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User talk:Ashlux/Henry Bennett

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  • General bio - http://www.sosu.edu/lib/bennett.htm
    • December 14, 1886, Nevada County, Arkansas
    • At 8 years old, he enrolled in the Primary Department of Quachita College
    • Received his Bachelor of Arts in 1907
    • While at college, served as president of Philomathian Literary Society, vp of student athletic association, business manager of campus newspaper
    • Paid tuition by working various jobs while in college
    • Teaching certificate and taught at business college
    • Quit teaching to sell textbooks. Trip to Boswell, OK revealed they needed a teacher. Applied, hired, and eventaully became principal.
    • Became school superintendent at Boswell in 1908
    • Became Choctaw County school superintendent in 1909
    • Becamse Hugo city school superintendent from 1910 to 1919
    • president of Southeastern Teacher's College in 1919
    • Received masters degree from University of Oklahoma in 1924
    • Ph.D from Columbia University in 1928
    • Books published
      • Coordination of State Institutions for Higher Education in Oklahoma
      • Anthologies fro high schools:
        • Trail Breaking
        • On the High Road
        • American Literature
        • English Literature
    • Southeastern Teacher's College
      • After assuming control of the school, kept power to a small group of trusted people
      • "Great institutions do not result from haphazard development; they are the fruition of years of planned growth under the guidance of wise policy."
      • While president, 3 new buildings were constructed (gym, science build, library)
      • While president, enrollment increase from 300 to 1500 (between 1919 to 12928)
    • Left Southeastern in June 1928 for Oklahoma A&M (now OSU)
      • Under his leadership, enrollment went from 3,800 to 12,000 by 1949
      • Master paln of 25 years to build campus
        • By the end of the 1930s, $7 million on expanding the school, two residential halls, engineering and ag buildings, and other stuctures.
        • Fire training school in 1939
        • Openned a branch college in Okmulgee in 1946
        • Dairy center, more residence halls, student union, power and water plants by end of 1949
        • Veterinary Medicine in 1948
      • Delegate for the US to Quebec International Foods and Agricultural Organization, which was part of food rehabilitation in Europe
      • Died in a plan crash on December 22, 1951 while in Iran as director of the Point Four Program.
    • The library at Southeastern Oklahoma State University was named after him during homecoming ceremonies on October 23, 1982

To look at (not necessarily external links)
