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User talk:Nonenmac/Flora of/Juncales 1

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27. Juncales Bercht. & J. Presl 1820 = Cyperales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl 1820

  • 99. Thurniaceae Engl. 1907, nom. cons. = Prioniaceae S.L. Munro & H.P. Linder 1998
    • a1. Thurnieae Reveal, Phytoneuron 2012-33: 2. 9 Apr 2012
    • a2. Prionieae Reveal, Phytoneuron 2012-37: 218. 23 Apr 2012
  • 100. Juncaceae Juss. 1789, nom. cons.
  • 101. Cyperaceae Juss., Gen. Pl.: 26. 4 Aug 1789, nom. cons.
    • a. Mapanioideae C.B. Clarke 1897
      • a1. Hypolytreae Nees ex Wight & Arn. 1834
      • a2. Chrysitricheae Nees 1835
    • b. Cyperoideae Beilschm. 1833
      • b1. Trilepideae Goetgh. 1985
      • b2. Bisboeckelereae Pax 1897
      • b3. Sclerieae Wight & Arn. 1834
      • b4. Cladieae Torr. 1836
      • b5. Cryptangieae Benth. 1881
      • b6. Schoeneae Dumort. 1827
        • b6a. Schoeninae Fenzl 1836
        • b6b. Rhynchosporinae Fenzl 1836
      • b7. Scirpeae T. Lestib. 1827
      • b8. Cariceae Dumort. 1827
      • b9. Dulichieae W. Schultze-Motel 1959
      • b10. Abildgaardieae Lye 1973
      • b11. Fuireneae Fenzl 1836
      • b12. Eleocharideae Goetgh. 1985
      • b13. Cypereae Dumort. 1829
      • b14. Ficinieae Nees 1842