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Bibliographic notes


On the origins of Eusebius' conception and composition of the work, Barnes cites (at 400 n. 61):

  • P. Meyer, Festschrift dem Gymnasium Adolfinum zu Moers (Bonn, 1882), 23ff.

On the sources of the documents in the Vita, Drake cites (at "Genesis" 20 n. 3):

  • C. Dupont, "Décisions et textes constantiniens dans les oeuvres d'Eusèbe de Cesarée," Viator 2 (1971): 1–32.
  • C. Pietri, "Constantin en 324: Propagande et théologie impériales d'après les documents de la vita Constantini," in Crise et redressement dans les provinces europeennes de l'Empire' (milieu du IIIe–milieu lu IVe siecle ap. J.C.). Actes du colloque de Strasbourg (décembre 1981), ed. E. Frézouls (Strasbourg, 1983), pp. 63–90.
  • B. H. Warmington, "The Sources of Some Constantinian Documents in Eusebius' Ecclesiastical History and Life of Constantine," in Papers of the Ninth Oxford Patristics Conference, 1983, ed. E. A. Livingstone, Studia Patristica, vol. 18.1 (Kalamazoo, 1985), pp. 93–98.

Early denials of the authenticity of the letter to the eastern provincials (from Barnes, "Panegyric, history", 117 n. 9):

  • A. Crivellucci, Della fede storica di Eusebio nella Vita di Constantino (Livorno, 1888), 50ff.; idem., Studi Storici, 3 (1894): 369–84, 415–22; A. Mancini, "Osservazioni sulla Vita di Constantino d'Eusebio", RFIC 33 (1905): 309–60; P. Batiffol, "Les documents de la Vita Constantini", BALAC 4 (1914): 81–95.

Retractions, continued denial (Barnes, "Panegyric, history", 117 n. 10):

  • H. Grégoire, "Rapports des séances de la société 'Theonoé'", La nouvelle Clio 5 (1953): 215; idem., "L'authenticité et l'historicité de la Vita Constantini attribuée à Eusèbe de Césarée", BAB, Classe des Lettres' 5th series, 39 (1953): 462–79; M. R. Cataudella, "La 'persecuzione' di Licinio e l'autenticità della 'Vita Constantini'", Athenaeum n.s. 48 (1970): 48–83, 229–50.
G.W. (Talk) 21:03, 6 March 2010 (UTC)[reply]