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  • Venona 629 KGB New York to Moscow, 5 May 1944
  • Venona 687 KGB New York to Moscow, 13 May 1944
  • Venona 769, 771 KGB New York to Moscow, 30 May 1944
  • Venona 179, 180 KGB Moscow to New York, 25 February 1945

Elizabeth Bentley told the FBI that on a rainy Sunday in March of 1944, at a meeting with the Perlo group, Harry Magdoff had been on sick leave recovering from an operation and was not about to return to work at the War Production Board. The FBI checked and found that Magdoff had been on sick leave from January 10 to Marcy 7 1944 for a gall bladder operation, and that it had rained in New York on both Sunday February 27 and March 5, 1944. Source: Elizabeth Bentley deposition, 30 November 1945, FBI file 65-14603; Elizabeth Bentley, Out of Bondage: The Story of Elizabeth Bentley, New York: Ivy Books, 1988), pgs. 163-165; New York FBI memo, 16 January 1947, FBI Silvermaster file (FBI file 65-56402), serial 1936.

On Earl Browders instructions Elizabeth Bentley contacted through John Abt a new group in Washington, D.C:
[53 groups unrecoverable]
MAGDOFF - BENTLEY’s impressions:
They are reliable members of the CPUSA, politically highly mature; they want to help with information. They said that they had been neglected and no one had taken any interest in their potentialities
[29 groups unrecoverable]
"STORM {unidentified cover name but not Petr Dmitreich Golovin or J. Peters}", Victor Perlo, Charles Kramer, Edward Joseph Fitzgerald, and Harry Magdoff will go New York City once every two weeks in turn.
Kramer and Fitzgerald know Nathan Gregory Silvermaster.
We shall let you have identifying particulars later.

Document 90, reproduced from Harvey Klehr, John Earl Haynes, and Fridrikh Igorevich Firsov, The Secret World of American Communism (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1995), (Document 90) Fitin to Dimitrov memo (RTsKhIDNI 495-74-485), pgs. 312 - 313; a photocopy of the original document in Russian is on page 315.



Please provide any information at your disposal on the following members of the Comparty of America:

1. Charles Floto / Flato /, in 1943 worked in the US Office of Economic Warfare
2. Donald Wheeler / Veeler /, works in the Office of Strategic Services.
3. Kramer / Kreimer, works in a government institution in Washington.
4. Edawrd Fitzgerlad, works on the WPB [War Production Board].
5. Magdoff, works on the WPB.
6. Harold Glas[s]er, currently on assignment outside the US.
7. P[e]rlo, works on the WPB.

P. Fitin

28/29 September 1944

To Comrade Guliaev 29 September 1944 GD

Magdoff was called before Senate Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act, Interlocking Subversion in Government Derpartments (SISS) on 1 May 1953, pt. 5:286-326



Ref No: S/NBF/T409

Issued: [XXX]/4/12/1953

Copy: 205



TO: Moscow

No.: 629

5 May 1944

Further to our No. 139. “S. BORDEAUX[“] [59 groups unrecoverable]

that FRED should introduce him to Aleksandr Semenovich FOMIN and enable him to inform us what the Americans are planning in respect to Austria. MARTIN has been transferred to the job of [B%head] of Austrian Section of the Office of War Information (OWI). Recently FRED passed to us a memorandum on Austrian affairs drawn up jointly with MARTIN; the material [0% is of wide]] interest. Urgently telegraph a reply to No. 139 and advise about the possibility of a meeting with Harry Magdoff.

No. 345

Paval Ivanovich FEDOSIMOV

[1 page]


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