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User talk:Socialpeacest

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7/12/08 Socialpeacest is about social issues experienced or not experienced within the local community as well as issues not recognized but very important with society with a goal of presently seeking solutions to various unidentifiable social situations. The term "Socialpeacest" evolved from the term "Peacenowst". Socialpeacest is made up of three syllables. "Social", "Peace", and "St" to express the desire for Social peace on or off the streets in the local community in all areas of life and especially in unidentifable public social situations that most people take for granted. An example of an unidentifiable public situation would be the right to go in a grocery store without having to be psychologically or spirtually attacked.

The term unidentifiable is used because most of the situations are not obvious to the necked eye, except for those who give or recieve the negative social expience and those who have keen observation skills of human behavior as the negative social situation occurs. Ususally there are no words or very few words spoken during the encounter; but the experience has a very negataive impact on the person who is the recipicant of the negative unidentifiable social situation.

Some of the other examples of the negative unidentifable social situations include:

How to get an economic breakthrough in the LOCAL community AFTER seeking employment for over thirty years with two degrees?

How does a person stop the punishment by the local community for not joining the secret economic club?

Who do you go and see to get permission to operate a legal business after purchasing the ususal business license?

How to ensure that when riding public transportation that those in charge of the cameras are not going tinto bus riders homes when they are on the bus?

How or who do you go and see to get permission to walk down the street, go to the mall, movies, etc., without being harasssed or punished?

Who do you go to be allowed to date people of the opposite sex or to get permission to date the person of the opposite sex? Or who do you go to get permission for the person of the opposite sex to be allowed to date you?

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