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The Human Alliance

The Humans are an Alliance of Humans, Blood Elves and Dwarves which were pushed out of Azeroth by the Horde. The Humans are a medieval European type race focused on economic and population growth and are probably the fastest expanders and builders in the game as they can have more than one unit building at a time. The Humans also have the ability to change there peasants into militia for short periods of time for defensive purposes. The Humans are focused on healing and also have good invisibility. There units are good across the board although they have very good mechanical units. The Human heroes are the Paladin, the Archmage and the Mountain King

The Orcish Horde

The Orcs are a shamanistic race that was corrupted by the Burning Legion in an attempt to invade and destroy Azeroth. After breaking from the Legion the Warchief Thrall sets them on a quest for a new start. The Orcs are focused on strong melee and shamanistic warlocks making them one of the strongest melee races in the game. The Orcs can upgrade their buildings so that they damage melee units and they have the unique ability 'pillage' which allows them to to gain resources by attacking buildings. The orcs burrows, equivalent to farms, can also be entered by peons so that they gain a ranged attack and can be used as a supplement to towers. The Orcish heroes are a split of all three of the attributes. They are the Blade Master, the Farseer and the Tauren Cheiften

The Night Elf Sentinels

The Night Elves or "Kal'dorei" meaning "Children of the Stars" are an ancient race native to Azeroth. They are focused on ranged and magical units and are good anti-air warriors. The Night Elves have the unique ability to move most of their buildings, known as Ancients, and these ancients also have melee attacks when not doing anything (building, researching). When moving Ancients armour drops from fortified to heavy so it is not advised to uproot them while under attack. The Ancients can also eat trees to regain health meaning that the Night Elves do not need to use resources to rebuild them. The Night Elves also have a unique method of resources gathering. Wisps attach to trees and drain lumber from them without damaging the tree in any way. The Night Elves entangle gold mines before they can gather from them. Five wisps may enter an entangled goldmine at a time and after entering they do not have to return to the Tree of Life to return gold. The Night Elves also have Moon Wells for farms. Moon Wells heal allied units and restore mana until they have been fully drained. Moon Wells and the Druid of the Claws Rejuvenation are both strong healing spells the Night Elves have access to but they do not have access to a weaker healer like the priest leaving them at a slight disadvantage in that field.The Night Elves also have ultravision which enables them have increased night vision and shadowmeld which lets their female units become invisible at night when not moving or attacking. The Night Elves heroes are mainly based on Agility. They are the Demon Hunter, the Keeper of the Grove and the Priestess of the Moon.

The Undead Scourge

The Undead Scourge was created by the Burning Legion for the sole purpose of sowing terror across the world in preparation of the Legion's invasion. The Undead are ruled by Ner'zhul, the Lich King, who resides over Northrend from his frozen throne. The Undead are a well balanced race with strong ground and air units. The Undead buildings produce blight, turning the land undead, and all but the hunted gold mine and necropolis must be built on this blight. The Undead do not build buildings but summon them, not unlike the Protists in Starcraft, enabling them to crate several structures at the same time. This ability gives the Undead an advantage when expanding when used in conjunction with a sacrificial skull. The Undead also use corpses as a tertiary recourse and can reanimate or devour them to heal or create extra soldiers. The Undead also have a good regenerative ability with several healing units, the ability to devour corpses and the ability to heal on blight. The Undead also have a good defensive structure as their ziggurts (farms) can be upgrade into towers at any time for a cost. The Undead have a unique way of gathering resources. They have two separate units to gather lumber and gold. Ghouls gather, an increased, 20 lumber at a time and also act as the undead teire 1 melee unit. Acolytes gather gold in a similar way to the night elves but they do not need a town centre to haunt a goldmine, Acolytes also build and can be sacrificed to produce shades. Shades make great scouts as they are invisible and can be used as spies. The Undead heros are the Deathknight, Dreadlord and the Lich

Still working on please leave. I need to expand the Human and Orc and compress the Undead. I would like some feed back from others as it would help a lot. Thanks The Iron Raven (talk) 02:18, 29 August 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Could anyone confirm that these summaries are only applicable to ROC and not TFT as I normally only play TFT and am not certain on the differences. The Iron Raven (talk) 04:47, 25 September 2009 (UTC)[reply]

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