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Wikipedia:GLAM/Israel Museum, Jerusalem/Wiki Loves Public Art and Monuments

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Information Center for Israeli Art at the Israel Museum


The Israel Museum considers the Wiki Love Public Art and Monuments photography competitions as opportunities to expand its documentation of Israeli art in the public sphere and asks the public to share in the museum's efforts to document and preserve the art treasures in the State of Israel. This opportunity allows photo enthusiasts to capture art in public spaces; in cities, parks, and public institutions as well as provide an updated view to the works and encourage the restoration and preservation of this art. Participants in the competition partner with the Information Center for Israeli Art at the Israel Museum documenting and cataloging information about Israeli artworks. The Center catalogues and preserves information about some 12,000 Israeli artists - painters, sculptors, photographers, graphic designers, industrial designers, ceramicists, jewelers and more. Images obtained through this joint venture with Wikipedia will be added to the rich material found on the Information Center's 5,800 by Israeli artist's pages on the Israel Museum website. Photos will be displayed alongside the artist's biography, a list of exhibitions, and a wealth of information about thousands of art objects from the collections of the Museum and other collections in the world. The list of outdoor sculptures throughout Israel was created by a team of museum curators and Information Center for Israeli Art staff and represents outdoor art created by the list of 2000 Israeli artists whose artwork is found within the collections of the Israel Museum, Jerusalem.

מוזיאון ישראל רואה בתחרות צילום הזדמנות למנף את מפעל תיעוד האמנות הישראלית במרחב הציבורי וקורא לציבור הרחב להיות שותף במאמצי המוזיאון לתעד ולשמר את אוצרות האמנות שבמדינת ישראל. הזדמנות זו תאפשר לחובבי צילום להנציח יצירות אמנות במרחב הציבורי: ברחבי הערים, בגנים ציבוריים, ובמוסדות ציבור וכן לתת תמונה עדכנית ביחס למצב היצירות ולעודד פעולות שיקום ושימור. משתתפי התחרות יהפכו למעשה לשותפים במרכז המידע לאמנות ישראלית במוזיאון ישראל המתעד ומקטלג מידע אודות אמנים ישראלים ועבודותיהם מראשית האמנות הישראלית ועד היום. במרכז ישנו כיום מידע אודות 12,000 אמנים ואמניות ישראלים – ציירים, פסלים, צלמים, מעצבים גרפיים, מעצבים תעשייתיים, קרמיקאים, צורפים ועוד. המידע החדש שיתקבל באמצעות המיזם המשותף עם ויקיפדיה אוהבת אתרי מורשת יתווסף לחומרי מאגר המרכז המידע לאמנות ישראלית במוזיאון ישראל כחומר תיעודי שבו מיוצגים כבר 5,800 אמנים ישראלים. הצילומים יוצגו לצד קורות-החיים של האמנים, רשימת התערוכות, ומידע עשיר נוסף על אלפי חפצי אמנות מאוספי המוזיאון ומאוספים אחרים בארץ ובעולם. רשימת פסלי החוצות ואתרי המורשת ברחבי ישראל נערכה על ידי צוות אוצרי המוזיאון ומרכז המידע לאמנות ישראלית מתוך רשימת 2,000 אמנים ישראלים המיוצגים באוסף האמנות הישראלית של המוזיאון.

Wiki Loves Public Art 2013 and the Information Center for Israeli Art at the Israel Museum


The Competition


The competition Wikipedia Loves Outdoor Art [wikilovesisrael.com in Israel], is part of the international photography competition focusing on artworks found in the public domain.

Art holds a central role in society and culture; it is a part of what makes humanity humane. The competition invited the public to make outdoor art a part of their lives; by picking up a camera and documenting artworks from the database of public artworks included in the competition - see list here. The competition was held in May 2013 as a project shared by The Wikimedia Foundation, which facilitates initiatives such as "Wikipedia", and the organization Europeana. The competition in Israel is one of the joint projects of The Information Center for Israeli Art of The Israel Museum, Jerusalem; The Israel Internet Association; and the Pikiwiki site. The list of artist names is based on The Israel Museum, Jerusalem's collection. The goal of the project is to take high quality, public domain photographs of outdoor artwork and to upload them to the sites, Wiki Commons and Wikipedia. During the project, the public was invited to photograph and upload images taken during the competition as public domain, using the site Wiki Commons by means of its user friendly interface. Additionally, the competition embodies the consolidation of a list of public artworks in Israel for conservation.

Terms of the Competition

  • The photos were to be uploaded between May 1 - 31st 2013.
  • The photos were to be uploaded with the license, "Creative Commons 2.5", the license permitting free usage of the images for any purpose, including full crediting of the photographer.
  • The pictures documented the public artworks listed here (missing link)
  • There was no limit to the number of photos permitted for submission. It is possible and recommended to upload more than one image of each artwork photographed, with each from different angles.
  • The Israeli competition panel of judges chose 5 finalists to be sent to the international competition where the images will be in the running for the international prize. In judgement of the photos, the artistic quality and usefulness of the photo was taken in to account. The panel will ultimately grant 1,000 NIS, a gift of the Israeli Internet Association and Pikiwiki, to the photographer who produces an images chosen as an international winner from the Israeli competition results. Two additional prizes will be doled by the Information Center for Israeli Art of The Israel Museum, Jerusalem.

Selection Process


The 315 images were reviewed by Aviva Ehrenberg, Museology Intern, Mercy College, New York and Malka Klein of the Collection Management department at The Israel Museum, Jerusalem. The panel of judges evaluated a short list of 30 anonymous images. The head of the panel then graded the images.

The panel of judges included:

  • Revital Hovav, Manager of the Information Center for Jewish Art and Life, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
  • Oleg Kalashnikov, Image Coordinator for the Information Center for Jewish Art and Life, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
  • Daphna Westerman, Assistant for the Israeli Art department, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
  • Tamara Abramovitch, Assistant for the Israeli Art department, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
  • Karma Kong, Museology Intern, The City University of Hong Kong
  • Sophia Lee, Museology Intern, The City University of Hong Kong



Wiki Loves Monuments 2012 and the Information Center for Israeli Art at the Israel Museum
