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Hey Sophie

You extended the Wikipedia article quite a lot. That’s great. I remarked some few points and you can find my changes in the text below. I suggest that you move the paragraph ‘distribution area’ under the paragraph ‘description’. What you also can do, is to integrate these two paragraphs in one and then call it something like “description and origin”. You can find my changes in bold letters, so that you can easily distinguish your text from suggestion. Maybe you can also describe how big the fruit is - in the original Wikipedia entry the size was compared to a Volleyball. I think it is good that you deleted this comparision but maybe you can just include the weight of one fruit, so that one can imagine. In the chapter 'uses' you somethimes write just one sentence for a whole subchapter. It could be more fluent when writing the information in one single chapter Have a nice evening!




Treculia africana is a tree species which is known under the name African breadfruit. A lot of tribal names are given to this species, but the most popular is "ukwa".[1]

Botanical characteristics


Treculia africana is a large tree and is part of the family Moraceae. It grows in wet areas or in forests. This species grows up to a height of 30 meters. The girth of the stem can attain 6 meters. The bark is grey and discharges a cream latex. The leaves are large and alternate. The upper surface has a dark green color, the lower surface is light green. This tree is a dicotyledonous, monoecious plant. This means that the female and male flower grow on the same plant. The flowering period is from October until February. The fruit is big, round and greenish yellow. The texture of the fruit is spongy when it is ripe and it contains a lot of seeds. Under good enrivonmental condition, the yield from one tree could attain 200 kg dried seeds.[1]

Distribution area


The geographical distribution of treculia afriacana is in Africa. The tree grows near to streams or swampy areas in forests. It can be found in Senegal, Southern Sudan, Angola, Nigeria, West and Central Africa. The species can grow until 1500 m altitude.[1]



Human food

The African breadfruit is an edible traditional fruit for example in Nigeria, where it is eaten as main dish. The seeds are particularly interesting because of the high nutritious values . Fresh seeds contain 38.3% carbohydrate, 17.7% crude protein and 15.9 % fat. Readily available, in developing countries treculia afriacana it could be an alternative to rice and yam.[1]

The seeds of treculia africana can be ground to flour, pressed to oil or used as flavouring in alcoholic drinks.

Wood products

The wood is used for several usages, such as firewood, for furniture or for constructions. But it can also be used to process it to paper.

Alternative medicine

Root, bark and leave extracts of the plant are used for medicine. Malaria, worms, coughs and digestive disorders can be treated.


In countries like Malawi and Tanzania, the fruit-head pulp and bran are used to feed monkeys and farm animals.

Environmental functions

This tree helps to control erosion and is a good natural fount of mulch. However, deforestation, higher demand for agriculture area and the increasing population reduce this important forest tree from the African tropics.


  1. ^ a b c d Nuga O.O, Ofodile E.A.U (2010) Potentials of Treculia africana Decne - an endangered species of southern nigeria. Journal of Agriculture and Social Research 'No.2

Hei Sophie!! Here are my comments about your article: First I agree with Anouk concerning the fusion of the chapters description and distribution area. I propose you also to put some links in your article for example there is an article on wikipedia about moraceae and you can just in your text put the word you want to linked. It is easy and helpful for the readers. I write you some suggestions with this links in the text below and I also correct a few typing errors. I think you did a great job ;) Bonne soirée Coraline



Treculia africana is a tree species which is known under the name African breadfruit. A lot of tribal names are given to this species, but the most popular is "ukwa".[1]

Botanical characteristics


It is part of the family Moraceae and grows in wet area or forest. This species grows up to 30m high and is a large tree: the girth of the stem can attain 6m. The tree bark is grey and discharge a cream latex. The leaves are large, alternate, dark green above and lighter below. This tree is monoecious dicotyledonous plant which means that the female and male flower are on the same plant. The flowering period is from October until February. The fruit is big, round, greenish yellow and the texture is spongy when it is ripe and contains a lot of seeds. Under good enrivonmental condition, the harvest from one tree could attain 200 kg dried seeds.[1]

Distribution area


The geographical distribution of treculia afriacana is in Africa : Senegal, south of Sudan, Angola, Nigeria, west and central Africa. The species can grow until 1500 m altitude.[1]



Human food The African breadfruit is an edible traditional fruit for example in Nigeria where it is the main food. The seeds are particularly interesting because of the high nutrition values . Fresh seeds contain 38.3% carbohydrate, 17.7% crude protein, 15.9 % fat. Readily available, it could be an alternative to rice and yam in developing countries.[1]

The seeds of treculia africana can be made into flour, oil, or used as flavouring in alcoholic drinks.

Wood products The wood is used for firewood, furniture making and paper.

Alternative medicine Different parts of the plant are used for medicine like the roots, bark, leaves. The tree is used to treat malaria, worms, coughs and digestive disorders.

Fodder In countries like Malawi and Tanzania, the fruit-head pulp and bran are used to feed monkeys and farm animals.

Environmental functions This tree helps to control erosion and is a good natural fount of mulch. However the deforestation, the higher demand for agriculture area, the increasing population reduce this important forest tree.


  1. ^ a b c d Nuga O.O, Ofodile E.A.U (2010) Potentials of Treculia africana Decne - an endangered species of southern nigeria. Journal of Agriculture and Social Research 'No.2