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User talk:Apparition11

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Hello! Welcome to my talk page!

Please feel free to to leave me a message, whether it's informing me of something I screwed up, just to say hello, or anything else! I won't WP:BITE!

I have a few requests that I hope you'll respect while posting here:

  1. First and above all, be civil.
    • If you don't agree with an action I made—be it reverted you and left a warning, marked your page for deletion, or anything else—please be calm and polite. I am a reasonable man, and we'll straighten it out a lot quicker without screaming and name calling.
  2. Please sign your posts with four tildes (~~~~)
  3. Please start new conversations at the bottom.
  4. I generally like to keep conversations together.
    • If you post here, I'll reply here and leave you a message informing you of my reply.
    • If I leave you a message on your talk page, I'll keep watching it, but if you want to make sure I notice it quickly, leave me a {{talkback}} template (although not necessary).
      • I'll admit, I don't always keep conversations together, although I try to. If we separate the messages, no big deal, I'll probably go back and cross post here.

Since that is out of the way, please click here and leave a message!

i added a link, its not spam, i thought taxi service means rental car so added that link, whats the issue Devi2025 (talk) 13:24, 5 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]

That link was to a rental car company, which is not a reliable source and will never be appropriate. With that being said, no, taxis and rental cars are not the same. But again, even if they were, the link would still not be appropriate. Apparition11 Talk/Contribs 13:32, 5 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]
ok Devi2025 (talk) 13:35, 5 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]