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User talk:Marco Brambilla/sandbox

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Hi guys, I like that you guys have proper equations of the metabolic reactions in your "metabolism" part. It makes things clearer for the reader. Maybe you guys could include a picture of Candidatus Scalindua or its pictures in plates during experiments. So the reader knows what each individual cell looks like and how a large colony of it looks like on an agar plate. Also, the organization of the reference is a bit messy in your page. I see a list of reference 1-8 in the middle of your page and I don't think it's supposed to be there. There should be a separate heading of "reference" at the bottom of your wiki page with all of your resources together. Another thing is that right now there are two different ways of intext citations I see on your page. Some parts only cite the reference at the end of the last sentence. More than one sentences refer to the same topic of the same source but only the last sentence is cited. On the other hand, some other parts cite at the end of every sentence even if 3 continuous sentences are from the same source. My group has the same problem figuring out which one is correct too. I guess you guys should first work it out on which citing method you want to go with? Maybe add more information in evolutionary history. Or another thing you could do is combine evolutionary history and introduction together. Besides that everything else looks good! great job. Pinky.s (talk) 06:44, 12 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Peer Review for 475


Great job on your first draft of your Wiki page! I had a couple of suggestions for layout and organization

- I think more of an introduction to your topic, perhaps an outline of what you are going to talk about would be beneficial to the reader - I would suggest putting the Taxonomy section right after the introduction - I'm not sure about the depth of research there is on the evolutionary history or applications of your organism, but perhaps a more detailed description in those sections (a little lacking) -I am confused by the layout of the references. They kind of seem mixed up all over the page....perhaps just a formatting error?

Other than that, great breadth of sources and research. The topics you cover are very comprehensive and well written. The equations in the metabolism section are a great addition to help with the understanding of the concepts. Great links to other wikipedia pages for further information - maybe add more to the morphology, evolutionary history and ecological role sections (hyperlinks).

Nice work!

Emmie Page (talk) 17:26, 15 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Peer review


Introduction: I found the links to Candidatus and Planktomycetes very helpful to understand components of your bacteria. It might be helpful to add more to the introduction though and maybe include a little more information on each species listed. Some things to add may be type of feeding, prey or predators, locations they inhabit and types of waters(oligotrophic or coastal waters etc).

Metabolism: I found this part to be very informative and the reactions are very easy to understand. If possible, perhaps include subscripts and superscripts for the charges.

Discovery and Distribution: Many of the sentences near the beginning of this paragraph are very lengthy and somewhat hard to understand. If it is possible, it might help to paraphrase this section more. "Nitrogen loses that could only be explained by the process of anammox continued to be discovered in freshwater waste treatment facilities around the world including North America, Asia, and multiple regions throughout Europe", this sentence includes a typo, could be "Nitrogen loss/losses..". The inclusion of data on role of Scalindua and its effect in the global nitrogen cycle is very informative since it was described as significant and extremely vital in the introduction.

Morphology: I would place this heading after introduction because in my opinion it provides lots of useful background information on this bacteria that is helpful leading into metabolism.

Evolutionary History: This section is quite short so if you wanted to include more information about differential evolution and the changes in the genes it could be something to add provided there's information on it. It could be possible to talk about environmental pressures and the correlation to abundance of genes.

Ecological Role: I believe this section could be bumped up closer to the introduction.

Taxonomy: This could be merged with the introduction because most of the information is repeated.

Applications: Could include information about how it is more environmentally friendly and the previous methods of denitrification.

References: Include a reference section and compile all references from the page in this section. Although I am not sure about citing multiple sentences with the same reference and that format.

Really nicely written though and hope this peer review helps! Paulatao (talk) 06:02, 16 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]