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User talk:Cdc832/sandbox

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Brianna's Peer Review


Hi there! I think you have done a great job of explaining what you plan to contribute to the article entitled "FLock (birds)". I was impressed when you said you will improve the existing information on the article's page by adding citations and searching for references. I also think it is a great idea to organize the information you will be adding into categories. Although the information on the article's page includes some costs of flocks, I would suggest maybe adding a category about why flocks might not be advantageous in certain situations in order for the article to remain unbiased. In addition, making an introduction for the article is a good idea like you have suggested, but specifically making it a lead section! Overall, I think you have a very good outline for the article you will draft. Hopefully you will include the suggestions presented here in your final draft! I look forward to reading it :) Briannaking709 (talk) 21:37, 22 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Brianna!

Thanks for reviewing my article! I really appreciate the comments they have given me some ideas to work with. I agree with the addition of the costs of flocks. Without this section my article would have slightly become biased so I believe this is a great section to include! As for the introduction, I did mean for this to be my lead section - thanks for correcting me! :) Cdc832 (talk) 23:12, 28 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Caitlin's Peer Review


I really like your plan so far for your article, Flock (birds). I do agree that there are several citations in the article that need replacing and/or updating. I like the headings that you are deciding to use for your article ( Flocking, Mixed Flocks, and Foraging Patterns in Flocks, and Flocks and Protection from predators).

One question I do have, however, is if you plan to address any individual examples of species in your article. I think that this could add to the information already in the article. I think you should also link to another article, Flocking (behavior) and possibly reference the flocking of other animals to give a contrast to what happens in other species. For example, the shoaling behaviour in fish.

Other than that, I really like how you're expanding this article. Good luck!

Ce1734 (talk) 12:07, 23 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Caitlin!

Thanks for reviewing my article! I really like the idea of including other types of animals within this stub. This will provide the readers with a comparison that I believe will be important in their understanding that flocking is not simply seen in birds and there are similarities/differences even in other organisms. Coupled with this I will also be sure to link the article Flocking (behavior) to ensure readers can see there is a difference between bird flocking behaviour and other organisms. I will also include species examples within my article. You are right, this is important for readers to see! This will allow them to reach out to further articles and learn more.

Thanks again, you've given me some great advice! Cdc832 (talk) 23:20, 28 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]