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User talk:Vechoe/sandbox

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This page of graft copolymer divided into four parts: introduction, general property, synthesis method and application. It is well informative on the topic of the general method on synthesizing graft copolymer and its wide application. The high quality figure gives explicitly information on the topic. The reference is qualified on quantity and quality. Generally speaking, this is a well written and informative wikipedia page.
A few places can be improved to make the site better. There are some mis-typing error in the page. For example, Grafting on to method chapter, second line' R The formation of ' The letter R should be removed. There is another same error in synthesis method section, second chapter, first line. Some sentence would improve if re-written like this one 'There are three common methods of the synthesis of graft copolymers. There is grafting onto, grafting from, and grafting through.'
On the structure of the page. The three main chapters of synthesizing method for graft copolymer may be combined in to the synthesis method part. While some general property of this kind polymer, like its mechanical property or chemical property may be filled in this section.
The figures are really nice, especially the figure describing three synthetic method. If made larger would make it easier to see.
For the reference part, there seem some error with the very first reference. You may already notice that.
Generally speaking, nice job. I am really eager to see this page on the real version.
MOFcreator (talk)

Overall this page is systematical written, sufficient content, easily understandable pictures and with both academical and open access references. Author has also provided a clear illustration of different "graft" methods, which i believe is the key concept of this site.

However, this site has also room for improvements:

1. Content:

-Couple typos exist in this site, like final paragraph in your general properties section: "in distribution of of grafts". You may want to go through your site again and fix these typos.

-Your first part "General Properties" is slightly off track. Maybe it's better to move your grafting-onto, grafting-from, grafting-through methods to Synthesis Method part. Because your first paragraph in general properties mentioned "There are three common methods of the synthesis of graft copolymers.", which is a strong indication of where these three methods belong. Besides, upon moving these three methods to your "Synthesis Methods", you may want to add more contents that's truly affiliated with your General Properties topic.

-Finally, it'll sound logically better if you change the order of your first part and your second part. You always want to talk about the synthesis method first, and followed by your materials' properties.

2. Figures:

-Your first and second figures showing graft copolymer's structure and schematic illustration of three synthesis methods are of low pixel, I can only see your pictures by clicking into it. You may want to change its resolution to make your figures more reader-friendly.

-In your final picture, you give three radicals on each chain end of your structure, does this indicate a radical ending polymer, or is it just a mistake in your structures? Even though this may not make a difference to majority of your readers, but it is confusing to your readers with chemistry background.

3. References:

-You cited 27 references with varies sources, which is really a ideal combination. However, you didn't fix your typo in your ref 17, " p. 15 Extra |pages= or |at= (help)." which is clearly an error.

4. Overall presentation:

-Overall, this site gives sufficient information about graft polymer, I did learned a lot by reading this site. I believe teaching people basic knowledge about a specific field is the spirit of a wikipedia site, and this site definitely achieved this. I'm also excited to see a revised site very soon:) Myxiao (talk) 04:49, 28 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Instructor Comments


There is a typo in the first line of your intro. The chemdraw images should be larger and centered rather than off to the right. I'm not sure why the first section is title "general properties" and then the subsections discuss synthesis methods. The HIPS figure needs work. It is unclear to me what the polymer structure is. The page could benefit from more specific examples and an additional figure b/c the cd case does not count in your total. UMChemProfessor (talk) 18:43, 3 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Suggestions from ChemLibrarian


A few more suggestions here.

  • To adjust image size and location, see Wikipedia:Picture tutorial.
  • When you post the article to the formal page, the article banner about education program do not need to show up above the formal article. But you can move it to the Talk page of the formal article to alert people.
  • The errors in your two citations are caused by duplication of page numbers in both Page and Pages fields. Deleting one of them should fix the problem.
  • General Properties section title should be changed as UMChemProfessor suggested. Application section could be organized better. Some of the bullet lists there could use some narratives or explanations.

ChemLibrarian (talk) 19:32, 3 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]