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Woo-hoo!!! At last...

If you need any help with wikipediaing see my Talk Page ( I HATE PJB AND THIS IS WHY...), there are some helpful links.

Again welcome to the mysterious world of wikipedia user's.

By the way, whats 'Algenon' about, and am I an idiot for asking?


PJB 17:54, 22 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

By the way leave replies on my page, I'll post mine on your's (Cleaner that way)

Satirical Religious Articles


I like the Invisible Pink Unicorn article!! Unless you already have, see Rumspringa for Amish fun.

May Xenu love thee and extort thee

PJB 17:59, 22 February 2006 (UTC) ( Are you talkin' to me punk?)[reply]

The Thursdayism 'belief' that

The universe was created Last Thursday by "Queen Maeve the Housecat", who would destroy the world Next Thursday, saving those who were nice to cats and damning evildoers to the never-cleaned Eternal Litterbox.

actually sounds more plausable than anything the ole Scientologists could cook up...errr...I mean reveal to the world (for a small price, wink, wink).

PJB 18:23, 22 February 2006 (UTC) ( Wha...?)[reply]


Have you read Hubbards movie script for his Thetan extinction film?!

Simultaneously, the planted charges erupted. Atomic blasts ballooned from the craters of Loa, Vesuvius, Shasta, Washington, Fujiyama, Etna, and many, many others. Arching higher and higher, up and outwards, towering clouds mushroomed, shot through with flashes of flame, waste and fission. Great winds raced tumultuously across the face of Earth, spreading tales of destruction. Debris-studded, and sickly yellow, the atomic clouds followed close on the heels of the winds. Their bow-shaped fronts encroached inexorably upon forest, city and mankind, they delivered their gifts of death and radiation. A skyscraper, tall and arrow-straight, bent over to form a question mark to the very idea of humanity before crumbling into the screaming city below...Revolt in the Stars

One word...idiot.


PJB 20:14, 22 February 2006 (UTC) ( BE EUDAIMONIC)[reply]

Whilst we're on the subject... More crap.


PJB 21:03, 22 February 2006 (UTC) (Complaints and Suggestions Department)[reply]

Like Minded...


See this GUY for a like minded Classical Liberal.

He's a bit of an a**hole, but thats just my POV!

See HERE for our 'discussion', although it's short and not very deep...


PJB 12:28, 23 February 2006 (UTC) (Say what?)[reply]



Nice set of heroes...no Noam Chomsky's, Merryl Wyn Davies' or Ziauddin Sardar's? I cant say I'm surprised!

PJB 19:09, 23 February 2006 (UTC) ( Talkin' to me?)[reply]


I think the problem with discussing our political beliefs could be nasty (for one thing I cant argue for shit!). Besides it would be apples and oranges...you would make valid (and true) economic arguements and I would make valid (and true) social arguements, neither of which the other would care about or accept.

Check out Ed Gein...he's a lovely charector!

PJB 20:09, 23 February 2006 (UTC) ( Talkin' to me?)[reply]


It's me (again),

Unless you have objections (maybe religious...I know you're a Pastafarian) I've stuck a link to your User Talk Page on my User Page, so that it will be easier for me to contact y'all.


PJB 21:11, 23 February 2006 (UTC) (Talkin' to me?)[reply]

Check it out!


Hey Luke,

Check out the stuff in my USERBOX!

PJB 18:19, 24 February 2006 (UTC) ( Talkin' to me?)[reply]

Hey Luke/Algenon,

I think I've spent to much time tinkering with my userpage! It's a bit crowded!

I'll have to disagree with one of your userboxes...ninjas are so much better than pirates (Poison Rice! Big Trouble in Little China/Kurt Russel's bloodfest! What can be cooler than that!!).

PJB 15:54, 26 February 2006 (UTC) (Talkin' to me?)[reply]

One minor thing...you've put 'Annonyingly Placed Userboxes' on your user page
Is that a typo, or do I not deserve to have NATIVE SPEAKER OF ENGLISH as one of my userboxes...
PJB 16:03, 26 February 2006 (UTC) (Talkin' to me?)[reply]

Pah! You and your crazy theories! We all know an increase in pirates will lead to the second coming of Xenu!

Watching the skies in fear...PJB 16:11, 26 February 2006 (UTC) Talkin' to me?)[reply]

No problem...

I'm off now...the little matter of History Coursework (insert nervous laugh)

Enjoy the overwhelming joy of a Sunday afternoon!

PJB 16:20, 26 February 2006 (UTC) ( Talkin' to me?)[reply]

You asked how to set out your userboxes neatly, at college...

  • Arrange the templates in a single column
  • Put


with two { either side of it at the top of the list (obviously not in italics...I did that to highlight the template info)

  • Then, at the bottom of the list put


(again between two { either side)

  • This should arrange your userboxes like mine (in a column on the right hand side)

It might mess up (That Black Hole again!). If so just ask me again (you know where to find me).


PJB 17:09, 27 February 2006 (UTC) (Talkin' to me?)[reply]

Bye the way I just voted to Support userboxes at the userbox page. I'm not sure if you can as you are new, and the page is protected, but try it anyway.
Also some automated editor (User:Catapult) came along and tried to automatically sort out my userboxes (some bollox about refactoring). Needless to say it caused a right f**k up, which I had to revert...beware of it! As it's a computor you can't ask it why, or if its important!
PJB 17:45, 27 February 2006 (UTC) (Talkin' to me?)[reply]

Hey Algenon,

I've created TWO userboxes of my own! One says I like the Toronto Maple Leafs (The single greatest team, ever...we'll win the Stanley Cup soon!), the other says 'PJB IS A RED UNDER YOUR BED!'. They took quite a while to make, but they look decent. I'm making a third right now!

PJB 18:52, 27 February 2006 (UTC) (Talkin' to me?)[reply]

The third userbox I've made for myself was out of frustration...THERE ARE NO ATHEIST USERBOXES LEFT! They're all gone so I made my own one. It says: 'ATHEIST Hallelujah Anyway'.
PJB 19:19, 27 February 2006 (UTC) (Talkin' to me?)[reply]

Hey Luke,

Check out the Rasputin article (He's better known as Григо́рий Ефи́мович Распу́тин)! He's a bit of a nutter.

PJB 12:31, 28 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Todd Schorr article


Hey Algenon/Luke,

I'm going to expand on the artist Todd Schorr's article tomorrow (1st March)...I just got a book on him, so I think I'll be able to contribute to that article well.

Tell me when you've done with your's and we can proof read/laugh at each others.

PJB 16:42, 28 February 2006 (UTC) (Talkin' to me?)[reply]

I've written a new article! See De Es Schwertberger.
PJB 18:07, 28 February 2006 (UTC) (Talkin' to me?)[reply]

Hi Algenon,

I've read the article on Duke Nick. He seems to be a bit OTT, especially when...

In an emotional scene at the palace, Nicholas refused, drew his pistol and threatened to shoot himself on the spot if the Czar did not endorse Witte's plan.

God damn! I didn't know Witte was that popular in the Czar's court!

BTW, when Chris (History teacher Chris) said the pyramids were built by slaves she couldn't be further from the truth! The pyramids were built by well trained, well fed, well rewarded skilled workers, who even went on strike once and won (with no bloodshed)!

Keep watching the skies! PJB 17:04, 1 March 2006 (UTC) (Talkin' to me?)[reply]

Death of Raputin:
Three days later the body of Rasputin - poisoned, shot three times, and badly beaten - was recovered from the river and autopsied. The cause of death was drowning. His arms were apparently found in an upright position, as if he had tried to claw his way out from under the ice.'
No thats scary!
PJB 12:09, 2 March 2006 (UTC) (Talkin' to me?)[reply]

Hi there!

I've done another (boring) article (List of works by De Es Schwertberger).

Don't forget to tell me when you've done yours!


Preston (Chat) 17:54, 8 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Also note how when I put the four tildes wot-not at the end of a message it comes up with Preston (Chat). Cool huh? No? Ok...

Preston (Chat) 17:59, 8 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Vampire watermelons!
P J B 18:48, 8 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Well done with your January exam A Level results! "A"s all round, eh? And that history paper was supposed to be the hardest (that whole stuff on using historical interpretations). No more of Chris' old higgledy-piggledy quasi-chronological teaching method (well, she might start again with the Russia stuff, god forbid).

PJB 15:38, 10 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

See HERE if you want to know why I think Rome was great (I didn't articlate myself well enough at college)
PJB 18:10, 13 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Saw your edits to the cornn law section of the Peel article. Good stuff. PJB 19:45, 16 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Another good article
PJB 20:54, 17 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Some links:

  • Red flag, which I edited on history
  • Red star, again I edited on history (Russian revolution bit)
  • Hammer and sickle, again edited history on it's origional form (a Hammer and plough)

Here's a webpage on incentives and socialism, which I hope gives you some idea (it's full of utopian loaded language though). The first two paragraphs are crap, the rest explains it, though not so well in my own view.

Also a webpage on individualism under socialism, which shows we are not all totalitarian, "sacrifice it for the community", "everyone but us is a counter-revolutionary" hippocrits.

Also see here for, what I think, is an interesting (informative!) article.

In general www.newyouth.com is my favourite website, along with 'Hands Off Venezuala!'. Newyouth.com is interesting I think, with links to other websites etc check it out if you want. Enjoy!

PJB 16:56, 20 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

It's back!
PJB 12:34, 21 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]