel." I am still learning how to navigate around this overwhelming Wiki universe, and I am not very computer-wise, so I would appreciate any help and/or comments. I have a boring day job, but (or therefore) am an artist & writer by avocation. My interests are anything unusual & unconventional. I have a special fondness for everything occult, weird fiction, myths & legends, paranormal phenomena, cryptozoology, Japanese films from the 50s & 60s, true crime, herbalism, natural history, etc. etc. Z Wylld21:35, 22 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
I have always dreamed of owning an encyclopedia, but never could do so because of huge cost. I look forward to regularly using and contributing to Wikipedia. I desire to contribute articles on Indian Laws and Indian Religions.
I've been only vaguely aware of Wikipedia for the past year, never taking a close look or really understanding its awesome significance. Over the past few days, I've really become addicted to reading entries, and today I finally took bold step to click the edit link. Primarily I'm interested in simply fixing typo's, combating vandalism, and occasionally providing new content when possible.--Sandridge04:49, 23 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Everything you need to know you can find out by clicking on a few links from my name. Long time free-rider I got guilty. I registered to correct translation of some Latin. Corrected another translation somewhere else. Next thing you know...
Stroika14:01, 23 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Hi everyone!! I loved to explore Wikipedia for academic trivia answers, I loved the International sports, especially cricket, I hope I will have a great time changing pages!!
Hi, my name is Tom. I've always loved Wikipedia and have relied on it as my primary encyclopedia. I figure it's time I started doing my part by contributing.
Living in Muizenberg, near Cape Town, South Africa, my main interest with regard to Wikipedia is to document the Battle of Muizenberg. This small but crucial military action changed the course of history in South Africa, greater Africa and the world. I live on the site of the skirmish, and have spent some years clearing a nearby site which carries the remains of a stone British fort built here to defend the Cape against the French.
My society, the Muizenberg Historical Conservation Society, also conserves the holiday cottage of Cecil John Rhodes, who died here in 1903, and also the oldest building on the False Bay coast, a customs house or tollgate erected probably in 1742 and manned by the Dutch East India Company. It extracted fees from farmers driving livestock past for sale to ships in Simon's Town. One of the early incumbents or 'post-holders' was called Sersant (Sergeant) Muys, from which is derived the name Muizenberg - originally Muysenbergh. The building is called Het Posthuys, or Post-House.
Aside from history, I have an interest in African wildlife and countryside, and take annual camping trips into the desert.
Hey, just me dropping a line.
I hate it when people vandalize Wikipedia's pages.
I speak fluent Peruvian Spanish (though I'm a full-blooded gringo).
I'm proficient in HTML, C#, and Java, and I'm a talk-radio junkie.
Long live Wikipedia!
Electronbrain01:04, 24 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Hello! I am a teenager in the San Francisco Bay Area. I enjoy playing clarinet (obviously!) and tenor saxophone. As far as sports, I like swimming and water polo. I've used Wikipedia before for school, but just decided to get my own account. Clarinetplayer01:31, 24 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Hey! Love wikipedia. I'm an earth science geek, so if anyone has an idea for an article, let me know! thanx!
Hey everybody! My name is Robyn McGee and I have written a book called HUNGRY FOR MORE for anyone who struggles with their weight, is constantly dieting, only to gain and lose, lose and gain. HUNGRY is for people who because of their weight and size are never satisfied. My sister Cathy was such a person; she died trying to be thin.
My book is designed to help people like Cathy to accept who they are while reaching
for improvement in their health and in their lives.
Well, hello. After makng a few small edits from an anonymous account, I've taken the plunge and created an account of my own... I'm a 25-year-old PhD student at the University of Reading in the UK, working on a PhD entitled "The Post-Modified Body".
My research interests centre on body modification in a critical theory and art history context, although my Wikipedia edits so far have been on board games and politics, my two extra-curricular passions.
Aloha Wikipedians, and those (like myself) who benefit from Wikipedia! I'm quickly becoming addicted to this great resource, and look forward soon to researching a 12-step program on which I can rely to overcome it... My last addiction (Hooked on Phonics) was extremely difficult to get a handle on! :) Anyway, I look forward to spending many resourceful moments here!
--RubberNeckHawaii21:34, 24 December 2005 (UTC)
Oh, I almost forgot! Mele Kalikimaka! Merry Christmas! Feliz Navidad! Happy Hannukah! Happy Holidays![reply]
Hi Everyone, my name is WoodyWerm and I am 19 form the UK. I am into Adventure Sports and have just finished College, (now an Apperntice IT Tech) WoodyWerm23:45, 24 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
I'm from Ottawa, Ontario, and for some strange reason, my parents decided to name me Cwazycsi.
Exhilerated to assist,Cwazycsi04:53, 25 December 2005 (UTC)Cwazycsi[reply]
Hi all,
I'm not new to Wikipedia. I've been using it since 2 years ago. I decided to become a contributor after small edits I did all over Wikipedia. So, here I am. My first article is on Dadawa and I am trying to get enough information and improve the standard. Still learning tough.... I have various interest in many subjects, which makes Wikipedia extremely useful to me.
Oh, by the way, I'm from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Nice to meet you all...
Chew3313:36, 25 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Hi I just singed in an hour or so ago and edited the article about the Canon Eos_20d yet I own this camera and saw the article a bit weak. I will try to complete the article and other articles a bit more when I get time.
I knew about Wiki a year ago (don't remember where) and since then I haven't looked up any other encyclopedia. I even uninstalled the ones on my PC. It is so great that people can get knowledge of anything for free because of colaboration.
And please, to those who edit like me, please keep your articles precise and write only of that of what you are sure. Please keep wiki trustful.
I like computers, internet, technology, science and photography. I suppose many people here have things in common with me.
I've been reading Wikipedia for a while but decided it was time to create an account and do some editing. I think I'm slowly getting the hang of it now. :D - Icecradle23:22, 25 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
I'm Valerie Polichar; I've been on the Internet/ARPAnet since 1982. I was moved to join Wikipedia when I found there was no page on the Boston New Wave/punk band Human Sexual Response. So, now there is -- please help me add to it if you have access to more information about them!
Thank you! I'm a minor fan of HSR as well as several other obscure 80-ish bands. I remember looking for Human Sexual Response here on Wikipedia, but the only thing that comes up is an article on sexuality; I'll check out your article, and add a disambiguation page to Wikipedia if necessary. capitalist03:29, 27 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
I've been using Wikipedia for a while and thought I'd join to correct errors I notice and expend articles where I have some knowledge. I'm a software engineer and interested in free software and science fiction.
Hi! I'm LiSanti from Australia. I beleive in Open Source, Free Education and Batman. I'm interested in old micro-computers, children's story-books and the English language. I hope I can help in some small way.
Space Elevator Economics Anonymous Critic
I am the author of the anonymous edit in the Economics section of the Space Elevator article, posted Christmas Day [local time] 2005. Wikipedia in is not very friendly to newbies......
--My interests are too broad to fit into one of your user interests page. I am a retired computer programmer/inventor/philosopher interested in math; physics; philosophy; psychology; computers.....
--Harrold Rufus Wertmuller
User:AlMac|(talk) says come visit my user page and see how I have tons of interests ... a user page need not be limited to just one thing.
WP is a huge project which can be daunting for anyone to figure out at first, and learn how to navigate. I suggest:
Direct many questions like the above to Wikipedia:Help desk which is the place where people can aske questions how Wiki works, how to do things, how to cope when stuff seems to go wrong.
The Wikipedia:Village pump is what I have found to be a good starting point to figure out where stuff is explained.
Check out primary links at upper left corner of all Wiki pages.
Being incompetent newbie, i made post with no name. My post appears under name "LiSanti" regarding space elevator and newbie trubles. Apologies.
Therealhrw16:29, 26 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Hello! My name is Rensho. I'm 20 and from Oxford, UK where I'm currently an undergraduate. My interests are pretty indiscriminate, but I will look to edit some of the contemporary art articles.
Hello everyone, I live in Scotland near the rivers and mountians. My interests are : Anthropology, Architecture, Art, Cosmology, Computers, History, Languages, Metallurgy, Music, Science, Spirituality, Psychology and staying alive long enough to start enjoying my somewhat limited existance! My hope is that I may both teach and learn positively by contributing to this open source system.
I'm a struggling new author and have found the Wikipedia to be a valuable resource. But mostly, I love the idea of allowing people to be responsible for information that will affect future generations. Text books and Encyclopedias tend to be watered down and colored with whatever is politicaly correct at the time. Events must be documented truthfully from the NPOV for all upcoming citizens of Earth to learn.
I've written a few bits and pieces intermittently since sometime in 2004 - some on Honda cars, some on photchemistry. I decided it was time to commit a regular time slice to Wiki, and actually do the bootcamp process. It is really pleasing to see the resource that the Wiki community is creating. I'm a resident of Adelaide in South Australia and have a PhD in Physical Chemistry. JohnT13:20, 27 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Hi, I mostly signed up to better defend aganst some vandalism on the Star Sonata entry. I latter re-wrote a large part of it to better conform to the NPOV guidlines.
Hello, all. This seems like a really cool idea. I know a fair deal about English and Music, and enjoy copy-editing. Hopefully I'll manage to do something.Amphion02:13, 28 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
I am a San francisco native, a college graduate in plant biology and ameteur historian. I had the pleasure of working for a consulting historian inthe late nineties and learne howto do research.
Wikipedia gives me a chance to place some of my knowledge out there wher eothers can use it.
Hi I wanted to become less anonymous, and edit the Newt Gingrich article which appears to have gotten structurally, grammatically, and politically out of hand....
—the preceding unsigned comment is byAsianOats (talk • contribs) 08:15, December 28, 2005 (UTC)
I am Dennis Rivers, a teacher and writer in Santa Barbara, and manager of half a dozen large web sites. My special interests are interpersonal communication skills, eco-spirituality, and liberation theology (these overlap quite a bit). All my books and essays are available free of charge on the web in PDF format. You can see them all in one place on my page at Karuna Books
In my first two edits I forgot to include edit summaries. I hope that does not mean that my edits disappear because I spent several hours working on them.
I'll be glad to know where and how I can get public domain images (both photos and videos) of Nelson Mandela for a project I'm into. I'm quite thrilled by this site and I'm still kind of learning the ropes on how to use it.
Appreciate your kind and early response. —the preceding unsigned comment is by80.179.103.178 (talk • contribs) 14:19, December 28, 2005 (UTC)
just created a new account . can someone help me out here . how can i participate in wikipedia ?
{User:AlMac|(talk) says this was posted by User:Kripal}
I suggest you visit some of the following Wiki pages to browse what most interests your participation:
Beginners Help is being restructured, so you might visit it now, then revisit there again later.
You may edit any article where you feel you have the knowledge to improve them. Be careful about English dialects ... avoid correcting spelling where it is American English vs. English English vs. English as she is spoke some place else in the world. Be familiar with the five pillars of Wikipedia:
I also enjoy lots of other stuff (i get distracted easily by shiny objects), and i love to play all kinds of sports & games, in particular Ultimate Frisbee. Overall, i like to laugh a lot & i make a lot of stupid jokes & puns (sorry in advance).
I'm still figuring out what i'd like to help with, but in general i like to write/talk about the following:
hi-tech startups & entrepreneurship
small business finance
microcredit & microfinance
Looking forward to participating in Wikipedia and meeting other folks here :)
I've just created an account and hope to contribute content. I got turned on to Wikipedia when I was looking for a way to enhance my course materials with web content. I am writing an elementary physics handbook for my freshman physics course which includes links to wikipedia articles (Is it ok for me to do this?)
A little about myself:
Physics Professor (Astronomy, Astrophysics, Particle Astrphysics, Detector and Instrumentation Research and Development)
Amateur Triathlete
Amateur Thespian (although I did get paid once doing extra work for the HOMICIDE series on NBC)
Student Pilot
Open to interviewing for new employment in the private sector
Most interesting movies I've seen in past 12 months: BUDDY BOY, JAPON, THIS GIRL's LIFE, IT's ALL ABOUT LOVE, DOWNFALL, TEARS OF THE SUN, 8 1/2, LA STRADA
On my "To Read" list: Atlas Shrugged, Confessions of St. Augustine, The Inflationary Universe, The Elegant Universe, Blue Light
Lately, I'm thinking about
Relationship between dark energy expansion and cosmic ray propagation
How to do cosmology with a small telescope (24")
Dynamic Gain detectors
Signal processing for radio scatter detection of cosmic radiation
Since 1991 I have been sheet music editor of the site "WIMA: Werner Icking Music Archive", http://icking-music-archive.org/, hosted by The Royal Academy of Music, Aarhus (Denmark).
WIMA offers a rapidly growing collection of free-of-charge classical music scores contributed by volunteer typesetters. There are currently more than 2500 works, many of them by 'early music' composers. But there are also scores by contemporary composers who have chosen to publish their works under WIMA's publishing conditions.
WIMA is also the home site of MusiXTeX, a suite of open source music typesetting utilities.
The WikiPedia activities I foresee is to add links to WIMA composer indexes to external links sections of WikiPedia articles on the composers in question. I have already added such links to articles on J.S.Bach, D.Buxtehude, J.Pachelbel and W.A.Mozart. A growing number of WIMA composer biographies are links to WikiPedia articles.
Hi there,
I'm Corinne A. of Rialto, California. I'm a HS student currently enrolled in an online High School, called CAVA, or California Academy of Virtual Arts. I created an account on Wikipedia this morning while searching for some information I need on a Biology project. I was able to find some topics that my curriculum doesn't cover.
My hobbies and interests include:
-Sketching and water color
-Designing small websites
-Playing with my dog
-Double Chocolate Chip Frapps and Peppermint Mocha Frapps(Yum!)
I hope to be able to learn more from Wikipedia, and perhaps be able to contribute some knowledge as well.
Wow, I'm only a member for two days and I am having fun exploring and working on areas of interest. In just a short time I put together my user page with templates and a Babel area.
I stumbled upon Wikipedia while doing research and found it to contain much useful information. I am proud to be a part of it!
Hello everyone! I just decided today I want to become another wikipedian. Wikipedia provided me a lot of useful information for my study, and I think it is the time for me to give something back; to make this so wonderful encyclopedia even more wonderful. I am a college student at the University of Redlands in California, and I am majoring in global business. I am fluent in Chinese, English and French, so I can probably translate some articles. I am a very knowledge oriented person and I hope to edit or if I can publish some articles. Don't hesitate to make valuable comments if you see any of my contributions. —the preceding unsigned comment is byDonglin (talk • contribs) 01:58, December 29, 2005 (UTC)
I am a 17 year old student that skateboards and listens to good music, over the past 4 years iv been dead interested in website creation and design im hopeing to leave some much needed knolage to wikipedia =p
my home @ godsdead.com
I like to play runescape, and I talk with freinds in the google groups. Just want to say to anyone who dosent have an acount... GET ONE! Its great... it lets us see what you've been up to...
Main areas of interest: geology, social justice, homeless health care, quilting, economics
Main areas of expertise: homeless healthcare, political organizing, lesbian health and well being.
I live in Washington State, have provided community healthcare and healthcare organizing for 30 years. I discovered Wikipedia from a print out someone in my office did on ALF.````
Hi! I'm not new to Wikipedia which I've used for some time. But I'm somewhat new to editing Wikipedia. I've done some editing but haven't yet written an article or contributed significant material to one.
I write a blog & my primary interests are world music, popular culture, progressive politics, Judaism & Jewish culture, and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. I'm also quite familiar with Hebrew and Yiddish literature. I live in Seattle. I'd be happy to contribute to W in any of those areas.
I have a specific question which I couldn't figure out how to post on the Newbie page. I've discovered a particular person who's posting quite slanted, propagandistic biographical pieces about U.S. political figures. This person has what I'd call a decidedly anti-Communist slant & accuses those figures (including me who tried to edit his pieces for a more balanced approach) he writes about of being Communists without providing proof.
I'd like to be able to review this person's other posts for objectivity. But I don't see any identifying author information with articles. Is there any way to do what I'm seeking to do?
Richard11:05, 30 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Just want to say hello to everyone. I live in a small Polish town called Żnin and mostly I am here to provide some information on the town I live in. I think that generally people living outside Poland do not know much about this country and particularly about my town and in my opinion it has great tourist potential. I hope some of Wikipedia users will discover Żnin and find it interesting and worth visiting place. I am interested in music, sports and travelling. Wikipedia is a great thing indeed.
Hi, I'm Torritorri. I've been using Wikipedia for a while as a reference source, but just recently started getting into the editing thing. My interests include Bionicle and Geocaching as well as many other things. I hope to figure out more of how Wikipedia works soon! --torritorri19:36, 30 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Hi I am the President of the World Chess Federation, Inc, a Nevada corporation. I am also on the Board of Directors for the American Chess Association, Inc. and the Nevada State Chess Association, Inc., both also registered Nevada corporations. All three of these corporations are bodies that are official governing bodies for chess on a State, US, and International level., 31 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
I am in Ohio, USA and am a computer tech support agent. I am active with a 10th c Hiberno Viking re-enactment group and am very interested in spinning, lace making and other fiber arts. I moderate several yahoo groups on medieval topics.
I just registered and am trying to update the spinning and fiber pages. The spinning page has a list of fibers that should probably be on the fiber page. Can something be a category and also have an article? Ranvaig05:44, 31 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Hi, I found Wikipedia while googling for some information. Wiki eems like a great site and I shall do my best to contribute. I am certified lead auditor with a history in development and production management. My interests are also photography and science. I wish you all a Great New Year.
Raybor Raybor08:20, 31 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
I've been using Wikipedia for school projects, etc. for awhile now and thought I would get involved. I'm mostly interested in religion and various hobbies that I have.
Wikipedia is great! I am a writer/translator and find it a great source of info - so I'm delighted to be able to contribute as well. I'm female, Californian world-citizen, currently age 58, humanist lover of all the arts and people in general, seeker of the Sacred.
Hehe... this is fun. Basically, I'm just a high school student who uses Wikipedia for research. I think it's a great place here, and I'm getting a lot of use out of this. :) If I'm browsing around and see any grammar, spelling, or other small mistakes, I'll fix it. I'm not quite ready to make significant contributions... yet. (To be honest, I don't know if I'll have anything to contribute that somebody else has already. I'm just a high school student! ;) ) If I'm doing anything wrong, or breaking any rules, PLEASE TELL ME!!! I really don't want to mess up, being new, and I'll take any critisim as positive. Besides, everybody here is probably smarter than me anyway. ;)
I'm a senior at Dartmouth College whose New Year's resolution was to stop just doing small minor anonymous edits on Wiki and actually get an account finally.