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User talk:DaniellaAmato/sandbox

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Hi, you do a very good job in summarizing the main points for every section in your abstract! Something that I would consider is to possibly section out the signs and symptoms section and make bullet points of the most common symptoms like you have done for the causes and prevention section, since I think that makes it easier for the reader to follow. I would also go a bit more into detail of the treatment methods that are listed, just to provide more information on the topics for a person that is not familiar with it! Overall, every section provides great information so far! -Alexa Hurtado

Hi, I really like how you wrote your abstract. You provide the major information to the readers and easily understood. I agree with Alexa, I would put your signs and symptoms in bullets because it's easier on the eyes. The treatment needs a little more information and maybe add a few more recent research of your topic. Overall, you did a great job! -Courtney Bryant — Preceding unsigned comment added by Cocobry (talkcontribs) 05:05, 14 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Feedback from MJackson53

Abstract: After reading about aseptic meningitis, it seems like viral meningitis is a type of aseptic meningitis. Perhaps you can mention that is some way like, “It is also referred to as aseptic meningitis because it is one type of aseptic meningitis.” Try linking viral cause to existing wiki pages (i.e. West Nile disease, mumps, etc.) I think this is a well written section. I also like the picture you included.

Mechanism: I suggest going into a lot more detail about the mechanism, on a cellular level and even a molecular level, if applicable. For example, what is an infectious agent and how are the infectious agents gaining access into the host? Once in the host, how are the host getting to sites of infection? What are the details behind the organisms invading protective barriers?

Symptoms: Look into describing how these symptoms are caused.

Diagnosis: What is “lymphocytic predominance”? What indicators are you looking for in the urine, stool, blood and throat?

Cause and Prevention: “The viruses that cause meningitis are typically acquired from sick contacts” Maybe you can look into explaining this or potentially rewording this as it was a bit confusing to me. Are all the causes listed Enteroviruses? If not, which viruses are categorized as something else?

Treatment and Prognosis: Explain what the treatments do. Also, I believe in the abstract you mentioned that there are no specific treatments, yet you mentioned in this section the patient feeling better within a few days. Perhaps you can clarify what “feeling better” means. Don’t forget to talk about prognosis – like are people cured of meningitis at a decreased risk of receiving this disease in the future?

Recent Research: Talk more about the first article, like what was the model they used to investigate this finding. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 19:36, 14 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]

  • Could you shorten or simplify the abstract a bit?
  • Mechanism: be specific to viral. Some common examples would help.
  • Cite and link! You need a lot more citations and you also need to link to other wikipedia pages.
  • Recent research: Focus more on the findings, less on the articles. Don't tell me where they were published, just cite properly.
  • I'd like to see a few more of the cool recent studies included. There's good stuff out there.
  • This is a good start, but there are parts that need more fleshing out and you need to make sure that your citations are up to snuff. It looks like none of the new things you added are cited.

Sweiner02 (talk) 18:15, 26 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]