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Verification BEFORE Self-Appropriation


To the community editors:

The preceeding page seems to bear a self-justification in the discounting of Dr. Evans. Surely one would think this to not be permitted in the Wiki rule book.

It is evident that there is personal contravercy from a Wiki editor I am aware of (whose name at this juncture is intentionally withheld) mentioned on the preceeding page and Dr. Evans. It is factual basis that a certain amount of works previously done by this editor have been taken to be proven incorrect by Evans along with other principles such as Heisenberg Uncertainty to name only one.

In the exposition of proven fundamental error within foundational general relativity, it seems that specific Wiki editing is persistent to censor and disallow attempts to correct that which to current date has been proven in err.

Continued censorship of ECE theory prevails the Wikipedia while those who edit the Wiki might be found incorrect in a tortionless general relativity. Not a single good word about Dr. Evans is the resultant. Evans yet remains straight forward and without bias to his findings proven to complete field theory.

Wikipedia is excellent in mathmatics. If these Wiki editors would apply such talent to general relativity, they will find consistant resolution to the theory and include information about the verified ECE theory in Wikipedia, along with the credibility of its founder, Dr. Myron Evans.

ECE Theory, and those involved in its study object to the Wikipedia's coarse catagorisation of the said to be a "Fringe Science". With such great talent editing Wiki, I most sincerely request that the mathematics be taken to review. There is no shame as to err. To err is human. It is our greatest tendancy. I am confident that the great scientists of Wikipedia will find ECE as an enlightening and fully consistant approach as it shows itself irrefutable in correctivity in every physical and mathematical approach.

Thank You,

P. Mensing