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rabid adj. Affected with rabies or hydrophobia. racy adj. Exciting or exhilarating to the mind. radiance n. Brilliant or sparkling luster. radiate v. To extend in all directions, as from a source or focus. radical n. One who holds extreme views or advocates extreme measures. radix n. That from or on which something is developed. raillery n. Good-humored satire. ramify v. To divide or subdivide into branches or subdivisions. ramose adj. Branch-like. rampant adj. Growing, climbing, or running without check or restraint. rampart n. A bulwark or construction to oppose assault or hostile entry. rancor n. Malice. rankle v. To produce irritation or festering. rapacious adj. Disposed to seize by violence or by unlawful or greedy methods. rapid adj. Having great speed. rapine n. The act of seizing and carrying off property by superior force, as in war. rapt adj. Enraptured. raptorial adj. Seizing and devouring living prey. ration v. To provide with a fixed allowance or portion, especially of food. rationalism n. The formation of opinions by relying upon reason alone, independently of authority. raucous adj. Harsh. ravage v. To lay waste by pillage, rapine, devouring, or other destructive methods. ravenous adj. Furiously voracious or hungry. ravine n. A deep gorge or hollow, especially one worn by a stream or flow of water. reaction n. Tendency towards a former, or opposite state of things, as after reform, revolution, or inflation. reactionary adj. Pertaining to, of the nature of, causing, or favoring reaction. readily adv. Without objection or reluctance. readjust v. To put in order after disarrangement. ready adj. In a state of preparedness for any given purpose or occasion. realism n. The principle and practice of depicting persons and scenes as they are believed really to exist. rearrange v. To arrange again or in a different order. reassure v. To give new confidence. rebellious adj. Insubordinate. rebuff n. A peremptory or unexpected rejection of advances or approaches. rebuild v. To build again or anew. rebut v. To oppose by argument or a sufficient answer. recant v. To withdraw formally one's belief (in something previously believed or maintained). recapitulate v. To repeat again the principal points of. recapture v. To capture again. recede v. To move back or away. receivable adj. Capable of being or fit to be received - often money. receptive adj. Having the capacity, quality, or ability of receiving, as truths or impressions. recessive adj. Having a tendency to go back. recidivist n. A confirmed criminal. reciprocal adj. Mutually interchangeable or convertible. reciprocate v. To give and take mutually. reciprocity n. Equal mutual rights and benefits granted and enjoyed. recitation n. The act of reciting or repeating, especially in public and from memory. reck v. To have a care or thought for. reckless adj. Foolishly headless of danger. reclaim v. To demand or to obtain the return or restoration of. recline v. To cause to assume a leaning or recumbent attitude or position. recluse n. One who lives in retirement or seclusion. reclusory n. A hermitage. recognizance n. An acknowledgment entered into before a court with condition to do some particular act. recognize v. To recall the identity of (a person or thing). recoil v. To start back as in dismay, loathing, or dread. recollect v. To recall the knowledge of. reconcilable adj. Capable of being adjusted or harmonized. reconnoiter v. To make a preliminary examination of for military, surveying, or geological purposes. reconsider v. To review with care, especially with a view to a reversal of previous action. reconstruct v. To rebuild. recourse n. Resort to or application for help in exigency or trouble. recover v. To regain. recreant n. A cowardly or faithless person. recreate v. To refresh after labor. recrudescence n. The state of becoming raw or sore again. recrudescent adj. Becoming raw or sore again. recruit v. To enlist men for military or naval service. rectify v. To correct. rectitude n. The quality of being upright in principles and conduct. recuperate v. To recover. recur v. To happen again or repeatedly, especially at regular intervals. recure v. To cure again. recurrent adj. Returning from time to time, especially at regular or stated intervals. redemption n. The recovery of what is mortgaged or pledged, by paying the debt. redolent adj. Smelling sweet and agreeable. redolence n. Smelling sweet and agreeable. redoubtable adj. Formidable. redound n. Rebound. redress v. To set right, as a wrong by compensation or the punishment of the wrong-doer. reducible adj. That may be reduced. redundance n. Excess. redundant adj. Constituting an excess. reestablish v. To restore. refer v. To direct or send for information or other purpose. referrer n. One who refers. referable adj. Ascribable. referee n. An umpire. refinery n. A place where some crude material, as sugar or petroleum, is purified. reflectible adj. Capable of being turned back. reflection n. The throwing off or back of light, heat, sound, or any form of energy that travels in waves. reflector n. A mirror, as of metal, for reflecting light, heat, or sound in a particular direction. reflexible adj. Capable of being reflected. reform n. Change for the better. reformer n. One who carries out a reform. refract v. To bend or turn from a direct course. refractory adj. Not amenable to control. refragable adj. Capable of being refuted. refringency n. Power to refract. refringent adj. Having the power to refract. refusal n. Denial of what is asked. refute v. To prove to be wrong. regale v. To give unusual pleasure. regalia n. pl. The emblems of royalty. regality n. Royalty. regenerate v. To reproduce. regent n. One who is lawfully deputized to administer the government for the time being in the name of the ruler. regicide n. The killing of a king or sovereign. regime n. Particular conduct or administration of affairs. regimen n. A systematized order or course of living with reference to food, clothing and personal habits. regiment n. A body of soldiers. regnant adj. Exercising royal authority in one's own right. regress v. To return to a former place or condition. regretful adj. Feeling, expressive of, or full of regret. rehabilitate v. To restore to a former status, capacity, right rank, or privilege. reign v. To hold and exercise sovereign power. reimburse v. To pay back as an equivalent of what has been expended. rein n. A step attached to the bit for controlling a horse or other draft-animal. reinstate v. To restore to a former state, station, or authority. reiterate v. To say or do again and again. rejoin v. To reunite after separation. rejuvenate v. To restore to youth. rejuvenescence n. A renewal of youth. relapse v. To suffer a return of a disease after partial recovery. relegate v. To send off or consign, as to an obscure position or remote destination. relent v. To yield. relevant adj. Bearing upon the matter in hand. reliance n. Dependence. reliant adj. Having confidence. relinquish v. To give up using or having. reliquary n. A casket, coffer, or repository in which relics are kept. relish v. To like the taste or savor of. reluctance n. Unwillingness. reluctant adj. Unwilling. remembrance n. Recollection. reminiscence n. The calling to mind of incidents within the range of personal knowledge or experience. reminiscent adj. Pertaining to the recollection of matters of personal interest. remiss adj. Negligent. remission n. Temporary diminution of a disease. remodel v. Reconstruct. remonstrance n. Reproof. remonstrant adj. Having the character of a reproof. remonstrate v. To present a verbal or written protest to those who have power to right or prevent a wrong. remunerate v. To pay or pay for. remuneration n. Compensation. Renaissance n. The revival of letters, and then of art, which marks the transition from medieval to modern time. rendezvous n. A prearranged place of meeting. rendition n. Interpretation. renovate v. To restore after deterioration, as a building. renunciation n. An explicit disclaimer of a right or privilege. reorganize v. To change to a more satisfactory form of organization. reparable adj. Capable of repair. reparation n. The act of making amends, as for an injury, loss, or wrong. repartee n. A ready, witty, or apt reply. repeal v. To render of no further effect. repel v. To force or keep back in a manner, physically or mentally. repellent adj. Having power to force back in a manner, physically or mentally. repentance n. Sorrow for something done or left undone, with desire to make things right by undoing the wrong. repertory n. A place where things are stored or gathered together. repetition n. The act of repeating. repine v. To indulge in fretfulness and faultfinding. replenish v. To fill again, as something that has been emptied. replete adj. Full to the uttermost. replica n. A duplicate executed by the artist himself, and regarded, equally with the first, as an original. repository n. A place in which goods are stored. reprehend v. To find fault with. reprehensible adj. Censurable. reprehension n. Expression of blame. repress v. To keep under restraint or control. repressible adj. Able to be kept under restraint or control. reprieve v. To grant a respite from punishment to. reprimand v. To chide or rebuke for a fault. reprisal n. Any infliction or act by way of retaliation on an enemy. reprobate n. One abandoned to depravity and sin. reproduce v. To make a copy of. reproduction n. The process by which an animal or plant gives rise to another of its kind. reproof n. An expression of disapproval or blame personally addressed to one censured. repudiate v. To refuse to have anything to do with. repugnance n. Thorough dislike. repugnant adj. Offensive to taste and feeling. repulse n. The act of beating or driving back, as an attacking or advancing enemy. repulsive adj. Grossly offensive. repute v. To hold in general opinion. requiem n. A solemn mass sung for the repose of the souls of the dead. requisite adj. Necessary. requital n. Adequate return for good or ill. requite v. To repay either good or evil to, as to a person. rescind v. To make void, as an act, by the enacting authority or a superior authority. reseat v. To place in position of office again. resemblance n. Similarity in quality or form. resent v. To be indignant at, as an injury or insult. reservoir n. A receptacle where a quantity of some material, especially of a liquid or gas, may be kept. residue n. A remainder or surplus after a part has been separated or otherwise treated. resilience n. The power of springing back to a former position resilient adj. Having the quality of springing back to a former position. resistance n. The exertion of opposite effort or effect. resistant adj. Offering or tending to produce resistance. resistive adj. Having or exercising the power of resistance. resistless adj. Powerless. resonance n. The quality of being able to reinforce sound by sympathetic vibrations. resonance adj. Able to reinforce sound by sympathetic vibrations. resonate v. To have or produce resonance. resource n. That which is restored to, relied upon, or made available for aid or support. respite n. Interval of rest. resplendent adj. Very bright. respondent adj. Answering. restitution n. Restoration of anything to the one to whom it properly belongs. resumption n. The act of taking back, or taking again. resurgent adj. Surging back or again. resurrection n. A return from death to life resuscitate v. To restore from apparent death. retaliate v. To repay evil with a similar evil. retch v. To make an effort to vomit. retention n. The keeping of a thing within one's power or possession. reticence n. The quality of habitually keeping silent or being reserved in utterance. reticent adj. Habitually keeping silent or being reserved in utterance. retinue n. The body of persons who attend a person of importance in travel or public appearance. retort n. A retaliatory speech. retouch v. To modify the details of. retrace v. To follow backward or toward the place of beginning, as a track or marking. retract v. To recall or take back (something that one has said). retrench v. To cut down or reduce in extent or quantity. retrieve v. To recover something by searching. retroactive adj. Operative on, affecting, or having reference to past events, transactions, responsibilities. retrograde v. To cause to deteriorate or to move backward. retrogression n. A going or moving backward or in a reverse direction. retrospect n. A view or contemplation of something past. retrospective adj. Looking back on the past. reunite v. To unite or join again, as after separation. revelation n. A disclosing, discovering, or making known of what was before secret, private, or unknown. revere v. To regard with worshipful veneration. reverent adj. Humble. reversion n. A return to or toward some former state or condition. revert v. To return, or turn or look back, as toward a former position or the like. revile v. To heap approach or abuse upon. revisal n. Revision. revise v. To examine for the correction of errors, or for the purpose of making changes. revocation n. Repeal. revoke v. To rescind. rhapsody n. Rapt or rapturous utterance. rhetoric n. The art of discourse. rhetorician n. A showy writer or speaker. ribald adj. Indulging in or manifesting coarse indecency or obscenity. riddance n. The act or ridding or delivering from something undesirable. ridicule n. Looks or acts expressing amused contempt. ridiculous adj. Laughable and contemptible. rife adj. Abundant. righteousness n. Rectitude. rightful adj. Conformed to a just claim according to established laws or usage. rigmarole n. Nonsense. rigor n. Inflexibility. rigorous adj. Uncompromising. ripplet n. A small ripple, as of water. risible adj. capable of exciting laughter. rivulet n. A small stream or brook. robust adj. Characterized by great strength or power of endurance. rondo n. A musical composition during which the first part or subject is repeated several times. rookery n. A place where crows congregate to breed. rotary adj. Turning around its axis, like a wheel, or so constructed as to turn thus. rotate v. To cause to turn on or as on its axis, as a wheel. rote n. Repetition of words or sounds as a means of learning them, with slight attention. rotund adj. Round from fullness or plumpness. rudimentary adj. Being in an initial, early, or incomplete stage of development. rue v. To regret extremely. ruffian adj. A lawless or recklessly brutal fellow. ruminant adj. Chewing the cud. ruminate v. To chew over again, as food previously swallowed and regurgitated. rupture v. To separate the parts of by violence. rustic adj. Characteristic of dwelling in the country. ruth n. Sorrow for another's misery. sacrifice v. To make an offering of to deity, especially by presenting on an altar. sacrificial adj. Offering or offered as an atonement for sin. sacrilege n. The act of violating or profaning anything sacred. sacrilegious adj. Impious. safeguard v. To protect. sagacious adj. Able to discern and distinguish with wise perception. salacious adj. Having strong sexual desires. salience n. The condition of standing out distinctly. salient adj. Standing out prominently. saline adj. Constituting or consisting of salt. salutary adj. Beneficial. salutation n. Any form of greeting, hailing, or welcome, whether by word or act. salutatory n. The opening oration at the commencement in American colleges. salvage n. Any act of saving property. salvo n. A salute given by firing all the guns, as at the funeral of an officer. sanctimonious adj. Making an ostentatious display or hypocritical pretense of holiness or piety. sanction v. To approve authoritatively. sanctity n. Holiness. sanguinary adj. Bloody. sanguine adj. Having the color of blood. sanguineous adj. Consisting of blood. sapid adj. Affecting the sense of taste. sapience n. Deep wisdom or knowledge. sapient adj. Possessing wisdom. sapiential adj. Possessing wisdom. saponaceous adj. Having the nature or quality of soap. sarcasm n. Cutting and reproachful language. sarcophagus n. A stone coffin or a chest-like tomb. sardonic adj. Scornfully or bitterly sarcastic. satiate v. To satisfy fully the appetite or desire of. satire n. The employment of sarcasm, irony, or keenness of wit in ridiculing vices. satiric adj. Resembling poetry, in which vice, incapacity ,or corruption is held up to ridicule. satirize v. To treat with sarcasm or derisive wit. satyr n. A very lascivious person. savage n. A wild and uncivilized human being. savor v. To perceive by taste or smell. scabbard n. The sheath of a sword or similar bladed weapon. scarcity n. Insufficiency of supply for needs or ordinary demands. scholarly adj. Characteristic of an erudite person. scholastic adj. Pertaining to education or schools. scintilla n. The faintest ray. scintillate v. To emit or send forth sparks or little flashes of light. scope n. A range of action or view. scoundrel n. A man without principle. scribble n. Hasty, careless writing. scribe n. One who writes or is skilled in writing. script n. Writing or handwriting of the ordinary cursive form. Scriptural adj. Pertaining to, contained in, or warranted by the Holy Scriptures. scruple n. Doubt or uncertainty regarding a question of moral right or duty. scrupulous adj. Cautious in action for fear of doing wrong. scurrilous adj. Grossly indecent or vulgar. scuttle v. To sink (a ship) by making holes in the bottom. scythe n. A long curved blade for mowing, reaping, etc. seance n. A meeting of spirituals for consulting spirits. sear v. To burn on the surface. sebaceous adj. Pertaining to or appearing like fat. secant adj. Cutting, especially into two parts. secede v. To withdraw from union or association, especially from a political or religious body. secession n. Voluntary withdrawal from fellowship, especially from political or religious bodies. seclude v. To place, keep, or withdraw from the companionship of others. seclusion n. Solitude. secondary adj. Less important or effective than that which is primary. secondly adv. In the second place in order or succession. second-rate adj. Second in quality, size, rank, importance, etc. secrecy n. Concealment. secretary n. One who attends to correspondence, keeps records. or does other writing for others. secretive adj. Having a tendency to conceal. sedate adj. Even-tempered. sedentary adj. Involving or requiring much sitting. sediment n. Matter that settles to the bottom of a liquid. sedition n. Conduct directed against public order and the tranquillity of the state. seditious adj. Promotive of conduct directed against public order and the tranquillity of the state. seduce v. To entice to surrender chastity. sedulous adj. Persevering in effort or endeavor. seer n. A prophet. seethe v. To be violently excited or agitated. seignior n. A title of honor or respectful address, equivalent to sir. seismograph n. An instrument for recording the phenomena of earthquakes. seize v. To catch or take hold of suddenly and forcibly. selective adj. Having the power of choice. self-respect n. Rational self-esteem. semblance n. Outward appearance. semicivilized adj. Half-civilized. semiconscious adj. Partially conscious. semiannual adj. Recurring at intervals of six months. semicircle n. A half-circle. seminar n. Any assemblage of pupils for real research in some specific study under a teacher. seminary n. A special school, as of theology or pedagogics. senile adj. Peculiar to or proceeding from the weakness or infirmity of old age. sensation n. A condition of mind resulting from spiritual or inherent feeling. sense n. The signification conveyed by some word, phrase, or action. sensibility n. Power to perceive or feel. sensitive adj. Easily affected by outside operations or influences. sensorium n. The sensory apparatus. sensual adj. Pertaining to the body or the physical senses. sensuous adj. Having a warm appreciation of the beautiful or of the refinements of luxury. sentence n. A related group of words containing a subject and a predicate and expressing a complete thought. sentience n. Capacity for sensation or sense-perception. sentient adj. Possessing the power of sense or sense-perception. sentinel n. Any guard or watch stationed for protection. separable adj. Capable of being disjoined or divided. separate v. To take apart. separatist n. A seceder. septennial adj. Recurring every seven years. sepulcher n. A burial-place. sequacious adj. Ready to be led. sequel n. That which follows in consequence of what has previously happened. sequence n. The order in which a number or persons, things, or events follow one another in space or time. sequent adj. Following in the order of time. sequester v. To cause to withdraw or retire, as from society or public life. sequestrate v. To confiscate. sergeant n. A non-commissioned military officer ranking next above a corporal. sergeant-at-arms n. An executive officer in legislative bodies who enforces the orders of the presiding officer. sergeant-major n. The highest non-commissioned officer in a regiment. service n. Any work done for the benefit of another. serviceable adj. Durable. servitude n. Slavery. severance n. Separation. severely adv. Extremely. sextet n. A band of six singers or players. sextuple adj. Multiplied by six. sheer adj. Absolute. shiftless adj. Wanting in resource, energy, or executive ability. shrewd adj. Characterized by skill at understanding and profiting by circumstances. shriek n. A sharp, shrill outcry or scream, caused by agony or terror. shrinkage n. A contraction of any material into less bulk or dimension. shrivel v. To draw or be drawn into wrinkles. shuffle n. A mixing or changing the order of things. sibilance n. A hissing sound. sibilant adj. Made with a hissing sound. sibilate v. To give a hissing sound to, as in pronouncing the letter s. sidelong adj. Inclining or tending to one side. sidereal adj. Pertaining to stars or constellations. siege n. A beleaguerment. significance n. Importance. significant adj. Important, especially as pointing something out. signification n. The meaning conveyed by language, actions, or signs. similar adj. Bearing resemblance to one another or to something else. simile n. A comparison which directs the mind to the representative object itself. similitude n. Similarity. simplify v. To make less complex or difficult. simulate v. Imitate. simultaneous adj. Occurring, done, or existing at the same time. sinecure n. Any position having emoluments with few or no duties. singe v. To burn slightly or superficially. sinister adj. Evil. sinuosity n. The quality of curving in and out. sinuous adj. Curving in and out. sinus n. An opening or cavity. siren n. A sea-nymph, described by Homer as dwelling between the island of Circe and Scylla. sirocco n. hot winds from Africa. sisterhood n. A body of sisters united by some bond of sympathy or by a religious vow. skeptic n. One who doubts any statements. skepticism n. The entertainment of doubt concerning something. skiff n. Usually, a small light boat propelled by oars. skirmish n. Desultory fighting between advanced detachments of two armies. sleight n. A trick or feat so deftly done that the manner of performance escapes observation. slight adj. Of a small importance or significance. slothful adj. Lazy. sluggard n. A person habitually lazy or idle. sociable adj. Inclined to seek company. socialism n. A theory of civil polity that aims to secure the reconstruction of society. socialist adj. One who advocates reconstruction of society by collective ownership of land and capital. sociology n. The philosophical study of society. Sol n. The sun. solace n. Comfort in grief, trouble, or calamity. solar adj. Pertaining to the sun. solder n. A fusible alloy used for joining metallic surfaces or margins. soldier n. A person engaged in military service. solecism n. Any violation of established rules or customs. solicitor n. One who represents a client in court of justice; an attorney. solicitude n. Uneasiness of mind occasioned by desire, anxiety, or fear. soliloquy n. A monologue. solstice n. The time of year when the sun is at its greatest declination. soluble adj. Capable of being dissolved, as in a fluid. solvent adj. Having sufficient funds to pay all debts. somber adj. Gloomy. somniferous adj. Tending to produce sleep. somnolence n. Oppressive drowsiness. somnolent adj. Sleepy. sonata n. An instrumental composition. sonnet n. A poem of fourteen decasyllabic or octosyllabiclines expressing two successive phrases. sonorous adj. Resonant. soothsayer n. One who claims to have supernatural insight or foresight. sophism n. A false argument understood to be such by the reasoner himself and intentionally used to deceive sophistical adj. Fallacious. sophisticate v. To deprive of simplicity of mind or manner. sophistry n. Reasoning sound in appearance only, especially when designedly deceptive. soprano n. A woman's or boy's voice of high range. sorcery n. Witchcraft. sordid adj. Of degraded character or nature. souvenir n. A token of remembrance. sparse adj. Thinly diffused. Spartan adj. Exceptionally brave; rigorously severe. spasmodic adj. Convulsive. specialize v. To assume an individual or specific character, or adopt a singular or special course. specialty n. An employment limited to one particular line of work. specie n. A coin or coins of gold, silver, copper, or other metal. species n. A classificatory group of animals or plants subordinate to a genus. specimen n. One of a class of persons or things regarded as representative of the class. specious adj. Plausible. spectator n. One who beholds or looks on. specter n. Apparition. spectrum n. An image formed by rays of light or other radiant energy. speculate v. To pursue inquiries and form conjectures. speculator n. One who makes an investment that involves a risk of loss, but also a chance of profit. sphericity n. The state or condition of being a sphere. spheroid n. A body having nearly the form of a sphere. spherometer n. An instrument for measuring curvature or radii of spherical surfaces. spinous adj. Having spines. spinster n. A woman who has never been married. spontaneous adj. Arising from inherent qualities or tendencies without external efficient cause. sprightly adj. Vivacious. spurious adj. Not genuine. squabble v. To quarrel. squalid adj. Having a dirty, mean, poverty-stricken appearance. squatter n. One who settles on land without permission or right. stagnant adj. Not flowing: said of water, as in a pool. stagnate v. To become dull or inert. stagnation n. The condition of not flowing or not changing. stagy adj. Having a theatrical manner. staid adj. Of a steady and sober character. stallion n. An uncastrated male horse, commonly one kept for breeding. stanchion n. A vertical bar, or a pair of bars, used to confine cattle in a stall. stanza n. A group of rimed lines, usually forming one of a series of similar divisions in a poem. statecraft n. The art of conducting state affairs. static adj. Pertaining to or designating bodies at rest or forces in equilibrium. statics n. The branch of mechanics that treats of the relations that subsist among forces in order. stationary adj. Not moving. statistician n. One who is skilled in collecting and tabulating numerical facts. statuesque adj. Having the grace, pose, or quietude of a statue. statuette n. A figurine. stature n. The natural height of an animal body. statute n. Any authoritatively declared rule, ordinance, decree, or law. stealth n. A concealed manner of acting. stellar adj. Pertaining to the stars. steppe n. One of the extensive plains in Russia and Siberia. sterling adj. Genuine. stifle v. To smother. stigma n. A mark of infamy or token of disgrace attaching to a person as the result of evil-doing. stiletto n. A small dagger. stimulant n. Anything that rouses to activity or to quickened action. stimulate v. To rouse to activity or to quickened action. stimulus n. Incentive. stingy adj. Cheap, unwilling to spend money. stipend n. A definite amount paid at stated periods in compensation for services or as an allowance. Stoicism n. The principles or the practice of the Stoics-being very even tempered in success and failure. stolid adj. Expressing no power of feeling or perceiving. strait n. A narrow passage of water connecting two larger bodies of water. stratagem n. Any clever trick or device for obtaining an advantage. stratum n. A natural or artificial layer, bed, or thickness of any substance or material. streamlet n. Rivulet. stringency n. Strictness. stringent adj. Rigid. stripling n. A mere youth. studious adj. Having or showing devotion to the acquisition of knowledge. stultify v. To give an appearance of foolishness to. stupendous adj. Of prodigious size, bulk, or degree. stupor n. Profound lethargy. suasion n. The act of persuading. suave adj. Smooth and pleasant in manner. subacid adj. Somewhat sharp or biting. subaquatic adj. Being, formed, or operating under water. subconscious adj. Being or occurring in the mind, but without attendant consciousness or conscious perception. subjacent adj. Situated directly underneath. subjection n. The act of bringing into a state of submission. subjugate v. To conquer. subliminal adj. Being beneath the threshold of consciousness. sublingual adj. Situated beneath the tongue. submarine adj. Existing, done, or operating beneath the surface of the sea. submerge v. To place or plunge under water. submergence n. The act of submerging. submersible adj. Capable of being put underwater. submersion n. The act of submerging. submission n. A yielding to the power or authority of another. submittal n. The act of submitting. subordinate adj. Belonging to an inferior order in a classification. subsequent adj. Following in time. subservience n. The quality, character, or condition of being servilely following another's behests. subservient adj. Servilely following another's behests. subside v. To relapse into a state of repose and tranquillity. subsist v. To be maintained or sustained. subsistence n. Sustenance. substantive adj. Solid. subtend v. To extend opposite to. subterfuge n. Evasion. subterranean adj. Situated or occurring below the surface of the earth. subtle adj. Discriminating. subtrahend n. That which is to be subtracted. subversion n. An overthrow, as from the foundation. subvert v. To bring to ruin. succeed v. To accomplish what is attempted or intended. success n. A favorable or prosperous course or termination of anything attempted. successful adj. Having reached a high degree of worldly prosperity. successor n. One who or that which takes the place of a predecessor or preceding thing. succinct adj. Concise. succulent adj. Juicy. succumb v. To cease to resist. sufferance n. Toleration. sufficiency n. An ample or adequate supply. suffrage n. The right or privilege of voting. suffuse v. To cover or fill the surface of. suggestible adj. That can be suggested. suggestive adj. Stimulating to thought or reflection. summary n. An abstract. sumptuous adj. Rich and costly. superabundance n. An excessive amount. superadd v. To add in addition to what has been added. superannuate v. To become deteriorated or incapacitated by long service. superb adj. Sumptuously elegant. supercilious adj. Exhibiting haughty and careless contempt. superficial adj. Knowing and understanding only the ordinary and the obvious. superfluity n. That part of anything that is in excess of what is needed. superfluous adj. Being more than is needed. superheat v. To heat to excess. superintend v. To have the charge and direction of, especially of some work or movement. superintendence n. Direction and management. superintendent n. One who has the charge and direction of, especially of some work or movement. superlative n. That which is of the highest possible excellence or eminence. supernatural adj. Caused miraculously or by the immediate exercise of divine power. supernumerary adj. Superfluous. supersede v. To displace. supine adj. Lying on the back. supplant v. To take the place of. supple adj. Easily bent. supplementary adj. Being an addition to. supplicant n. One who asks humbly and earnestly. supplicate v. To beg. supposition n. Conjecture. suppress v. To prevent from being disclosed or punished. suppressible adj. Capable of being suppressed. suppression n. A forcible putting or keeping down. supramundane adj. Supernatural. surcharge n. An additional amount charged. surety n. Security for payment or performance. surfeit v. To feed to fullness or to satiety. surmise v. To conjecture. surmount v. To overcome by force of will. surreptitious adj. Clandestine. surrogate n. One who or that which is substituted for or appointed to act in place of another. surround v. To encircle. surveyor n. A land-measurer. susceptibility n. A specific capability of feeling or emotion. susceptible adj. Easily under a specified power or influence. suspense n. Uncertainty. suspension n. A hanging from a support. suspicious adj. Inclined to doubt or mistrust. sustenance n. Food. swarthy adj. Having a dark hue, especially a dark or sunburned complexion. Sybarite n. A luxurious person. sycophant n. A servile flatterer, especially of those in authority or influence. syllabic adj. Consisting of that which is uttered in a single vocal impulse. syllabication n. Division of words into that which is uttered in a single vocal impulse. syllable n. That which is uttered in a single vocal impulse. syllabus n. Outline of a subject, course, lecture, or treatise. sylph n. A slender, graceful young woman or girl. symmetrical adj. Well-balanced. symmetry n. Relative proportion and harmony. sympathetic adj. Having a fellow-feeling for or like feelings with another or others. sympathize v. To share the sentiments or mental states of another. symphonic adj. Characterized by a harmonious or agreeable mingling of sounds. symphonious adj. Marked by a harmonious or agreeable mingling of sounds. symphony n. A harmonious or agreeable mingling of sounds. synchronism n. Simultaneousness. syndicate n. An association of individuals united for the prosecution of some enterprise. syneresis n. The coalescence of two vowels or syllables, as e'er for ever. synod n. An ecclesiastical council. synonym n. A word having the same or almost the same meaning as some other. synopsis n. A syllabus or summary. systematic adj. Methodical. tableau n. An arrangement of inanimate figures representing a scene from real life. tacit adj. Understood. taciturn adj. Disinclined to conversation. tack n. A small sharp-pointed nail. tact n. Fine or ready mental discernment shown in saying or doing the proper thing. tactician n. One who directs affairs with skill and shrewdness. tactics n. Any maneuvering or adroit management for effecting an object. tangency n. The state of touching. tangent adj. Touching. tangible adj. Perceptible by touch. tannery n. A place where leather is tanned. tantalize v. To tease. tantamount adj. Having equal or equivalent value, effect, or import. tapestry n. A fabric to which a pattern is applied with a needle, designed for ornamental hangings. tarnish v. To lessen or destroy the luster of in any way. taut adj. Stretched tight. taxation n. A levy, by government, of a fixed contribution. taxidermy n. The art or process of preserving dead animals or parts of them. technic adj. Technical. technicality n. Something peculiar to a particular art, trade, or the like. technique n. Manner of performance. technography n. The scientific description or study of human arts and industries in their historic development. technology n. The knowledge relating to industries and manufactures. teem v. To be full to overflowing. telepathy n. Thought-transference. telephony n. The art or process of communicating by telephone. telescope v. To drive together so that one slides into the another like the sections of a spy-glass. telltale adj. That gives warning or information. temerity n. Recklessness. temporal adj. Pertaining to or concerned with the affairs of the present life. temporary adj. Lasting for a short time only. temporize v. To pursue a policy of delay. tempt v. To offer to (somebody) an inducement to do wrong. tempter n. An allurer or enticer to evil. tenacious adj. Unyielding. tenant n. An occupant. tendency n. Direction or inclination, as toward some objector end. tenet n. Any opinion, principle, dogma, or doctrine that a person believes or maintains as true. tenor n. A settled course or manner of progress. tense adj. Strained to stiffness. tentative adj. Done as an experiment. tenure n. The term during which a thing is held. tercentenary adj. Pertaining to a period of 300 years. termagant adj. Violently abusive and quarrelsome. terminal adj. Pertaining to or creative of a boundary, limit. terminate v. To put an end or stop to. termination n. The act of ending or concluding. terminus n. The final point or goal. terrify v. To fill with extreme fear. territorial adj. Pertaining to the domain over which a sovereign state exercises jurisdiction. terse adj. Pithy. testament n. A will. testator n. The maker of a will. testimonial n. A formal token of regard, often presented in public. thearchy n. Government by a supreme deity. theism n. Belief in God. theocracy n. A government administered by ecclesiastics. theocrasy n. The mixed worship of polytheism. theologian n. A professor of divinity. theological adj. Based on or growing out of divine revelation. theology n. The branch of theological science that treats of God. theoretical adj. Directed toward knowledge for its own sake without respect to applications. theorist n. One given to speculating. theorize v. To speculate. thereabout adv. Near that number, quantity, degree, place, or time, approximately. therefor adv. For that or this. thermal adj. Of or pertaining to heat. thermoelectric adj. Denoting electricity produced by heat. thermoelectricity n. Electricity generated by differences of temperature, thesis n. An essay or treatise on a particular subject. thoroughbred adj. Bred from the best or purest blood or stock. thoroughfare n. A public street or road. thrall n. One controlled by an appetite or a passion. tilth n. Cultivation. timbre n. The quality of a tone, as distinguished from intensity and pitch. timorous adj. Lacking courage. tincture n. A solution, usually alcoholic, of some principle used in medicine. tinge n. A faint trace of color. tipsy adj. Befuddled with drinks. tirade n. Harangue. tireless adj. Untiring. tiresome adj. Wearisome. Titanic adj. Of vast size or strength. toilsome adj. Laborious. tolerable adj. Moderately good. tolerance n. Forbearance in judging of the acts or opinions of others. tolerant adj. Indulgent. tolerate v. To passively permit or put up with. toleration n. A spirit of charitable leniency. topography n. The art of representing on a map the physical features of any locality or region with accuracy. torpor n. Apathy. torrid adj. Excessively hot. tortious adj. Wrongful. tortuous adj. Abounding in irregular bends or turns. torturous adj. Marked by extreme suffering. tractable adj. Easily led or controlled. trait n. A distinguishing feature or quality. trajectory n. The path described by a projectile moving under given forces. trammel n. An impediment. tranquil adj. Calm. tranquilize v. To soothe. tranquility n. Calmness. transalpine adj. Situated on the other side of the Alps. transact v. To do business. transatlantic adj. Situated beyond or on the other side of the Atlantic. transcend v. To surpass. transcendent adj. Surpassing. transcontinental adj. Extending or passing across a continent. transcribe v. To write over again (something already written) transcript n. A copy made directly from an original. transfer v. To convey, remove, or cause to pass from one person or place to another. transferable adj. Capable of being conveyed from one person or place to another. transferee n. The person to whom a transfer is made. transference n. The act of conveying from one person or place to another. transferrer n. One who or that which conveys from one person or place to another. transfigure v. To give an exalted meaning or glorified appearance to. transfuse v. To pour or cause to pass, as a fluid, from one vessel to another. transfusible adj. Capable of being poured from one vessel to another. transfusion n. The act of pouring from one vessel to another. transgress v. To break a law. transience n. Something that is of short duration. transient n. One who or that which is only of temporary existence. transition n. Passage from one place, condition, or action to another. transitory adj. Existing for a short time only. translate v. To give the sense or equivalent of in another language or dialect. translator n. An interpreter. translucence n. The property or state of allowing the passage of light. translucent adj. Allowing the passage of light. transmissible adj. That may e sent through or across. transmission n. The act of sending through or across. transmit v. To send trough or across. transmute v. To change in nature, substance, or form. transparent adj. Easy to see through or understand. transpire v. To come to pass. transplant v. To remove and plant in another place. transposition n. The act of reversing the order or changing the place of. transverse adj. Lying or being across or in a crosswise direction. travail n. Hard or agonizing labor. travesty n. A grotesque imitation. treacherous adj. Perfidious. treachery n. Violation of allegiance, confidence, or plighted faith. treasonable adj. Of the nature of betrayal, treachery, or breech of allegiance. treatise n. An elaborate literary composition presenting a subject in all its parts. treble adj. Multiplied by three. trebly adv. Triply. tremendous adj. Awe-inspiring. tremor n. An involuntary trembling or shivering. tremulous adj. Characterized by quivering or unsteadiness. trenchant adj. Cutting deeply and quickly. trepidation n. Nervous uncertainty of feeling. trestle n. An open braced framework for supporting the horizontal stringers of a railway-bridge. triad n. A group of three persons of things. tribune n. Any champion of the rights and liberties of the people: often used as the name for a newspaper. trickery n. Artifice. tricolor adj. Of three colors. tricycle n. A three-wheeled vehicle. trident n. The three-pronged fork that was the emblem of Neptune. triennial adj. Taking place every third year. trimness n. Neatness. trinity n. A threefold personality existing in the one divine being or substance. trio n. Three things grouped or associated together. triple adj. Threefold. triplicate adj. Composed of or pertaining to three related things or parts. triplicity n. The state of being triple or threefold. tripod n. A three-legged stand, usually hinged near the top, for supporting some instrument. trisect v. To divide into three parts, especially into three equal parts. trite adj. Made commonplace by frequent repetition. triumvir n. One of three men united coordinately in public office or authority. trivial adj. Of little importance or value. troublesome adj. Burdensome. truculence n. Ferocity. truculent adj. Having the character or the spirit of a savage. truism n. A statement so plainly true as hardly to require statement or proof. truthful adj. Veracious. turgid adj. Swollen. turpitude n. Depravity. tutelage n. The act of training or the state of being under instruction. tutelar adj. Protective. tutorship n. The office of a guardian. twinge n. A darting momentary local pain. typical adj. Characteristic. typify v. To serve as a characteristic example of. typographical adj. Pertaining to typography or printing. typography n. The arrangement of composed type, or the appearance of printed matter. tyrannical adj. Despotic. tyranny n. Absolute power arbitrarily or unjustly administrated. tyro n. One slightly skilled in or acquainted with any trade or profession. ubiquitous adj. Being present everywhere. ulterior adj. Not so pertinent as something else to the matter spoken of. ultimate adj. Beyond which there is nothing else. ultimatum n. A final statement or proposal, as concerning terms or conditions. ultramundane adj. Pertaining to supernatural things or to another life. ultramontane adj. Beyond the mountains, especially beyond the Alps (that is, on their Italian side). umbrage n. A sense of injury. unaccountable adj. Inexplicable. unaffected adj. Sincere. unanimous adj. Sharing the same views or sentiments. unanimity n. The state or quality of being of one mind. unavoidable adj. Inevitable. unbearable adj. Unendurable. unbecoming adj. Unsuited to the wearer, place, or surroundings. unbelief n. Doubt. unbiased adj. Impartial, as judgment. unbridled adj. Being without restraint. uncommon adj. Rare. unconscionable adj. Ridiculously or unjustly excessive. unconscious adj. Not cognizant of objects, actions, etc. unction n. The art of anointing as with oil. unctuous adj. Oily. undeceive v. To free from deception, as by apprising of the real state of affairs. undercharge v. To make an inadequate charge for. underexposed adj. Insufficiently exposed for proper or full development, as negatives in photography. undergarment n. A garment to be worn under the ordinary outer garments. underman v. To equip with less than the full complement of men. undersell v. To sell at a lower price than. undersized adj. Of less than the customary size. underhanded adj. Clandestinely carried on. underlie v. To be the ground or support of. underling n. A subordinate. undermine v. To subvert in an underhand way. underrate v. To undervalue. understate v. To fail to put strongly enough, as a case. undervalue v. To underestimate. underworld n. Hades. underwrite v. To issue or be party to the issue of a policy of insurance. undue adj. More than sufficient. undulate v. To move like a wave or in waves. undulous adj. Resembling waves. unfavorable adj. Adverse. ungainly adj. Clumsy. unguent n. Any ointment or lubricant for local application. unicellular adj. Consisting of a single cell. univalence n. Monovalency. unify v. To cause to be one. unique adj. Being the only one of its kind. unison n. A condition of perfect agreement and accord. unisonant adj. Being in a condition of perfect agreement and accord. Unitarian adj. Pertaining to a religious body that rejects the doctrine of the Trinity. unlawful adj. Illegal. unlimited adj. Unconstrained. unnatural adj. Artificial. unnecessary adj. Not essential under the circumstances. unsettle v. To put into confusion. unsophisticated adj. Showing inexperience. unspeakable adj. Abominable. untimely adj. Unseasonable. untoward adj. Causing annoyance or hindrance. unutterable adj. Inexpressible. unwieldy adj. Moved or managed with difficulty, as from great size or awkward shape. unwise adj. Foolish. unyoke v. To separate. up-keep n. Maintenance. upbraid v. To reproach as deserving blame. upcast n. A throwing upward. upheaval n. Overthrow or violent disturbance of established order or condition. upheave v. To raise or lift with effort. uppermost adj. First in order of precedence. uproarious adj. Noisy. uproot v. To eradicate. upturn v. To throw into confusion. urban adj. Of, or pertaining to, or like a city. urbanity n. Refined or elegant courtesy. urchin n. A roguish, mischievous boy. urgency n. The pressure of necessity. usage n. Treatment. usurious adj. Taking unlawful or exorbitant interest on money loaned. usurp v. To take possession of by force. usury n. The demanding for the use of money as a loan, a rate of interest beyond what is allowed by law. utilitarianism n. The ethical doctrine that actions are right because they are useful or of beneficial tendency. utility n. Fitness for some desirable practical purpose. utmost n. The greatest possible extent. vacate v. To leave. vaccinate v. To inoculate with vaccine virus or virus of cowpox. vacillate v. To waver. vacuous adj. Empty. vacuum n. A space entirely devoid of matter. vagabond n. A wanderer. vagrant n. An idle wanderer. vainglory n. Excessive, pretentious, and demonstrative vanity. vale n. Level or low land between hills. valediction n. A bidding farewell. valedictorian n. Student who delivers an address at graduating exercises of an educational institution. valedictory n. A parting address. valid adj. Founded on truth. valorous adj. Courageous. vapid adj. Having lost sparkling quality and flavor. vaporizer n. An atomizer. variable adj. Having a tendency to change. variance n. Change. variant n. A thing that differs from another in form only, being the same in essence or substance. variation n. Modification. variegate v. To mark with different shades or colors. vassal n. A slave or bondman. vaudeville n. A variety show. vegetal adj. Of or pertaining to plants. vegetarian n. One who believes in the theory that man's food should be exclusively vegetable. vegetate v. To live in a monotonous, passive way without exercise of the mental faculties. vegetation n. Plant-life in the aggregate. vegetative adj. Pertaining to the process of plant-life. vehement adj. Very eager or urgent. velocity n. Rapid motion. velvety adj. Marked by lightness and softness. venal adj. Mercenary, corrupt. vendible adj. Marketable. vendition n. The act of selling. vendor n. A seller. veneer n. Outside show or elegance. venerable adj. Meriting or commanding high esteem. venerate v. To cherish reverentially. venereal adj. Pertaining to or proceeding from sexual intercourse. venial adj. That may be pardoned or forgiven, a forgivable sin. venison n. The flesh of deer. venom n. The poisonous fluid that certain animals secrete. venous adj. Of, pertaining to, or contained or carried in a vein or veins. veracious adj. Habitually disposed to speak the truth. veracity n. Truthfulness. verbatim adv. Word for word. verbiage n. Use of many words without necessity. verbose adj. Wordy. verdant adj. Green with vegetation. verification n. The act of proving to be true, exact, or accurate. verify v. To prove to be true, exact, or accurate. verily adv. In truth. verity n. Truth. vermin n. A noxious or troublesome animal. vernacular n. The language of one's country. vernal adj. Belonging to or suggestive of the spring. versatile adj. Having an aptitude for applying oneself to new and varied tasks or to various subjects. version n. A description or report of something as modified by one's character or opinion. vertex n. Apex. vertical adj. Lying or directed perpendicularly to the horizon. vertigo n. Dizziness. vestige n. A visible trace, mark, or impression, of something absent, lost, or gone. vestment n. Clothing or covering. veto n. The constitutional right in a chief executive of refusing to approve an enactment. vicarious adj. Suffered or done in place of or for the sake of another. viceroy n. A ruler acting with royal authority in place of the sovereign in a colony or province. vicissitude n. A change, especially a complete change, of condition or circumstances, as of fortune. vie v. To contend. vigilance n. Alert and intent mental watchfulness in guarding against danger. vigilant adj. Being on the alert to discover and ward off danger or insure safety. vignette n. A picture having a background or that is shaded off gradually. vincible adj. Conquerable. vindicate v. To prove true, right, or real. vindicatory adj. Punitive. vindicative adj. Revengeful. vinery n. A greenhouse for grapes. viol n. A stringed instrument of the violin class. viola n. A musical instrument somewhat larger than a violin. violator n. One who transgresses. violation n. Infringement. violoncello n. A stringed instrument held between the player's knees. virago n. A bold, impudent, turbulent woman. virile adj. Masculine. virtu n. Rare, curious, or beautiful quality. virtual adj. Being in essence or effect, but not in form or appearance. virtuoso n. A master in the technique of some particular fine art. virulence n. Extreme poisonousness. virulent adj. Exceedingly noxious or deleterious. visage n. The face, countenance, or look of a person. viscount n. In England, a title of nobility, ranking fourth in the order of British peerage. vista n. A view or prospect. visual adj. Perceptible by sight. visualize v. To give pictorial vividness to a mental representation. vitality n. The state or quality of being necessary to existence or continuance. vitalize v. To endow with life or energy. vitiate v. To contaminate. vituperable adj. Deserving of censure. vivacity n. Liveliness. vivify v. To endue with life. vivisection n. The dissection of a living animal. vocable n. a word, especially one regarded in relation merely to its qualities of sound. vocative adj. Of or pertaining to the act of calling. vociferance n. The quality of making a clamor. vociferate v. To utter with a loud and vehement voice. vociferous adj. Making a loud outcry. vogue n. The prevalent way or fashion. volant adj. Flying or able to fly. volatile adj. Changeable. volition n. An act or exercise of will. volitive adj. Exercising the will. voluble adj. Having great fluency in speaking. voluptuous adj. having fullness of beautiful form, as a woman, with or without sensuous or sensual quality. voracious adj. Eating with greediness or in very large quantities. vortex n. A mass of rotating or whirling fluid, especially when sucked spirally toward the center. votary adj. Consecrated by a vow or promise. votive adj. Dedicated by a vow. vulgarity n. Lack of refinement in conduct or speech. vulnerable adj. Capable of receiving injuries. waif n. A homeless, neglected wanderer. waistcoat n. A vest. waive v. To relinquish, especially temporarily, as a right or claim. wampum n. Beads strung on threads, formerly used among the American Indians as currency. wane v. To diminish in size and brilliancy. wantonness n. Recklessness. warlike adj. Belligerent. wavelet n. A ripple. weak-kneed adj. Without resolute purpose or energy. weal n. Well-being. wean v. To transfer (the young) from dependence on mother's milk to another form of nourishment. wearisome adj. Fatiguing. wee adj. Very small. well-bred adj. Of good ancestry. well-doer n. A performer of moral and social duties. well-to-do adj. In prosperous circumstances. whereabouts n. The place in or near which a person or thing is. whereupon adv. After which. wherever adv. In or at whatever place. wherewith n. The necessary means or resources. whet v. To make more keen or eager. whimsical adj. Capricious. whine v. To utter with complaining tone. wholly adv. Completely. wield v. To use, control, or manage, as a weapon, or instrument, especially with full command. wile n. An act or a means of cunning deception. winsome adj. Attractive. wintry adj. Lacking warmth of manner. wiry adj. Thin, but tough and sinewy. witchcraft n. Sorcery. witless adj. Foolish, indiscreet, or silly. witling n. A person who has little understanding. witticism n. A witty, brilliant, or original saying or sentiment. wittingly adv. With knowledge and by design. wizen v. To become or cause to become withered or dry. wizen-faced adj. Having a shriveled face. working-man n. One who earns his bread by manual labor. workmanlike adj. Like or befitting a skilled workman. workmanship n. The art or skill of a workman. wrangle v. To maintain by noisy argument or dispute. wreak v. To inflict, as a revenge or punishment. wrest v. To pull or force away by or as by violent twisting or wringing. wretchedness n. Extreme misery or unhappiness. writhe v. To twist the body, face, or limbs or as in pain or distress. writing n. The act or art of tracing or inscribing on a surface letters or ideographs. wry adj. Deviating from that which is proper or right. yearling n. A young animal past its first year and not yet two years old. zealot n. One who espouses a cause or pursues an object in an immoderately partisan manner. zeitgeist n. The intellectual and moral tendencies that characterize any age or epoch. zenith n. The culminating-point of prosperity, influence, or greatness. zephyr n. Any soft, gentle wind. zodiac n. An imaginary belt encircling the heavens within which are the larger planets.