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Wikipedia:Experimental Deletion/XD3

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

eXperimental Deletion method XD3 applies to article page deletion. This method moves problem articles to a "trash" wikispace, then either leaves a message at the former location, or submits the redirect for speedy deletion (depending on the variation). This leaves the problem page orphaned within the trash space, where it can then be permanently deleted or rescued and restored as felt needed.


  1. Merge all useful information on the problem page
  2. Move the problem page to Wikipedia:Experimental Deletion/XD3/Trash/Articlename
  3. Edit the new redirect page with the message. "This page has been moved to "Wikipedia:Experimental Deletion/XD3/Trash/Articlename" with your reasoning for the move.


  • Delete the redirect instead of leaving a message.

