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Li is the anglicized transcription for several distinct Chinese surnames (sometimes transcribed as "Lee"). In Chinese these surnames are distinguished by different characters, with different meanings and different pronunciations:

Surname Character meaning Rank in Hundred Family Surnames Hanyu Pinyin Notes
"plum" 4 Lǐ (3rd tone) Most common Li, very common surname globally. Surname of Tang emperors.
"dark" 262 Lí (2nd tone) Common surname. The meaning of the character is often confused to mean "dawn". This confusion comes from the fact that 黎 is commonly used in 黎明, meaning "dawn", when the meaning was derived from "dark" (黎) + "illuminate" (明), thus "illuminating the dark" (黎明) for "dawn".
"profit" 364 Lì (4th tone)
厲/厉 "whetstone" 247 Lì (4th tone) The original meaning of 厲 as "whetstone" is relatively obscure. 厉 in Simplified Chinese
"chestnut" 249 Lì (4th tone)
酈/郦 ? 303 Lì (4th tone) Historically relevant surname that's rare today. Named after the ancient state of Li, the character's concise etymology is unknown. 郦 in Simplified Chinese
"reason" N/A Lǐ (3rd tone) A rare, originally non-Han surname that's not found in the HFS
"jasmine" N/A Lì (4th tone) A surname of the Hui people in Yunnan province. Likely a phonetic translation of a Muslim name. Not found in the HFS

Li (李)


This surname ((Chinese: ; pinyin: ; Hangul: /) is widespread in China, with about 7.9 percent of the Chinese population possessing this family name. The variant is the most common surname for the Hakka Chinese (2007).[1]

It is also a Korean surname that uses the same Chinese character, often romanized as Lee, Rhee, Rhe, Jee, Yi, or Yee, which is the second most common Korean surname after Kim. Both the Korean family name, Lee, and the Vietnamese family name, Lý, was derived from the same Chinese character as the Chinese surname.

In Taiwan and Hong Kong, and in many overseas Chinese communities, the spelling Lee is common. In Indonesia, the spelling Lie is used because of Dutch writing system influence. There are numerous regional Chinese pronunciations of 李 e.g. Lì (Sichuan), Lei5 (Cantonese), etc.



According to the Yuan He Xing Zuan (元和姓纂), the Chinese dictionary of surnames, the Li surname has a long history which goes back to Emperor Zhuanxu who was the first Li and lived before 2000 BC.[citation needed][dubiousdiscuss]

Li was the royal surname of the Tang Dynasty (618-907). About 15 different emperors had the Li surname. Li Yuan was the founder of the Tang Dynasty, which lasted from AD 618 to 907. During this time, Chinese culture and arts flourished and the country prospered tremendously.

The family of Chinese leader Mao Zedong seems to have had a special fondness for the Li family name. Mao himself went by the name Li Desheng for a period of time during the Long March, while his daughters are named Li Min and Li Na, while Jiang Qing, his last wife, used the name Li Runqing in her final years. Mao Yuanxin was named Li Shi while working in a factory after his release from prison.



In history


Government, politics, military




Literature, writing, journalism




Scholars, academics, scientists




Fictional people


Lí (黎)


This surname is most common in Central and South China (including Hong Kong) where it is transliterated as "Lai" (from the Cantonese language), and is one of the four most common surnames among ethnic Vietnamese, which in the Vietnamese language is . It is No.103 in the New Baijiaxing,[3] but Zhongguo Renming Dacidian lists as No.262 in the original Song Dynasty Baijiaxing.[4]

It is also commonly spelled Ly, Lai, or Lei. The name is transliterated as Ryeo or Yeo in Korean.

in the South China, Li (黎) and Lai (赖) has same dialect a Lai. so, some Chinese Li (黎) family from Lai (赖) family because with common dialect the Lai, Lei. Chinese Lai (赖) family founded from jI (姬) family, Jiang (姜) family and, unknown south Chinese.

in the Vietnamese, some Chinese Li (黎) family change surname to /Hồ (胡). later they family open a Hồ dynasty. Chinese text "Ha" (胡) has meaning alike Xianbei, nor just dialect Ha is common of the Xia.





Lì (利)


This surname is number 364 of the 504 surnames in the Bǎijiāxìng (or Hundred Family Surnames).[5][6][7][8][9] In Mandarin Chinese it is distinguished from other similar-sounding family names Li by a declining fourth tone pronunciation. The character has the meaning of "profit."[10]

In Hong Kong it is written Lee in English, and pronounced Lei (6th tone, wikt:利) in Cantonese, likewise and in many overseas Chinese communities, the mainly Cantonese spelling "Lee" is common.



According to traditional Chinese sources the Li (利) family originated from Gaoyang (高阳). At the end of the Shang Dynasty, "Li Zheng" (利徵) was a Minister of King Zhou of Shang, and after the fall of th Shang Dynasty, his child "Li Zhen" (利貞) and wife Qihe (契和) emigrated to Chen (state). Some Li (利) family members changed their surname to the more common Li (李). Other Chinese Li (利) families have other origins such as:


  • Matteo Ricci (利瑪竇), Christian missionary to China, took the name Lì for phonetic reasons.
  • Hysan Lee (利希慎), (1879-1928) Hong Kong land developer
  • Vivienne Poy (born 利德蕙), Canadian politician, granddaughter of Hysan Lee
  • Nina Li Chi (利智), wife of actor Jet Li
  • Guang Li (利光宇), Chinese Australian actor
  • Sir Quo-wei Lee (利國偉), CBE, Hong Kong banker

Lì (厲 or 厉)


This surname (, simplified 厉, Yale lai6) is a Chinese surname.[11][12][13] It is name 247 of the Baijiaxing.[14][15][16]

In Mandarin Chinese it is distinguished from some other similar-sounding family names Li by a declining fourth tone pronunciation, though the family name Lì (利) is the same tone in Mandarin. The character has the ancient meaning of "whetstone" () or "grinder," but this is only one of the origins of the name.[17]

The state of Li (厲) wa founded in Sui County, Hubei in the Ancient China times, many chinese get surname from state name.

Some families named Li (厲) are originally members of the Li (李) family.





Lì (栗)


This surname () [18] is No.249 in the Baijiaxing.[19]





The name is not common, with only 300,000 people with the surname Li (chestnut) in China today.


  1. ^ "李姓——客家第一大姓". China Review News (in Chinese). 2007-02-06. Retrieved 9 June 2011.
  2. ^ Nor-Afidah Abd Rahman (16 June 2006). "Lee Kong Chian". Singapore Infopedia. Singapore: National Library Board. Retrieved 17 September 2012. {{cite web}}: Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)
  3. ^ 黎姓 新百家姓排名:103
  4. ^ 陈明远,Chen Mingyuan 汪宗虎 中国姓氏辞典 - Volume 1 1995- Page 241 "古吕国"之地·春秋时蔡乎侯自上黎徒都下察,也称为折蔡·汉鼻新黎县;椅代改屈蔡州·在今河南 ... 之称; (中国人名大辞典)收录黎氏 50 例·末(百家姓)列为第 262 姓。"
  5. ^ Sheau-yueh J. Chao In Search of Your Asian Roots : Genealogical Research on Chinese Surnames Clearfield, 2009, 342pp with listing origin and meanings.
  6. ^ Russell Jones Chinese Names:The Traditions Surrounding the Use of Chinese Surnames and Personal Names Pelanduk Publications Malaysia Sdn Bhd, 1997
  7. ^ Tong Luo, Jia Wei Cao 500 Famous Chinese Names Times Singapore 1999 includes classical meaning of over 1,000 Chinese characters
  8. ^ Baijiaxing 百家姓 modern edition edited 钟海燕 Zhong Haiyan, 李月娟 Li Yuejuan, 徐阳鸿 Xu Yanghong - 2006 "[姓氏名望]沃姓名人,汉代有名人沃焦,明代有温县令沃墅、监察御史沃顇,清代有盛京将军沃内,杭州副都统沃申。利[姓氏属地]河南郡,今河南洛阳县东北三十里。[姓氏来历]来源有三:据《路史》记载:老子之后有利氏,老子祖名利贞,后为氏。这是利姓的第一支, ..."
  9. ^ 张世国 Zhang Shiguo 百家姓姓氏溯源 (Origins of the Names of the Baijiaxing) 2001 Page 205 "他的儿子沃丁继位后实行德政天下大治。不久伊尹去利利姓溯源有三个方面。一、他姓改为利姓。"
  10. ^ The Grand Scribe's Records: The Memoirs of Han China - Part 2 - Page 241 Ssu-Ma Ch'Ien, William H. Nienhauser, Jr. - 2010 "A well-known example of this is painted right at the beginning of the Mencius, where li 利, “profit,” and yi 義, “righteousness,” are the opposites:苟為後義而先利,不奪不饜, “If righteousness be put last and profit be put first, they will not be satisfied ..."
  11. ^ Sheau-yueh J. Chao In Search of Your Asian Roots : Genealogical Research on Chinese Surnames Clearfield, 2009, 342pp with listing origin and meanings.
  12. ^ Russell Jones Chinese Names:The Traditions Surrounding the Use of Chinese Surnames and Personal Names Pelanduk Publications Malaysia Sdn Bhd, 1997
  13. ^ Tong Luo, Jia Wei Cao 500 Famous Chinese Names Times Singapore 1999 includes classical meaning of over 1,000 Chinese characters
  14. ^ 陈明远 Chen Mingyuan, 汪宗虎 中国姓氏辞典 - Volume 1 -- 1995 Page 246 "[文林记杖]东汉(风俗通义)收·汉代有枕郡太守义阳侯厉沮·一作励温·五代十国时后梁有厉归其,道士·画家·明代有厉升,无锡人,任青田知县·清代有厉鸭,钱培人,文学家· (中国人名大辞典)收录厉氏 13 例·末(百家姓)列为第 247 姓."
  15. ^ Baijiaxing 百家姓 modern edition edited 钟海燕 Zhong Haiyan, 李月娟 Li Yuejuan, 徐阳鸿 Xu Yanghong - 2006
  16. ^ 张世国 Zhang Shiguo 百家姓姓氏溯源 (Origins of the Names of the Baijiaxing) 2001 page 149 "奉齐厉 厉姓溯源有三个方面。一、以国名为姓氏。春秋时有厉国,在距今湖北随县北三十五里的厉山店就是厉国故都。厉国后代有人以国名为姓氏。这是厉姓的一站出求二、以谥号为姓,源出于姜姓。周初,武王把齐国封给了姜子牙。西周末年,齐厉公在位, ..."
  17. ^ 张学衔 Zhang Xuexian 华夏百家姓探源 2000 - Page 14 厉姓起源厉山,祖宗齐厉公。【姓氏来源】 1 《风俗通》记载: "齐厉公之后,汉有魏郡太守、义阳侯厉温。" 2 《古今姓氏书辨证》记载: "厉国在义阳县北之厉乡,以国为 ... 【楹联】 1 绩茂循良,勋铭带砺(宋厉汪)。 2 威弭郡盗(唐厉文才〉,名重文坛(清厉鹗)。"
  18. ^ 王大良 Wang 当代百家姓 2001 "栗姓相传是远古时期部落首领栗陆氏的后代,.."
  19. ^ 栗姓 - 新百家姓排名:249 "①风俗通:古栗陆氏之后。望出长女。②路史:战国时有燕国战将栗腹。③中国姓氏集:清时有栗耀,浑源人,字仲然,道光时进士,累官湖北按察史。④风俗通义:古栗陆氏之后,汉有栗融,字客卿。按,清有嘉庆举人栗应宏。"