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User talk:YBG/LivingPOTUS

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User subpages for planned modification to Living Presidents of the United States, with the parenthesized parameters:




where the parameters (all but hours being numbered) are:

  • Office is P(President) or V(Vice President)
  • Number is the ordinal number of service in the office
  • Change is M(inus) or P(lus) or successor's number (for deaths in office), or empty (to suppress ± in Box)
  • Data is the type of data to be returned
    • p/m inaug/death date, yyyy-mm-dd format
    • P/M inaug/death EventType: D(eath) , A(ssination) , P1/PI(1st/only inauguration) , V1/VI(1st/only VP inauguration) , VC(VP Conformation)
    • C color, e.g. "fbb4ae", to fill boxes
    • n formatted number, e.g., "{{0|0}}9" or "10"
    • N name of officeholder
  • hours is a named parameter which takes on a single value 5+12, the time between the deaths on July 4, 1826



Here's my plan to convert the structure of these templates. Except for the one group of changes marked "MUST BE DONE SIMULTANEOUSLY", stopping at any bullet or sub-bullet will leave the output of the top-level templates unchanged. They should be done in the order listed.

  •  Done Preliminary work
    • checkY Create all VP inauguration pages as redirects to running mate's inauguration
    • checkY Build 2nd list of templates with to-be list of parameters
  •  Done Convert templates to optionally consume named parameters
    • EventDate / EventLink / Box / Lookup :
      • {{{1|}}}{{{Number|{{{1|}}}}}}
      • {{{3|}}}{{{Office|{{{3|}}}}}}
    • EventDate / EventLink / Box :
      • {{{2|}}}{{{Change|{{{2|}}}}}}
    • Lookup :
      • {{{2|}}}{{{Data|{{{2|}}}}}}
    • Row :
      • {{{1|}}}{{{Office|{{{1|}}}}}}
      • {{{2|}}}{{{BgnNbr|{{{2|}}}}}}
      • {{{3|}}}{{{BgnChg|{{{3|}}}}}}
      • {{{4|}}}{{{EndNbr|{{{4|}}}}}}
      • {{{5|}}}{{{EndChg|{{{5|}}}}}}
  •  Done Convert template calls to use named parameters:
    • EventDate / EventLink / Box calls to Lookup :
      • {{Lookup|aaa|bbb|ccc}}{{Lookup|Number=aaa|Data=bbb|Office=ccc}}
    • Row calls to EventDate / EventLink / Box :
      • {{EventDate|aaa|bbb|ccc}}{{EventDate|Number=aaa|Change=bbb|Office=ccc}}
      • {{EventLink|aaa|bbb|ccc}}{{EventLink|Number=aaa|Change=bbb|Office=ccc}}
      • {{{Box|aaa|bbb|ccc}}{{Box|Number=aaa|Change=bbb|Office=ccc}}
    • LivingPOTUS / LivingVPOTUS calls to Row:
      • {{Row|aaa|bbb|ccc|ddd|eee|...}}{{Row|Office=aaa|BgnNbr=bbb|BgnChg=ccc|EndNbr=ddd|EndChg=eee||||||...}}
  •  Done Convert templates to consume only specific numbered parameter
    • Lookup / EventDate / EventLink / Box :
      • {{{1|}}}
      • {{{2|}}}{{{|1}}}
      • {{{3|}}}
    • Row :
      • {{{1|}}}
      • {{{2|}}}
      • {{{3|}}}
      • {{{4|}}}
      • {{{5|}}}
  • Red XN Convert template calls to eliminate inherited params and use specified numbered params:
    This doesn't seem to work as I expected, so I'm not going to do it.
    • EventDate / EventLink / Box calls to Lookup :
      • |Number=XXX
      • |Office=XXX
      • |Data=XXXXXX
    • Row calls to EventDate / EventLink / Box :
      • |Office=XXX
  •  Done Renumber numbered parameters in Row
    • Multiple changes that MUST BE DONE SIMULTANEOUSLY:
      • LivingPOTUS: |||||||
      • LivingVPOTUS: |||||||
      • Row: {{{6|}}}{{{1|}}}; {{{7|}}}{{{2|}}}; ... {{{14|}}}{{{9}}}
  • Red XNMerge LivingVPOTUS into LivingPOTUS and convert former to call the latter
    This won't work, I think because it excedes the transclusion limit
  • Documentation
    • Decide on template-space names
    • Build 3rd list of templates with to-be template names
    • Build /doc subpage
  • Move to template space
    • Move Lookup
    • Change Lookup calls in EventDate / EventLink / Box
    • Move EventDate / EventLink / Box
    • Change EventDate / EventLink / Box calls in Row
    • Move Row
    • Change Row calls in LivingPOTUS / LivingVPOTUS
    • Move LivingPOTUS / LivingVPOTUS



where the parameters are:

  • Office is P(President) or V(Vice President)
  • Number is the ordinal number of service in the office
  • Change is M(inus) or P(lus) or successor's number (for deaths in office), or empty (to suppress ± in Box)
  • BgnNbr/BgnChg are the Number and Change associated with the start of the period
  • EndNbr/EndChg are the Number and Change associated with the end of the period
  • Data is the type of data to be returned
    • p/m inaug/death date, yyyy-mm-dd format
    • P/M inaug/death EventType: D(eath) , A(ssination) , P1/PI(1st/only inauguration) , V1/VI(1st/only VP inauguration) , VC(VP Conformation)
    • C color, e.g. "fbb4ae", to fill boxes
    • n formatted number, e.g., "{{0|0}}9" or "10"
    • N name of officeholder
  • hours takes on a single value 5+12, the time between the deaths on July 4, 1826


 Done Move dates from Lookup to LivingPOTUS/LivingVPOTUS
  • checkY Add ymd1/ymd2 to LivingPOTUS, LivingVPOTUS
  • checkY Convert Row to use ymd1/ymd2 instead of EventDate
  • checkY Remove P/M from Lookup
  • checkY Change EventDate to "ERROR" - later request it be deleted.
 Done Rename parameters
  • checkY Record sizes:
    • VOTUS post expand include size 1332916/ - 1333984/ - 1219653/ - 1219653/ - 1210927/ - 1219205/2097152 bytes
    • POTUS post expand include size 1332912/ - 1333980/ - 1219649/ - 1219649/ - 1210475/ - 1219201/2097152 bytes
    • VOTUS template argument size 70052/ - 70052/ - 67708/ - 67708/ - 66825/ - 67596/2097152 bytes
    • POTUS template argument size 70052/ - 70052/ - 67708/ - 67708/ - 66713/ - 67596/2097152 bytes
  • checkY BgnNbr→nbr1, EndNbr→nbr2, BgnChg→evt1, EndChg→evt2 in Row/LivingPOTUS/LivingVPOTUS
    Note: noticed Error: Second date should be year, month, day in last column of last row
    Now this is just on the VP page
    Fixed by eliminating ^s from empty params on last row of VP page
  • checkY Record size
  • checkY Change→evt in Row/EventLink/Box
  • checkY Record size
  • checkY Number→nbr in Row/EventLink/Box/Lookup
  • checkY Record size
  • checkY Office→pvp in LivingPOTUS/LivingVPOTUS/Row/EventLink/Box/Lookup
    Fixed boxes messed up for #1-#9
    (probably by eliminating hard space from just before M= in Lookup)
  • checkY Record size
  • checkY Eliminate hard spaces
  • checkY Record size: VOTUS+POTUS post expand include size: 1219205+1219201
 Done Further parameter changes
  • checkY Convert all parameters and values to lower case
  • checkY Convert evt1/evt2 from p/m to specific event
  • checkY In row, use evt1/evt2 directly instead of using lookup
  • checkY Eliminate now unneeded lookups so that it is only n(name) and c(color)
  • checkY Record size: VOTUS+POTUS post expand include size: 1357359+1157598
 Done Refactoring
  • checkY Move ai/a1/di/d1 logic from Box to Row & refactor
  • checkY Move ai/a1/di/d1 logic from EventLink to Row & refactor
  • checkY Record size: VOTUS+POTUS post expand include size: 1164619+993058
  • Current template-space VOTUS+POTUS post expand include size: 396221+332649



where the parameters are:

  • pvp: office: p(President) or vp(Vice President)
  • ymd: date of the event in yyyy-mm-dd format
  • nbr: ordinal number of service in the office
  • evt: event: p1/pi/v1/vi/vc (p/vp 1st/only inaug/confirmation); d(eath); d1/a1/di/ai (death/assass. + p1/pi); blank (suppresses ± in Box)
  • ymd1/nbr1/evt1 and ymd2/nbr2/evt2: the ymd/nbr/evt associated with the period start and end
  • 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9: ordinal number of the living officeholders during the period
  • data type of data to be returned by Lookup: c color, e.g. "fbb4ae" (to fill boxes); n name of officeholder
  • hours takes on only one value 5+12, the time between the deaths on July 4, 1826



More refactoring

  • checkY Move +/- logic from Box to new (no change) PM
  • checkY Remove "-" from the last "To: (present)" row
  • checkY Create Name + Color intended to replace Lookup
  • checkY Convert EventLink to use Name instead of Lookup
  • 1165704+994083 after checkY Convert Box to use Name and Color instead of Lookup
  • 1162580+991673 after checkY eliminate pvp in calls of color in box
  • 1162580+991673 after checkY change pvp to hard-wired p or vp in EventLink in all except death
  • 1157240+987233 after checkY remove rowspan=1 from Row
  • 1153140+983733 after checkY Consume dp or dv in EventLink
  • 1153140+983733 after checkY Change d to dp/dv in POTUS/VOTUS
  • 1160934+987007 after checkY Eliminate d in EventLink, change pvp to hardwired p/; separate pd from vd
  • 1160934+987007 after checkY Eliminate pvp from calls of EventLink from Row
  • 1160151+986202 after checkY Change PM from file to + or
  • VOTUS + POTUS post-expand include size
  • Convert test cases
  • Blank Lookup


  • User:YBG/LivingPOTUS (no parameters) → Row
  • User:YBG/LivingVPOTUS (no parameters) → Row
  • User:YBG/Row ( pvp , ymd1 , nbr1 , evt1 , ymd2 , nbr2 , evt2 , 1 , 2, 3, ... 9, hours ) → EventLink/Box/PM
  • User:YBG/EventLink ( nbr , evt , pvp ) → Name -- returns a wikilink to a particular inauguration or death
  • User:YBG/Box ( nbr , pvp ) → Name/Color -- returns a colored box wikilinked to the POTUS/VOTUS
  • User:YBG/PM ( evt ) → (none) -- returns a pretty version of + or
  • User:YBG/Name ( nbr , pvp ) → (none) -- returns the canonical version of the POTUS/VOTUS name
  • User:YBG/Color     ( nbr ) → (none) -- returns a color, e.g., "fbb4ae", for filling the boxes

where the parameters are:

  • pvp: office: p(President) or vp(Vice President)
  • ymd: date of the event in yyyy-mm-dd format
  • nbr: ordinal number of service in the office
  • evt: event: p1/pi/v1/vi/vc (p/vp 1st/only inaug/confirmation); d(eath); d1/a1/di/ai (death/assass. + p1/pi); blank (suppresses ± in Box)
  • ymd1/nbr1/evt1 and ymd2/nbr2/evt2: the ymd/nbr/evt associated with the period start and end
  • 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9: ordinal number of the living officeholders during the period
  • hours takes on only one value 5+12, the time between the deaths on July 4, 1826


  • 1763303+1493026 after checkY User:YBG/RowUser:YBG/PRow + User:YBG/VRow
  • 1775073+1502144 after checkY User:YBG/Name → User:YBG/PName + User:YBG/VName
  • 1641718+1405921 after checkY User:YBG/EventLink → User:YBG/PEventLink + UseYBG/VEventLink (messed up somehow)
  • 2009330+1716079 after checkY User:YBG/Box → User:YBG/PBox + User:YBG/VBox
  • ???????+1709257 after checkY Change PBox/VBox to call PName/VName directly wo pvp
  • 1997502+1997502 after checkY Change PEventLink/VEventLink to call PName/VName directly w/o pvp
  • 1757523+1489094 after checkY fixing some typos
  • 1757523+1489094 after checkY Change PRow/VRow to cal P/E versions of Name/Row/EventLink directly w/o pvp
  • 1135799+977084 after checkY Change LivingPOTUS/LivingVOTUS to call PRow/VRow directly wo pvp
  • 1135799+977084 after checkY Eliminate unnecessary evt in XEventLink
  • 1135799+977084 after checkY Change non-specific templates to ERROR and verify that not used
  • 1135799+977084 after checkY Verify that no use of parameter pvp
  • 1135799+977084 after checkY Compare V and P versions of template, make any needed fixes
  • 1135799+977084 after checkY Complete all changes contemplated to date
  • 1136024+990973 after checkY Use PM template in header instead of files
  • 1134968+975165 after checkY Tweak successor logic: left-justify (and) in PRow; Remove successor checks from VRow
  • 1148588+976131 after checkY Remove stray apostrophe on final row by moving bold face into switch
  • VOTUS + POTUS post-expand include size
  • Convert test cases
  • Blank Lookup


  • P/V Living(V)POTUS(no parameters) → XRow
  • P/V XRow( ymd1 , nbr1 , evt1 , ymd2 , nbr2 , evt2 , 1 , 2, 3, ... 9, hours ) → XEventLink/XBox/PM
  • P/V XEventLink ( nbr , evt ) → XName -- returns wikilink to particular event
  • P/V XBox( nbr ) → VName/Color -- returns a colored box wikilinked to the POTUS/VOTUS
  • P/V XName( nbr ) → (none) -- returns canonical version of POTUS/VOTUS name
  • Color( nbr ) → (none) -- returns a color, e.g., "fbb4ae", for filling the boxes
  • PM ( evt ) → (none) -- returns + or

where the parameters are:

  • ymd: date of the event in yyyy-mm-dd format
  • nbr: ordinal number of service in the office
  • evt: event: p1/pi/v1/vi/vc (p/vp 1st/only inaug/confirmation); d(eath); d1/a1/di/ai (death/assass. + p1/pi); blank (suppresses ± in Box)
  • ymd1/nbr1/evt1 and ymd2/nbr2/evt2: the ymd/nbr/evt associated with the period start and end
  • 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9: ordinal number of the living officeholders during the period
  • hours takes on only one value 5+12, the time between the deaths on July 4, 1826


  • 1148588+975243 after checkY Use succession-specific params for communicating between xLiving & xRow
    • In xLiving, add e1a, e2a params xRow calls
    • In xRow, consume e1a, e2a params
  • Convert single-param templates to use unnamed params
    • Substeps for all of the tasks below
      • In callees, convert to consume either named or unnamed params
      • In callers, convert to call with unnamed parameters
      • In callees, convert to consume only unnamed params
    • 1148588+975243 after checkY initial - before changes
    • 1148588+975243 after checkY Convert PM calls from xLiving, xRow
    • 1119380+975243 after checkY Convert Color calls from xBox
    • 1148588+975243 after checkY Convert xName calls from xBox, xEventLink
    • 1148840+977151 after checkY Convert xBox calls from xRow
    • 1148840+977615 after checkY Strip spaces from PBox calls; Remove (and)
    • 1148840+977615 after checkY Purge all templates
  • Finish up succession-specific stuff
    • 1148840+977615 after checkY In pLiving, replace di/d1/ai/a1 param values with pd, pa
    • 1148840+977665 after checkY In pBox, delete di/d1/ai/a1 and add pa
  • Tweak whitespace
    • 1148840+958873 after checkY In xEventLink, remove extra white space
    • 1133610+958873 after checkY Remove more white space in xEventLink
    • 1114572+941318 after checkY Remove all extra whitespace in xEventLink using 2 switches
    • 1114572+941318 after checkY Remove spaces from xBox
    • 1114572+941318 after checkY Remove newlines from xBox
    • 1113522+940352 after checkY Remove spaces from Color/PM; refactor bold in PM
    • 1113522+940204 after checkY Remove spaces after | in +/- section of xRow, also around nowrap
    • 1113344+940204 after checkY Remove spaces around nowrap in VRow
  • Labels
    • VOTUS + POTUS post-expand include size
  • Delayed tasks
    • Convert test cases
    • Blank Lookup


  • P/V Living(V)POTUS(no parameters) → XRow
  • P/V XRow( ymd1 , nbr1 , evt1 , ymd2 , nbr2 , evt2 , 1 , 2, 3, ... 9, hours, e1a, e2a ) → XEventLink/XBox/PM
  • P/V XEventLink ( nbr , evt ) → XName -- returns wikilink to particular event
  • P/V XBox( 1 ) → VName/Color -- returns a colored box wikilinked to the POTUS/VOTUS
  • P/V XName( 1 ) → (none) -- returns canonical version of POTUS/VOTUS name
  • Color( 1 ) → (none) -- returns a color, e.g., "fbb4ae", for filling the boxes
  • PM ( 1.evt ) → (none) -- returns + or

where the parameters are:

  • ymd: date of the event in yyyy-mm-dd format
  • nbr: ordinal number of service in the office
  • evt: event: v1/p1/vi/pi/vc/pa/vd/pd (p/vp 1st/only inaug/confirmation/assassination/death)
  • ymd1/nbr1/evt1 and ymd2/nbr2/evt2: the ymd/nbr/evt associated with the period start and end
  • e1a/e2a: event pi/p1 for the succession after a death (pa/pd) in office
  • 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9: ordinal numbers of living officeholders during period as unnamed params
  • 1 The ordinal number for the single officeholder as an unnamed parameter
  • 1.evt An event code passed as an unnamed parameter
  • hours takes on only one value 5+12, the time between the deaths on July 4, 1826


  • Implement suffixed number
    • checkY Reformat XBox to put newline before pipes
    • checkY Create Name by combining PName, VName, accepting suffixed ordinals
    • 1113344+940204 after checkY Verify that size has not changed
    • 1075342+911204 after checkY Transform XName calls in XBox to Name calls with suffixed ordinals
    • 1075342+911204 after checkY Transform XName calls in XEventLink to Name calls with suffixed ordinals
    • 1075342+920031 after checkY Fix 1st inaug pipelink in PEventLink
    • 1075342+920031 after checkY Change XName into Error returns
    • 1081680+925475 after checkY Add pv to xRow calls in xLiving; pv+nbr to xBox & its calls in xRow
    • 1081680+925475 after checkY Modify xRow to call xEventLink with nbrX and xEventLink to accept it
    • 1081680+925475 after checkY Create Box(pv,nbr)=PBox+VBox; Modify XRow to call Box not xBox
    • _______+______ after checkY Create EventLink(nbrX)=P+V, Modify XRow to call EventLink not xEventLink
    • _______+______ after checkY Create Row=P+V; Modify LivingVPOTUS+LivingPOTUS to call Row not xRow
    • 1081324+925179 after checkY Change XRow, XBox, XEventLink into error calls
    • 1072776+916698 after checkY Check Row for final (present) row in Event/± columns
    • 1077276+916698 after checkY Combine vd/pd in EventLink & rename EventLink to Event
    • 1077276+916698 after Red XN Unsuccessful efforts to refactor Event that either didn't work or increased size
    • 1072687+916624 after checkY Remove noinclude sections from Row
    • 1072064+916124 after checkY Make POTUS header partially conditional
    • 1073472+918103 after checkY Copy footers from mainspace
    • Red XN Combine LivingVPOTUS into LivingPOTUS with optional paramter pv
    • Red XN Change LivingVPOTUS into a single call of LivingPOTUS with pv=v
Additional tasks
  • Labels
    • VOTUS + POTUS post-expand include size
  • Delayed tasks
    • Convert test cases



where the parameters are:

  • pv: office, 'p', 'v', or 'vp', defaults to 'p'
  • ymd: date of the event in yyyy-mm-dd format
  • nbr/nbrX: ordinal number of service in the office unsuffixed/suffixed by p or v
  • evt: event: v1/p1/vi/pi/vc/pa/vd/pd (p/vp 1st/only inaug/confirmation/assassination/death)
  • ymd1/nbr1/evt1 and ymd2/nbr2/evt2: the ymd/nbr/evt associated with the period start and end
  • e1a/e2a: event pi/p1 for the succession after a death (pa/pd) in office
  • hours takes on only one value 5+12, the time between the deaths on July 4, 1826
  • 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9: Unsuffixed ordinal numbers of living officeholders during period as unnamed params
  • 1.<param> Unnamed parameter which takes on the domain of <param>


  • checkY Copy Row/Event/PM/Box/Color/Name to subpages
  • checkY Modify LivingPOTUS/LivingVPOTUS/Row/Event/PM/Box/Color/Name to call templates relatively
  • Change Row/Event/PM/Box/Color/Name to errors & verify that still working OK
  • Copy Row/Event/PM/Box/Color/Name to template space as subpages of main P page
  • Create Row/Event/PM/Box/Color/Name as redirects from subpages of main V page to subpages of main P page
  • Copy LivingPOTUS/LivingVPOTUS to template space
  • Write /doc subpage
  • Add test cases
  • Add sandbox



where "→" indicates "calls"; "(...)" indicates "having parameters ..."; "≡" indicates "redirects to"; and parameters are:

  • pv: office, 'p', 'v', or 'vp', defaults to 'p'
  • ymd: date of the event in yyyy-mm-dd format
  • nbr/nbrX: ordinal number of service in the office unsuffixed/suffixed by p or v
  • evt: event: v1/p1/vi/pi/vc/pa/vd/pd (p/vp 1st/only inaug/confirmation/assassination/death)
  • ymd1/nbr1/evt1 and ymd2/nbr2/evt2: the ymd/nbr/evt associated with the period start and end
  • e1a/e2a: event pi/p1 for the succession after a death (pa/pd) in office
  • hours takes on only one value 5+12, the time between the deaths on July 4, 1826
  • 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9: Unsuffixed ordinal numbers of living officeholders during period as unnamed params
  • 1.<param> Unnamed parameter which takes on the domain of <param>
v.8 - gradually implement in template space

v.8 - gradually implement in template space


General principles

  • Always call subtemplates with fully qualified template names
  • Parallel P/VP subtemplates completely separate except (maybe) Color, PlusMinus where VP can be a redirect to P
 Done: Create blank subtemplates
  • checkY V: Row, Event, Box, Name, Color, PlusMinus
  • checkY P: Row, Event, Box, Name, Color, PlusMinus
 Done: Create testcases for all subtemplates except Row, sandbox
  • V/P all possible evt for PlusMinus, Event (actual cases)
  • V/P multiple nbr (1,2,9,10,45,46,48,49) for Name, Box (includes Color)
 Done: Implement all subtemplates except Row, sandbox
  • V/P PlusMinus - exact copy, parameter unnamed, slightly modified to work with null param
  • V/P Color - exact copy
  • V/P Name - modified subsets
  • V/P Box - copy with namespace mods, parameter unnamed
  • V/P Event - copy with namespace mods
 Done: Row & sandbox
  • V/P Add side-by-side comparison and list of all boxes (later had to delete)
  • V/P test cases for Row (from+to; 2*from+to; from+2*to; from+∅; hours)
  • V/P implement Row - copy with namespace mods
  • V/P implement sandbox - copy with namespace mods
Prepare for final implementation in template space
  •  Done Write doc page
  •  Done Compare size to current versions
    338451/402333 Current POTUS/VOTUS post-expand include size
    961493/1126936 Sandbox POTUS/VOTUS post-expand include size
  •  Done Research relative referencing and possibly implement. See Help:Link § Subpage links
  •  Done Convert to relative links
  •  Done Compare corresponding P- & V-pages: /Row /Event /PlusMinus /Box /Name /Color /sandbox /testcases
  •  Done Add sandbox subpages as copies: /Row, /Event, /PlusMinus, /Box, /Name, /Color
  •  Done Change sandbox to call templates relatively
    Red XN Relative sandbox failed to work when trying to promote it to template space
  •  Done Remove relative calls in top level sandbox
  •  Done Try promoting it again
    Red XN Got the same result as before, so I don't think the problem is the relative paths in the main template.
  •  Done Change back to using absolute paths in main sandbox and in all non-sandbox subtemplates
  •  Done Verify that this will display correctly if it is promoted to template
  •  Done Promote both sandboxes and view main-space page
    Red XN The VP template won't display, probably because template expansions are too large
     Done Revert to previous versions
  •  Done Compare sizes
    • 379604+54598 Current post-expand include size Living POTUS+VOTUS post
    • 1003151+1168587 Sandbox post-expand include size Living POTUS+VOTUS post
  • See if there is a way to significantly reduce the size of the templates
  • Look at element stuff to see how DePiep has set up sandboxes with subtemplates
  • Figure out how to work sandbox - maybe separate sandbox for every subtemplate?
  • Seek input about implementation



where (...) indicates parameters; indicates calls; /// indicate increasing levels of comparability; and parameters are indicated by:

  • ymd: date of the event in yyyy-mm-dd format
  • nbr: ordinal number of service in the office, 1 for Pres Washington and VP Adams, etc
  • evt: event: i(nauguration), 1(st inauguration), c(onfirmation), d(eath), a(ssassination)
  • ymd1/nbr1/evt1 and ymd2/nbr2/evt2: the ymd/nbr/evt associated with the period start and end
  • e1a/e2a: event i/1 for the succession after a death (a/d) in office
  • hours takes on only one value 5+12, the time between the deaths on July 4, 1826
  • 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9: Ordinal numbers (nbr) of living officeholders during period as unnamed params
  • 1.<param> Unnamed parameter which takes on the domain of <param>
Reduce size without changing structure

Reduce size without changing structure

  • 379604+54598 Current post-expand include size Living POTUS+VOTUS post
  • 1003151+1168587 Sandbox post-expand include size Living POTUS+VOTUS post
  • 957789+1114030 after  Done Change row to accept 1 fewer item in list (max 8)
  • 912427+1059473 after  Done Reduce max list to 7 each
  • 912427+1059473 after  Done Remove succession list-items from VP/Row
  • 867065+1059473 after  Done Reduce max POTUS list size to 6
  • 644685+771373 after  Done Eliminate {{rbox}} call from /Box (note: did not purge, just called view-source: links)
  • 644685+771373 after  Done Purge before calling view-source links a 2nd time
  • 560833+666219 after  Done More trim in /Box: Remove border from inner span; combine spans
  • 528233+625319 after  Done More trim in /Box: Remove nowrap
  • 590455+688483 after  Done Trim /Row: Call /Box only if necessary (oops, it went up)
  • 542063+639202 after  Done Undo /Row; Wrap /Box in conditional (recovered most but not all)
  • 570847+680865 after  Done Modify /Box: restore double span; use inline-block
  • 520627+618710 after  Done In /Box remove ";font-size:inherit;color:black;" (somehow it slipped back to combined spans)
  • 519875+618776 after  Done Tweak header and especially footer
VOTUS stats POTUS stats
  • NewPP limit report
  • Parsed by mw1313
  • Cached time: 20180204130541
  • Cache expiry: 1900800
  • Dynamic content: false
  • CPU time usage: 1.312 seconds
  • Real time usage: 1.396 seconds
  • Preprocessor visited node count: 67340/1000000
  • Preprocessor generated node count: 0/1500000
  • Post‐expand include size: 618776/2097152 bytes
  • Template argument size: 28222/2097152 bytes
  • Highest expansion depth: 10/40
  • Expensive parser function count: 5/500
  • Lua time usage: 0.395/10.000 seconds
  • Lua memory usage: 2.54 MB/50 MB
Transclusion expansion time report (%,ms,calls,template)
100.00% 1153.013      1 -total
 86.59%  998.374     89 VP/Row
 50.00%  576.462    356 Template:Ubl
 24.99%  288.130    802 VP/Box
 12.64%  145.778    790 VP/Name
 11.99%  138.222     88 Template:Ayd
  9.35%  107.829    522 VP/Color
  7.28%   83.986    177 VP/Event
  5.42%   62.440      1 Template:Documentation
  3.72%   42.929      1 Template:Template_reference_list
  • NewPP limit report
  • Parsed by mw1316
  • Cached time: 20180204130252
  • Cache expiry: 1900800
  • Dynamic content: false
  • CPU time usage: 1.248 seconds
  • Real time usage: 1.312 seconds
  • Preprocessor visited node count: 54631/1000000
  • Preprocessor generated node count: 0/1500000
  • Post‐expand include size: 519875/2097152 bytes
  • Template argument size: 24170/2097152 bytes
  • Highest expansion depth: 11/40
  • Expensive parser function count: 5/500
  • Lua time usage: 0.376/10.000 seconds
  • Lua memory usage: 2.71 MB/50 MB
Transclusion expansion time report (%,ms,calls,template)
100.00% 1040.636      1 -total
 83.89%  872.948     74 P/Row
 52.60%  547.421    296 Template:Ubl
 21.27%  221.375    610 P/Box
 11.76%  122.327     73 Template:Ayd
 10.41%  108.325    608 P/Name
  7.90%   82.189    404 P/Color
  6.98%   72.644      1 Template:Documentation
  6.48%   67.409    163 P/Event
  4.53%   47.137      1 Template:Template_reference_list
  • 519875+618638 after  Done in main, tweak headers/footers
  • 592385+709060 after  Done in /Box, add wikitext and {{black}} - it would be shorter with span
  • 601075+718988 after  Done in /Box, changing to using an inner span - but unexpectedly it got bigger!
  • 566971+676841 after  Done in /Box, change to single span inside wikilink (Yay!)
  • 566971+676841 after  Done in /Box, fix test at beginning (not sure why extra blocks weren't showing before)
  • 566971+677351 after  Done in V/Box, fix George Clinton dab reference (why +510 for adding 17 chars in 5 /Box calls???}
  • 567085+677489 after  Done in main, fix nobold in footer
  • 567085+678368 after  Done in V/Event, change "Confirmation of" to "VP confirmation of"
  • 567085+677731 after  Done in V/Event, change to "Confirmation of X as VP"
  • 567085+677731 no change 04:35, 8 February 2018 (UTC)
  • 605441+716087 only change, I believe, is adding documentation footers 07:20, 10 February 2018 (UTC)
  • 567037+757246 No changes that I know of
  • 567037+757246 After manually purging everything from bottom up
  • 567037+757346 After font-size=80% and fixing Geo. Clinton 07:04, 3 April 2018 (UTC)
  • 565376+675997=1526999 template & main space after purging everything from bottom up
  • 567037+757346=_______ sandbox space after purging everything from bottom up 19:24, 6 April 2018 (UTC)