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Contribution of response options to mitigation, adaptation, combating desertification, and land degradation, and enhancing food security

Magnitude of the contribution of each response option categorized using thresholds as positive or negative impacts [1] with confidence associated with each estimate [2], also showing the cost range [3]

Response option based on land management | Mitigation | Adaptation | Desertification | Land degradation | Food security

Forest management | ++ (M) | +++ (L) | +++ (L) | +++ (L) | ++ (L)
Reduced deforestation and degradation | +++ (M) | ++ (L) | +++ (L) | +++ (L) | + (L)
Reforestation and forest restoration | +++ (M) | +++ (M) | +++ (M) | +++ (M) | - - (M)

Afforestation | +++ (M) | +++ (M) | +++ (M) | +++ (M) | - - - (M)

Bioenergy and BECCS | +++ (M) | - (L) | - - (M) | - - - (M) | - - - (M)

(Image was cut here)

Notes: [1] originally displayed in different intensities of blue for magnitude of positive impact respective red for magnitude of negative impact, here displayed with + and -
[2] low (L), medium (M), high (H)
[3] not reproduced here