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Hi Bmusician:

I’ve communicated w/a Wikipedia Adopter via their Talk page which indicates, “Online” 24/7. I've requested assistance w/the Article/Page revisions as described below. So far no reply.

The Article/Page edition is MUSIC RELATED. Given your impressive ‘WIKI CV’, including previous work as an Adopter, I wonder if you might be able to spare a little time to help me w/minor Article/Page edition.

Altho a Wikipedia member since 2006, “editorially” I’m a Newbie.

For Article/Page edition required, have 98%/99% “grunt work”, Text revision, citation data collection (complying w/basic cite formats) completed.

If you're available to assist I’d appreciate you help.


Good luck.

Thanks. Truthwillout (talk) 17:21, 5 September 2017 (UTC)[reply]



Hi Bmusician:

Hadn't looked @ your activity profile/info before editing your Talk page/making Adopter request!

Given your reduced activity, PLS ignore my: 17:21, 5 September 2017 (UTC) Adopter request.

I won't expect a response to either message.

Be well.

Thanks. Truthwillout (talk) 00:31, 6 September 2017 (UTC)[reply]