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User talk:LowIQPotato/Biometric data (athletes)

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Initial Bibliography

Abeyratne, Ruwantissa. 2010. “The Use of Forged Passports of Foreign Nationals in International Criminal Activity.” Journal of Transportation Security 3(2):127–45.

Cavoukian, Ann, Michelle Chibba, and Alex Stoianov. 2012. “Advances in Biometric Encryption: Taking Privacy by Design from Academic Research to Deployment.” Review of Policy Research 29(1):37–61.

Cosic, Zoran, Jasmin Cosis, and Miroslav Baca. 2014. “Biometric System Vulnerability as a Compromising Factor for Integrity of Chain of Custody and Admissibility of Digital Evidence in Court of Justice: Analysis and Improvement Proposal.” Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences 38(1):11–33.

Dumitrescu, Radu-Mihai. 2018. “Processing of Personal and Medical Data by Judicial Institutions in the Context of the Enforcement of Regulation EU 2016/679 - General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).” Journal of Comparative Research in Anthropology and Sociology 1–18.

James, Tabitha, Taner Pirim, Katherine Boswell, Brian Reithel, and Reza Barkhi. 2006. “Determining the Intention to Use Biometric Devices.” Journal of Organizational and End User Computing 18(3):1–24.

Kaplan, Bonnie. 2014. “How Should Health Data Be Used? Privacy, Secondary Use, and Big Data Sales.” SSRN Electronic Journal.

Karkazis, Katrina and Jennifer R. Fishman. 2016. “Tracking U.S. Professional Athletes: The Ethics of Biometric Technologies.” The American Journal of Bioethics 17(1):45–60.

Kloppenburg, Sanneke and Irma van der Ploeg. 2018. “Securing Identities: Biometric Technologies and the Enactment of Human Bodily Differences.” Science as Culture 29(1):57–76.

Langenderfer, Jeff. and Stefan. Linnhoff. 2005. “The Emergence of Biometrics and Its Effect on Consumers.” Journal of Consumer Affairs 39(2):314–38.

Lebovic, Nitzan. 2015. “Biometrics, or The Power of the Radical Center.” Critical Inquiry 41(4):841–68.

Liberatore, Angela. 2007. “Balancing Security and Democracy, and the Role of Expertise: Biometrics Politics in the European Union.” European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 13(1-2):109–37.

Manisha and Nitin Kumar. 2020. “Cancelable Biometrics: a Comprehensive Survey.” Artificial Intelligence Review 53(5):3403–46.

Markó, Ferenc David. 2016. “‘We Are Not a Failed State, We Make the Best Passports’: South Sudan and Biometric Modernity.” African Studies Review 59(2):113–32.

Neves, Joao, Fabio Narducci, Silvio Barra, and Hugo Proenca. 2016. “Biometric Recognition in Surveillance Scenarios: a Survey.” The Artificial Intelligence Review 46(4):515–41.

Sandvik, Kristin Bergtora, Katja Lindskov Jacobsen, and Sean Martin McDonald. 2017. “Do No Harm: A Taxonomy of the Challenges of Humanitarian Experimentation.” International Review of the Red Cross 99(904):319–44.

Schaeffer, Felicity Amaya. 2019. “Automated Border Control: Criminalizing the ‘Hidden Intent’ of Migrant Embodiment.” Kalfou 6(2).

Sepúlveda Carmona, Magdalena. 2019. “Biometric Technology and Beneficiary Rights in Social Protection Programmes.” International Social Security Review 72(4):3–28.

van der Ploeg, Irma. 2016. “'Biometrics and Privacy: A Note on the Politics of Theorizing Technology', Information, Communication & Society, 6, Pp. 85-104.” Privacy in the Information Society 335–54.

Wechsler, Harry. 2012. “Biometric Security and Privacy Using Smart Identity Management and Interoperability: Validation and Vulnerabilities of Various Techniques.” Review of Policy Research 29(1):63–89.

Wysokinska, Zofia and Radosław Dziuba. 2012. “Social Aspects of New Technologies - the CCTV and Biometric (Framing Privacy and Data Protection) in the Case of Poland.” Comparative Economic Research. Central and Eastern Europe 14(4):117–50. LowIQPotato (talk) 06:34, 14 March 2021 (UTC)[reply]