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User talk:Slashme/parliament.py

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Last update: Slashme (talk) 17:12, 7 August 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Makeup of the Bahamas House of Assembly.
  Progressive Liberal Party: 29 seats
  Free National Movement: 9 seats

My favourite way to list the parties in the diagram is the legend template, as in this example: [[File:Bahamas_House_of_Assembly_Seats.svg|thumb|right|Makeup of the Bahamas House of Assembly. {{legend|#FFD700|Progressive Liberal Party: 29 seats}} {{legend|#8B0000|Free National Movement: 9 seats}}]], giving the output seen here. --Slashme (talk) 16:21, 4 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]


  • The spots are evenly distributed across the arches, so that you don't end up with one arch with visibly sparser spots than any other.
  • Each party's spots are one SVG group, with the name of the party given as the id field.
  • You can directly upload the diagrams to Wikimedia Commons.

Bugs and feature requests


Please report bugs and request features at the issue tracker at GitHub.

Italic text== Parliamentary diagram above 70,000 and up to 100,000 seats ==

Hello I really like the parliamentary chart that tells him semicircular thank you for your site in this diagram I this website looking for a long time and you also have the mandate over at least 100,000 as at our Czech legislatures and councils over 63,277 and the size of the chart I can because greater in the browser and I also like that the parties can shift by right, center and left generally speaking the political spectrum and also because here oběvil new position, and there are some gave some more hawker sites with these diagrams if so, send me the links to the address of Wikipedia - jiripotucek250 and jiripotucek250@seznam.cz — Preceding unsigned comment added by JiriPotucek250 (talkcontribs) 09:02, 1 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Can you please write this question again in Czech language? I think Google Translate failed here. To answer the question that I think you're asking: The SVG files become large when the number of seats become large, and there is no benefit from using this kind of diagram, because you cannot see the individual seats. In this case, it's better to use some kind of graph like the one that the German Wikipedia uses: see de:Bayerischer_Landtag for example. These graphs can be created with a template: de:Vorlage:Sitzverteilung --Slashme (talk) 09:40, 1 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]

V českém jazyce

Dobrý den a děkuji že jste se pokusil odpovědět na část otázky. Dále sem psal že se mi moc tyto diagramy líbí a dlouho sem je hledal jak se dělají já jim říkám půl prstencové. je škoda že nejdou vytvořit Microsoft office, Google dokumenty. pude to někdy? k té velikosti já si je můžu v prohlížeči pomocí přibližování Zvětšit. tak si strany můžu přeřadit podle pravice středu a levice během toho sem přišel na nové pozice Politického spektra taky děkuji za odkazy. 17:12, 1 March 2017 (UTC)

Thank you for replying in Czech: now I used Google Translate and Bing Translator, and I think I understand - here is my combined translation, with answers:

Hello and thank you for trying to answer part of the question. I also wrote that I really like these diagrams, and have been looking for them for a long time: I call them half-ring diagrams.

I'm glad to help! I would also call them semi-circular diagrams.

It's a pity that you cannot create Microsoft Office or Google documents. Is it coming?

If you want to use these diagrams in Google docs or Microsoft Office, you can get the PNG version: upload to Wikimedia Commons, and on the image page, you will see "This image rendered as PNG in other widths: 200px, 500px, 1000px, 2000px." - you can choose one of those PNG files to use in your word processor.

I can change the size of the diagram in the browser using the zoom function

I'm not sure whether I understood this correctly, but when you put an SVG into a website, you can set the size, also in Wikipedia.

I can change the position of a party (left-wing, right-wing or center) according to changes in the political spectrum

You can't make this change after the diagram has been made: you need to make a new diagram, but the position of the parties in the diagram is according to their sequence in the web input form.

Thanks for the links

Glad to help! --Slashme (talk) 09:17, 2 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]