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‘People , the Constitution and its Pillars – Justice,Equality,Liberty’, ‘Reign of the People’ and ‘Jangan samvidhan ke stambh’ are the collective magnum opus of an Indian Arun Kumar Jha’s which is the world’s first maiden poetic treatise on Constitution,Law and Governance.

The book suggests overhauling the present political system so that primacy is given to the rule of law in governance .

A novel way of portraying the Constitution in poetic verse format was undertaken in a series of three books by a prolific writer , jurist and professor from New Delhi,India ,viz; Dr. Arun kumar Jha .

The magnum opus has been widely published in the popular press and both news agencies and internet media made it open for all the world to study the pioneering poetical treatises of Dr.Arun Kumar Jha.

 1( Press trust of India  book Review of PEOPLE, THE CONSTITUTION AND ITS PILLARS- JUSTICE EQUALITY LIBERTY [ First Edition] February 10, 2001 and relase of the book February 16, 2001 ).
 2( www.air.com All India Radio broadcast ,Reporter Mohan Singh February 17 2001) .

A unique Book,the mission and meaning of various principles of Constitution such as Justice,Equality and Liberty form the theme.The book comprises of 118 poems divided into five sections,viz; Constitution,People,Justice,Equality and Liberty.

The book - Reign of the People is a poetical treatise on Law and Governance.It contains 117 poems,divided into six sections,viz;Law and People,Masses and the State,Silence - the way of Life, Artist’s vision of the State,People-hood and Reign of the People.

All the Chapters in this Book are intrinsically interwoven with each other and speak to the people’s basic understanding of each other as governed by and under the basic Constitutional principles. The poems in this Book deal with all the religious texts and knowledge of History as the sources of Law and also shows awareness with great thinkers as Albert Einstein,Bertrand Russell and Mahatma Gandhi. Further the poems on literature, Karl Marx, Anthropology, Psychology and Sociology show the inter-disciplinary nature of the Poetry.

3 ( United news of India news release and  legalindian.com/.../india-literature-people-reignarun-kumar-jha-world-maiden-poetic-treatise-law-gov/).

4 ( www.air.com All India Radio broadcast ,Reporter Mohan Singh February 23, 2002 ) .

5 ( www.deccanherald.com O.P.Verma Delhi News editor February 24,2002, Constitution in Verse release) .




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BOOK OF ALL is a Collection of a very unique set of works of Erudition and is the first Book of Poetry which best describes the Constitution of India [which by itself is a one of its only kind of Written Constitution in Modern World].

The books have received wide acclaims from the statesmen, jurists, politicians and intellectuals all over the world .

Particularly, I liked 'Liberty A Story of Man'. Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam,President of India (July 14, 2003)

"People, the Constitution and its Pillars" is a unique work on the Constitution of India. It is an evaluation of the constitutional philosophy of the Indian Constitution in terms of its fundamental values and an unusual commentary on its salient features in remarkable poetry - the distinctive form of communication in which manking has found its finest expression since time immemorial. In doing so, Dr. Arun Kumar Jha has raised the constitutional document to a new plane. Mr. Justice R.S. Pathak, Former Chief Justice of India & Former Judge, International Court of Justice, The Hague (Novemeber 24, 2003)

The underlying message of peace in this book is, of course, the primary goal of the Organization as set out in the United Nations Charter. The emotions reflected in the compositions are an inspiration to everyone concerned with world peace. Kofi Anan , Secretary-General UN (September 17, 2003)

The book and its intriguing Poetic Jurisprudence is of natural interest .. since we are embarking upon judicial reforms. Lard Falconer Lord Chancellor and State Sceretary Constitutional Affairs, England & wales (August 14, 2003)

The concept of a book of poems on this subject is both novel and interesting. Lady Justice Beverley Mc Lachlin, Chief Justice of Canada, Chamabers of the Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Canada (August 27, 2003)

I am glad to have a copy of the book People, the Constitution and its Pillars for my chambers library. ... remarkable poetic work..... Lady Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Justice, Supreme Court of the United States, Washington, D.C. (August 20, 2003)

It is an original and inspired work. The poetry communicates important messages about justice and the legal system. The Rt. Hon Lady Justice Arden DBE and the Rt. Hon Lord Justice Maine, Courts of Appeal,Royal Courts of Justice, Strand London

Originality in presenting the great Constitution in poetry deserves congratulations. ... The book deserves to reach every library. "May you continue to contribute to the dual wisdom and dissemination of legal scholarship, so that the rule of law in the country is strengthened." Justice V.R. Krishna Iyer,Former Judge, Supreme Court of India

Essence of the Constitution in the form of poetry. .... I find the book very interesting. Y.V. Chandrachud, Former Chief Justice of India

Small lines of poems have been used to project great philosophical concepts. Constitutional priniciples of great bearing too have been conveyed with visible ease. Ranganath Misra, Former CHief Justice of India.

Poetic celebrations of the fundamental values and concepts enshrined in the Constitution of India. I agree with my friend Shri K.K. Venugopal (INTRODUCTION) who has giveni a well deserved accolade to the work.- L.M. Singhvi, M.P., Sr. Adv., Supreme Court; Ex-Indian High Commisioner to U.K.

Through his words, he calls to our instinctive desires for "Liberty, Equality & Freternity" at a level of emotion deeper than words can convey. Mr. Jha's poetry serves as a return to the noble ideals that founded this nation - the spirit of integrity, service, self sacrifice and optimism - the spirit with which india awoke to life and freedom, at the stroke of the midnight hour. K.K. Venugopal, Padma Bhusan Awardee (Law), Sr. Adv., Supreme Court; Leader, Union Internationale des Avocats, Paris, France

Rarest of the rare work. ... To encapsulate such a gigantic Constitution as ours in poetry without losing its central theme is indeed a marvellous experiment, a unique one of its kind. R.K. Jain, Senior Advocate, Supreme Court, Leader Indian Bar.

Dr. Arun Kumar Jha's poems constitute a welcome variety of literary work. ...His distinction as an author is in the fact that he uses multiple perspectives through multiple narratorial voices. ... I have no doubt that Dr. Jha's poems will be read by any lover of the human world with keen interest.G.K. Das, Ex. Vice-Chancellor, Utakal Univ., Retd. Prof. & Head, Deptt. of English, Delhi Univ.

Dr. Jha's poems and his passion for equality, the soul of the Constitution, and fraternity, the soul of Indian people, remind me of Tukaram, who is said to have strengthened the tradition of the Varkari Order, and whose poems were loved and sung among common people. His sense of mission also reminds me of the enlightenment movement in Europe. ... Finally, I would like to quote here a comment on Dr. Jha's style by Professor Jeffrey Herrick of Otemon University in Osaka, a poet himself, my best friend, and the person I hold in highest esteem. "This is a work of the highest abstraction, never descending to the sordid concrete, lifting us to the purity of the law itself, where man is judge of man, but where none dare judge the law, or the verse itself, for it is of divine loftiness." Prof. (Mrs.) Eiko Ohira, Deptt. of English, Tsuru University, Japan .

I Laud your patriotism ... Khushwant Singh, Author, Historian & Former Editor, The Hindustan Times.

I see the democratic commitment bringing the creativity of English Literature and knowledge of a political scientist together at a historical moment in India. - Prof. Manoranjan Mahanty, Authority on Political Systems; Deptt. of Pol. Sc., Delhi Univ.

The book reflects both legal doctrines as well as excellence in art and literature. It is a rhythmic expression of novel experiences and insights of its author, Dr. Arun Kumar Jha. ... Written in verses, it leaves lasting impact. ... The originality of the poet's thought is remarkable in making the concept of Equality implanted in the theory of evolution of life, Natural as well as human - Prof. (Mrs.) S.K. Verma, Director, Indian Law Institute; Ex. Dean of Law Faculty, Delhi Univ.

There is a phrase in Tamil literature, 'If the Creator desires, he can insert through a pin-hole all the seven oceans of the world in one mustard seed.' Such is the work done by Dr. Jha, for his book of poems adequately compresses the thoughts of atleast 54 million Indians - M. Ramamoorthy, M.A. Eng. & Pub. Admin., LLB, M.Com & MBA (Fin.), FICWA; G.M. (Fin.), Northern Coalfields Ltd. Singrauli, M.P.

The writing - reminiscent of Walt Whitman - reflects the author's deep faith and commitment to the ideals of the Constitution. It's encouraging to see a thinker/writer/activist, who is also a teacher of English Literature, bringing to his philosophy of life the humanism of Literature as well as upholding the tenets of justice, liberty and the dignity of the individyal, particularly so at a time when cynicism and self-aggrandisement are asserting themselves among the people, and the political parties, respectively - Dr. R.W. Desai, Author & Editor on Shakespearean Studies; Retd. Prof. & Head, Deptt. Of Eng., Delhi University.

The down to earth simplicity of Dr. Jha's interdiscplinary approach is like the Biblical parable of David challenging the giant Goliath. ... The gauntlet thrown in the ring, in the face of the evolution of the two thousand year old Roman jurisprudential epitomic epithet that law is the command of the sovereign and the king can do no wrong, is the civilization tested wisdom of law as an autonomous entity subordinating one and all to its majestic suzerainty, very much including the king and his entire system, no matter, however attained, the greatness might be ... The creative orientation and definition of law as forwarded by Dr. Jha incorporates the conceptual framework regarding it propounded by the Indian sages and philosophers who were the law givers of the ancient Indian society. Law has been defined in the Brihadaranayakopanishad as "Law is the king of kings/ Nothing is superior to law/The law aided by the power of the king/Enables the weak to prevail over the strong.- Dr. Sudhakar Chaudhary, Advocate Supreme Court,Author & Visiting Law Professor.

In the reign of the People Dr. Jha interprets the rise of democracies. In doing so he envisions the entire human civilization. ... He proposes an antidote to the fresh onslaught of imperialism in the idea of 'Peoplehood'. Mrs. Divyajyoti, Asst. Professor & Literary Critic.

Though the author says "Silence is the affiermatice ever smiling, all awarding, healing... silence is all"; Yet, I venture to speak that Mr. Jha has ably ventured into being close to divinity adhering to Universal law. Vimal Dave, Advocate Supreme Court, Founder Member-Secretary, Supreme Court Legal Aid Committee, Chairman National Awareness Forum .

I see the democratic commitment bringing together the creativity of English Literature and the knowledge of a political scientist at a historical moment in India. Dr. Manoranjan Mohanty, Authority in Political Theory & Systems, Retd. Prof. & Head Deptt. of Political Science, Delhi University Anybody who is concerned with the state of inequality, misrule and corruption in the society, would be touched by Dr. Jha's exposition of these vitality interesting aspects of life. ... He appeals for universal peace and cautions mankind that unless the mother earth is protected from adverse activities, the human species itself would be wiped out from the planet. Hon'ble Mr. Justice K.G. Balakrishnan, Chief Justice of Supreme Court of India.

In the classical traditions of ancient India, the medium of verse was preferred over prose as the more appropriate vehicle of enlightened thought. The Muse of Poetry was adopted when work of a comparatively enduring nature was contemplated. In choosing that medium, the author has made a deliberate choice. Mr. Justice R.S. Pathak, Former Chief Justice of India and Member Inernational Court of Justice at Hague.

His previous book of poetry entitled People, the Constitution and its pillars was not only well recieved, it won praise from statesmen, jurists, politicians and itntellectuals the world over and is now in its third edition. We are fortunate that Dr. Jha has been able to produce another excellent book of poetry entitled "Reign of the People" about the most fundamental of constitutional norms in a constitutional democracy - that legitimacy springs only from the people and from nothing else. ... A powerful indictment of the culture of our times in which money is not only a measure of status but also an instrument that is used to undermine our system of constitutional governance. K.K. Venugopal, Padma Bhusan Awardee (Law) Sr. Advocate Supreme Court, Leader Union International des Advocates, Paris, France.

'It is a masterly work sprung from the mind of a master of Laws,Politics and Philospohy . Indeed,Dr.Arunkumar Jha has covered the entire gamut of precepts laid down in the sacred Constitution of India and peppered it with his wondrous grasp of the essences of Life's practicalities, idiosyncracies and inconsistencies with the Realities of Life ,of both the Governed and of the Government...Poetry is the format to reach the masses as also the elitist across the World.Every discerning mind would but appreciate the surgical precision and filial fondness with which the sum and substance of every principle of Law and Life has been brought out in this very remarkable churning of Dr.Arunkumar Jha.A Collector's Delight which is a 'must-read' for Students of Civics,Law,Politics,Literature and of the mystical Indian Polity...' Pamarty Venkataramana,Advocate-Supreme Court of India, International Corporate Lawyer/Speaker/Columnist/Author.

...'There are ample spots of beauty in this collection of poems.I have read the entire book.This book contains umpteen beauty spots.The talk of trying to locate spots of beauty in a collection of poems is like taking about counting the number of stars in one night.Just like the stars are not counted,they have merely to be seen;similarly beauty spots ,especially,in a book of poems are not to be located or found out with efforts;they can only be seen ,they can only be felt - they are only endearing for the fulfillment of the mental faculties...Therefore,Brothers and Sisters!I invite you,come,let us read this collection of poems and become a lamp in ourselves,so that the light of the Constitution is radiated among the common people...' - Justice V.S.Sirpurkar,Hon'ble Judge-Supreme Court of India. ````

 Several noted teachers and practitioners of Law in the country have appreciated the sterling works and sent their notes direct to the author/poet/jurist,Dr.Arunkumar Jha.
 Several websites dealing with the subjects of Parliament,Governance and Constitution have put up the dozens of video-talks of the author .It serves to highlight the relevance and utility of the contents of his books and video-lectures.