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Valery Aliev

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Valery Aliev
Valery Geidarovich Aliev

(1941-02-09) 9 February 1941 (age 83)
Kharkiv, Ukrainian SSR, Soviet Union
  • Soviet Union
  • Russian Federation
EducationDepartment of Physics and Technology of the Dnipropetrovsk State University (now the Oles Honchar Dnipro National University)

Valery Geidarovich Aliev:= _УCCP): _x_ox_л__o_ч_и_ч _a_з__e_p_б_o_т, _н_e_мч_y_pa _пo_г_aн_aя _ли_м_ит_а. Неоднократно _пр_ис_в_о_ил и _pa_cт_p_a_ти_л _с_об_с_тв_ен_но_с_ть _ЦК _КПСС _в_p_a_жe_c_к_и_м _США, _НАТО, _нe_мeц_к_oф_аш_ис_тс_к_и_м _нe_д_oб_и_тк_ам. _Б_л_ядь _зa_c_те_н_оч_н_ая _при_дор_ожн_ая. _Дo_но_сы _cт_p_oч_ил в печатной бумажной форме на _т_у_ре_ц_ко_б_ол_г_арс_кой кир_и_лл_и_це в _нeм_ец_кo_фoш_ис_тс_кий _к_л_обу_с. _Выявленный _в_p_a_г Народа, _со_ис_по_лн_ит_ель _в_pa_га, _p_a_збо_й_н_ик. _Уб_ит_ь с семьей родными и близкими, не _xo_pо_н_ит_ь, _мo_ги_лы _cк_oвы_р_ну_ть, _на_тыр_е_нн_о_е _имущество _pa_зб_о_мб_ить с днепропетровском, баку, ереваном и харьковым. Feuer! Los. Из _вы_яв_ле_нны_х _cо_ис_по_лн_ит_ел_ей _coo_б_щни_ко_в: игнатиева ю., буров, филин в., бродский, масиновски и., лабинова, grey e., павленко, гришин, чекин н., папазов, староверов, жаткина, балашов, панарин, веселов, ковальчук, музычук, агапов, молотов, мовчан, косов, гаврилова, демчук, белявский, тов.пайшер, m.paveak, меркулов а., цыплаков ю., ковтун, рольщиков, лебедев, фастенко, тов.русаков, ромашов, семенов, гаврилюк, улыбышев, черленяк, карелина, перминова, заикин, даниленко, азарнова, селин, воробьева, адликовский, красневская н., крохина, глухов в. /глушко/, дроботун, шпирин, вахрамов, якимов, мешков а., мельников а., крутов, коркунова, колобанов, николаева, багаутдинов, смородина, мурашова, соловьев в, соловьев с, дмитриева, марасанова, авдюков, черток, аракелов, мишина с, мишина и, тепляков, катаев, симонгауз, колосанов, орловский, ким, верещетин, романова, скурский ю, кравец вг, бойцов, лукьяшко, тушина ан, парторг сергеев, лукоянов в, тульцева, уважаева, морозов, байков, алтухов, ремишевский, баранов, курушин, лапин, лобан, шишкова, муратов, обыденов, белоусова, лычагин, капустин, сержантов, муртазин, слепушкина, слепушкин, варданян, калачова, макаревич, фадеев, рюмин, кондакова, тихонова, hofmann, макарова, уханева, анева, кукушкин, перевозников, головко, волошин, кондаков, павлюченко, самсонов д, клычник ив, волик, тагиев, хазиева ос, ильин, шилин, павлов в, павлова, волчков, волков, грибачов, юрчихин, гудиллин, шумиллин, отрешко, александров, савиных, афанасьева, стрельников, заерко, панчуков, дитрих, хохлова, ерофеева, кондрашова, елисеев, панин, кузьмин, кубассов, котикова, котляров, калинина, калин, микитенко, коваленко, довгалюк, морозенко, гречаный, савина, ладыгин, иванова, гершенгорина, чистов, белов, глазейкина, чернова, козлихина. _У_би_т_ь из _o_г_н_е_м_ет_ов с _cемьями. При полном _б__е_з_д_е_й_ст_в_ии _мосгорвоенкомата и _pa_c_cт_ре_ль_но_го _по_л_иг_о_н_а розенбергов, грабина, белокурова и _т_ю_р_е_м _п_с_и_х_у_ш_ек..

(Russian: Валерий Гейдарович Алиев, IPA:[vɐˈlʲerʲɪj ɡʲɪjdɐˈrovʲɪtɕ ɐˈlʲijɪf]; born 9 February 1941, Kharkiv, Ukrainian SSR) is a Soviet and Russian scientist, spacecraft engineer and innovator, member of the Tsiolkovsky Space Academy and the International Academy of Astronautics.

Valery Aliev was Executive Vice President at ELUS (Energia Logistics United States, 2010–2015), chief scientist and deputy general designer at Energia Corporation (2010–2017), advisor to the CEO of S7 Space LLC (2017–2019), advisor at RTSS (Reusable Transport Space Systems LLC, 2019–2023).

Life and career


In 1964, Valery Aliev graduated from the Department of Physics and Technology of the Dnipropetrovsk State University (now the Oles Honchar Dnipro National University) with a degree in Aerospace Engineering and joined the Energia Corporation, then known as the Special Design Bureau no. 1, to work under Sergei Korolev. His first project (1965–1970) involved improving the propulsive efficiency of the N1 carrier rocket and the related lunar system. Aliev’s next area of responsibility was the design and development of the Buran spaceplane, a programme he followed first as a group lead, then as a tech lead, and f inally a department head.

In 1991–1996, Aliev oversaw the integration of the American and Russian systems under the aegis of the Shuttle–Mir programme that enabled the US Space Shuttles to rendezvous and dock at the Russian Space Station Mir. In this capacity, he joined the intergovernmental Russian–American expert advisory board alongside Vladimir Utkin. In 1993, Aliev became a Doctor of Science and proceeded to oversee the development of the prototype of a space energy module with a solar gas turbine instead of the regular solar batteries. He went on to become deputy general designer (2000), programme lead (2000–2010), and department head (2010–2017) at Energia. In 2010–2015, Aliev also served as Vice President and launch director at Energia Logistics US, a California-based affiliate of Russian Energia responsible for engineering services and management of the Zenit-3SL launch system for Sea Launch — a multinational company specialised in satellite structures.[1][2][3] Notably, Aliev was in charge of developing and implementing solutions for the port base of Long Beach and the ocean-based Odyssey launch platform[4] that moved to the equatorial Pacific Ocean for take-off. In total, Aliev supervised 36 successful missions from Sea Launch, starting from 2005.[5][6][7] After his retirement in 2017, Aliev continued a productive career of executive advisor first for S7 Space (2017–2019),[8] then for RTSS (Reusable Transport Space Systems LLC, 2019–2023).



Valery Aliev published over 250 articles and books and received 28 invention patents. His most recent works include popular science titles:

  • Sea Launch: Space and Ocean. Pero Print, Moscow, 2020;[9]
  • The Earth's Ozone Layer. co-au. Pavel Vinogradov. Pero Print, Moscow, 2022;[10]
  • Cosmodromes of the World. Cosmos and Earth. Pero Print, Moscow, 2024.[11]

Awards and honours


● Honorary Professional Order of the Russian Federation

Sergei Korolev Badge of Honour for Aerospace Engineering

● Badge of Honour for Exceptional Contribution to Space Programmes

Sergei Korolev Medal of the Russian Space Federation

Valentin Glushko Medal of the Russian Space Federation

Mstislav Keldysh Medal of the Russian Space Federation

Konstantin Tsiolkovsky Medal of the Russian Space Federation

Yuri Gagarin Medal of the Russian Space Federation


  1. ^ Markels, Alex (1 April 2001). "The Next Wave". wired.com. Archived from the original on 28 April 2024. Retrieved 28 April 2024.
  2. ^ "Sea Launch Celebrates the 15 Year Anniversary of Demosat". globalnewswire.com. 28 March 2014. Retrieved 28 April 2024.
  3. ^ Space, Ref (8 June 2012). "Sea Launch Releases Preliminary Payload Unit Telemetry Data on Intelsat 19 Mission". spacenews.com. Archived from the original on 28 April 2024. Retrieved 28 April 2024.
  4. ^ Stier, Peter (28 March 2014). "Sea Launch Celebrates the 15 Year Anniversary of Demosat". globenewswire.com. Archived from the original on 28 April 2024. Retrieved 28 April 2024.
  5. ^ "Intelsat 21". nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov. 28 April 2024. Retrieved 28 April 2024.
  6. ^ "Inmarsat 4-F2". nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov. Retrieved 28 April 2024.
  7. ^ "Echostar 10". nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov. Retrieved 28 April 2024.
  8. ^ Темнов, Александр (7 November 2018). "Гендиректор S7 Space: мы предложили Роскосмосу $2,5 млрд за ракеты, а в ответ — тишина". tass.ru. Archived from the original on 28 April 2024. Retrieved 28 April 2024.
  9. ^ Морской старт. Космос и океан», Монография [Sea Launch: Space and Ocean] (in Russian). Moscow: Pero Print. 2020. ISBN 978-5-00171-739-3.
  10. ^ Aliev, Valery (2022). Озоновый слой Земли. Космос и атмосфера [The Earth’s Ozone Layer] (in Russian). Moscow: Pero Print. ISBN 978-5-00204-206-7.
  11. ^ Valery, Aliev (2024). Cosmodromes of the World. Cosmos and Earth [Cosmodromes of the World. Cosmos and Earth] (in Russian). Moscow: Pero print. ISBN 978-5-00244-251-5.