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Wikipedia:Featured articles in other languages/Polish

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The table below lists the featured articles for a given "foreign-" (i.e., non-English-)language Wikipedia initially sorted by the number of corresponding articles in other Wikipedias. The "Languages" column indicates the number of articles on all Wikipedias corresponding to the other-language featured article; the "#" column provides a ranking based on this sorting.

The "Articles in English" column shows to what extent the other-language articles are represented on the English Wikipedia (en-wiki):

  • The ✓ green background means the other-language article exists about that specific topic in en-wiki, using an appropriate English title.
  • The ✗ red background means the other-language article does NOT have a one-to-one correspondence on en-wiki. Where there is a red-linked title, no article exists with an identical or corresponding title. A blue-linked title indicates a redirect to an en-wiki page, which can also be a dab page or a section in another subject's article. A link of the form {{d:Q12345678}} points to a Wikidata item with either the same name as the other-language article title or what is believed to be an appropriate corresponding name.
  • Icons indicate high-quality articles in en-wiki: is a featured article, is a good article. (No other quality levels are shown; the lack of an icon means merely that the English article is neither FA nor GA.)

Article list

Article list of "Wikipedia:featured articles" in Polish
# Articles in Polish instance of Articles in English Count of languages
1 Ziemia terrestrial planet, inner planet of the Solar System Earth 345
2 Antarktyda continent, geographic region, terra nullius Antarctica 301
3 Mars superior planet, inner planet of the Solar System Mars 289
4 Ptaki taxon, organisms known by a particular common name Bird 268
5 Charles Darwin human Charles Darwin 265
6 Lew afrykański taxon Lion 262
7 Merkury inner planet of the Solar System, inferior planet Mercury (planet) 258
8 Saturn outer planet, gas giant Saturn 252
9 Victor Hugo human Victor Hugo 252
10 Vincent van Gogh human Vincent van Gogh 252
11 Atom Atom 239
12 Piwo Beer 221
13 Wino Wine 216
14 Język fiński natural language, language, modern language Finnish language 214
15 Tęcza phenomenon Rainbow 193
16 Globalne ocieplenie human impact on the environment, environmental issue, atmospheric phenomenon Climate change 185
17 Dinozaury taxon, clade Dinosaur 184
18 Bakterie taxon Bacteria 181
19 Rudyard Kipling human Rudyard Kipling 181
20 Alfred Hitchcock human Alfred Hitchcock 176
21 Francisco Goya human Francisco Goya 170
22 Płazy taxon Amphibian 167
23 Katowice city, city with powiat rights, tourist destination Katowice 162
24 C programming language, compiled language, imperative programming language C (programming language) 160
25 Bob Marley human Bob Marley 159
26 Georg Friedrich Händel human George Frideric Handel 147
27 Ali ibn Abi Talib human Ali 144
28 Judy Garland human Judy Garland 144
29 Neptun chemical element Neptunium 140
30 Korzeń Root 139
31 Audrey Hepburn human Audrey Hepburn 138
32 Enzymy group or class of proteins Enzyme 136
33 Richard Dawkins human Richard Dawkins 132
34 Okręt podwodny submarine type Submarine 131
35 Giuseppe Garibaldi human Giuseppe Garibaldi 128
36 Kos taxon Common blackbird 124
37 Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson human Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson 122
38 Frédéric Mistral human Frédéric Mistral 122
39 Arsenal F.C. association football club Arsenal F.C. 121
40 Giosuè Carducci human Giosuè Carducci 121
41 Kaktusowate taxon Cactus 120
42 Kornwalia historic county of England, historical country Cornwall 120
43 Ingrid Bergman human Ingrid Bergman 118
44 Wódka Vodka 116
45 Swiatłana Aleksijewicz human Svetlana Alexievich 115
46 Kobe Bryant human Kobe Bryant 111
47 Pas Kuipera circumstellar disk Kuiper belt 111
48 Dziobak australijski taxon Platypus 111
49 Galaktyka Andromedy spiral galaxy Andromeda Galaxy 110
50 Humphrey Bogart human Humphrey Bogart 110
51 Greta Garbo human Greta Garbo 109
52 Marija Szarapowa human Maria Sharapova 108
53 Pas planetoid circumstellar disk, ring system, astronomical object in the Solar System Asteroid belt 107
54 Krokodyle taxon Crocodilia 106
55 Denga infectious disease, class of disease, symptom or sign Dengue fever 105
56 Zimowe Igrzyska Olimpijskie 2010 Winter Olympic Games 2010 Winter Olympics 104
57 List do Filemona religious text, epistle, literary work Epistle to Philemon 104
58 Szop pracz taxon Raccoon 103
59 Płetwonogie taxon Pinniped 101
60 Paracetamol type of chemical entity Paracetamol 98
61 Obłok Oorta trans-Neptunian object, hypothetical entity Oort cloud 97
62 Harry Potter i Kamień Filozoficzny film Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (film) 96
63 Konwalia majowa taxon Lily of the valley 96
64 Tyranozaur fossil taxon Tyrannosaurus 96
65 Borówka czarna taxon Vaccinium myrtillus 96
66 Efekt cieplarniany meteorology, meteorological phenomenon Greenhouse effect 95
67 Józef Piłsudski human Józef Piłsudski 95
68 Mniszek pospolity taxon Taraxacum officinale 95
69 Bielik taxon White-tailed eagle 95
70 Louis de Funès human Louis de Funès 94
71 Avengers film The Avengers (2012 film) 94
72 Cary Grant human Cary Grant 93
73 Zaburzenia depresyjne class of disease Major depressive disorder 93
74 Tatarak zwyczajny taxon Acorus calamus 92
75 James Stewart human James Stewart 92
76 ACF Fiorentina association football club, men's association football team ACF Fiorentina 90
77 Avengers: Koniec gry film Avengers: Endgame 90
78 Gary Cooper human Gary Cooper 90
79 Diabeł tasmański taxon Tasmanian devil 90
80 Gregory Peck human Gregory Peck 89
81 Pesach holiday, Three Pilgrimage Festivals Passover 89
82 Śliwa tarnina taxon Prunus spinosa 89
83 Słonecznik bulwiasty taxon Jerusalem artichoke 88
84 Jałowiec pospolity taxon Juniperus communis 88
85 Proxima Centauri double star, flare star, eruptive variable star Proxima Centauri 88
86 Efekt Dopplera physical phenomenon Doppler effect 87
87 Czosnek niedźwiedzi taxon Allium ursinum 86
88 Bielik amerykański taxon Bald eagle 85
89 Avengers: Wojna bez granic film Avengers: Infinity War 84
90 Ryś rudy taxon Bobcat 84
91 Pokrzywa zwyczajna taxon Urtica dioica 84
92 Chemioterapia nowotworów Chemotherapy 83
93 Pałac Westminsterski parliament building Palace of Westminster 83
94 Spencer Tracy human Spencer Tracy 83
95 Długopłetwiec oceaniczny taxon Humpback whale 82
96 Iron Man film Iron Man (2008 film) 82
97 Avengers: Czas Ultrona film Avengers: Age of Ultron 80
98 Szabat rest day Shabbat 80
99 Drozd śpiewak taxon Song thrush 80
100 Mgławica Kraba supernova remnant Crab Nebula 79
101 Triceratops fossil taxon Triceratops 79
102 Diugoń przybrzeżny taxon Dugong 78
103 Bóbr europejski taxon Eurasian beaver 78
104 Kakapo taxon Kākāpō 78
105 Rak gruczołu krokowego class of disease Prostate cancer 78
106 Sepsa disease, symptom, symptom or sign Sepsis 78
107 Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo human Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo 78
108 Urartu historical country, ancient civilization Urartu 78
109 Billy Graham human Billy Graham 77
110 Kapitan Ameryka: Pierwsze starcie film Captain America: The First Avenger 77
111 Skyfall film Skyfall 77
112 Andrzej Wajda human Andrzej Wajda 76
113 Thor film Thor (film) 76
114 Bazylika Grobu Świętego cathedral, minor basilica, patriarchal basilica Church of the Holy Sepulchre 75
115 Celiakia class of disease, symptom or sign Coeliac disease 75
116 Lolita literary work Lolita 75
117 Psychoza film Psycho (1960 film) 75
118 Kasztanowiec pospolity taxon Aesculus hippocastanum 74
119 Czarna Pantera film Black Panther (film) 74
120 Spider-Man: Homecoming film Spider-Man: Homecoming 74
121 Iron Man 2 film Iron Man 2 73
122 Szczętki taxon Krill 73
123 Wulgata Bible translation Vulgate 73
124 II wojna libańska war 2006 Lebanon War 72
125 Dorsz atlantycki taxon Atlantic cod 72
126 Rak jelita grubego class of disease Colorectal cancer 72
127 Kim Clijsters human Kim Clijsters 72
128 Potwór z Loch Ness sea monster, lake monster, mythical creature Loch Ness Monster 72
129 Gmach parlamentu Rzeszy w Berlinie tourist attraction, government building Reichstag building 72
130 Strażnicy Galaktyki film Guardians of the Galaxy (film) 71
131 Omar Bongo human Omar Bongo 71
132 Pianista film The Pianist (2002 film) 71
133 Język galijski dead language Gaulish 70
134 Iron Man 3 film, threequel Iron Man 3 70
135 Czerniak rare disease, class of disease Melanoma 70
136 Thor: Ragnarok film Thor: Ragnarok 70
137 Andy Roddick human Andy Roddick 69
138 Kapitan Ameryka: Zimowy żołnierz film Captain America: The Winter Soldier 69
139 Casino Royale film Casino Royale (2006 film) 69
140 Doktor Strange film Doctor Strange (2016 film) 69
141 Flaga Białorusi national flag Flag of Belarus 69
142 Bluszcz pospolity taxon Hedera helix 69
143 Helicobacter pylori taxon Helicobacter pylori 69
144 Nosorożec jawajski taxon Javan rhinoceros 69
145 Człowiek ze stali film Man of Steel (film) 69
146 Wojna na Pacyfiku war, theater of war Pacific War 69
147 Amaterasu solar deity, imperial ancestral kami, human whose existence is disputed Amaterasu 68
148 Pożar Londynu city fire Great Fire of London 68
149 Robinia akacjowa taxon Robinia pseudoacacia 68
150 Spectre film Spectre (2015 film) 68
151 Tetragram names of God in Judaism, theonym Tetragrammaton 68
152 Ant-Man film Ant-Man (film) 67
153 Kapitan Ameryka: Wojna bohaterów film Captain America: Civil War 67
154 GoldenEye film GoldenEye 67
155 Irena Sendlerowa human Irena Sendler 67
156 Krzysztof Kieślowski human Krzysztof Kieślowski 67
157 Spektrometria mas analytical technique Mass spectrometry 67
158 007 Quantum of Solace film Quantum of Solace 67
159 Rak żołądka człowieka class of disease Stomach cancer 67
160 Thor: Mroczny świat film, sequel film Thor: The Dark World 67
161 Hatteria taxon Tuatara 67
162 Allozaur fossil taxon Allosaurus 66
163 Tasznik pospolity taxon Capsella bursa-pastoris 66
164 Doda human Doda (singer) 66
165 Faure Gnassingbé human Faure Gnassingbé 66
166 Strażnicy Galaktyki vol. 2 film Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 66
167 Iguanodon fossil taxon Iguanodon 66
168 Gromada otwarta astronomical object type Open cluster 66
169 Umaru Yar’Adua human Umaru Musa Yar'Adua 66
170 Kalina koralowa taxon Viburnum opulus 66
171 Rak trzustki class of disease Pancreatic cancer 64
172 Spider-Man: Daleko od domu film Spider-Man: Far From Home 64
173 Rewolucja w Tunezji civil resistance Tunisian revolution 64
174 Fantastyczne zwierzęta i jak je znaleźć film Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (film) 63
175 Lana Turner human Lana Turner 63
176 Surtsey island, protected area Surtsey 63
177 Szarytka morska taxon Grey seal 62
178 Half-Life 2 video game Half-Life 2 62
179 Rokitnik zwyczajny taxon Hippophae rhamnoides 62
180 Sharon Tate human Sharon Tate 62
181 Incredible Hulk film The Incredible Hulk (film) 62
182 Thriller album Thriller (album) 62
183 Pomurnik taxon Wallcreeper 62
184 Grzybienie białe taxon Nymphaea alba 61
185 Dysk rozproszony Scattered disc 61
186 Obóz zagłady w Treblince extermination camp, Nazi concentration camp Treblinka extermination camp 61
187 Ant-Man i Osa film Ant-Man and the Wasp 60
188 Glistnik jaskółcze ziele taxon Chelidonium majus 60
189 Choroba niedokrwienna serca class of disease Coronary artery disease 60
190 Ronnie O’Sullivan human Ronnie O'Sullivan 60
191 Jutro nie umiera nigdy film Tomorrow Never Dies 60
192 Aquaman film Aquaman (film) 59
193 Kapitan Marvel film Captain Marvel (film) 59
194 Żółw szylkretowy taxon Hawksbill sea turtle 59
195 Doskonałokostne taxon Teleost 59
196 Pałka szerokolistna taxon Typha latifolia 59
197 Szyfr Cezara Caesar cipher 58
198 Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare video game, esports discipline Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 58
199 Żaba trawna taxon, model organism Common frog 58
200 The Smashing Pumpkins rock band The Smashing Pumpkins 58
201 Zespół Turnera class of disease Turner syndrome 58
202 Ceratozaur fossil taxon Ceratosaurus 57
203 Chomik europejski taxon European hamster 57
204 Józef Gosławski human Józef Gosławski (sculptor) 57
205 Północ, północny zachód film North by Northwest 57
206 Batman film The Batman (film) 57
207 Bitwa pod Gettysburgiem battle Battle of Gettysburg 56
208 Czarna Wdowa film Black Widow (2021 film) 56
209 Syrena morska taxon, extinct taxon Steller's sea cow 56
210 General Packet Radio Service communications system, technique General Packet Radio Service 55
211 Chłoniak Hodgkina class of disease, symptom or sign Hodgkin lymphoma 55
212 Godło Białorusi national coat of arms National emblem of Belarus 55
213 Obliczenia równoległe programming paradigm, programming model Parallel computing 55
214 Pożar Reichstagu arson Reichstag fire 55
215 Paraceratherium monotypic taxon, fossil taxon Paraceratherium 54
216 Parazaurolof fossil taxon Parasaurolophus 54
217 Pierścienie Jowisza ring system, astronomical object in the Solar System Rings of Jupiter 54
218 Kuchnia rosyjska national cuisine Russian cuisine 54
219 Aga taxon Cane toad 53
220 Karnotaur fossil taxon Carnotaurus 53
221 Wojna o panowanie w Ameryce Północnej war French and Indian War 53
222 John Frusciante human John Frusciante 53
223 North American F-86 Sabre aircraft family North American F-86 Sabre 53
224 Aleksy II human Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow 53
225 Obóz zagłady w Sobiborze concentration camp, extermination camp Sobibor extermination camp 53
226 Dziewanna drobnokwiatowa taxon Verbascum thapsus 53
227 Zawilec gajowy taxon, synonym Anemone nemorosa 52
228 Heikki Kovalainen human Heikki Kovalainen 52
229 Matti Nykänen human Matti Nykänen 52
230 Nikon human Patriarch Nikon of Moscow 52
231 WandaVision miniseries, television series WandaVision 52
232 Złotokretowate taxon Golden mole 51
233 Junkers Ju 87 aircraft family Junkers Ju 87 51
234 Sos tatarski Tartar sauce 51
235 Triturus taxon Triturus 51
236 Albertozaur fossil taxon Albertosaurus 50
237 Gramatyka języka angielskiego grammar English grammar 50
238 Ziarnopłon wiosenny taxon Ficaria verna 50
239 Panzerkampfwagen IV weapon family Panzer IV 50
240 Sosna limba taxon Pinus cembra 50
241 Katastrofa promu Challenger aviation accident, launch failure Space Shuttle Challenger disaster 50
242 Armenia w Konkursie Piosenki Eurowizji nation in the Eurovision Song Contest Armenia in the Eurovision Song Contest 49
243 Azerbejdżan w Konkursie Piosenki Eurowizji nation in the Eurovision Song Contest Azerbaijan in the Eurovision Song Contest 49
244 Kielisznik zaroślowy taxon Calystegia sepium 49
245 Dilofozaur fossil taxon Dilophosaurus 49
246 Canis dirus fossil taxon Dire wolf 49
247 MiG-3 aircraft model Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-3 49
248 Statyny drug class, group or class of chemical entities Statin 49
249 Efekt potwierdzenia cognitive bias Confirmation bias 48
250 Giganotozaur monotypic fossil taxon Giganotosaurus 48
251 Brawn GP Formula One team Brawn GP 47
252 Kodeks Synajski codex Codex Sinaiticus 47
253 Daredevil television series Daredevil (TV series) 47
254 Admirał Fłota Sowietskogo Sojuza Kuzniecow aircraft carrier, aircraft cruiser Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov 47
255 Smells Like Teen Spirit musical work/composition Smells Like Teen Spirit 47
256 USS Missouri fast battleship, museum ship USS Missouri (BB-63) 47
257 Bert van Marwijk human Bert van Marwijk 46
258 George McClellan human George B. McClellan 46
259 Walki o Guadalcanal military campaign Guadalcanal campaign 46
260 Bunt na HMS Bounty mutiny Mutiny on the Bounty 46
261 Staroobrzędowcy Christian denominational family Old Believers 46
262 Status Quo rock band Status Quo (band) 46
263 Falcon i Zimowy Żołnierz television series The Falcon and the Winter Soldier 46
264 Akrokantozaur fossil taxon Acrocanthosaurus 45
265 Ostra białaczka szpikowa class of disease Acute myeloid leukemia 45
266 Miedzianka szmaragdowa taxon Common emerald dove 45
267 HMS Hood battlecruiser, shipwreck HMS Hood 45
268 Kamil Stoch human Kamil Stoch 45
269 Ligustr pospolity taxon Ligustrum vulgare 45
270 Rosja w Konkursie Piosenki Eurowizji Russia in the Eurovision Song Contest 45
271 Serafin z Sarowa human Seraphim of Sarov 45
272 Urzeczona film Spellbound (1945 film) 45
273 Styrakozaur fossil taxon Styracosaurus 45
274 Kotewka orzech wodny taxon Trapa natans 45
275 Adam Małysz human Adam Małysz 44
276 Manat afrykański taxon African manatee 44
277 Albania w Konkursie Piosenki Eurowizji nation in the Eurovision Song Contest Albania in the Eurovision Song Contest 44
278 Rak pęcherza moczowego class of disease Bladder cancer 44
279 Łączeń baldaszkowy taxon Butomus umbellatus 44
280 Civilization IV video game Civilization IV 44
281 Bażyna czarna taxon Empetrum nigrum 44
282 Prawo Hardy’ego-Weinberga universal law Hardy–Weinberg principle 44
283 Layne Staley human Layne Staley 44
284 Nathu La mountain pass, boundary point Nathu La 44
285 Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag video game Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag 43
286 Obóz zagłady w Bełżcu concentration camp, extermination camp Belzec extermination camp 43
287 Bolesław III Krzywousty human Bolesław III Wrymouth 43
288 Ibis czubaty taxon Crested ibis 43
289 Gallimim fossil taxon Gallimimus 43
290 Rekin wielkogębowy taxon Megamouth shark 43
291 MiG-1 fighter, aircraft model Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-1 43
292 Czeremcha amerykańska taxon Prunus serotina 43
293 Szwecja w Konkursie Piosenki Eurowizji nation in the Eurovision Song Contest Sweden in the Eurovision Song Contest 43
294 Liga Sprawiedliwości Zacka Snydera film, director's cut Zack Snyder's Justice League 43
295 Karnawał w Wenecji Carnival, annual event Carnival of Venice 42
296 Koszatniczka pospolita taxon Common degu 42
297 Mikołajek nadmorski taxon Eryngium maritimum 42
298 Gruzja w Konkursie Piosenki Eurowizji nation in the Eurovision Song Contest Georgia in the Eurovision Song Contest 42
299 Ida film Ida (film) 42
300 Marian Rejewski human Marian Rejewski 42
301 Nerwiak zarodkowy cancer, class of disease Neuroblastoma 42
302 Inhibitory konwertazy angiotensyny drug class ACE inhibitor 41
303 Białoruś w Konkursie Piosenki Eurowizji nation in the Eurovision Song Contest Belarus in the Eurovision Song Contest 41
304 Salamandra olbrzymia chińska taxon Chinese giant salamander 41
305 Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution mobile phone network standard Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution 41
306 Grumman F4F Wildcat aircraft family Grumman F4F Wildcat 41
307 Heinz-Harald Frentzen human Heinz-Harald Frentzen 41
308 Wiedźmin video game The Witcher (video game) 41
309 Trzy kolory. Czerwony film Three Colours: Red 41
310 Mecz piłkarski Brazylia – Niemcy semi-final, international association football match Brazil v Germany (2014 FIFA World Cup) 40
311 Kodeks Watykański manuscript Codex Vaticanus 40
312 Douglas SBD Dauntless aircraft family Douglas SBD Dauntless 40
313 Erebuni fortress, archaeological site Erebuni Fortress 40
314 Obiekt Herbiga-Haro astronomical object type Herbig–Haro object 40
315 Jessica Jones television series Jessica Jones (TV series) 40
316 Garlica maoryska taxon Kererū 40
317 Zespół Pradera-Williego rare disease, designated intractable/rare disease, class of disease Prader–Willi syndrome 40
318 Przemysł II human Przemysł II 40
319 Vader musical group Vader (band) 40
320 Sobór św. Aleksandra Newskiego w Tallinnie Eastern Orthodox cathedral Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, Tallinn 39
321 Australorzekotka szmaragdowa taxon Australian green tree frog 39
322 Biecz city Biecz 39
323 Węgry w Konkursie Piosenki Eurowizji Hungary in the Eurovision Song Contest 39
324 Jaguar Racing Formula One team Jaguar Racing 39
325 Mięsak Kaposiego infectious disease, class of disease Kaposi's sarcoma 39
326 Lambeozaur fossil taxon Lambeosaurus 39
327 Tichon human Patriarch Tikhon of Moscow 39
328 Wspólna polityka zagraniczna i bezpieczeństwa treaty Common Foreign and Security Policy 38
329 Elasmozaur fossil taxon Elasmosaurus 38
330 Głębokie Pole Hubble’a astronomical survey, deep field Hubble Deep Field 38
331 Hokej na lodzie na zimowych igrzyskach olimpijskich recurring sporting event Ice hockey at the Olympic Games 38
332 Manuel Pinto da Costa human Manuel Pinto da Costa 38
333 Mk II Matilda combat vehicle model Matilda II 38
334 Rak jądra class of disease Testicular cancer 38
335 Wołanie o prawa kobiety written work A Vindication of the Rights of Woman 37
336 Chrono Trigger video game Chrono Trigger 37
337 Kodeks Aleksandryjski manuscript Codex Alexandrinus 37
338 Mamut kolumbijski fossil taxon Columbian mammoth 37
339 Rak wątrobowokomórkowy class of disease Hepatocellular carcinoma 37
340 USS Hornet aircraft carrier USS Hornet (CV-8) 37
341 Rewolucja w Kirgistanie revolution 2010 Kyrgyz Revolution 36
342 Wyprawa Amundsena na biegun południowy research expedition, polar expedition Amundsen's South Pole expedition 36
343 Walki o Wyspy Gilberta battle Battle of Tarawa 36
344 Gramatyka języka łacińskiego grammar Latin grammar 36
345 Wiciokrzew pomorski taxon Lonicera periclymenum 36
346 Luke Cage television series Luke Cage (TV series) 36
347 Kostniakomięsak class of disease Osteosarcoma 36
348 Pastora Soler human Pastora Soler 36
349 Połykacz taxon Pelican eel 36
350 Ibis reunioński fossil taxon Réunion ibis 36
351 Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege video game, esports discipline Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege 36
352 Amargazaur fossil taxon Amargasaurus 35
353 Modrzewnica pospolita taxon Andromeda polifolia 35
354 Popiół i diament film Ashes and Diamonds (film) 35
355 Bitwa o Peleliu battle Battle of Peleliu 35
356 Antylopowiec modry taxon Bluebuck 35
357 Srebrna Biblia Bible translation, manuscript, war trophy Codex Argenteus 35
358 Stożek rogówki rare disease, class of disease Keratoconus 35
359 Margaret Abbott human Margaret Abbott 35
360 Myszopłoch taxon Ruscus 35
361 Tkacz taxon Sociable weaver 35
362 Lokator film The Lodger: A Story of the London Fog 35
363 Ruch antynikotynowy w III Rzeszy aspect of history Anti-tobacco movement in Nazi Germany 34
364 Company of Heroes: Kompania braci video game Company of Heroes (video game) 34
365 Deinozuch fossil taxon Deinosuchus 34
366 Mirror’s Edge video game Mirror's Edge 34
367 Siatkówczak rare disease, head and neck disease, class of disease Retinoblastoma 34
368 Staurikozaur fossil taxon Staurikosaurus 34
369 Literatura szwedzkojęzyczna sub-set of literature Swedish literature 34
370 Grand Prix Węgier 2008 Hungarian Grand Prix 2008 Hungarian Grand Prix 33
371 Achelozaur fossil taxon Achelousaurus 33
372 Brabham Formula One team Brabham 33
373 Niecierpek gruczołowaty taxon Impatiens glandulifera 33
374 Jack Warner human Jack L. Warner 33
375 Wachlarzówka smolista taxon Willie wagtail 33
376 Alioram fossil taxon Alioramus 32
377 Rak dróg żółciowych class of disease Cholangiocarcinoma 32
378 Chciwość film Greed (1924 film) 32
379 Choroba Hirschsprunga designated intractable/rare disease, class of disease Hirschsprung's disease 32
380 Pancerniki typu Iowa ship class Iowa-class battleship 32
381 Serbia Nemaniczów historical country Kingdom of Serbia (1217–1346) 32
382 Koralówka czerwonowierzchołkowa taxon Ramaria botrytis 32
383 Chruścielowiec rdzawy fossil taxon Red rail 32
384 Rega river Rega 32
385 Kampania na Wyspach Salomona military campaign Solomon Islands campaign 32
386 Spyker F1 Formula One team Spyker F1 32
387 Stwardnienie guzowate rare disease, designated intractable/rare disease, class of disease Tuberous sclerosis 32
388 Uncharted 3: Oszustwo Drake’a video game Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception 32
389 Srebrnodziobek afrykański taxon African silverbill 31
390 Gramoty na brzozowej korze Birch bark manuscript 31
391 Dekalog film series Dekalog 31
392 Ekspedycja Franklina research expedition Franklin's lost expedition 31
393 U-47 U-boat German submarine U-47 (1938) 31
394 HMS Prince of Wales battleship, shipwreck HMS Prince of Wales (53) 31
395 Ła-5 aircraft family Lavochkin La-5 31
396 Okręty podwodne typu Los Angeles submarine class Los Angeles-class submarine 31
397 Medal of Honor: Allied Assault video game Medal of Honor: Allied Assault 31
398 Bitwa o Manilę battle Battle of Manila (1945) 30
399 Einojuhani Rautavaara human Einojuhani Rautavaara 30
400 Fairey Battle aircraft family Fairey Battle 30
401 Krwawienie z przewodu pokarmowego symptom or sign Gastrointestinal bleeding 30
402 Emden light cruiser German cruiser Emden 30
403 Henryk I Brodaty human Henry the Bearded 30
404 Walki o archipelag Marianów military campaign Mariana and Palau Islands campaign 30
405 MF1 Racing Formula One team Midland F1 Racing 30
406 Gnieźnik sercowaty taxon Neottia cordata 30
407 Okręty podwodne typu Seawolf submarine class Seawolf-class submarine 30
408 Współczynnik korelacji rang Spearmana correlation coefficient, type of statistic Spearman's rank correlation coefficient 30
409 Defenders television series The Defenders (miniseries) 30
410 Zapalenie skórno-mięśniowe designated intractable/rare disease, class of disease Dermatomyositis 29
411 HMS Ark Royal aircraft carrier HMS Ark Royal (91) 29
412 Nigerzaur fossil taxon Nigersaurus 29
413 Okręty podwodne typu Ohio submarine class Ohio-class submarine 29
414 Stegoceras fossil taxon Stegoceras 29
415 Stewart Grand Prix Formula One team Stewart Grand Prix 29
416 Smółka pospolita taxon Viscaria vulgaris 29
417 Wojny Aleksandra Wielkiego war Wars of Alexander the Great 29
418 Wojciech Jerzy Has human Wojciech Has 29
419 Józef Beck human Józef Beck 28
420 Kuropaty forest, cemetery, place of mass murder Kurapaty 28
421 Aleksandretta reuniońska taxon, extinct taxon Mascarene parrot 28
422 Aleksandretta maskareńska taxon Newton's parakeet 28
423 Nimesulid type of chemical entity Nimesulide 28
424 Tescelozaur fossil taxon Thescelosaurus 28
425 Jangczuanozaur fossil taxon Yangchuanosaurus 28
426 Czarne obrazy painting series Black Paintings 27
427 Szantaż film Blackmail (1929 film) 27
428 Papuga maurytyjska taxon, extinct taxon Broad-billed parrot 27
429 Rodzina Karola IV painting Charles IV of Spain and His Family 27
430 Dirt album Dirt (Alice in Chains album) 27
431 Historia Nauru history of a country or state History of Nauru 27
432 Izabela Czartoryska human Izabela Czartoryska 27
433 PZL P.11 aircraft family PZL P.11 27
434 Filaret human Patriarch Filaret of Moscow 27
435 SMS Goeben battlecruiser SMS Goeben 27
436 Ziemia obiecana film The Promised Land (1975 film) 27
437 Bitwa koło wschodnich Wysp Salomona battle Battle of the Eastern Solomons 26
438 Szpak reunioński extinct taxon Hoopoe starling 26
439 Krążowniki lotnicze projektu 1143 ship class Kiev-class aircraft carrier 26
440 Lythronax fossil taxon Lythronax 26
441 Artyleria okrętowa ship element, nautical term, weapon functional class Naval artillery 26
442 Kumak dalekowschodni taxon Oriental fire-bellied toad 26
443 Aleksy I human Patriarch Alexy I of Moscow 26
444 Sergiusz human Patriarch Sergius of Moscow 26
445 Pinarayi Vijayan human Pinarayi Vijayan 26
446 Sherlock Holmes Baffled short film Sherlock Holmes Baffled 26
447 Okręty podwodne typu XXI submarine class Type XXI submarine 26
448 Zespół von Hippla-Lindaua rare disease, developmental defect during embryogenesis, head and neck disease Von Hippel–Lindau disease 26
449 Wiwaxia fossil taxon Wiwaxia 26
450 Zamieszki po wyborach w Iranie w 2009 roku protest, student protest 2009 Iranian presidential election protests 25
451 Adam Czerniaków human Adam Czerniaków 25
452 Antoni Lange human Antoni Lange 25
453 Walki o Leyte battle, D-Day Battle of Leyte 25
454 Facelift album Facelift (album) 25
455 HMS Warspite dreadnought HMS Warspite (03) 25
456 Barszcz Sosnowskiego taxon Heracleum sosnowskyi 25
457 Kurt Gerstein human Kurt Gerstein 25
458 Zbrodnia w Ponarach mass murder Ponary massacre 25
459 Ryfaksymina type of chemical entity Rifaximin 25
460 Simtek Formula One team Simtek 25
461 Rajd na Saint-Nazaire military operation St Nazaire Raid 25
462 Theatre Royal przy Drury Lane theatre building, organization, music venue Theatre Royal, Drury Lane 25
463 Vickers E combat vehicle model Vickers 6-ton 25
464 Whippomorpha taxon Whippomorpha 25
465 Protesty polityczne w Tajlandii protest 2010 Thai political protests 24
466 American Horror Story: Roanoke television series season American Horror Story: Roanoke 24
467 Blackburn Olympic F.C. association football club Blackburn Olympic F.C. 24
468 Bortezomib type of chemical entity Bortezomib 24
469 Brachytrachelopan fossil taxon Brachytrachelopan 24
470 Deutsches Eck headland, historic site Deutsches Eck 24
471 Drimia taxon Drimia 24
472 Jadwiga Jagiellonka human Hedwig Jagiellon, Duchess of Bavaria 24
473 Ico video game Ico 24
474 Syjonizm rewizjonistyczny political ideology Revisionist Zionism 24
475 Chruścielowiec rodrigueski fossil taxon Rodrigues rail 24
476 SMS Seydlitz battlecruiser, shipwreck SMS Seydlitz 24
477 Stan Musial human Stan Musial 24
478 Austria na Zimowych Igrzyskach Olimpijskich 2010 Olympic delegation Austria at the 2010 Winter Olympics 23
479 Fonologia i fonetyka języka angielskiego phonological system English phonology 23
480 Flower video game Flower (video game) 23
481 Widłogłówka monotypic taxon Fork-marked lemur 23
482 Akcja AB military operation German AB-Aktion in Poland 23
483 Biblia gocka literary work Gothic Bible 23
484 HMS Illustrious aircraft carrier HMS Illustrious (87) 23
485 Tłuszczakomięsak class of disease Liposarcoma 23
486 Opistocelikaudia fossil taxon Opisthocoelicaudia 23
487 Portret Madame X painting Portrait of Madame X 23
488 Rzeź Woli German war crimes, mass murder Wola massacre 23
489 Atrezja przełyku thoracic disease, class of disease Esophageal atresia 22
490 HMS Courageous aircraft carrier, battlecruiser, shipwreck HMS Courageous (50) 22
491 HMS Furious aircraft carrier HMS Furious (47) 22
492 Midtown Madness video game Midtown Madness 22
493 Operacja Pedestal battle, convoy, naval operation Operation Pedestal 22
494 Operacja przeciw pancernikowi Bismarck military operation Operation Rheinübung 22
495 Oxalaia fossil taxon Oxalaia 22
496 Papuga rodrigueska fossil taxon Rodrigues parrot 22
497 Szpak maskareński extinct taxon Rodrigues starling 22
498 SMS Königsberg light cruiser SMS Königsberg (1905) 22
499 SMS Moltke battlecruiser, shipwreck SMS Moltke 22
500 SMS Von der Tann battlecruiser, shipwreck SMS Von der Tann 22
501 Tatzelwurm cryptid, fictional creature Tatzelwurm 22
502 Wojciech Fortuna human Wojciech Fortuna 22
503 Na równi pochyłej film Downhill (1927 film) 21
504 Fairey Fulmar aircraft model Fairey Fulmar 21
505 GAZ-21 Wołga automobile model GAZ-21 21
506 Jar of Flies extended play Jar of Flies 21
507 Hermogen human Patriarch Hermogenes of Moscow 21
508 Modraszek telejus taxon Scarce large blue 21
509 Skleromochl fossil taxon Scleromochlus 21
510 Talbot Tagora automobile model Talbot Tagora 21
511 USS Texas battleship USS Texas (BB-35) 21
512 Weronika Rosati human Weronika Rosati 21
513 Leipzig light cruiser German cruiser Leipzig 20
514 HMS Glorious aircraft carrier, battlecruiser HMS Glorious 20
515 Dante Alighieri battleship Italian battleship Dante Alighieri 20
516 Livyatan fossil taxon Livyatan 20
517 Gramatyka języka rosyjskiego Russian grammar 20
518 Naloty na Japonię military campaign, airstrike Air raids on Japan 19
519 Bitwa pod Somosierrą battle Battle of Somosierra 19
520 Commando parachute commando unit Commandos (United Kingdom) 19
521 Wielka Synagoga w Warszawie demolished synagogue Great Synagogue (Warsaw) 19
522 HMAS Sydney light cruiser, shipwreck HMAS Sydney (D48) 19
523 Asahi training vessel, pre-dreadnought battleship, ironclad warship Japanese battleship Asahi 19
524 Krążowniki lekkie typu K ship class Königsberg-class cruiser (1927) 19
525 SMS Dresden light cruiser, shipwreck SMS Dresden (1907) 19
526 SMS Posen dreadnought SMS Posen 19
527 Wybory parlamentarne w Polsce w 1989 roku Polish parliamentary election 1989 Polish parliamentary election 18
528 Zamach stanu w Hondurasie coup d'état 2009 Honduran coup d'état 18
529 Zamach stanu w Nigrze coup d'état 2010 Nigerien coup d'état 18
530 Antonio de Nigris human Antonio de Nigris 18
531 Constantin von Economo human Constantin von Economo 18
532 Pustynnica katolicka taxon Crucifix toad 18
533 Dowiastka taxon Dianella (plant) 18
534 FSO Warszawa car brand, automobile model series FSO Warszawa 18
535 Nowotwory podścieliskowe przewodu pokarmowego class of disease Gastrointestinal stromal tumor 18
536 Jeńcy sowieccy w niewoli niemieckiej aspect of history German atrocities committed against Soviet prisoners of war 18
537 Istiodaktyl fossil taxon Istiodactylus 18
538 Tenryū light cruiser Japanese cruiser Tenryū 18
539 Katastrofa lotnicza w Lesie Kabackim aviation accident LOT Polish Airlines Flight 5055 18
540 Lotus E20 racing automobile model Lotus E20 18
541 Melecjusz Smotrycki human Meletius Smotrytsky 18
542 Parantodon fossil taxon Paranthodon 18
543 Piotr Fijas human Piotr Fijas 18
544 Rok Benkovič human Rok Benkovič 18
545 Krater Silverpit impact crater Silverpit crater 18
546 Gruczolakorak jelita cienkiego class of disease Small intestine cancer 18
547 Zofia Jagiellonka human Sophia Jagiellon, Margravine of Brandenburg-Ansbach 18
548 UGM-133 Trident II D-5 weapon model UGM-133 Trident II 18
549 Unplugged album, video album Unplugged (Alice in Chains album) 18
550 Uszpia human Ushpia 18
551 Łucja Frey-Gottesman human Łucja Frey 18
552 Motocyklowe Mistrzostwa Świata 2015 season 2015 MotoGP World Championship 17
553 AHS Krab weapon model AHS Krab 17
554 Arenysaurus fossil taxon Arenysaurus 17
555 Auroraceratops fossil taxon Auroraceratops 17
556 Billy Sunday human Billy Sunday 17
557 Cetiozaurysk fossil taxon Cetiosauriscus 17
558 Systematyka ptaków classification scheme Classification of birds 17
559 Cloud video game Cloud (video game) 17
560 Dromeozauroid fossil taxon Dromaeosauroides 17
561 Gerard Wodarz human Gerard Wodarz 17
562 Nemegtomaia fossil taxon Nemegtomaia 17
563 ORP Błyskawica destroyer, museum ship ORP Błyskawica 17
564 ORP Orzeł submarine, shipwreck ORP Orzeł (1938) 17
565 Hamidiye protected cruiser Ottoman cruiser Hamidiye 17
566 Adrian human Patriarch Adrian of Moscow 17
567 Inkwizycja rzymska former entity Roman Inquisition 17
568 Sap extended play Sap (EP) 17
569 Kryzys polityczny w Madagaskarze political crisis 2009 Malagasy political crisis 16
570 Kryzys polityczny w Wybrzeżu Kości Słoniowej political crisis 2010–2011 Ivorian crisis 16
571 Walki o Wyspy Admiralicji historical event Admiralty Islands campaign 16
572 Pęczyna błotna taxon Apium repens (d:Q2823012) 16
573 Bitwa o Buna-Gona battle Battle of Buna–Gona 16
574 Walki o Wyspy Marshalla battle Battle of Kwajalein 16
575 Sobór metropolitalny Świętej Równej Apostołom Marii Magdaleny w Warszawie cathedral, church building Cathedral of St. Mary Magdalene, Warsaw 16
576 Kodeks Amiatyński illuminated manuscript, biblical manuscript Codex Amiatinus 16
577 Okręty podwodne typu George Washington submarine class George Washington-class submarine 16
578 Jonofory class of chemical entities with similar applications or functions, class of chemical substances by use Ionophore 16
579 Kronprinzenpalais city palace Kronprinzenpalais 16
580 Zwisłoszczęk czarny taxon Malacosteus niger 16
581 Melchior Wańkowicz human Melchior Wańkowicz 16
582 N. Biren Singh human N. Biren Singh 16
583 Galaxias pedderensis taxon Pedder galaxias 16
584 Pesa Swing tram model Pesa Swing 16
585 Rewrite video game Rewrite (video game) 16
586 Rostisław battleship Russian battleship Rostislav 16
587 SMS Zrínyi pre-dreadnought battleship SMS Zrínyi 16
588 Sawa human Sawa Hrycuniak 16
589 Kolos painting The Colossus (painting) 16
590 Katastrofa B-52 w bazie Fairchild aviation accident 1994 Fairchild Air Force Base B-52 crash 15
591 Mistrzostwa Świata w Snookerze 2010 snooker tournament 2010 World Snooker Championship 15
592 Adrian Cole human Adrian Cole (RAAF officer) 15
593 Zero z Akutan Mitsubishi A6M Zero, captured aircraft Akutan Zero 15
594 American Cream Draft horse breed American Cream Draft 15
595 Babakotia monotypic fossil taxon Babakotia 15
596 Samogłoski kardynalne Cardinal vowels 15
597 Deusdedit z Canterbury human Deusdedit of Canterbury 15
598 Przedimek w języku angielskim English articles 15
599 Gazowiec ship type Gas carrier 15
600 Wielka akcja deportacyjna w getcie warszawskim genocide Grossaktion Warsaw 15
601 Hadji Ali human Hadji Ali 15
602 If Day military exercise If Day 15
603 Niszczyciele rakietowe projektu 61 ship class Kashin-class destroyer 15
604 Niszczyciele projektu 56 ship class Kotlin-class destroyer 15
605 Lotus T127 racing automobile model Lotus T127 15
606 Rynek we Wrocławiu square Market Square, Wrocław 15
607 Niandra Lades and Usually Just a T-Shirt album Niandra LaDes and Usually Just a T-Shirt 15
608 ORP Grom destroyer, shipwreck ORP Grom (1936) 15
609 Katastrofa w Port Chicago explosion, maritime disaster, disaster Port Chicago disaster 15
610 Sława pre-dreadnought battleship Russian battleship Slava 15
611 SMS Admiral Spaun scout cruiser SMS Admiral Spaun 15
612 Niszczyciele typu Tribal ship class Tribal-class destroyer (1936) 15
613 Ville Kantee human Ville Kantee 15
614 Świętokrzyska metro station, underground station Świętokrzyska metro station 15
615 Wybory prezydenckie na Wybrzeżu Kości Słoniowej w 2010 roku presidential election 2010 Ivorian presidential election 14
616 Zamek Chojnik castle Chojnik Castle 14
617 Codex Carolinus manuscript Codex Carolinus 14
618 Eroica film Eroica (1958 film) 14
619 Fink human Fink (singer) 14
620 Haas VF-16 racing automobile model Haas VF-16 14
621 Masakra na wzgórzu 303 war crime, massacre Hill 303 massacre 14
622 José Cardona human José Cardona 14
623 Loki television series season Loki season 1 14
624 Lubrza village of Poland Lubrza, Lubusz Voivodeship 14
625 ORP Piorun destroyer ORP Piorun (G65) 14
626 Operacja Tungsten military operation Operation Tungsten 14
627 Sasha Strunin human Sasha Strunin 14
628 Radziecka szkoła montażu theory Soviet montage theory 14
629 V.S. Achuthanandan human V. S. Achuthanandan 14
630 Okręty podwodne projektu 671 submarine class Victor-class submarine 14
631 Grand Prix Francji 1906 French Grand Prix 1906 French Grand Prix 13
632 Blasisaurus fossil taxon Blasisaurus 13
633 Bronisław Pieracki human Bronisław Pieracki 13
634 Algorytm Earleya algorithm, parsing Earley parser 13
635 Bouvet ship French battleship Bouvet 13
636 Dupuy de Lôme armored cruiser French cruiser Dupuy de Lôme 13
637 Gabriel Zabłudowski human Gabriel of Białystok 13
638 Harta village of Poland Harta, Poland 13
639 Hawker P.1127 aircraft model Hawker Siddeley P.1127 13
640 Bitwa o Mont Ormel mountain Hill 262 13
641 Hod Stuart human Hod Stuart 13
642 Jazep Losik human Jazep Losik 13
643 Katowice railway station, through station, central station Katowice railway station 13
644 Lola T97/30 racing automobile model Lola T97/30 13
645 Papirus Bodmer XIV-XV manuscript Papyrus 75 13
646 Synagoga Remu synagogue Remah Synagogue 13
647 Rzymski dyplom wojskowy type of inscription Roman military diploma 13
648 Retwizan ironclad warship Russian battleship Retvizan 13
649 SMS Radetzky pre-dreadnought battleship SMS Radetzky (1909) 13
650 Solaris Urbino 18 bus model Solaris Urbino 18 13
651 Mięsak maziówkowy class of disease Synovial sarcoma 13
652 Syreny i Odyseusz painting The Sirens and Ulysses 13
653 USS Tang submarine USS Tang (SS-306) 13
654 Kampania na Missisipi historical event Western theater of the American Civil War 13
655 Sabat czarownic painting Witches' Sabbath (Goya, 1798) 13
656 Monitory typu Abercrombie ship class Abercrombie-class monitor 12
657 Agapit Pieczerski human Agapetus of the Kiev Caves 12
658 Beniamin human Benjamin of Petrograd 12
659 Purpurowy Kodeks Petropolitański manuscript Codex Petropolitanus Purpureus 12
660 Daredevil television series season Daredevil season 1 12
661 Gigantactis taxon Gigantactis 12
662 Huáscar museum ship, turret ship Huáscar (ironclad) 12
663 Tatsuta light cruiser Japanese cruiser Tatsuta (1918) 12
664 Liahona Liahona (Book of Mormon) 12
665 Lipienica village of Poland Lipienica, Lower Silesian Voivodeship 12
666 McLaren M2B racing automobile model McLaren M2B 12
667 Podróże Mozarta do Włoch travel Mozart in Italy 12
668 Nałęcz Szlachta coat of arms Nałęcz coat of arms 12
669 ORP Burza destroyer, museum ship ORP Burza 12
670 Okręty podwodne typu Thresher submarine class Permit-class submarine 12
671 Prost AP03 racing automobile model Prost AP03 12
672 SMS Erzherzog Franz Ferdinand pre-dreadnought battleship SMS Erzherzog Franz Ferdinand 12
673 Sandakańskie marsze śmierci death march Sandakan Death Marches 12
674 Pauliści religious congregation Society of Saint Paul 12
675 Teodor Peterek human Teodor Peterek 12
676 Portret hrabiny Chinchón painting The Countess of Chinchon 12
677 The Mandalorian television series season The Mandalorian season 2 12
678 Triumf Kleopatry painting The Triumph of Cleopatra 12
679 USS Chesapeake frigate USS Chesapeake (1799) 12
680 USS Northampton heavy cruiser USS Northampton (CA-26) 12
681 Religia Urartu aspect in a geographic region Urartu religion 12
682 Wielka Jaworzyna mountain, nature reserve, protected area Velká Javořina 12
683 A gdyby…? television series season What If...? season 1 12
684 Wybory prezydenckie w Gwinei w 2010 roku presidential election 2010 Guinean presidential election 11
685 Bronisław Czech human Bronisław Czech 11
686 Codex Borgianus manuscript Codex Borgianus 11
687 Kodeks Nitryjski manuscript Codex Nitriensis 11
688 Daredevil television series season Daredevil season 2 11
689 Systemy oznaczania zębów Dental notation 11
690 Jauréguiberry pre-dreadnought battleship French battleship Jauréguiberry 11
691 Deklinacja w języku niemieckim German declension 11
692 Piekielne statki ship type Hell ship 11
693 Quarto scout cruiser Italian cruiser Quarto 11
694 Jastrzębiec Szlachta coat of arms Jastrzębiec coat of arms 11
695 ORP Orkan destroyer ORP Orkan (G90) 11
696 Poncjusz z Cimiez human Pontius of Cimiez 11
697 LKB1 gene STK11 11
698 Solaris Trollino trolleybus model Solaris Trollino 11
699 Krąpielowate taxon Taccaceae (d:Q2630221) 11
700 The Mandalorian television series season The Mandalorian season 1 11
701 USS Wahoo submarine USS Wahoo (SS-238) 11
702 Niezróżnicowany mięsak pleomorficzny class of disease Undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma 11
703 Insurekcja warszawska rebellion, battle Warsaw Uprising (1794) 11
704 Niszczyciele typu Wicher ship class Wicher-class destroyer 11
705 Wybory prezydenckie w Senegalu w 2012 roku presidential election 2012 Senegalese presidential election 10
706 Guz desmoidalny disease Aggressive fibromatosis 10
707 Krążowniki pancerne typu Bajan ship class Bayan-class cruiser 10
708 Centrum Nauki Kopernik metro station Centrum Nauki Kopernik metro station 10
709 Dionizy human Dionysius Waledyński 10
710 Edward Flatau human Edward Flatau 10
711 Eva Ganster human Eva Ganster 10
712 Felix Manalo human Felix Manalo 10
713 Zakazane piosenki film Forbidden Songs (1946 film) 10
714 ORP Bałtyk protected cruiser French cruiser D'Entrecasteaux 10
715 Dolar Gobrechta coin type Gobrecht dollar 10
716 Jiftach Spektor human Iftach Spector 10
717 Ischioceratops fossil taxon Ischioceratops 10
718 Lavanify monotypic fossil taxon Lavanify 10
719 Leliwa Szlachta coat of arms Leliwa coat of arms 10
720 Torpeda Mark XIII weapon model, torpedo model Mark 13 torpedo 10
721 Zbrodnia w Piaśnicy war crime, mass murder, massacre Massacres in Piaśnica 10
722 Nikiszowiec quarter Nikiszowiec 10
723 Operacja Reservist military operation Operation Reservist 10
724 Ostoja Szlachta coat of arms Ostoja coat of arms 10
725 Joachim human Patriarch Joachim of Moscow 10
726 Podole Małe village of Poland Podole Małe 10
727 Admirał Makarow armored cruiser Russian cruiser Admiral Makarov 10
728 SMS Kaiser Wilhelm II pre-dreadnought battleship SMS Kaiser Wilhelm II 10
729 Serafin human Seraphim Chichagov 10
730 Okręty podwodne typu Tang submarine class Tang-class submarine 10
731 Dom wariatów painting The Madhouse 10
732 Kodeks 047 manuscript Uncial 047 10
733 Okręty podwodne typu Wilk submarine class Wilk-class submarine 10
734 Lot czarowników painting Witches' Flight 10
735 Augustynolophus fossil taxon Augustynolophus 9
736 Awtroił destroyer BAP Almirante Guise (1933) 9
737 Bitwa pod Obertynem battle Battle of Obertyn 9
738 Brabham BT19 racing automobile model Brabham BT19 9
739 Gorączka neutropeniczna Febrile neutropenia 9
740 Ferrisaurus fossil taxon Ferrisaurus 9
741 Kanonierki typu Flores watercraft class Flores-class gunboat 9
742 Giszowiec dzielnica Giszowiec 9
743 HMS Abercrombie monitor HMS Abercrombie (1915) 9
744 HMS Raglan monitor, shipwreck HMS Raglan 9
745 Historia okrętów podwodnych aspect of history History of submarines 9
746 Masakry na bagnach Prypeci punitive expedition, military operation, massacre Pripyat Marshes massacres 9
747 Romuald Rajs human Romuald Rajs 9
748 Miasto Jest Nasze voluntary association, social movement The City Is Ours 9
749 Jer letter Yer 9
750 Agatha Christie: I nie było już nikogo video game Agatha Christie: And Then There Were None 8
751 Bitwa pod Radzyminem battle Battle of Radzymin (1920) 8
752 Bogucice dzielnica Bogucice 8
753 Katopsbatar fossil taxon Catopsbaatar 8
754 Zamek Czorsztyn castle Czorsztyn Castle 8
755 Daredevil television series season Daredevil season 3 8
756 Wambola destroyer Estonian destroyer Wambola 8
757 Eulogiusz human Eulogius Georgiyevsky 8
758 Hr.Ms. Johan Maurits van Nassau ship HNLMS Johan Maurits van Nassau (1932) 8
759 Kolej dużych prędkości w Polsce public transport network High-speed rail in Poland 8
760 Historia Polski aspect of history History of Poland during World War I 8
761 Jeńcy japońscy w czasie II wojny światowej Japanese prisoners of war in World War II 8
762 Jessica Jones television series season Jessica Jones season 3 8
763 Koleje Śląskie enterprise, train operating company Koleje Śląskie 8
764 Alstom Konstal business, enterprise Konstal 8
765 Luke Cage television series season Luke Cage season 1 8
766 Majas na balkonie painting Majas on a Balcony 8
767 Maksym Gorlicki human Maxim Sandovich 8
768 Medal 10-lecia Polski Ludowej jubilee medal Medal of the 10th Anniversary of People's Poland 8
769 Sąsiad dziwaczek taxon Metoecus paradoxus 8
770 Novum Instrumentum omne version, edition or translation Novum Instrumentum omne 8
771 Olędrzy ethnic group, people Olenders 8
772 Pedro Arce human Pedro Arce (Mexican footballer) 8
773 Pesa Elf rolling stock class Pesa Elf 8
774 Znaczki pocztowe w Irlandii aspect of history Postage stamps of Ireland 8
775 Park stanowy Presque Isle Pennsylvania state park Presque Isle State Park 8
776 Rogelio Chávez human Rogelio Chávez 8
777 Bitwa HMAS Sydney z HSK Kormoran naval battle Sinking of HMAS Sydney 8
778 Solaris Urbino 18 hybrid bus model Solaris Urbino 18 Hybrid 8
779 Sulima Szlachta coat of arms Sulima (coat of arms) 8
780 Hannibal zwycięzca po raz pierwszy spoglądający z Alp w kierunku Italii painting The Victorious Hannibal Seeing Italy from the Alps for the First Time 8
781 Tymoteusz human Timothy Szretter 8
782 Topór Szlachta coat of arms Topór coat of arms 8
783 USS Tautog submarine USS Tautog (SS-199) 8
784 Ambondro monotypic fossil taxon Ambondro (genus) 7
785 Kościół św. Tomasza z Akwinu i klasztor Dominikanów w Mińsku church building, Catholic church building, destroyed building or structure Church of St. Thomas Aquinas and the Dominican monastery in Minsk 7
786 Clyde Leon human Clyde Leon 7
787 Dąbrówka Mała dzielnica Dąbrówka Mała 7
788 Jerzy human George Yaroshevsky 7
789 Hr.Ms. Flores gunboat HNLMS Flores 7
790 Jessica Jones television series season Jessica Jones season 1 7
791 Jessica Jones television series season Jessica Jones season 2 7
792 Zwężenia krtaniowo-tchawicze class of disease Laryngotracheal stenosis 7
793 Leishemba Sanajaoba human Leishemba Sanajaoba 7
794 Luke Cage television series season Luke Cage season 2 7
795 Stwardnienie zanikowe boczne-parkinsonizm/zespół otępienny class of disease Lytico-bodig disease 7
796 Midsommarkrisen political crisis Midsummer crisis 7
797 Zamek w Mińsku castle Minsk Castle 7
798 Newag Impuls rolling stock class Newag Impuls 7
799 Pacyfikacja Ochoty massacre Ochota massacre 7
800 Akcja pod Arsenałem Operation Arsenal 7
801 Cmentarz prawosławny w Warszawie cemetery Orthodox Cemetery, Warsaw 7
802 Pomian Szlachta coat of arms Pomian coat of arms 7
803 Raciborowice Górne village of Poland Raciborowice Górne 7
804 Samuel Goldflam human Samuel Goldflam 7
805 Obóz jeniecki w Sandakanie prisoner-of-war camp Sandakan camp 7
806 Sergio Reina human Sergio Reina 7
807 Cerkiew św. Jana Klimaka w Warszawie Eastern Orthodox church building St. John Climacus's Orthodox Church, Warsaw 7
808 Stanisław Dubois human Stanisław Dubois 7
809 Świstak tatrzański taxon Tatra marmot 7
810 Lampa diabła painting The Bewitched Man 7
811 USS Harder submarine USS Harder (SS-257) 7
812 Dworzec Główny w Warszawie railway station Warszawa Główna railway station 7
813 Załęże dzielnica Załęże 7
814 Protest w Gwinei protest 2009 Guinean protests 6
815 Teoria Adama-Boga doctrine Adam–God doctrine 6
816 Bitwa pod Bosforem naval battle Battle of the Bosporus 6
817 Challenge 1932 season Challenge International de Tourisme 1932 6
818 Konstancja wodzisławska human Constance, Duchess of Wodzisław 6
819 Konwój GP-55 naval battle Convoy GP55 6
820 Hr.Ms. Soemba gunboat HNLMS Soemba (1925) 6
821 Hilary z Chichesteru human Hilary of Chichester 6
822 Kolegium jezuitów w Mińsku collegium Jesuit College in Minsk 6
823 Program Stypendialny im. Konstantego Kalinowskiego scholarship Konstanty Kalinowski Scholarship Program 6
824 Kur Szlachta coat of arms Kur coat of arms 6
825 Max Rothmann human Max Rothmann 6
826 Monaster Świętego Ducha w Wilnie Eastern Orthodox monastery Monastery of the Holy Spirit, Vilnius 6
827 Bunt na Morotai mutiny Morotai Mutiny 6
828 Pesa Acatus rolling stock class Pesa Acatus 6
829 Pesa Tramicus tram model Pesa Tramicus (d:Q21094841) 6
830 Piosenka dla Europy 2009 nation in the Eurovision Song Contest Poland in the Eurovision Song Contest 2009 6
831 Polskie Towarzystwo „Oświata” w Mińsku organization Polish Society "Oświata" 6
832 Półkozic Szlachta coat of arms Półkozic coat of arms 6
833 Monaster św. Onufrego w Jabłecznej monastery St. Onuphrius Monastery in Jabłeczna 6
834 Rada Kompanii Filipin painting The Junta of the Philippines 6
835 1 Pułk Szwoleżerów-Lansjerów Gwardii Cesarskiej lancers regiment 1st Light Cavalry Lancers Regiment of the Imperial Guard (Polish) 5
836 Adam Koc human Adam Koc 5
837 Bazyli human Bazyli Doroszkiewicz 5
838 Biochemia piwa Beer chemistry 5
839 Bunkier „Krysia” Bunker "Krysia" 5
840 Challenge 1930 sports tour Challenge International de Tourisme 1930 5
841 Kościół św. Wojciecha i klasztor Benedyktynek w Mińsku church building, Catholic church building, Eastern Orthodox church building Church of St. Adalbert and Benedictine monastery 5
842 Cerkiew Opieki Matki Bożej w Sławatyczach Eastern Orthodox church building Church of the Intercession (Sławatycze) 5
843 Deseret term Deseret (Book of Mormon) 5
844 Dom Długosza w Krakowie house Długosz House in Kraków 5
845 Rodzajniki w języku francuskim French articles and determiners 5
846 Niemieckie represje wobec Polaków pomagających Żydom German retribution against Poles who helped Jews 5
847 Powstanie iżewsko-wotkińskie Izhevsk–Votkinsk Uprising 5
848 Cmentarz żydowski w Skwierzynie Jewish cemetery Jewish cemetery in Skwierzyna 5
849 Julian Chorążycki human Julian Chorążycki 5
850 Makary human Macarius Oksiyuk 5
851 Biblia Tysiąclecia Bible edition, version, edition or translation Millennium Bible 5
852 Linia kolejowa nr 336 railway line Mirsk–Świeradów Nadleśnictwo railway 5
853 Pafawag 101N rolling stock class Pafawag 101N 5
854 Prospero Provana human Prospero Provana 5
855 Akcja rewindykacji cerkwi prawosławnych w II Rzeczypospolitej Revindication of Eastern Orthodox churches in the Second Polish Republic 5
856 Autoportret w wieku sześćdziesięciu dziewięciu lat painting Self-portrait at 69 years 5
857 Powstanie w Sobiborze rebellion, revolt Sobibor uprising 5
858 Stefan human Stefan Rudyk 5
859 Historia odkrycia i badań nad stwardnieniem guzowatym timeline Timeline of tuberous sclerosis 5
860 Zjednoczony Kościół Ewangeliczny w Polskiej Rzeczypospolitej Ludowej Christian denomination United Evangelical Church in Poland 5
861 Walka byków w miasteczku painting A Village Bullfight 4
862 Jednojęzyczny słownik dydaktyczny Advanced learner's dictionary 4
863 Bitwa pod Bornholmem battle, naval battle Battle of Bornholm (1457) 4
864 Bronislaw Onuf-Onufrowicz human Bronislaw Onuf-Onufrowicz 4
865 Kaplica zamkowa pw. św. Tomasza Kantuaryjskiego w Raciborzu castle chapel Castle Chapel of St. Thomas Becket 4
866 Cerkiew Narodzenia Najświętszej Maryi Panny we Włodawie Eastern Orthodox church building Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Włodawa 4
867 ZNTK Poznań 207M rolling stock class Class 207M 4
868 Likwidacja unickiej diecezji chełmskiej aspect of history Conversion of Chełm Eparchy 4
869 Dome F105 racing automobile model Dome F105 4
870 Domy obdarowania temple, destroyed building or structure Endowment House 4
871 English Electric EL.100 locomotive class English Electric EL.100 4
872 Eufrozyna Mieszkówna human Euphrosyne (daughter of Mieszko IV Tanglefoot) 4
873 Ulica Francuska w Warszawie street Francuska Street 4
874 HMS Minerva protected cruiser HMS Minerva (1895) 4
875 Hieronim Wietor human Hieronymus Vietor 4
876 Janów-Nikiszowiec dzielnica Janów-Nikiszowiec 4
877 Koleje Wielkopolskie train operating company Koleje Wielkopolskie 4
878 Konstanty Schmidt-Ciążyński human Konstanty Schmidt-Ciążyński 4
879 Latarnie morskie w Kalifornii Wikimedia list article List of lighthouses in California 4
880 Newag 19WE rolling stock class Newag 19WE 4
881 Osiedle Tysiąclecia dzielnica Osiedle Tysiąclecia 4
882 Pafawag 3WE rolling stock class PKP class EW58 4
883 Ząb ćwiekowy Pivot tooth 4
884 Linia kolejowa nr 158 railway line Rybnik Towarowy–Chałupki railway 4
885 Skoki narciarskie na Mistrzostwach Świata w Narciarstwie Klasycznym 2013 ski jumping at the FIS Nordic World Ski Championships Ski jumping at the FIS Nordic World Ski Championships 2013 4
886 Stach Konwa human, human whose existence is disputed Stach Konwa 4
887 Stanisław Krakiewicz human Stanisław Krakiewicz 4
888 Stanisław Moskal human Stanisław Moskal 4
889 Opactwo Cystersów w Sulejowie abbey, religious community Sulejów Abbey 4
890 Tablice pamiątkowe Tchorka w Warszawie monument Tchorek plaques 4
891 Wojskowość w Polsce średniowiecznej warfare Warfare in Medieval Poland 4
892 Epidemia ospy prawdziwej we Wrocławiu smallpox epidemic 1963 smallpox epidemic in Wrocław 3
893 3 Pułk Piechoty Legionów military unit 3rd Legions' Infantry Regiment 3
894 Ulica 6 Sierpnia w Łodzi street 6 Sierpnia Street, Łódź 3
895 8 Pułk Piechoty Legionów military unit 8th Legions' Infantry Regiment 3
896 Gimnazjum im. Adama Mickiewicza w Prużanie gymnasium Adam Mickiewicz Gymnasium 3
897 Ulica Aleksandrowska w Łodzi street Aleksandrowska Street, Łódź 3
898 Obóz Internowania nr 6 w Aleksandrowie Kujawskim Aleksandrów Kujawski internment camp 3
899 Alstom Metropolis 98B multiple unit Alstom Metropolis 98B (d:Q18421044) 3
900 Apostoł Pawieł ship Apostol Paviel 3
901 Apostoł Piotr warship Apostol Piotr 3
902 Uzbrojenie pancerników typu Iowa Armament of the Iowa-class battleship 3
903 Zbrodnia w Barbarce war crime, mass murder, massacre Barbarka massacre 3
904 Most łyżwowy pod Czerwińskiem Czerwińsk Floating Bridge 3
905 Wczesne przekłady Nowego Testamentu Early translations of the New Testament 3
906 Twierdza Grudziądz fortified line Grudziądz Fortress 3
907 HCP Z1 multiple unit HCP Z1 3
908 Walka Jacka Dempseya z Luisem Ángelem Firpo boxing match Jack Dempsey vs. Luis Ángel Firpo 3
909 Ulica Katowicka w Warszawie street Katowicka Street 3
910 Ligota-Panewniki dzielnica Ligota-Panewniki 3
911 Pacyfikacja Michniowa massacre Michniów massacre 3
912 Monaster Opieki Matki Bożej w Turkowicach Monastery of Holy Mother of God, Turkowice 3
913 Monaster św. Marii Magdaleny w Wilnie Eastern Orthodox monastery Monastery of St. Mary Magdalene 3
914 Organizacja Specjalnych Akcji Bojowych resistance movement Organization of Special Combat Actions 3
915 Osiedle Paderewskiego-Muchowiec dzielnica Osiedle Paderewskiego – Muchowiec 3
916 Piotrowice-Ochojec dzielnica Piotrowice-Ochojec 3
917 Inkwizycja w Polsce aspect in a geographic region Polish Inquisition 3
918 Wydawnictwo Polskie R. Wegnera publishing company Polish Publishing House R. Wegner 3
919 Ulica Warszawska w Katowicach street Warszawska Street, Katowice 3
920 Zawodzie dzielnica Zawodzie, Katowice 3
921 Lawina w Tatrach avalanche 2003 Tatra Mountains avalanche 2
922 Grand Prix Chorwacji na Żużlu 2010 Speedway Grand Prix of Croatia 2010 Speedway Grand Prix of Croatia 2
923 Alianckie środki desantowe w II wojnie światowej Allied landing craft in World War II 2
924 Bitwa o wzgórze 140 battle Battle for Hill 140 2
925 Bitwa o Knipawę battle Battle for Kneiphof 2
926 Bitwa pod Jaktorowem battle Battle of Jaktorów 2
927 Ulica Bednarska w Łodzi street Bednarska Street (d:Q9364932) 2
928 Eparchia turowsko-pińska Eastern Orthodox eparchy Belarusian Orthodox Eparchy of Turov and Pinsk 2
929 Wizyta Billy’ego Grahama w Polsce Billy Graham's visit to Poland 2
930 Codex Heidelbergensis 921 manuscript Codex Heidelbergensis 921 2
931 Konflikt o spław Regą Conflict over rafting on the Rega 2
932 Cosworth 4WD Cosworth F1 cars (d:Q11691572) 2
933 Obrona cmentarzy wolskich battle Defense of the Wola cemeteries 2
934 Fundacja dobrowska foundation Dobrowska Foundation 2
935 El Ilocano newspaper El Ilocano (d:Q65426035) 2
936 Inkwizycja we Francji aspect in a geographic region French Inquisition 2
937 Inkwizycja w Niemczech aspect in a geographic region German Inquisition 2
938 Niemieckie represje wobec ludności Bydgoszczy German war crimes German retribution against people of Bydgoszcz 2
939 HEKO Czermno association football club Heko Czermno 2
940 Historia Gryfic History of Gryfice 2
941 Historia oświaty w Trzebiatowie aspect of history History of education in Trzebiatów 2
942 Powstańcze natarcia na Dworzec Gdański battle Insurgent attacks on Warszawa Gdańska railway station 2
943 Powstańcze natarcia na lotnisko bielańskie battle Insurgent attacks on the Bielany airfield 2
944 Linia kolejowa nr 283 railway line Jelenia Góra-Żagań railway (d:Q11757279) 2
945 Grupa „Kampinos” Kampinos Group 2
946 Główny Szlak Karpacki Main Carpathian Trail 2
947 Umowa z Malborka Malbork treaty 2
948 New York Crusade New York Crusade (1957) 2
949 Akcja „B” Operation B (Poland) 2
950 Pasja installation artwork Pasja (2002) 2
951 Piosenka dla Europy 2008 Piosenka dla Europy, talent show Piosenka dla Europy 2008 (d:Q110493658) 2
952 Ustrój polityczno-administracyjny Wielkiej Brytanii w XIX wieku Politics of the United Kingdom in the 19th century 2
953 Wypad na Truskaw battle Raid on Truskaw 2
954 Łacińska diecezja mińska 1798–1869 aspect of history Roman Catholic Diocese of Minsk (1798–1869) 2
955 SMS Radetzky Wikimedia set index article SMS Radetzky 2
956 Zgrupowanie Stołpeckie Armii Krajowej Stowbtsy-Naliboki Group 2
957 Egzekucje uliczne w Warszawie aspect in a geographic region Street executions in Warsaw (1943–1944) 2
958 Kopalnia Szarlej mine Szarlej Mine 2
959 Mormonizm w Utah Mormonism of an area The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Utah 2
960 Transport i podróże w czasach I Rzeczypospolitej Transportation and travel during the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth 2
961 Karny obóz pracy w Treblince concentration camp, labor camp Treblinka I (d:Q15106709) 2
962 Warta Zawiercie association football club Warta Zawiercie (football) 2
963 Ulica Wileńska w Raciborzu street Wileńska Street, Racibórz (d:Q11837359) 2
964 Szpitale na Woli w czasie powstania warszawskiego hospital Wola hospitals during the Warsaw Uprising 2
965 Historia Biecza history of a city ✗ (d:Q9292581) 1
966 Wodociągi w Raciborzu ✗ (d:Q9376256) 1
967 Zachowania lęgowe ptaków ✗ (d:Q9385623) 1
968 Medyczne zastosowanie trójtlenku arsenu ✗ (d:Q11776878) 1
969 Perfect Symfonicznie album ✗ (d:Q11815652) 1
970 Projekt socjalny ✗ (d:Q11827633) 1
971 Puchar Świata w skokach narciarskich 1998/1999 – Zakopane season ✗ (d:Q16593521) 1
972 TOPtrendy 2013 ✗ (d:Q16609223) 1
973 FIS Sommer Ladies Tournee 2001 season ✗ (d:Q30914304) 1
974 FIS Sommer Ladies Tournee 2002 season ✗ (d:Q30914306) 1
975 FIS Sommer Ladies Tournee 2003 season ✗ (d:Q30914384) 1
976 FIS Sommer Ladies Tournee 2004 season ✗ (d:Q30915449) 1
977 FIS Sommer Ladies Tournee 2005 season ✗ (d:Q30915565) 1
978 FIS Sommer Ladies Tournee 2006 season ✗ (d:Q41027940) 1
979 6 kwietnia ✗ (d:Q108033840) 1
980 Diakon ✗ (d:Q108321570) 1
981 Irreantum ✗ (d:Q109453645) 1
982 SMS Zrínyi Wikimedia set index article ✗ (d:Q123785302) 1
Average With English: en/pl (Polish) = 953/982 (97%) 36.3
Sum No article or article with the same title: 10
No label: 19

See also
