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Wikipedia:Featured articles in other languages/Korean

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The table below lists the featured articles for a given "foreign-" (i.e., non-English-)language Wikipedia initially sorted by the number of corresponding articles in other Wikipedias. The "Languages" column indicates the number of articles on all Wikipedias corresponding to the other-language featured article; the "#" column provides a ranking based on this sorting.

The "Articles in English" column shows to what extent the other-language articles are represented on the English Wikipedia (en-wiki):

  • The ✓ green background means the other-language article exists about that specific topic in en-wiki, using an appropriate English title.
  • The ✗ red background means the other-language article does NOT have a one-to-one correspondence on en-wiki. Where there is a red-linked title, no article exists with an identical or corresponding title. A blue-linked title indicates a redirect to an en-wiki page, which can also be a dab page or a section in another subject's article. A link of the form {{d:Q12345678}} points to a Wikidata item with either the same name as the other-language article title or what is believed to be an appropriate corresponding name.
  • Icons indicate high-quality articles in en-wiki: is a featured article, is a good article. (No other quality levels are shown; the lack of an icon means merely that the English article is neither FA nor GA.)

Article list

Article list of "Wikipedia:featured articles" in Korean
# Articles in Korean instance of Articles in English Count of languages
1 일본 country, island country, sovereign state Japan 403
2 독일 country, sovereign state Germany 385
3 항성 astronomical object type Star 260
4 아우구스투스 human Augustus 232
5 올림픽 recurring sporting event Olympic Games 219
6 회색늑대 taxon, apex predator Wolf 219
7 에드거 앨런 포 human Edgar Allan Poe 216
8 지진 Earthquake 212
9 헌법 Constitution 195
10 진화 type of process Evolution 188
11 동성애 sexual orientation, romantic orientation, male bonding Homosexuality 188
12 요하네스 케플러 human Johannes Kepler 177
13 전자 type of quantum particle Electron 168
14 루트비히 비트겐슈타인 human Ludwig Wittgenstein 163
15 니키타 흐루쇼프 human Nikita Khrushchev 160
16 클레오파트라 human Cleopatra 158
17 고대 로마 historical country Ancient Rome 157
18 아이작 아시모프 human Isaac Asimov 157
19 유전학 science, academic discipline, branch of biology Genetics 154
20 하마 taxon Hippopotamus 143
21 브리트니 스피어스 human Britney Spears 140
22 장 칼뱅 human John Calvin 133
23 큰까마귀 taxon Common raven 131
24 블루스 music genre Blues 128
25 첼시 FC association football club Chelsea F.C. 123
26 앙투안 라부아지에 human Antoine Lavoisier 122
27 암모니아 type of chemical entity Ammonia 115
28 오리너구리 taxon Platypus 111
29 식도 organ type, class of anatomical entity Esophagus 110
30 흰점찌르레기 taxon Common starling 109
31 유로파 regular moon, moon of Jupiter Europa (moon) 107
32 1896년 하계 올림픽 Summer Olympic Games 1896 Summer Olympics 99
33 브이 포 벤데타 film V for Vendetta (film) 97
34 해리엇 터브먼 human Harriet Tubman 96
35 칼리스토 regular moon, moon of Jupiter Callisto (moon) 95
36 도호쿠 지방 태평양 해역 지진 tsunami, megathrust earthquake, off Sanriku earthquake 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami 92
37 1930년 FIFA 월드컵 season 1930 FIFA World Cup 91
38 독일의 국기 national flag Flag of Germany 91
39 프리츠 하버 human Fritz Haber 90
40 조지프 프리스틀리 human Joseph Priestley 89
41 뉴캐슬 유나이티드 FC association football club Newcastle United F.C. 89
42 런던탑 castle, museum, tourist attraction Tower of London 88
43 잭 더 리퍼 human Jack the Ripper 85
44 엑스박스 360 model series, video game console model Xbox 360 83
45 쾰른 대성당 tourist attraction, Catholic cathedral Cologne Cathedral 82
46 플레이스테이션 3 product model, home video game console PlayStation 3 81
47 90377 세드나 trans-Neptunian object, small Solar System body, detached object Sedna (dwarf planet) 80
48 이탈리아 요리 national cuisine, culture of Italy Italian cuisine 76
49 스테고사우루스 fossil taxon Stegosaurus 74
50 독일의 통일 political union, historical process Unification of Germany 74
51 해달 taxon Sea otter 73
52 로드 human Lorde 72
53 프리드리히 3세 human Frederick III, German Emperor 70
54 극좌표계 Polar coordinate system 70
55 마야어족 language family Mayan languages 69
56 행성상성운 astronomical object type Planetary nebula 69
57 큰고래 taxon Fin whale 68
58 주계열 stellar evolution Main sequence 67
59 243 이다 asteroid 243 Ida 66
60 알로사우루스 fossil taxon Allosaurus 66
61 고양이 눈 성운 variable star, planetary nebula, astronomical radio source Cat's Eye Nebula 66
62 강희제 human Kangxi Emperor 63
63 신해혁명 revolution 1911 Revolution 62
64 고대 이집트 종교 religion Ancient Egyptian religion 62
65 건륭제 human Qianlong Emperor 62
66 0.999… repeating decimal 0.999... 61
67 개복치 taxon Ocean sunfish 61
68 수양버들 taxon Salix babylonica 61
69 귀신고래 taxon Gray whale 60
70 매부리바다거북 taxon Hawksbill sea turtle 59
71 보리고래 taxon Sei whale 59
72 프랑시스 풀랑크 human Francis Poulenc 57
73 식세포 cell type Phagocyte 55
74 짧은코가시두더지 taxon Short-beaked echidna 54
75 태양계의 형성과 진화 formation and evolution of planetary systems Formation and evolution of the Solar System 53
76 전리수소영역 astronomical object type H II region 53
77 바이오쇼크 video game BioShock 52
78 간토 대지진 Kantō earthquakes 1923 Great Kantō earthquake 49
79 딤미 name, human social group Dhimmi 49
80 조화 진동자 Harmonic oscillator 49
81 한복 clothing Hanbok 47
82 옹정제 human Yongzheng Emperor 47
83 아메리칸 항공 11편 테러 사건 suicide attack, aircraft hijacking, terrorist attack American Airlines Flight 11 44
84 햐쿠타케 혜성 non-periodic comet Comet Hyakutake 44
85 김규식 human Kim Kyu-sik 44
86 크누트 captive mammal, zoo animals Knut (polar bear) 44
87 목포시 big city, city of South Korea Mokpo 43
88 와트 타일러의 난 rebellion, peasant revolt Peasants' Revolt 43
89 시티즈: 스카이라인 video game Cities: Skylines 41
90 호주까치 taxon Australian magpie 40
91 고려대학교 private university Korea University 40
92 호주청개구리 taxon Australian green tree frog 39
93 프랑크푸르트 국민의회 parliament, constituent assembly, unicameral legislature Frankfurt Parliament 39
94 구미시 big city, city of South Korea Gumi, North Gyeongsang 39
95 슈퍼 마리오 Wii 갤럭시 어드벤처 video game Super Mario Galaxy 39
96 Single Ladies musical work/composition Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It) 37
97 성운설 scientific hypothesis, encyclopedia article Nebular hypothesis 36
98 몬트리올 지하철 rapid transit Montreal Metro 35
99 남한산성 rocca Namhansanseong 35
100 연세대학교 private university, research university, scientific publisher Yonsei University 34
101 켈피 Kelpie 33
102 금강산 mountain, mountain range Mount Kumgang 32
103 조현우 human Jo Hyeon-woo 28
104 한양대학교 private university Hanyang University 27
105 아일랜드 단식투쟁 hunger strike 1981 Irish hunger strike 25
106 2018년 7월 일본 호우 flood, landslide, heavy rain 2018 Japan floods 25
107 락토페린 protein Lactoferrin 23
108 페가수스자리 IK spectroscopic binary IK Pegasi 22
109 나카모리 아키나 human Akina Nakamori 19
110 1923년 잉글랜드 FA컵 결승전 FA Cup Final 1923 FA Cup final 18
111 로저스 혼즈비 human Rogers Hornsby 18
112 일반상대론 개론 Wikimedia introduction to topic Introduction to general relativity 17
113 이우 human Yi U 16
114 의민태자 human Yi Un 16
115 50 Words for Snow album 50 Words for Snow 15
116 제1차 서울 전투 battle First Battle of Seoul 15
117 하먼 킬러브루 human Harmon Killebrew 15
118 303고지 학살 war crime, massacre Hill 303 massacre 14
119 스탠 코벨레스키 human Stan Coveleski 12
120 너 피르 코롱머 mythical creature Blue men of the Minch 11
121 닉 아덴하트 human Nick Adenhart 11
122 후쿠오카현 서쪽 해역 지진 earthquake 2005 Fukuoka earthquake 10
123 조선총독부 청사와 관사 government building, destroyed building or structure Government-General of Chōsen Building 10
124 이종욱 human Lee Jong-wook (baseball) 10
125 마쓰에 소요 사건 attempted coup d'état Matsue incident 10
126 태풍 매미 typhoon Typhoon Maemi 10
127 조선대학교 private university Chosun University 6
128 숙명여자대학교 private university, women's college Sookmyung Women's University 5
129 도카이 지진 Tōkai earthquakes 5
130 2010년 영국 정부의 내각 구성 government formation 2010 United Kingdom government formation 4
131 휴가나다 지진 characteristic earthquake Hyūga-nada earthquake 4
132 사가미 해곡 거대지진 characteristic earthquake Kantō earthquakes (d:Q24039748) 4
133 서울 도심 central business district, downtown, city center Downtown Seoul 2
134 모이자! 분노하자! 내려와라 박근혜 시민 촛불 Get together! Get angry! Resign Park Geun-hye candlelight vigil 2
135 Space 1.8 album Space 1.8 2
136 도호쿠 지방 태평양 해역 지진과 쓰나미의 발생 구조 mechanism of the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami (d:Q11526168) 2
137 넥센 히어로즈의 트레이드 파동 scandal ✗ (d:Q12590279) 1
Average With English: en/ko (Korean) = 134/137 (97.8%) 75
Sum No article or article with the same title: 2
No label: 1

See also
