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Original Research Reply


My research is from life and also running so many websites on this topic i have over 200 ABDL contacts and there are many females within this, alot of them are mummies and bigger sistes but many are also DL's/Diaper lovers. the % is still hier in men but only becusae many of my contacts don't feel happy joining websites about the topic seems men are more bold on the topic then women.

i think i was a little ruff saying the fact was wrong sorry its not wrong is you are unable to see them like i did so i would like to state i didn't mean the poster was wrong but unable to view the details or reviewed the details as i have everyday.

but stating its just men or mostly men is wrong and at the time i couldn't think of away stating it better.

Also site i have made or ran have never been for business/profite so that kind of info would not needed to be lied about in anyway. i see you reason to remove what i put but i do state them from facts.

So i would be nice to have it revised to a better wording or changing that fact as its no longer applient to topic.

Also note that i am within this lifestyle and i do know many people within it most couples also wont tell people what they do in this topic unless its someone like tham.

Mummys are hard to find for these reason:

1. People wont do these kinds of things just anyone partners/lovers is whom they would do it for.

2. They have real children of there own and feel admitting this could:

2.1 have there childern taken away

2.2 make them look like a sick or bad mother.

3. the abdl sean is big online but still many people in this lifestyle still don't use the net as for or in away to be able to find others.

Don't worry about being a little rough. I've been through worse. One hard lesson was that Wikipedia tries to be verifiable, not necessarily true. The American Psychiatric Association might not know much about infantilism, but their reference will trump your research or mine, because their book is in most U.S. libraries. (Being a consensus statement of a large Psychiatric organization doesn't hurt.)
This makes Wikipedia more stable. However, it does so by reducing the influence of firsthand experience. BitterGrey (talk) 05:07, 6 December 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Don't get me wrong i understand where you are coming from in your topic as before runing and contacting many people i came to the same what word am i look for ... conclution sorry i know whats spelt work, i have talked to come "Doctors" on the mater in the past and wish i didn't say anyting cos i A: get a very dirty look B: Have them tell me why someone is quot "Mentaly Challange" is not able to deal with there life they regress well this might be true on a small part but most people like there day to day lives without letting a thing out about there hidden life style.

I am going to be going my own revised version on the topic what i would happy like you to read over its not going to be on wiki it will be under standard website if you pop me a email via the user email thing i will give you the url soon as its done.

I agree with almost the rest of your topic but i do read on the website that some of the data you got in the past was back from 95 i would love to read what you had back then as times changed alot since then i would like to also invite you to join a new blog i am going to be going on the topic as a Editer/reporter on the subject.

If you want to get hold of me fast that new link i added view it go to the help and you will see a site MSN i am on that alot i happly take to you just say whom you are lol.

P.S As you can see i still not getting my head around some of the codes and so on for the wiki :) so problems just state them Miskware (talk)

Original Research


Since the results that you mentioned were original research, they can't be used to change an article away from what is stated in published sources. However, I am still curious about them. What methods were used?

My own (original) research showed a gender ratio similar to what was published - mostly men. Additionally, it showed that few if any women AB/DLs preferred a role of caregiver, such as mommy or big sister. However, given the demand for mommies, I suspect that there is a number of professionals trying to attract business. This would motivate them to compete for listings on websites that might send them business, but not on surveys. BitterGrey (talk) 14:58, 4 December 2008 (UTC)[reply]