User talk:Makusx2a
Hi. Welcome to Wikipedia. Your recent edits to the Hobo spider article have been reverted, as they are in violation of one of the most important of Wikipedia's policies, the "Neutral Point of View". As you're a new editor, you might want to familiarize yourself with the policy at WP:NPOV. The basic idea is that an encyclopedia is not intended to reflect the opinions of the editors, but the opinions of experts in the subject matter, with citations as needed when there is potential for dispute. Unless you can find a citation (either in print or on the web) from an expert on spiders that says there is a significant danger to having spiders in one's home, you can't simply insert such a comment into Wikipedia.
- Hmmm, I didn't see in the WP:NPOV where what I'm quoting HAS to come from a "spider expert." What I'm submitting is solicited from medical 'experts', with one in particular that has had extensive emergency room duty. I can also easily find many who have "properly" identified what bit them as being a Hobo and the damage it caused. Granted, the damage isn't as bad or frequent as bites from other species, but frequent enough to back my quote of "...serious harm to humans, especially young or elderly, and/or pets...."Makusx2a 20:57, 31 August 2007 (UTC)
There's nothing wrong with adding information to WP, and I hope you'll do so in the future, but there is a difference between information and personal opinion. Peace, Dyanega 17:26, 30 August 2007 (UTC)
Let's make this clear: the comment "which have been shown to cause serious harm to humans, especially young or elderly, and/or pets" is YOUR PERSONAL OPINION.
- And YOUR statement that the best way to avoid a bite is to simply leave the thing alone to the point of letting all other species habit a person's home is YOUR PERSONAL OPINION. Not to mention being irresponsible to the point of being pathetic. On an aside, dunno why I care, as anyone with any intelligence can read through your agenda.Makusx2a 20:57, 31 August 2007 (UTC)
There is not one single publication in existence which has demonstrated that hobo spiders "cause serious harm to humans, especially young or elderly, and/or pets" - you are making things up,
- I am? Oh really? Tell that to the doctors who've treated the bites, and then tell those who suffered such that they are making it all the case of the later, please, do so f2f. Makusx2a 20:57, 31 August 2007 (UTC)
- Yes, really. There is, to date, ONE documented case of an ulcerating lesion caused by a hobo spider bite. ONE - In someone with a condition that made them prone to skin lesions. Doctors who have not seen a spider but still treat "bites" are doing so because their patients are making things up - if a patient tells stories to their doctor, it is easy for the doctor to be misled. When a person wakes up with a red mark in the morning, and claims a spider bit them without having seen a spider bite them, they are - by definition - making things up. Wikipedia is not here to promote anecdotes that have no physical evidence, or documented studies, to back them up. Just because there are thousands of people who believe that they have been bitten by spiders does not mean that there is any proof to support any of those claims - and without proof, it does not belong in Wikipedia. It's unfortunate if you find that offensive, but that's the way it works. Virtually NO ONE who claims to have been bitten by a spider has ever actually seen the spider at the time, or managed to show it to a doctor or arachnologist. Did you witness a spider biting you? Do you have that exact spider in hand? If so, then there would be something to discuss - but if you don't have the spider that you claim bit you in your possession, I don't have to meet you face to face, because an actual spider is the only form of evidence that could possibly be relevant. If it's only your BELIEF that a spider bit you, then you are virtually guaranteed to be wrong, because it is impossible to diagnose a spider bite from the symptoms. Dyanega 22:08, 31 August 2007 (UTC)
and you can't do that in Wikipedia. There is also no controversy here - it's you, personally, against the entire scientific community. It's only a controversy when there are AUTHORITIES who are taking opposing positions. You won't find any authorities taking the "anti-spider" position that you are promoting. Review WP policy on verifiability and "reliable sources" and you'll see that you're violating those policies, as well. What you did which is especially inappropriate is putting quote marks in the text to make it sound like someone said these things, when - in fact - YOU are the one saying them. Just because anyone can contribute to Wikipedia does not mean that anyone can contribute whatever they FEEL like contributing; it has to be verifiable information from a reliable source. If there are no reliable sources that state that Hobo spiders are dangerous (and especially when the most reliable sources out there are explicit in stating that they are NOT dangerous), you CANNOT insert text on this page to make such claims based solely on your personal opinion, and go around quoting yourself. That's not how Wikipedia works. Dyanega 17:56, 31 August 2007 (UTC)
- You really need to read the above and apply it to yourself freind. Makusx2a 20:57, 31 August 2007 (UTC)
- I did not write the text that is on the page. I am watching the page to make sure that any edits people make are consistent with WP policy; yours are not. It's really pretty simple. Dyanega 22:12, 31 August 2007 (UTC)