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Japanese names are written and pronounced in standard Chinese (Mandarin). English exonyms in most cases match Japanese endonyms without macrons, which are placed on top of Japanese vowels to show long vowels. An important exception is the country name itself. Chinese transcription is written in Hanyu Pinyin. Japanese spelling may not match neither simplified, nor traditional Chinese script.

Due to the large difference between Chinese writing system and any other systems, the majority of foreign geographical names in Chinese could be classified as exonyms because pronunciation, spelling (romanisation) is very different from the original, see Transliteration into Chinese characters for more. Many Japanese names may not be classified as true exonyms, as the Chinese and Japanese spelling may fully coincide (either the simplified or traditional or both forms), or the Japanese may use a modern Kanji, which is consistently different from both Chinese, e.g. Hiroshima (広島) uses character 広, the simplified Chinese spelling is 广岛, traditional Chinese is 廣島.

Unlike the majority of foreign names, Japanese names in Chinese may have nothing in common in pronunciation, like in the above example, Hiroshima in Chinese is Guǎngdǎo. This is usually the case when the Japanese names are pronounced based on Kun'yomi (訓読み), Japanese words that are pronounced based on On'yomi (音読み) may have some remote similarity, e.g. compare Japanese 東京 Tōkyō and Chinese Dōngjīng.

If the Japanese and Chinese writing fully match, the Japanese Kanji is followed by Chinese pronunciation, then Japanese, otherwise the Japanese is given first with the word (Japanese) in brackets.

Traditional Chinese (if different) is given in square brackets (only the part, which is different.)

Prefectures are followed by their capitals.

Country name and its capital


日本 Rìběn Nihon or Nippon (English: Japan)
東京 (Japanese) 东京/東京 Dōngjīng Tōkyō



北海道 Běihǎidào Hokkaidō 札幌 Zháhuǎng Sapporo

Tōhoku Chihō


東北地方 Tōhoku Chihō 东北地方 (東北地方) Dōngběi Dìfāng

秋田 Qiūtián Akita (the capital has the same name)
青森 Qīngsēn Aomori (the capital has the same name)
福島 (Japanese) 福岛/福島 Fúdǎo Fukushima (the capital has the same name)
岩手 Yánshǒu Iwate 盛岡 (Japanese) 盛冈/盛岡 Chénggāng Morioka
宮城 (Japanese) 宫城/宮城 Gōngchéng Miyagi 仙台 Xiāntái Sendai
山形 Shānxíng Yamagata (the capital has the same name)

Kantō Chihō


関東地方 (Japanese) Kantō Chihō 关东地方/關東地方 Guāndōng Dìfāng

東京 (Japanese) 东京/東京 Dōngjīng Tōkyō 東京 (Japanese) 东京/東京 Dōngjīng Tōkyō
千葉 (Japanese) 千叶/千葉 Qiānyè Chiba 千葉 (Japanese) 千叶/千葉 Qiānyè Chiba
群馬 (Japanese) 群马/群馬 Qúnmǎ Gunma 前橋 (Japanese) 前桥/前橋 Qiánqiáo Maebashi
茨城 Cíchéng Ibaraki 水戸 (Japanese) 水户/水戶 Shuǐhù Mito
神奈川 Shénnàichuān Kanagawa 横浜 (Japanese) 横滨/橫濱 Héngbīn Yokohama
埼玉 Qíyù Saitama 埼玉 Qíyù Saitama
栃木 (Japanese) 枥木/櫪木 Lìmù Tochigi 宇都宫 Yǔdōugōng Utsunomiya

Note: Chinese Wikipedia uses 栃木, although 栃 is not a standard Chinese character.

Chūbu Chihō


中部地方 (Japanese) Chūbu Chihō 中部地方 Zhōngbù Dìfāng

愛知 (Japanese) 爱知/愛知 Àizhī Aichi 名古屋 Mínggǔwū Nagoya
福井 Fújǐng Fukui 福井 Fújǐng Fukui
岐阜 Qífù Gifu 岐阜 Qífù Gifu
石川 Shíchuān Ishikawa 金沢 (Japanese) 金泽/金澤 Jīnzé Kanazawa
長野 (Japanese) 长野[長-] Chángyě Nagano 長野 (Japanese) 长野/長野 Chángyě Nagano
新潟 Xīnxì Niigata 新潟 Xīnxì Niigata
静岡 (Japanese) 静冈/靜岡 Jìnggāng Shizuoka 静岡 (Japanese) 静冈/靜岡 Jìnggāng Shizuoka
富山 Fùshān Toyama 富山 Fùshān Toyama
山梨 Shānlí Yamanashi 甲府 Jiǎfǔ Kōfu

Kansai (Kinki) Chihō


関西地方 (Japanese) Kansai (Kinki) Chihō 关西(近畿)地方 Guānxī (Jìnjī) Dìfāng also called: 近畿地方 Kinki Chihō 近畿地方 Jìnjī Dìfāng

兵庫 (Japanese) 兵库/兵庫 Bīngkù Hyōgo 神戸 (Japanese) 神户/神戶 Shénhù Kōbe
三重 Sānchóng Mie 津 Jīn Tsu
奈良 Nàiliáng Nara 奈良 Nàiliáng Nara
滋賀 (Japanese) 滋贺/滋賀 Zīhè Shiga 大津 Dàjīn Ōtsu
和歌山 Hégēshān Wakayama 和歌山 Hégēshān Wakayama
京都 Jīngdū Kyōto 京都 Jīngdū Kyōto
大阪 (Japanese) 大坂/大阪 Dàbǎn Ōsaka 大阪 (Japanese) 大坂/大阪 Dàbǎn Ōsaka

Chūgoku Chihō


中国地方 Chūgoku Chihō 中国地方/中國地方 Zhōngguó Dìfāng also called: 山陰山陽地方 San'in San'yō Chihō 山阴山阳地方/山陰山陽地方 Shānyīn Shānyáng Dìfāng San'in San'yō Chihō

広島 (Japanese) 广岛/廣島 Guǎngdǎo Hiroshima 広島 (Japanese) 广岛/廣島 Guǎngdǎo Hiroshima
岡山 (Japanese) 冈山/岡山 Gāngshān Okayama 岡山 (Japanese) 冈山/岡山 Gāngshān Okayama
島根 (Japanese) 岛根/島根 Dǎogēn Shimane 松江 Sōngjiāng Matsue
鳥取 (Japanese) 鸟取/鳥取 Niǎoqǔ Tottori 鳥取 (Japanese) 鸟取/鳥取 Niǎoqǔ Tottori
山口 Shānkǒu Yamaguchi 山口 Shānkǒu Yamaguchi

Shikoku Chihō


四国地方 Shikoku Chihō 四国地方[-國--] Sìguó Dìfāng

愛媛 (Japanese) 爱媛/愛媛 Àiyuàn Ehime 松山 Sōngshān Matsuyama
香川 Xiāngchuān Kagawa 高松 Gāosōng Takamatsu
高知 Gāozhī Kōchi 高知 Gāozhī Kōchi
徳島 (Japanese) 德岛/德島 Dédǎo Tokushima 徳島 (Japanese) 德岛/德島 Dédǎo Tokushima

Kyūshū Chihō


九州地方 Kyūshū Chihō 九州地方 Jiǔzhōu Dìfāng

福岡 (Japanese) 福冈/福岡 Fúgāng Fukuoka 福岡 (Japanese) 福冈/福岡 Fúgāng Fukuoka
鹿児島 (Japanese) 鹿儿岛/鹿兒島 Lù'érdǎo Kagoshima 鹿児島 (Japanese) 鹿儿岛/鹿兒島 Lù'érdǎo Kagoshima
熊本 Xióngběn Kumamoto 熊本 Xióngběn Kumamoto
宮崎 (Japanese) 宫崎/宮崎 Gōngqí Miyazaki 宮崎 (Japanese) 宫崎/宮崎 Gōngqí Miyazaki
長崎 (Japanese) 长崎/長崎 Chángqí Nagasaki 長崎 (Japanese) 长崎/長崎 Chángqí Nagasaki
大分 Dàfēn Ōita 大分 Dàfēn Ōita
佐賀 (Japanese) 佐贺/佐賀 Zuǒhè Saga 佐賀 (Japanese) 佐贺/佐賀 Zuǒhè Saga

沖縄 (Japanese) 冲绳/沖繩 Chōngshéng Okinawa 那覇 (Japanese) 那霸 Nàbà Naha (Okinawa)
琉球诸岛 Ryūkyū Shotō 琉球群岛/琉球群島 Liúqiú Qúndǎo
also called: 南西諸島 Nansei Shotō 南西群岛/南西群島 Nánxī Qúndǎo

Major islands:


本州 Běnzhōu Honshū
九州 Jiǔzhōu Kyūshū
北海道 Běihǎidào Hokkaidō
四国 (Japanese) 四国/四國 Sìguó Shikoku

The famous mountain:


富士山 Fùshì Shān Fujisan or Fujiyama



Japanese: 県 (Ken) prefecture (of Japan); county (of China)
Chinese: 県 (Japanese version of 县縣) [xiàn] county, district, subdivision, Ken)
Chinese: 县[縣] xiàn en (type of province in Japan)
都 Dū To (type of province in Japan)
府 Fǔ Fu (type of province in Japan)
道 Dào Dō (type of province in Japan - only about 北海道 Hokkaidō)
地方 (chihō (Japanese), dìfāng (Chinese) is normally 地区 dìqū So, 中国地方 (Chūgoku chihō) is normally written as 中国地区 (Zhōngguó dìqū)