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Hello! I'm a Christian guy from Catalonia wandering around. Feel free to talk to me.

Thank you for your contributions to Wikipedia. As a member of the Wikipedia community, I would like to remind you of Wikipedia's neutral-point-of-view policy for editors, which you appear to have violated at Jehovah's Witnesses and Jesus. In the meantime, please be bold and continue contributing to Wikipedia. Thank you! - CobaltBlueTony 13:13, 31 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Please source your edits from verifiable and reliable references.

Additionally, the Magi were astrologers, a prractice forbidden by Jewish law, so how could those men represent appropriate behavior for godly individuals? Moreover, the star they followed led them to Pilate, who wanted to murder the Messiah. It was in a dream that an angel prevented them from reporting back to Pilate the Messiah's location. - CobaltBlueTony 16:47, 31 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Cobaltbluetony, this is a late response -more than a year. I've just been too busy to contribute or even look at my user page. I should take out the "recent changes patrol" box. The NPOV accusation is just not true. I've come to the realization that the NPOV policy is just an Utopia, exactly the same thing that happens with the media. Instead of getting an ulcer, I just leave everything to God, he will ultimately judge the lies and misinformations of everybody. Wikipedia is a great idea, an Utopia itself, but only those without a real life -or willing to sacrifice it- or those financed by the PR department of an institution -Government, Church, NGO...- can keep track with all the developments. I already sacrifice too much in -vain? futile?- things, so I will focus on the very important things in my life. The knowledge of predestination should ease any believer of the anxieties and pressures of this world, including PR for one's beliefs, or even other religions' lies. God bless you all. --Erintiransom (talk) 12:13, 21 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Have you ever met a Mormon and asked?


Jesus Christ wasent just a prophet. He was The Savior, Son of God, Lord, Creator of the universe and completed the single act that will save us all as sons and daughters of our Father in Heaven. He saved us from sin and is the Redeamer and advocate to us all. And I know that in and only by Him can we be saved. Only by his plan and doing it the way He says to do it. That means baptizm, and priesthood ordinances that is outlined in the Bible. I am a Member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints other wise known as the Mormons, I know that Jesus Christ lives He is the only man who overcame death and I know he lives as a man of flesh and bones. I am a Christian. I've talked to many others that do not share my faith and have been to other parts of the world and talked to people who do not declare themselves as Christian, but i would never and could never define them as non-christians. Remember what Jesus said: What comes out of the mouth doth condemmn a man. I could never tell you because i've never met you that you were not a christian based on what someone else said about you. In other plainer words if you want to know somthing about teeth do you ask a brain surgan? No, you go to a Dentist. If you want to know if Jesus Christ is central to Mormon doctrine, ask a Mormon. I am one and He is central to my life, I am so thankfull for Him and to Him for all he has done for me. I cannot express in words my gratitude that I have for his devine sacrifice that He personally made for me, for all of us on this earth. Wether we have heard of Him, or believe on Him or curse Him. He loves us, individually. Isnt that example, and following it enough to say that someone is a Christian? Or Christ-like? I mean that kind of love is imaculate and powerfull. Powerfull enough to change the course of history and the world. Dont you think? I know that The Lord will judge us based on what we know, and how we used that knowledge here on earth. If we knowingly sin and do not repent we will be held accountable for that. This is regardless of what religion we labled ourselves here on this earth, because beyond that veil, and at the resurrection there will be no religion just God and what He says goes. And on the topic of having a living prophet we do have one and it is Jesus Christ who puts him there to speak, just as Jesus called Moses, and Noah, and Isaiah, and Joseph and Matthew and John all as prophets and Apostles Jesus Christ has again called and chosen more prophets and apostles. The church of Jesus Christ is set up exactly the way God says it should be and its outlined in Ephesians 4:13 Paul wrote: And he gave some, apostles; ans some prophets; ans some, evangelists; ans some pastors and teachers; so if we have evangelists and pastors and teachers of The Word on earth now why cant the world still have prophets? Where in the bible does it say that God will not call anymore Prophets? But my wisdom, is mute. You dont know me or of my credentials. Im just a person stating the passions of my heart, and what the Holy Ghost has born witness to me. But I invite you, friend, to ask The One who knows all. More than me and more than any other teacher, or preacher or anyone with a PHD. Your a Child of God, He will answer your prayer, i can promise you if you ask in sincere prayer, God will answer you if wether or not The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints is God's church or not. Take His word for it, not mine. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 08:30, 24 April 2008 (UTC)[reply]



I found an ESPN article that mentions Rubio speaking Catalan [1], so it looks like you're right. Zagalejo^^^ 17:35, 19 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]

OK, but understand that we have to work with sources here that others can check to see for themselves. Zagalejo^^^ 17:59, 19 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]
As I understand it, there are plenty of people in the Barcelona area who primarily speak Spanish. And you shouldn't make assumptions about a person's ethnicity based on their first name alone; lots of people like to give their kids "exotic" names.
Most important, though, is that users on the English Wikipedia generally come from English-speaking countries, and what might be common knowledge in a non-English speaking country is not necessarily common knowledge elsewhere. People don't have immediate access to the same kinds of sources. Zagalejo^^^ 20:38, 19 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]
I was just reverting to the status quo. Zagalejo^^^ 04:04, 20 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Catalan culture challenge


I've seen on your userpage that you speak Catalan: From March 16 to April 15 we will be organising the Catalan Culture Challenge, a Wikipedia editing contest in which victory will go to those who start and improve the greatest number of articles about 50 key figures of Catalan culture. You can take part by creating or expanding articles on these people in your native language (or any other one you speak). We look forward to seeing you! Amical Wikimedia--Kippelboy (talk) 08:27, 11 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]