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Hello, I am François from France-Toulouse. I am a passionate of foreign languages. I have built the site during many months, it is non commercial, purely FREE for all. http://lang.arabe.free.fr I have made four versions in order to be understand by the maximum of people in the world : Arabic, français, espanol, russian and English. My site is of very good quality and now that I am not in Wikipedia I have less and less visits. I find your decision not fair because my only goal is to share my passion and help to learn Arabic. There is no advertisement in my site, no religion subject, only about Arabic. If I put it in all Wikipedia languages it is because I think that an hungarian a Russian, a spanish... have the same right than Chinese, Korean or other to learn Arabic.

Many language pages where I put it, there was nothing to learn Arabic, no external link at all, and you ask us to participate and make content, that's what I have done. I would be very pleased if you can reintegrate my website because it is a good one. I am ranked 4 on Google, and I am not in Wikipedia. I know that you have the power in one click to annihilate all my hours of work day and night. I have been working hard, and my goal is not to spam but make my knowledge available for the most people. I have exactly the same idea than Wikipedia to make my work available in the most languages as possible. I am not able to make my site in Hungarian (magyar) or in Chinese or in Dutch, that is the reason why I made links towards English version. I would appreciate a lot if you can restaure my links, for me and the visitors. Thanks, because I love wikipedia and I often read articles, and I want to participate.

Now I just ask you to add me in the most common languages such as English and French. If I made an error of excess it was not with a bad goal, only by passion for Arabic.


Thank you François for your input,
First, welcome to the world of Wikipedia..the free knowledge.
Regarding your contribution, I noticed your insistence on including your site under "External links" and old editors here remove it every time.
Please don't take it personal. It's just a matter of disagreement of viewpoints, wether it is your own site or someone's else.
I am not sure if I made wrong by removing your website. I am new to editing the Arabic language page. I just felt the older editors here don't like some new relevant sites for no explained reasons in the edit summary rather than their fear of being spamming edits, and I don't like and don't have time to get into time-consuming debates over this.
I am not going to delete your site again but only after a careful review of its relativity and importance of inclusion here.
Remember: Wikipedia is not a web directory. Only "unique" and "relevant" sites should stay on the article body.
I also took a look now at your site...it has a chat big window... I think this is not very appropriate as an encyclopedic reference, right?
You can improve your website, make it more informative, and once it has a unique value, no one can debate over it.
I also advise you to use your own language in discussions rather than using one template-like post like this one you typed here! This make people think you're a spammer. Don't take it personal then! :)
Welcome to Wikipedia, and happy editing :)
Opensourceit 23:29, 10 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Please read this before posting new contributions: What is it like to edit an encyclopedic article?



Hi, I just wanted to say nice to see you around, making good constructive edits to Arabic-related matters: there's still a lot to improve, so good to have someone else on baord. There is a nice template somewhere with lots of nice links which people often get, sorry you only got this personal message! Drmaik 05:42, 11 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Thank you so much for visiting and dropping me a personal message :)
I am happy to be here with all those knowledgeable people!
Truly I never thought that Wikipedia - or even any other encyclopedia - might gather all these information and volunteers behind!
Viva open source..viva volunteering..and viva giving to community!
Thanks again for your kind words.
By the way..
See...even I have little experience with this wiki system...I am not very familiar with traditions and so..
I first wrote my reply here
I don't know if that was the proper place to leave it at or here is better?
Just learning!


Opensourceit 19:20, 23 July 2007 (UTC)[reply]