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Deletion of post 'Quantum intelligence'


I see that you have deleted my post titled 'Quantum Intelligence'...quoting the following reasons:

[1] Complete scientific nonsense : While the idea might have come across as complete nonsense(like many amazing thories pehaps once did), I have mentioned that this is a proposal; a probable merger between 2 current ideas in computer science.

[2] QC has nothing to do with AI : A few years ago, people said the same thing as follows 'Hardware has nothing to do with software'...While QC offers new modes of computation, we eventually have to run something on it(the QC is just a machine). The quantum algorithms running on the QC need not all necessarily be dumb expert system algorithms. The proper approach to strong AI(advocated by marvin minsky and others), I suggest, is via AI algorithms running in massive parallelism like that offered by QC. Strong AI requires parallel processing & interpretation of the same 'thing' at different levels(for knowledge representation among others....), which can perhaps be supported by the various modes of computation offered by QC.

[3] Marvin Minsky has nothing to do with QC: I never said he did. What made you assume this?

Regards, Arvind gedanken.thesis@gmail.com