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The information you are adding is largely original research and fan speculation. It also discusses elements of fiction as if they were real. Please do not readd this information without gaining consensus for its inclusion on the talk page. --17:39, 23 December 2010 (UTC)

I will respond to what I see as your two main point separately to keep things as clear as possible:
anywhere that is speculative had been noted as being speculative using terms such as 'it is believed' or 'it has been noted
This appears to be original research, who believes or notes this? If some reliable source has made this speculation than it should be fine.
What do you mean "It also discusses elements of fiction as if they were real."
Encyclopedia articles need to focus on the real world impact of a subject, not its fictional properties. See WP:MOSFICTION.

--Leivick (talk) 02:50, 27 December 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Some weapons have been shown to be completely resistant to the effects of acidic blood belonging to Aliens, while other weapons of the same design are melted. - Can be seen in AVP

It is believed the lesser the rank, the lesser the quality of the weaponry, therefore a novice predator's blades might be effected by the Alien's acid blood, while an Elder's is unaffected. - Speculation by the brothers Strause in empire magazine, though this is not a word for word quote. In addition, several of these tools make use of thermal imaging to track prey. The Predator's bio-mask also houses a viewing system that allows the creature to see primarily in infrared, though other visual spectrums are also utilized should the predator feel them more appropriate. - Mask was called Bio-Mask in Predator 2 script and the use of different spectrums can be seen in every movie since Predator 2

It has been noted that while there are some Predators more adept at building weaponry, (and weapons made by these individuals are more sought after) - This information comes from a novel, so I will accept the decision not to include it

all Predators are capable of making their own weapons and maintaining them even when operating completely alone for extended periods. - Can be seen in all movies, but most notably in AVP2:R

Most predators are depicted wearing a set of gauntlets. The most common depiction in the movies shows the left housing either a double, or single serrated blade (called a 'wrist-blade'), the length of which the predator can vary. Some predators have such blades in both gauntlets. The left gauntlet however houses a computer, and communications system with which the predator is able to track its prey, detonate explosive charges and ever project 3D holographic maps. Another widely used function of the left gauntlet is an extremely powerful explosive, generally employed when the predator feels it's death is inevitable. - All this information can be seen in the movies, the 3D holographic display can be seen in AVP - wrist-blades, gauntlet computer and explosives can be seen in every movie.

On either shoulder (and both in some cases) the Predator has powerful energy based weapon known as a 'Plasma-Caster'. The Plasma-Caster is targeted by a triple-laser targeting system emitted from the bio-helmet. The predator can intuitively choose his own targets using the bio-helmets infrared display. The plasma-caster's power seems to vary from film to film, and even from engagement to engagement as can be seen in Predator. - can be seen in all movies, as explained.

Sometimes the weapon will fell trees, other times (as can be seen in the scene where the predator is polishing skulls) it will leave a baseball sized hole. This has led many to speculate the predator can change the level of power emitted from the [plasma-caster, raising the suspicion that perhaps his power supply is limited, as in the video game Predator: Concrete Jungle. - This is a discussion of the speculation regarding the power source, based on information from designers of the game ‘Predator: Concrete Jungle’ as an explanation as to why they made the power was made limited in the game, but I agree it might not be as relevant as most of the other points made.