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User talk:Kazvorpal/startrek-template

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Star Trek template


Hello! I hope you're well. I commend you on devising a template for Star Trek ships and the like. It looks great! I took the liberty to make some minor modifications to the Galaxy class specs/template. For instance, replaced 'Career' (which may be obscure), with 'Galaxy class', as well, I included 11 phasers in the specs since one array is not exposed while both the engineering and saucer modules are docked, etc. Anyhow, let me know what you think.

In addition, and as you know, some of the specifications might be construed as originating from non-canon ('fanon') sources. While I do not necessarily disprove of including them (particularly if there's a consensus); others may be tempted to challenge or remove related information. Thoughts?

Lastly, I was wondering if I can use this template--or variant--for civilan and military aircraft types? Your thoughts are appreciated. Take care!

E Pluribus Anthony 17:27, 28 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Certainly. I based it on the one used for the contemporaneous USS Enterprise, which is loosely similar to some other ship entries. It's not clear if there was an official template for those, or if someone made a right side bar and then others randomly copied parts of it, spontaneously. I was thinking that it'd be good for modern aircraft, too, because I'd looked at some for inspiration when designing mine, and was disappointed to see that they didn't have a standard template of their own. Kaz 16:30, 3 September 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Hey there; thanks for your input! I've made a slight modification to the template (see the Enterprise-D template): ship name instead of class up-top, but ship class when used for classes); I would also suggest the following editions:
This template can also be used, with variation, to describe 'real world' objects.
At least for Star Trek items, (1) and (2) can be merged totally or mostly, as this may only be germane for Federation (Starfleet, civilian) and Klingon (Klingon Defence Force, civilian) vessels. For the real world, they'd be more relevant separately: USA (USN, USAF, USMC, etc.), UK (RN, RAF), etc.
Whatyathink? If you're OK with these, I'll incorporate them and spread the joy! Thoughts? Thanks again! E Pluribus Anthony 01:57, 26 September 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Hello there! I hope you had a happy – and uneventful – move. Forgive my silence, as well (you can empathise); I've been similarly swamped with other matters. I will get on this and get back to you; ta! E Pluribus Anthony 04:31, 4 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

At some point I (or anyone else who's up for it) should ad style="margin: 0px 0px 12px 12px" to keep text from running right up to the table's edge.

Also, why not create this template as an actual Template:, similar to Template:SW_Ship?

--EEMeltonIV 02:41, 18 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]