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ID timeline – some jottings on intelligent design to find out who did what when.... a scrapbook as the basis for a timeline of intelligent design.

Creation science pre Edwards[edit]

  • 1925 onwards: creationists attempted to keep evolution out of public schools by prohibiting it through statutes such as Tennessee’s 1925 Butler Act.[1]
  • 1965 "The term "scientific creationism" first gained currency around 1965 following publication of The Genesis Flood in 1961 by Whitcomb and Morris"[2]
  • 1967 Michael Polanyi article in the science journal Chemical Engineering News argued that “machines are irreducible to physics and chemistry” and that “mechanistic structures of living beings appear to be likewise irreducible.” – claimed as predecessor to ID.[3]
  • 1968 Epperson v. Arkansas "reviewed an Arkansas statute that made it unlawful for an instructor to teach evolution or to use a textbook that referred to this scientific theory" concluded "that the First Amendment does not permit the State to require that teaching and learning must be tailored to the principles or prohibitions of any religious sect or dogma,"[4] States may not alter the curriculum to conform to the beliefs of particular religious sects:[1] ends prohibitions on teaching evolution going back to Scopes era.[5]
  • 1975 Daniel v. Waters rules that a state law requiring biology textbooks discussing "origins or creation of man and his world" to give equal treatment to creation as per Genesis is unconstitutional, creationists change to Creation science omitting explicit biblical references.[5]
  • 1980 Foundation for Thought and Ethics formed. Incorporator and president Jon Buell, an ordained minister, refers to it as a "Christian think-tank" in the original application for tax-exempt status. FTE's articles of incorporation state that its purpose is both religious and educational, and it includes "proclaiming, publishing, preaching [and] teaching…the Christian Gospel and understanding of the Bible and the light it sheds on the academic and social issues of the day." The application referred to says the organization's first activity would be the editing of a book "showing the scientific evidence for creation."[6]
  • 1981 state of Arkansas passed a law, Act 590, mandating that "creation science" be given equal time in public schools with evolution, which defined creation science as positing the “creation of the universe, energy, and life from nothing,” as well as explaining the earth’s geology “by occurrence of a worldwide flood.”[2] McLean v. Arkansas ruling issued on January 5, 1982. that the Act was unconstitutional "The creationists' methods do not take data, weigh it against the opposing scientific data, and thereafter reach the conclusions stated in Section 4(a). Instead, they take the literal wording of the Book of Genesis and attempt to find scientific support for it."[2] was treated by creationists as due to the state not defending it properly,[5] but "had a powerful influence on subsequent rulings concerning creationism because of its clear, specific definition of science, which Judge Overton used to rule that “creation science” is religion, not science."[1]
  • 1982 Louisiana's "Balanced Treatment for Creation-Science and Evolution-Science in Public School Instruction" Act (Creationism Act) forbids the teaching of the theory of evolution in public schools unless accompanied by instruction in "creation science."[4]
  • late 1982 as work on The Mystery of Life’s Origin (see 1984) nears completion, start made on what will become Pandas.[3]
  • 1983 FTE newsletter The Foundation Rationale "..Christians, in fact all theists, must insist that whenever origins are discussed, public schools allow the teaching of the evidence for creation alongside instruction in the naturalistic concept of evolution. If the scientific rationale for both creation and evolution were taught there would be an equality demanded by the symmetry of the two metaphysical views, theism and naturalism. If both are not taught, it is not just the subject of origin that is affected. The whole of naturalistic thought is given privileged status by the state, with the de facto result that young minds are prepared to reject theistic approaches to morality and religion. At the same time they are prepared to receive both moral relativism and the various naturalistic religions such as unity, Buddhism, Scientology, and religious humanism."
  • 1983 Percival Davis and Dean H. Kenyon produce first draft of Pandas, entitled Creation Biology Textbook Supplements.[7]
  • 1984 book The Mystery of Life’s Origin by Charles Thaxton and others, foreword by Kenyon, argues for ‘a profoundly informative intervention' by an intelligent cause, "the authors conclude that while design can be detected in biology, science cannot determine from this evidence whether the design was from a creator outside the cosmos."[3]
  • 1984 Kenyon affidavit Definitions "Creation-science means origin through abrupt appearance in complex form, and includes biological creation, biochemical creation (or chemical creation), and cosmic creation.", "Creation-science does not include as essential parts the concepts of catastrophism, a world-wide flood, a recent inception of the earth or life, from nothingness (ex nihilo), the concept of kinds, or any concepts from Genesis or other religious texts.", claims creation and evolution the only scientific explanations of life - what Forrest calls "the dual model", submitted to Edwards trial in 1986 (?) [7]
This is later described by the DI's Witt as "There Kenyon described a science open to intelligent causes but one free of religious presuppositions or assertions about the identity of the designer. He described how he did origins science, how a science open to intelligent causes ought to be done." Witt claims that this is a different creation science from YEC Creationism.[3]
  • 1985 District Court "Aguillard v. Treen" held that there can be no valid secular reason for prohibiting the teaching of evolution, a theory historically opposed by some religious denominations. The court further concluded that "the teaching of 'creation-science' and 'creationism,' as contemplated by the statute, involves teaching 'tailored to the principles' of a particular religious sect or group of sects." (citing Epperson v. Arkansas (1968)). The District Court therefore held that the Creationism Act violated the Establishment Clause either because it prohibited the teaching of evolution or because it required the teaching of creation science with the purpose of advancing a particular religious doctrine. The court of Appeals affirmed.[4]
DI's Witt claims that "In Edwards, the Court found Louisiana’s act entailed the teaching of religion by virtue of a specific religious construction, comprised of particular teachings clearly paralleling the ‘Book of Genesis. Thus, it was a specific set of teachings or doctrines from a religious source that constituted religion." and so didn't apply to Kenyon's definition of the term “creation science”.[3]
  • 1985 FTE commissioned a poll of high-school science teachers to show potential publishers that a market existed for a school textbook on creationism.[6][8]
  • 1986 FTE copyrighted draft entitled Biology and Creation by Kenyon & Davis. [7] (note Charles Thaxton academic editor, not clear from when)
  • 1987 FTE copyrighted draft entitled Biology and Origins by Kenyon & Davis.[7]
  • 1987 FTE's founder Jon Buell sought a publisher for the book, telling a Boston firm "A new independent scientific poll (report enclosed) shows almost half of the nation's biology teachers include some creation in their view of biological origins. Many more who don't still believe it should be included in science curriculum.... The U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals says that teachers are free to teach scientific information that happens to support creation if they wish. In ruling on the so-called Louisiana "Balanced Treatment Act" this Spring the U.S. Supreme Court may not affirm state-mandated teaching of creation, but they will almost certainly let stand the above academic freedom for teachers." "The enclosed projections showing revenues of Over 6.5 million in five years are based upon modest expectations for the market provided the U.S Supreme Court does not uphold the Louisiana "Balanced Treatment Act". If, by chance it should uphold it, then you can throw out these projections, the nationwide market would be explosive!" "the book will not be subject to the major criticism of creation, that the supernatural lies outside of science, because its central statement is that scientific evidence points to an intelligent cause, but that science is silent as to whether that intelligence is within or beyond the material universe. So the book is not appealing to the supernatural."[9]

Edwards v. Aguillard ruling, Pandas, Johnson vs. evolution[edit]

  • August 1986 Amicus Curae brief: Louisiana Act did not define creation-science, usually divine creation ex nihilo, created kinds, flood and young earth – "appellants deny that the statutory term "creation-science" reflects those religious tenets; instead, appellants insist upon a sterilized alternative: the evidence for 'abrupt appearance in complex form.'," but actually equated it with traditional tenets."[10]
  • 1987 Supreme Court ruling in Edwards v. Aguillard re Louisiana Creationism Act "The Act is facially invalid as violative of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, because it lacks a clear secular purpose.... does not further its stated secular purpose of "protecting academic freedom." ... A law intended to maximize the comprehensiveness and effectiveness of science instruction would encourage the teaching of all scientific theories about human origins. Instead, this Act has the distinctly different purpose of discrediting evolution by counterbalancing its teaching at every turn with the teaching of creationism.... impermissibly endorses religion by advancing the religious belief that a supernatural being created humankind. The legislative history demonstrates that the term "creation science," as contemplated by the state legislature, embraces this religious teaching. The Act's primary purpose was to change the public school science curriculum to provide persuasive advantage to a particular religious doctrine that rejects the factual basis of evolution in its entirety."[4]
  • 1987 FTE copyrighted draft retitled Of Pandas and People: The Central Questions of Biological Origins, reference to Edwards decision added in footnote, as in earlier drafts has definition "Creation means that the various forms of life began abruptly through the agency of an intelligent creator with their distinctive features already intact. Fish with fins and scales, birds with feathers, beaks, and wings, etc."[7]
  • 1987 another draft of Pandas, "cognates" changed from creation to intelligent design, definition "Intelligent design means that various forms of life began abruptly through an intelligent agency, with their distinctive features already intact. Fish with fins and scales, birds with feathers, beaks, wings, etc." – same wording in 1989 and 1993 editions of publication.[7]
Thaxton is credited with introducing the term ID: in 2005 the DI's Witt contends that his definition of "creation-science" had been overruled by Edwards [Witt claims they equated it to YEC], so he needed a new term for his definition – "He found it in a phrase he picked up from a NASA scientist—intelligent desgin. “That’s just what I need,” Thaxton recalls thinking. “It’s a good engineering term…. After I first saw it, it seemed to jibe. When I would go to meetings, I noticed it was a phrase that would come up from time to time. And I went back through my old copies of Science magazine and found the term used occasionally.” Soon the term “intelligent design” was incorporated into the language of the book."[3]
  • 1987 Phillip E. Johnson (in England) reads Dawkins' Blind Watchmaker and "Evolution; A Theory in Crisis", a creationist book by Michael Denton, and finds purpose in life – he reads the amicus briefs in Edwards and concludes definition of science is loaded against creationism.[11] citing Paul Nelson 2002, "“Definitions of science, [Johnson] argued, could be contrived to exclude any conclusion we dislike or to include any we favor”, Forrest writes "Johnson decided that the creationists had lost that case because of their unfair exclusion from science by the scientific community’s naturalistic definition of science. Consequently, creationists must redefine science to restore the supernatural".[1]
  • 1987-8 Johnson (in his own account) in England reads as above & Isaac Asimov’s Guide to Science, meets Steven Meyer who subsequently introduces him to "the others", Denton and Nelson.. [12]
  • 1988 Meyer later reports "the term came up" at a conference he attended in Tacoma called "Sources of Information Content in DNA", attributed to Charles Thaxton, editor ofPandas.
  • August 1988 Johnson, as reported in 1989 position paper, "The August 1988 draft of my paper which was distributed to you only a few days ago is a bit lengthy and dense, and it has also been superseded by later drafts in its progress toward publication in book form"
  • 1989 Johnson funded to speak at Seattle conference, "I soon became the leader of the group."[12]
  • 1989 survey finds that want more than 30% of a national sample of high school biology teachers want to teach "creation science" (described in Eve and Dunn)[13]
  • 1989 Of Pandas and People published, printed by "Haughton Publishing Co.", the assumed name of Horticultural Printers, Inc., a large Dallas printing firm mainly serving the agricultural industry. Haughton has no other books in print.[6] "all of the basic arguments of [Johnson, Behe and Dembski] are found in essentially modern form in the 1989 Of Pandas and People (Behe's irreducibly complexity argument is found in the 1993 edition of Pandas)."[14]
Haughton and FTE campaign to get it into schools across U.S. mobilizing local Christian conservative groups to push school boards and individual teachers to adopt the book and also to get themselves elected to school boards and local educational committees, claims ID "is accepted science, a view that is held by many highly qualified scientists"[8] with support from Institute for Creation Research.
A decade later, Jon Buell wrote: "Written by Percival Davis and Dean Kenyon, this book was the first intelligent design textbook. In fact, it was the first place where the phrase “intelligent design” appeared in its present use."[15]

•September 12, 1989, Alabama hearings on approved school textbooks, Pandas on list but not in libraries as required for public viewing, Joan Kendall, director of the Birmingham chapter of the Eagle Forum, praised Pandas as an exemplary scientific text presenting an alternative to modern evolutionary theory based on "intelligent design". Scott Brande gets copy from NCSE's Eugene Scott and sends written criticism to committee members – extensive discussion at October 2 session, "a majority of the State Textbook Committee voted not to consider Pandas as a primary biology text.  The book was also voted down as a supplemental text, at least in part because of its thinly disguised religious underpinnings." advisory, subject to adoption[16]

  • Haughton placed an advertisement for Pandas in the November 1989 issue of The Science Teacher, the monthly of the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA). The ad said that Pandas had been "prepared with academic integrity" and had been "Authored by mainstream, published science educators".[17] It was promoted vigorously by its publisher with full-page ads in The Science Teacher and other journals, and at teachers’ association conventions, as well as being advanced by members of religiously-oriented citizen pressure groups like Concerned Women for America and Citizens for Excellence in Education. Pandas was then under consideration for state adoption in both Idaho and Alabama, to be submitted in Texas and other states in the coming months, and with grass-roots promotion had a good chance of showing up in local districts of non-adoption states as well.[18]
  • December 1989 a church campaign in Alabama gathered over 11,800 signatures on a petition to place Pandas on the list of approved school textbooks. State Board of Education December 14 meeting, votes for adoption, "Haughton Publishing made an elaborate presentation. A Birmingham businessman presented petitions with over 11,800 signatures urging the board to adopt supplementary materials presenting "Intelligent Design" as an alternative to evolution. (For several weeks, a Christian radio station in Tuscaloosa had urged people to sign the Pandas petition.).... attorney. Hare charged that opponents had falsely painted Pandas as a creationist text, and that "Intelligent Design" does not compel belief in the supernatural." Buell and Thaxton amongst speakers for Pandas at January hearing, but publisher Haughton tries to withdraw and end hearing on procedural grounds, then threatens to sue committee if they reject the book rather than accepting that it was withdrawn.[19]
  • 1989 onwards "Pandas was actively promoted for public school use by creationists, starting in Alabama in 1989 and continuing throughout the 1990's. After 2000, Pandas activity largely died down"[14].

DI founded, Johnson's first book[edit]

The important issue is not the relationship of science and creationism, but the relationship of science and materialist philosophy.
7.1 With respect to the public schools, the providing of information about the evidence pertaining to Darwinism should be distinguished from efforts to indoctrinate students in "what scientists believe." Specifically, textbooks should be candid in acknowledging the origin of life problem, the fossil record problems, the limited results of selective breeding, and the inability to confirm experimentally the hypothesis that natural selection has creative power.
7.2 More importantly, the universities should be opened up to genuine intellectual inquiry into the fundamental assumptions of Darwinism and scientific materialism. The possibility that Darwinism is false, and that no replacement theory is currently available, should be put on the table for serious consideration.
  • May 1990 FTE letter, new sales campaign. Jon Buell writes: "We are finding that the best approach to the local school system is through the biology teacher." Offers volunteers a Suggested Plan of Action and an 18-minute video with the endorsements of a number of scientists, educators, and an authority on First Amendment law. NSCE summarise as:
A local creationist activist finds a sympathetic biology teacher (perhaps a fellow member of his or her church) and makes the pitch.
The teacher convinces the curriculum committee and/or administration to approve use of Pandas provided funding can be found from outside sources.
A local church purchases the books and donates them to the school.[20]
  • 1990 "Apparently, FTE has decided against further attempts at state textbook approval, at least for the present. Henry Skrabanek, president of Haughton, told me that Haughton and FTE intend to change course and direct their efforts "outside the schools" to the grass-roots level. Skrabanek said sales of Pandas so far have been single-copy, and he needed to get the book into the schools to have significant sales. He said local school boards, teacher's groups, and parents were the likely targets of the new effort."[6]
  • 1990 DI founded by Meyer, Bruce Chapman and George Gilder.
  • October 1990 -Johnson, "A Reply to My Critics" –
"Victory in the creation-evolution dispute therefore belongs to the party with the cultural authority to establish the ground rules that govern the discourse. If creation is admitted as a serious possibility, Darwinism cannot win, and if it is excluded a priori Darwinism cannot lose. The point is illustrated by the logic which the Natural Academy of Sciences employed to persuade the Supreme Court that "creation-scientists" should not be given an opportunity to present their case against the theory of evolution in science classes. Creation-Science is not science, said the Academy, because

it fails to display the most basic characteristic of science: reliance upon naturalistic explanations. Instead, proponents of "creation- science" hold that the creation of the universe, the earth, living things, and man was accomplished through supernatural means inaccessible to human understanding.[21]

  • 1991? publisher says 1992,[22] Johnson's first book, Darwin on Trial – does this edition use the term "intelligent design"? – attacks natsel and evolution, "Johnson encapsulates his major insistence by writing: "In the broadest sense, a creationist is simply a person who believes that the world (and especially mankind) was designed, and exists for a purpose." Darwinism, Johnson claims, inherently and explicitly denies such a belief and therefore constitutes a naturalistic philosophy intrinsically opposed to religion."[23] "By the time Darwin on Trial was published, I had pretty well worked out the strategy I thought would, in time, win this campaign, and I’ve been able to convince most of the young-earth creationists and the old-earth creationists that this is the right way to proceed."[12]
  • March 1992, a group of scientists and philosophers who were influenced by Johnson's book met – "a landmark symposium took place at Southern Methodist University in Dallas. Phillip Johnson, Steven Meyer, William Dembski, Michael Behe, and other Christian scholars squared off against several prominent Darwinists. The topic was Darwinism science, or philosophy. The remarkable thing about the symposium was the collegial spirit that prevailed. Creationists and evolutionists met as equals to discuss serious intellectual questions".[7], [24][25]
  • "Since 1992, ID proponents have been engaged in an energetic schedule of conferences, publication, lectures (mostly at universities, where there is a ready pool of recruits), website creation, radio and TV appearances, and now blogging and podcasting." [1]
  • Mar-Apr 1992, Televangelist James Dobson's newsletter directs his supporters to march down to the school board and demand of Of Pandas and People be used when evolution is taught.[26]
  • July 1992 Scientific American, Gould review of Johnson's book Darwin on Trial, no mention of ID.[27]
"Johnson encapsulates his major insistence by writing: "In the broadest sense, a creationist is simply a person who believes that the world (and especially mankind) was designed, and exists for a purpose."
Johnson writes anti-naturalistic response, which Scientific American refuses to print: Dembski, Behe, Meyer and 36 other anti-evolutionists responded by mass-mailing a copy of it, along with a supporting letter, to scientists and biology departments all over the US. In its supporting letter, the group, calling itself the "Ad Hoc Origins Committee", identified itself as "Scientists Who Question Darwinism"
  • January 1993 Johnson writes criticising "Darwinism" and "undirected" evolution, claims theists wrong to accept evo – "Their position, which I call theistic naturalism, starts from the premise that God refrains from interference with those parts of reality that natural science has staked out as its own territory.", no mention of ID. ""the fundamental disagreement is not over the age of the earth or the method of creation; it is over whether we owe our existence to a purposeful Creator or a blind materialistic process".[28]


  • 1993 Chapman of DI gets seed money which underwrote the earliest nucleus of intelligent design authors who titled themselves "The Wedge" [BF names them as at 1992 meeting, also Nelson.]
  • June 1993, the nascent ID movement met again at Pajaro Dunes in California, Nelson gives list[11] "and this meeting is generally acknowledged as the birth of the Intelligent Design movement", Behe first presented his ideas about "irreducible complexity"[25]
  • 1993 2nd. edition Of Pandas and People published, late in year? "A pervading change in the book is that most of the references to "evolution" and "evolutionists" have been changed to "Darwinism" and "Darwinists" to make the distinction between "evolution" which can mean "change in living things over time" and "Darwinism" which refers to the mechanism of mutation and natural selection." "chapter 6 (Biochemical Similarities) has undergone the most extensive revision. Sections on the complex mechanism of blood clotting and on the origin of proteins have been added." Notes to teachers at end: Charles Thaxton's "A Word to the Teacher" has been supplanted by Notes to teachers written by M. D. Hartwig, and S. C. Meyer.[29] According to Nick Matzke, Behe's irreducibly complexity argument is found in it.[14] Brian Alters cites: (maybe 1989 similar) Pandas 1993 edn. p 99/100 "Darwinists object to the view of intelligent design because it does not give a natural cause explanation of how the various forms of life started in the first place. Intelligent design means that various forms of life began abruptly through an intelligent agency with their distinct features already intact, fish with fins and scales, birds with feathers, beaks, and wings, etc." He comments: "Well, science is all about natural cause explanation. That's a ground rule of modern science."[30] Phillip Johnson, the Berkeley law school professor who is a proponent of intelligent design, is reported in the WSJ as believing that "...a bit more candor about the nature of the designer might be in order. 'You're playing Hamlet without Hamlet if you don't say something about that,' he says."[31]
  • December 1993,[22] Johnson's Darwin on Trial revised, uses term ID[citation needed], refers to 'Pandas
  • August 1994 "In a pattern that is becoming familiar all over the country, a newly elected school board... " Plan to purchase thirty copies of Pandas to distribute to science teachers, plus as many additional copies as teachers might request "Also, if local school control comes to pass, as advocated by Texas' new governor George Bush, we can expect creationism to be proposed again in Plano and many other communities in the state."[32]
  • 1995 John Buell FTE fund raising letter "Production of supplemental textbook for biology is already complete. The teachers are now using it in all 50 states. This book Of Pandas and People is favorably influencing the way origins is taught in thousands of public school classrooms." "Our commitment is to see the monopoly of naturalistic curriculum in the schools broken."[7]
  • 1995, Johnson released another book, "Reason in the Balance" promoting "theistic realism"
  • May 1995 " 'The whole point of Darwinism is to explain the world in a way that excludes any role for a Creator,' says Johnson. 'What is being sold in the name of science is a completely naturalistic understanding of reality.' "
    "If scientists are wrong about Darwinism, are they also wrong about the notion of intelligent design? Might not the notion of design be worthy of a second look?
    A new breed of young Evangelical scholars thinks the anwer to both questions is yes. They are arguing persuasively that design is not only scientific, but is also the most reasonable explanation for the origin of living things. And they're gaining a hearing." [i.e. Meyer, Dembski: also Nelson and Behe, describes IC][24]
  • summer 1995 conference titled "The Death of Materialism and the Renewal of Culture", source of CRSC.[25]


  • 1996, Behe released his book, "Darwin's Black Box"
  • 1996 Center for the Renewal of Science and Culture.[25] Shortly afterwards, the name was changed to the Center for Science and Culture
  • 1996 "Mere Creation" conference at Biola University in California, organized by CSC to plan strategy - very important, "a major research conference bringing together scientists and scholars who reject naturalism as an adequate framework for doing science and who seek a common vision of creation united under the rubric of intelligent design." – no actual research, but produced strategy.[25]
  • 1997 Johnson, Phillip, E . Defeating Darwinism by Opening Minds. (Downer's Grove, IL: Intervarsity Press, "God is our true Creator.... I speak of a God who acted openly and who left his fingerprints all over the evidence. Does such a God really exist, or is he a fantasy like Santa Claus? That is the subject of this book." (p. 23), On p. 91-92 he writes, "If we understand our own times, we will know that we should affirm the reality of God by challenging the domination of materialism and naturalism in the world of the mind."[31]
  • c. 1998 William A. Dembski's The Design Inference and Mere Creation
  • c. 1998 DI / CRSC Wedge document, leaked Feb 5, 1999.[25]
  • 1999 Johnson speech, does not use term ID, "But science has another meaning in our culture, particularly when it's applied to these questions of origins. That other meaning is: Science is applied materialistic philosophy. The scientific enterprise says that our job is to explain the whole world and the cosmos and all the creatures in it without any reference to God as the Creator, without any supernatural acts, and on the basis of invariable natural laws that were the same from the beginning-all so that the creating was done by nature itself without God participating. And if you don't do that, it's not science; it's religion."
    "To talk of a purposeful or guided evolution is not to talk about evolution at all. That is slow creation. When you understand it that way, you realize that the Darwinian theory of evolution contradicts not just the Book of Genesis, but every word in the Bible from beginning to end.
    It contradicts the idea that we are here because a creator brought about our existence for a purpose. That is the first thing I realized, and it carries tremendous meaning"
    "I have built an intellectual movement in the universities and churches that we call The Wedge, which is devoted to scholarship and writing that furthers this program of questioning the materialistic basis of science. One very famous book that's come out of The Wedge is biochemist Michael Behe's book, Darwin's Black Box, which has had an enormous impact on the scientific world"
    "Now the way that I see the logic of our movement going is like this. The first thing you understand is that the Darwinian theory isn't true. It's falsified by all of the evidence and the logic is terrible.
    When you realize that, the next question that occurs to you is, well, where might you get the truth? When I preach from the Bible, as I often do at churches and on Sundays, I don't start with Genesis. I start with John 1:1. In the beginning was the word. In the beginning was intelligence, purpose, and wisdom. The Bible had that right. And the materialist scientists are deluding themselves".[11], [33]

Still need a theory, teach controversy[edit]

  • 1999 strategies: argue that individual teachers have a constitutional right to present creationist material, and that "evidence against evolution" should be taught in the science classroom as a way to improve teaching and learning. Attempts to teach IC and introduce Pandas. Resources for teachers... abundantly available from both "creation science ministries" and conservative religious groups.[13]
  • May 10, 2000, DI briefing of Congress, "Scientific Evidence of Intelligent Design and its Implications for Public Policy and Education," also addressed the social, moral, and political consequences of Darwinism. Creation-evolution debate had primarily been active at the state and local level, a new effort to involve Congress, took place as the Senate entered its second week of debate on overhauling federal K-12 education programs. Nancy Pearcey "For Darwinists, religion must give way to a new science-based cosmic myth with the power to bind humans together in a new world order. She then asked what this means for morality and argued that people were right to be concerned that all the above would undercut morality."[34]
  • June 2001 Rick Santorum introduces The Santorum Amendment to "Teach the Controversy" partially written by Johnson (and based on a law journal article written by DI activist David DeWolf) inviting , left out of bill but kept in conference report.[5]
  • 2002 DI lobbying to get ID into Ohio science standards Ohio House Bill 481. Bills all failed, ID excluded by name but phrase "critically analyze aspects of evolutionary theory" used as excuse for new strategy "teach the controversy".[5]
  • March 2003, the Ohio Board passed modified version of the lesson plan which accepted most of DI's "teach the controversy" strategy and included many of the supposed "scientific criticisms of evolution".[5]
  • Jan 2004 DembskiThe Design Revolution: Answering the Toughest Questions About Intelligent Design ISBN 0830823751 page 22 "Theism, whether Christian, Jewish, or Muslim, holds that God by wisdom created the world. The origin of the world and its subsequent ordering thus result from the designing activity of an intelligent agent, God.
    Naturalism, on the other hand, allows no place for intelligent agency, except at the end of a blind, purposeless, material process."
  • 2004 ©. FTE, draft for new version of Pandas, mentions 10th anniversary, authors listed as Michael J. Behe, Percival Davis, William A. Dembski, Dean H. Kenyon, Jonathan Wells. Contents list, preface, notes to teachers, notes to students, epilogue, but no main content.[15]
  • 2004 Paul Nelson interviewed by a magazine called Touchstone: A Journal of Mere Christianity – "Easily, the biggest challenge facing the ID community is to develop a full-fledged theory of biological design. We don't have such a theory right now, and that's a real problem. Without a theory, it's very hard to know where to direct your research focus.

Right now, we've got a bag of powerful intuitions and a handful of notions such as irreducible complexity and specified complexity, but as yet, no general theory of biological design."[12]


  • July 2004 Dover School District gets donated copies of Pandas, October 2004 the full School Board votes 6-3 to amend the district's curriculum to include intelligent design "theory". In December 11 parents file lawsuit.[5]
  • December 2005 Kitzmiller decision
  • February 2006 Ohio Governor Bob Taft requests legal review of the state's "teach the controversy" curriculum standards, Ohio State Board of Education members vote 11-4 to drop all of the "teach the controversy".[5]


BF cross-ex amination "the Ohio case, representatives of the Discovery Institute were working, they were publicly involved and they were working with supporters in Ohio, a couple of whom are on the Ohio Board of Education, and they were working together to try to promote intelligent design, to get it included into the science standards. When they encountered opposition, they changed their strategy. That's what happened in Ohio." Also cross-examined re Sternberg

ID High School textbook Biology: A Search for Order and Complexity, about 400 pages, it's published by Christian Liberty University Press.[1] also "Evolution is a theory and fact. It is both... Evolution is a factual theory." "reading this four paragraph statement to students... it's definitely teaching [ID]" "there will be no other discussion of the issue, and your teachers will not answer any questions on this issue"

From Library Journal:
Dissecting the writings of Gould, Futuyama, Darwin, and Dawkins with a trenchant sword, law professor Johnson uses an attorney's reasoning to scrutinize the scientists' logic in defining the theory of evolution. Contending that science has distorted research rules to exclude Divine Creation in explaining the diversity of life, Johnson challenges the tenets of natural selection and the evolutionary evidence from fossils and genetic and molecular sources. In the closing chapters, he deals with Darwinism in education and in religion, stating that the evolutionary theory is protected for its "indispensable ideological role in the war against fundamentalism." While the book presents a skewed view of the scientific process, occasionally losing all pretense of objectivity, it may be of value to lay readers seeking a creationist perspective on evolution.
- Frank Reiser, Nassau Community Coll., Garden City, N.Y.
Copyright 1991 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

May 24, 2007: In the first few pages of the book, the author takes the time to inform the reader of his personal beliefs and religious background. He goes on to say that he is not arguing in favor of Intelligent Design but merely examining and questioning the various aspects of "Darwinism".

March 6, 2003: What exactly he wants to allow is not the point of the book, nor is it exactly specified, although subsequent history of the author is clear, intelligent design.

See also[edit]


  1. ^ a b c d e Understanding the Intelligent Design Creationist Movement: Its True Nature and Goals. (pdf) A Position Paper from the Center for Inquiry, Office of Public Policy Barbara Forrest. May, 2007.
  2. ^ a b c McLean v. Arkansas Board of Education, Decision January 5, 1982.
  3. ^ a b c d e f Evolution News & Views: Dover Judge Regurgitates Mythological History of Intelligent Design, Discovery Institute, Posted by Jonathan Witt on December 20, 2005 4:43 PM, retrieved 2007-07-01
  4. ^ a b c d Edwards v. Aguillard
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h Creationism/ID, A Short Legal History By Lenny Flank, Talk Reason
  6. ^ a b c d Thomas, The Foundation for Thought and Ethics, Thomas, John A. (July-August 1990), NCSE Reports, 10(4), pp. 18-19.
  7. ^ a b c d e f g h Barbara Forrest testimony
  8. ^ a b Darwinian Struggle: Instead of Evolution, A Textbook Proposes `Intelligent Design' --- Who Did the Designing, It Doesn't Say". Wall Street Journal, 14 November 1994
  9. ^ Buell (1987): Marketing letter from FTE to prospective publishers
  10. ^ Edwards v. Aguillard: Amicus Curiae Brief of 72 Nobel Laureates
  11. ^ a b c Barbara Forrest testimony 2
  12. ^ a b c d Berkeley's Radical Touchstone magazine interviews Johnson
  13. ^ a b A New Tactic for Getting "Creation Science" Into Classrooms? by Molleen Matsumura, NCSE Network Project Director, 1999
  14. ^ a b c Introduction: Of Pandas and People, the foundational work of the 'Intelligent Design' movement by Nick Matzke 2004,
    Design on Trial in Dover, Pennsylvania by Nicholas J Matzke, NCSE Public Information Project Specialist
  15. ^ a b The Panda's Thumb: I guess ID really was “Creationism’s Trojan Horse” after all, links to Wayback Machine for pdf.
  16. ^ Brande (1989): Science Textbook Adoptions in Alabama: Part I
  17. ^ Religious propoganda in public schools: 'Of Pandas and People': articles from March-April 1990, May-June 1992 and July-August 1994
  18. ^ Introduction to NCSE Bookwatch Reviews for Of Pandas and People by Eugenie C. Scott and Gordon E. Uno (1989)
  19. ^ Brande, Scott (Jan – Feb 1990): Science Text Adoptions in Alabama: Part II NCSE Resource
  20. ^ Selling Pandas, Schadewald, Robert J. (Jan-Feb 1991) NCSE Reports, 11(1), pp. 10-11.
  21. ^ Evolution as Dogma: The Establishment of Naturalism, Phillip E. Johnson, "A Reply to My Critics" October 1990
  22. ^ a b IVP – Darwin on Trial Publisher (InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA) gives publication date of 1st edn. as 1992, 2nd edn. as December 1993
  23. ^ Stephen Jay Gould "Impeaching a Self-Appointed Judge" 1992
  24. ^ a b Challenging Darwin's Myth by Mark Hartwig
  25. ^ a b c d e f Barbara Forrest, The Wedge at Work. Talk Reason, Chapter 1 of the book "Intelligent Design Creationism and Its Critics" (MIT Press, 2001), Retrieved 2007-05-28.
  26. ^ Televangelist Promotes Of Pandas and People Scott, Eugenie C. (Mar-Apr 1992) NCSE Reports, 12(2), p. 19.
  27. ^ Stephen Jay Gould "Impeaching a Self-Appointed Judge" Scientific American (1992)
  28. ^ Creator or Blind Watchmaker? Phillip E. Johnson Reprinted from First Things, January 1993
  29. ^ The New Pandas: Has Creationist Scholarship Improved? Comments on 1993 Revisions by Frank J. Sonleitner (1994)
  30. ^ Brian J. Alters testimony
  31. ^ a b Analysis of the Melvindale Science Curriculum Sub-Committee Book Recommendations October 30, 1998
  32. ^ Texas: No Pandas for Plano, Matsumura, Molleen (Jan-Feb 1995), NCSE Reports, 15(1), p. 7.
  33. ^ How the Evolution Debate Can Be Won
  34. ^ AGI GAP Evolution Opponents Hold Congressional Briefing American Geological Institute, May 11, 2000

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