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Wikipedia:Cleanup Taskforce/GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOOD

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This article has so many problems, I don't know where to begin right now. Clearly, some spinmeister from Monsanto Corporation or some other biotech corporation has been in here spinning the facts about GM foods. There are problems throughout the article but especially in the two sections about food safety. The FDA doesn't require companies bringing GM foods to market to conduct any safety tests, therefore, no claims regarding safety can be made. In fact, contrary to what the article states, companies do not even have to notify the FDA before bringing a GM food to market. Furthermore, many scientists have raised concerns about the safety of GM foods. Much of the research, as well as information about how the FDA ignored its own scientists' warnings about GM foods, can be found in the book, Seeds of Deception, by Jeffrey Smith, which I recommend being added to the suggested reading list. Other problems with the article: The Calgene tomato was pulled from the market, because consumers didn't like it. Also, there is no basis for the statement that Percy Schmeiser must have planted GM canola seed, because there was so much of it on his property. Canola is very promiscuous and readily reseeds. In addition, Percy's fields are right off a highway, and he states that canola blew off of trucks onto his field. The comment that GM crops reduced greenhouses gases, because they reduced fuel use is absurd as well. Since Monsanto pays people just to monitor these types of site and put up spin, people are really going to have to watch this one. EAMEamartenson 07:37, 12 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]