User talk:
Best Actress Pics.
[edit]Hey. I think I helped make an excellent compromise. Instead of us edit warring, since Zellweger and Blanchett on the supporting page wasn't good enough? Lol.
Jennifer Jones is there. Cate and Renee are there. I still have Marion, I still have Emma. Basically, everybody's happy I think. I reduced a lot of captions to make room for more faces. I changed a couple, no big deal.
The only person that isn't on this is Jessica Lange. She IS on SUPPORTING PAGE. I promise, go look! Please do not remove anyone or swap. It was a monumental task to make that work within the margins! I think it's quite all right that Lange's win for Tootsie is over on that side. It made everything else possible! Sound good? God, I hope so. --Cinemaniac86Dane_Cook_Hater_Extraordinaire 09:11, 11 September 2023 (UTC)
- I'm glad everyone just about made it in. Isn't there still ample room under Jessica Chastain for another pic to fit in Jessica Lange though? And her caption would be short enough that once next year's nominees are listed and we have a new winner, there'd still be room to put Michelle Yeoh at the bottom as well. Perhaps you've already tried it and Lange doesn't fit? Or is there someone else you wanted to place? (talk) 01:43, 13 September 2023 (UTC)
- Hey, sorry I haven't replied yet, yesterday was a difficult day. But I haven't forgotten and I'll make sure I reply to you sometime today. I'd love to hear your thoughts on actors next. =) More passionate about actresses? But I'm sure you have favorite actors too you love. Oh, and now with Renee on supp, and Lange on lead, everything feels kinda perfect now, both pages and captions look great, and I'm satisfied with pics and sizes, and crops, hope you concur. After cropping some, and realizing oh, they fit better than I thought, I was like hm, I could spare an inch, should I go back? Nah, lemme just leave well enough alone. Never know what's next. Especially since Michelle Yeoh's picture seems to change about......47 times. Indicative of the fuutre. --Cinemaniac86Dane_Cook_Hater_Extraordinaire 11:54, 14 September 2023 (UTC)
Continuing Discussion!
[edit]Figured it might be a little easier for me to reply on this page while reading the other page, haha. Sorry it's taken so long. I was in a bit of a funk, and also fell asleep with my laptop off the cord, so I lost all the progress on the Best Actor images, which I can easily redo, but it just annoyed me. Thankfully, the LGBT page with ALL the work that I had done was not lost. I forgot by how or what miracle, but I was like haaaaallllllelujah.
Anyway, Jean, so glad you're as loquacious as I am, wonderful! Is that Jean like Jean Dujardin or Jean like Jean Stapleton, just out of curiosity? :P So, lemme start with Jessica Lange and Renee. I'm glad we worked out that compromise, because dare I say I feel like the actress pages are perfect now. Perfect fits, perfect flow, etc. I love predicting Oscars, so I was definitely aware of her upcoming Long Day's Journey into Night. I love the 1962 film version, which is the only other version I've seen. But PERISH the thought of her winning again, ugh. I do not want to see another threepeater! Or another previous winner win again tbh. There are just so many who haven't won yet: Adams, Williams, Close, Ronan, Mulligan, Henson. I'd be fine if let's say Viola Davis maybe won lead, which she is likely to one day. But alas. I'm not the biggest fan of Lange, which is maybe due to the fact I don't watch American Horror Story, haha. I know, I know. Wouldn't be mad at a nomination. Nor for Ed Harris. Now, if HE won, I could be happy. He's overdue. And Ben Foster, he is due for a nomination, period. He's given some great performances, and always gets overlooked. The Messenger, Hell or High Water....C'mon. So I'm skeptical often of first-time directors doing play-to-screen, because they have a bad track record, but we shall see. I wouldn't bank on her winning again though. Not just yet. That movie is not coming out this year anyway though. It's 100% a 2024 movie, so we'll see how it fares next year.
Fascinating regarding Selznick's ex-wife. You certainly know a lot with these autobiographies, lol. Out of curiosity, do you only care about actresses, or do you love actors and directors and films in general, but are just most passionate about actresses? I'm pretty well-balanced. It often depends on whom, I guess. But who are your top 5 fave actresses, actors, and directors? This is a hard question. Mine are in flux sometimes.
I'm glad you like the honorary page idea, too! It'll look much better with faces, and we'll keep it well-balanced. Nobody whose picture is featured on the regular pages, aka who has won competitively, gets featured there. Ahh shit, I've run out of time. My uncle and I have to go grocery shopping. I'll return in a bit and respond to everything else before I get trapped into another editing frenzy. Let me know of any preferences with the actors. I doubt it'll be anything we need to worry about, but I love our discussions as well, so always open to your opinions. --Cinemaniac86Dane_Cook_Hater_Extraordinaire 18:08, 17 September 2023 (UTC)
- Just got back. Wanted to expand a bit more on Lange. Actually this does feel better, since out of the 6 noms that I saw, Blue Sky thus far is her best. I think I started to watch a bit of country, which impressed me. Frances I know will be fantastic, but I haven't gotten the chance to watch the film. Music Box seems great, and Armin Mueller-Stahl, can't go wrong. Sweet Dreams, ehhh......Beverly D'Angelo did it better in 5-10 minutes with Sissy and Tommy, haha. She and Tommy were a great team together for BS (unfortunate acronym) though. Nice duo pairing. And finally, Tootsie. This is, imo, one of the most undeserving Oscar wins. On its own. Just to clarify. Like I said to you previously, I know her win was a consolation prize because nobody could beat Meryl that year. So I'm not too livid really. But on its own, just for the performance itself, it was a completely unworthy win, imo. For personal reasons, Garr would've been nice, but it's hard to argue for either one. Stanley, now there would've been a truly great choice. Close's first nom......If only they KNEW the inevitable legacy, haha. I know Glenn herself almost wears it as a badge of honor, that she's now the female O'Toole/Burton, but I want to see her win. Btw, I wonder if they'll ever get that musical adaptation of Sunset Blvd. off the ground for her. That would do it. It's bizarre that they're like "oh, we feel such guilt over Jamie Lee Curtis beating you, that we must give you an honorary Oscar, Angela Bassett.......Um, Angela Bassett is not ancient yet. She can still win one on her own, for God's sake!! Whatever. But back to 1982. My choice for the win out of those 5 is, yes indeed, Lesley Ann Warren. Absolutely HYSTERICAL. I laughed my ass off when she did her squeaky hotsy-totsy showgirl number. Her Norma was just an exquisite comical character. If ensemble wins were a thing, the entire cast of Clue should've won an ensemble Oscar. But yeah, Lesley is a treat. Oh well, it is what it is. Like I said, I respect her, but I think there are too many actresses whom I need to see win one before we go adding more to the mantle of those with enough already. Diatribe complete. --Cinemaniac86Dane_Cook_Hater_Extraordinaire 21:16, 17 September 2023 (UTC)
- Hey. Been busy yourself lately? I didn't want to be a bother. 2 things. Larson, I just wanna say before I forget, any trolls regarding her have GOT to be the work of relentless, misogynistic anti-Captain Marvel rageholics. That's my perspective. More on that later though.
- In response to Blanchett/Aviator, I'm actually in complete agreement btw. I was only willing to concede it as acceptable at the time, but her lead win is a remarkable performance. I didn't find the Hepburn performance really convincing nor impressive. To be honest, I don't care for the film much either. But not to just knock Scorsese's indulgence era, this same shit applies towards Spielberg over the past 15 years. Bridge of Spies is a notable exception; that was decent. Didn't care for Rylance winning when fucking TOM HARDY (bae) could've won. Or long overdue Mark Ruffalo. Not that Rylance isn't a fantastic actor, just that I was like..really, that won? I get subtle. But I don't get barely leaving an impression. Much like the entire film Moneyball, especially Jonah Hill's bullshit nomination, left with me. Way to deny Alan Rickman his last fucking chance as Snape. Not that there was one. But it was nice to dream.
- Well, anyway, I guess I'm working in piecemeal here for real, because this LGBT exercise is exhaustingly complex. But it'll be worthwhile cleaning that up. I'm being stringent about the categories I give a rat's ass about, and then I'll take a mental health break! But yeah, so, back to what I was saying, um, Spielberg, really got a lot of unwarranted nominations this...millennium. So did Meryl. Not a surprise. Once you've become golden, it's autopilot mode. I would've preferred Blanchett's 1st win went to Linney tbh, or Okonedo. But I think back then, they felt LONG-SUFFERING GUILT that atrocious wench Gwyneth Paltrow has an Oscar and she doesn't. And tbh, that sentiment resonates, it does. Paltrow should be forced to sign that over to her mother, Blythe Danner, as an honorary. =) --Cinemaniac86Dane_Cook_Hater_Extraordinaire 03:05, 19 September 2023 (UTC)
- Finally responded to this so sorry again for the delay. Shouldn't happen again. For me with Lange's nominations, Frances is my favorite with Blue Sky a clear second. I love Sweet Dreams and while I agree that Beverly D'Angelo was the more accurate portrayal of Patsy Cline, I think that if you can disconnect the fact that Lange is playing a biopic and view it more as a straight drama, it's more enjoyable. Music Box I liked as well but not as much as the others, but still good. Country is the only one I didn't care for. Out of the three country films of 1984, the one I liked most was the TV one which thus didn't even get an Oscar nomination, but it did get an Emmy nomination, and that's Jane Fonda in The Dollmaker. Fonda didn't used to be one of my favs until I saw this and I truly think it was her finest performance. I agree that Lange and Tommy were a great pair. My feelings on Tootsie is that it's a great movie but Lange is the weakest part for me. Not because she's bad but she's playing the straight man and so she's overshadowed by everyone else. Although I thought it was interesting that at the BAFTAs, her only ever nomination was for Tootsie and it was for Lead Actress not even Supporting. I agree her Tootsie win was a consolation prize and I would gladly have given the Oscar to literally any of the other supporting actresses nominated because I loved all of them. Close, Leslie Wan Warren, Teri Garr, and Kim Stanley. Maybe the most stacked year for this category imo. For Close, I don't know if winning that Oscar her first time would have hurt her or helped her later on with more nominations or potential wins. I'm counting on Sunset Boulevard for her but that's assuming we ever see it. Yeah, the Angela Bassett honorary Oscar thing felt really forced and more of a way to deal with public backlash, or I should say, Twitter backlash. Really weird especially since Sigourney Weaver and Michelle Pfeiffer, who haven't been nominated in decades, still aren't Oscar winners and of course, Glenn is a prime example even if she's still getting recent nominations. Lesley Ann Warren is hilarious in Victor/Victoria and probably my #1 choice as well, although like I said above, I'd be fine with literally any of the other winners minus Lange. It's hard to steal a movie from Julie Andrews or Robert Preston but she does it. And I also love her in Clue and I remember that Carrie Fisher originally had that role before she checked into rehab right before filming which is how we got Lesley.
- My thoughts on Brie are the same as yours that it was probably Internet trolls who were after her. I just don't exact the Best Actress Oscar Wiki page to be a battleground for them lol.
- I now Hepburn's favorite actress was Vanessa Redgrave and she always said if anyone should play her in a biopic, it should be Redgrave. I know Faye Dunaway played Hepburn on stage a few years back (isn't this one of the shows she was infamously fired from) and while I'm not familiar with the play itself, it seems like ripe material for a film for Redgrave to play Hepburn. Scorsese is not a huge favorite of mine and that's especially true for his movies starring leo who I really don't care for. Only liked him in Titanic (the romantic in me) and The Departed (where I went in planning on hating him but Matt Damon's character ended up being more insufferable so I switched to Leo's team). Which makes The Aviator very long and drawn out and Blanchett's win was really just because she was felt overdue by that point. I agree with you about Spielberg's latest movies although I did enjoy The Fabelmans. However, after hearing so much hype for Michelle Williams, I thought her performance was good but hardly her best or groundbreaking like it was made out to be. Bridge of Spies I actually never saw because I heard mixed reviews on that even though I almost watched it once when it was free on streaming. I have wanted to see it to see if Mark Rylance was deserving or not because I remember a lot of people were unhappy with that win. Jonah Hill....let's just say he probably got that nomination the same way his sister got the lead in Funny Girl. I am surprised that Rickman or anyone from Harry Potter never got an Oscar nomination (or especially a BAFTA nomination) considering Alec Guinness got one for Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ian McKellen got one for Gandalf, and Johnny Depp got one for Jack Sparrow. I guess the difference is that those films were never meant to start off franchises until they exploded or in McKellen's case, the fact that LOTR and HP came out at the same time meant two fantasy film nominations would have ben overkill. It's hard enough for films like that to get a nomination at the beginning so there's no way a franchise on its eighth movie would get a nomination even for Rickman.
- Meryl is the queen of undue nominations. The 2010s in particular felt like all she had to do was sneeze in an accent and she'd get a nomination. I do think it's telling though that she may have an unprecedented number of nominations but only 3 wins, and only 2 of those for Best Actress. Hepburn still has her beat and same with Frances in term of Lead Actress wins (not to mention Frances has her 4th Oscar for producing Nomadland). It does seem like they might feel she's deserving to be nominated, just because she's Meryl, but there's not much interest in going beyond that and giving her the actual award. The nomination for August Osage County was the most revolting especially since many felt that Meryl more or less backstabbed her supposed best friend Emma Thompson to ensure that Emma wouldn't get nominated for Saving Mr. Banks that year. There's no reason Emma should have been snubbed but Meryl could get a nomination for that "performance" if you can call it that. I don't know if you saw the recent story about what Paltrow does with her Oscar but when I saw that, it just confirmed to me even more that she was completely undeserving. The Academy needs to revoke that Oscar immediately for misuse. I remember reading once that the royal family of Monaco needs to pay reparations to Judy Garland's family for stealing her Oscar and usually it's either Grace Kelly or Gwyneth Paltrow who comes up on top as the least deserving Oscar winner. JeanGreyForever (talk) 05:56, 20 October 2023 (UTC)
New Section!
[edit]That's all right that you're responding in a different order. Hope you were able to get some rest. I've seen both Cruz and Del Toro in their movies. If you like Catherine Zeta-Jones, that might be an incentive to watch Del Toro's Traffic, since she has a big part in that. I wouldn't be surprised if she narrowly missed a Best Supporting Actress nomination for that. Tbh, I don't remember how much English he used in his movie. I think it was mostly Spanish for his scenes but there was a little English as well. Cruz was more mixed. Her dialogue was mainly Spanish but she had a lot of English as well especially during the middle of her movie. Since those are English-language Hollywood movies that just happen to feature a lot of Spanish, but not purely Spanish, I think it might be safer not to mention the languages for them. Like you said, that would mean a lot of other performances would need to be adjusted as well like for Yeoh and Quan. It's a pretty picture of Halle but it dawned on me that everyone else has a pic where they are older or at least a pic from after their Oscar win but Halle's is from before. She has lots of pics on her page (and the long hair does suit her as well as the short), so whichever you feel works best. The nationality tag can be interesting but it can become a problem when you start to mention one and then you have to keep mentioning everyone else's. And as mentioned before, it gets trickier when you have the foreign-born Brits like Leigh, de Havilland, and Fontaine. I think the balance is good right now with the major descriptors being included, like first black winner, oldest or youngest winner, etc. because those are heavily hyped up in the media as well, rather than the more random ones like Yul Brynner being Russian. I had a major crush on Peter McEnery (so did Hayley Mills it seems since he was her first kiss, onscreen and I think offscreen as well). Which is why I was not very sympathetic towards Bogarde's character in Victim for letting him die so soon lol. I wanted him on the screen for longer than 10 minutes. I especially love Servant though with Bogarde and James Fox. Hopefully you can visit the UK one day since you want to so much! And oh yes, I suppose we're cluttering up this page with casual conversation lol so that must be quite a read for the others. Let's definitely continue on your or mine page. I have no preference if you have one.
(I knew it was you, haha. It's all good though. I wondered where you disappeared to last month. Sometimes I delay replying, if I feel too overwhelmed. Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I had a bunch to do earlier, but I'll repost your comment right above mine for posterity's sake.)
So btw, you're female Jean sounding like "Gene" or "jeans" right? Not jjjjawn Valjean / John in French haha, the boy version. Or are you that? Or non-binary? Hey, it's all kosher here. I thought I was just simply a gay dude. Cut to a decade later, all of a sudden, I'm a cisgender homoromantic demisexual. No seriously. I still find it easier to say gay dude most of the time, and get into semantics when/if necessary. But I'd love to see all of these subcategories more explicitly represented in cinema. Like instead of Addison DeWitt being a coded gay character, I could see him maybe as more of a sapiosexual, the way he's sorta drawn to Eve's manipulative coded-lezzie villainous ways, but probably more homoromantic. Or aromantic, but disposexual. I just made that up, as someone who uses and disposes those they seek for sex. He might bang guys, but he probably only loves himself, lol.
Anywho, yeah, I've always read things that if CZJ was ever robbed of a second nom, it was for that film. But it definitely fared best to keep the partially foreign factor out of it. I love the Wiki page that actually deconstructs the fact that some films have like 6 lingos and what percentage each is and shit. Cool, let that do all the work on that. W/ the exception of Baddeley and Straight frequently mentioned for brief times, that'd be too ridiculous and trivial. I forgot that website....I have it favorited somewhere. But I love that it actually timestamps everyone's performance, haha. Especially so I can gripe at performances whose nominations aggravate me. (Spencer Tracy in San Francisco.......Pointless.) Lucky Hayley Mills! Ooh. The Servant. That's still on my list. I must watch that sometime soon. And this page or the JeanGreyForever page, if you prefer? (I thought maybe that page had a lot of chaos up top, lol. But if you rather a "username" not an "IP address" page, that's fine.) My talk page and user page, those need clean-up. I need to archive some shit.
K, I gotta go do some chores I forgot to do earlier, grandma duties, sleep, but I'll check back tomorrow. G'night! --Cinemaniac86Dane_Cook_Hater_Extraordinaire 03:02, 12 October 2023 (UTC)
- Jean as in Jean Simmons, Gene Hackman, or "jeans." I'm female and unfortunately not anything more interesting than that. I think you're the first person I've met who is both a homoromantic and a demisexual so that's a neat combo. Probably I have met more people like that but they all just identify as gay because it's easier. Hmm, I never thought about Addison DeWitt being a sapiosexual although what he could possibly see in Eve by the end, would make me wonder. Although he himself admits even he doesn't know what he saw in her then once he's easily exposed her. I think sex would just be a tool for him or maybe recreation but he definitely wouldn't regard anyone else with any deep affection.
- I didn't even know there was a wiki page about films and the languages used, percentage-wise. I'm guessing Babel is one of those movies that uses 6 or so languages. I do love that IMDB often has the screentimes for actors/characters in films but that's usually more for franchises and Oscar-nominated performances. Baddelely's nomination is also one of those ones where you have to ask yourself if, as gifted an actress as she is, was her few minutes of screentime really worth it? Straight at least had a pivotal scene. Spencer Tracy's nomination for San Francisco was probably more because he was proving himself as a gifted actor at MGM and that was his first nomination. In hindsight, it's definitely his weakest. I know Spence was very jealous that for all his fame and talent, Gable was still the bigger star. IN turn, Gable was always jealous that he was only considered a star and not an actor and Spencer Tracy was the one with the critical plaudits.
- If you liked Victim as much as you did, you'll enjoy The Servant. I think I watched that with a free trial for the BFI. I don't login very often so it's probably just easier to use this page. Even this page I didn't notice until just now so sorry for the delay. I'm usually good about responding to messages quickly but only when I'm expecting a response and if I'm not, I can tune out for weeks or even months without notice. I checked the first day for a response from you but when I didn't see that, I got busy and never bothered to check back and I guess I don't browse Wiki as much as I thought so I didn't see the message notifications until just now. I should be much better about sending responses now that we have a regular place to chat. JeanGreyForever (talk) 05:32, 20 October 2023 (UTC)
- Heyyyyy Jean, good to hear from you. Yes, when you didn't reply after my last one, I worried that by waiting a little bit like I did the first time, I missed my window and I wouldn't hear from you for another month. Phew! Yeah, it's cool to understand at least why I work the way I do. But I still basically consider myself simply a gay dude at the end of the day. That other stuff is just the fluffy garnish or glittery packaging.
- That's so true. I agree, sex was a tool for Addison, and perhaps even a weapon. I always expected George Sanders to be gay or bi. But I suppose he was just prone to easily playing pompous dandies, lol. And being an ally, who was a womanizer with no bi indications according to my googling and digging. He just did a lot of coded gay on screen. Or as one journal put it, after Clifton Webb and Monty Woolley, "George Sanders was the closest thing we had to a bitchy queen".
- As for Baddeley, yeah, definitely a wonderful talent. It was more of a career nod. Same for Joan Blondell, I've read, and surely many others. Ruby Dee comes to mind. Hal Holbrook. I don't mind these nominations, all things considered. Go ahead, get them, you were robbed so often, you deserve to be an Oscar nominee. But it continues to set off a future trend of "we must reimburse actor A, at the expense of actor B, whom we'll later owe a nom to at the expense of actor C, and so on and so forth". Who should have replaced her? Joan Shawlee (aka Sweet Sue) from Some Like It Hot, one of the nuns such as Dame Edith Evans from The Nun's Story, Lee Remick for Anatomy of a Murder (category confusion, perhaps); Pearl Bailey from Porgy and Bess would've been an excellent choice; Estelle Hemsley, Take a Giant Step. Ah well. 'Tis what 'tis. But yes, I'll always defend Straight. Riveting almost every second.
- Ah yes, totally a male catfight then between Gable and Tracy lol. One was on his way down and out, the other on his way up, up and away. I have been so lazy in watching older films lately. I haven't been much able to utilize for this past year, despite my recurring subscription alongside Netflix. And now that I'm back home, I find out they're out of commission. Drat! Merde! I had a terrific queue going. I'd play them by myself first, than for my grandmother. Ugh. Oh well. Guess it's back to pirating on the internet. Yay! (Don't tell anyone. Shhh.)
- Yeah, I definitely think I will. I'm gonna check and see if it's scheduled to be on the telly anytime soon, or on streaming anywhere. I'll try to be a little quicker with responses myself. I understand, no worries. It's all good if it takes a couple days or even a week to hear back. You've got your life, I've got mine, there's no rush. Take your time. =) I used to be so impatient, and it does creep up at times, but I've gotten a lot better 95% of the time these days. Do you do much celebrating for Halloween? Donning a costume this year? --Cinemaniac86Dane_Cook_Hater_Extraordinaire 02:56, 25 October 2023 (UTC)
- Lol I've become typecast as someone who if they don't get a response immediately will hold a grudge and never respond back. Actually I did have a friend like that who would get very upset if you didn't respond to her immediately. Yeah, sometimes there's such an emphasis on labels that they start to become meaningless when every aspect of someone's identity has to be pegged down. Sometimes the mystery of not knowing everything is more interesting.
- I didn't realize George Sanders was an ally but that makes me like him even more. I think another aspect is that Americans automatically assume anyone who is British is more likely to be queer-coded or gay because they're not as red-blooded or macho as Gary Cooper or Clark Gable. Clifton, Monty, and George I definitely group together even if the latter wasn't gay. Claude Rains wasn't either (to my knowledge) but his Alexander Hollenius in Deception is another character who pings that way.
- 1940 is always the year I think of for career wins that caused major repercussions for future Oscars. Ginger Rogers and Jimmy Stewart both won, Ginger for being such a box office queen in the 30s and Jimmy for losing the year before for Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. That meant Henry Fonda lost out for The Grapes of Wrath (and even best friend Jimmy said he shoulda won) and would be due 41 years later while Joan Fontaine was considered robbed for Rebecca but at least she got hers a year later. Edith Evans would be my choice because I think she's remarkable. She also should have won Best Actress for The Whisperers instead of Kate's second win for Guess Who's Coming to Dinner. I've never seen Porgy and Bess since it's one of those movies with rights issues but I always felt Pearl Bailey deserved nods for Carmen Jones and All the Fine Young Cannibals as Best Supporting Actress.
- I'm not familiar with although from what you said, it sounds like it won't be around for much longer for me to even get acquainted with it. HBO Max (or just Max now) has the best offerings of classic movies. Especially since they have some Criterion ones as well. Netflix has very few in comparison whereas Max at least switches them out every month to add new offerings. All the classic Fox movies you can find on YouTube for free. For some reason Disney/Fox never bothers to remove them for copyright issues. So at least that doesn't count on pirating lol.
- Don't worry, I know real life can be tough and it's not always easy to respond back quickly so don't feel that you have to respond immediately. I'll try and be better on checking to see if you've responded or not rather than forgetting for a while. I've found I don't get notifications about incoming messages on Wiki unless I'm logged in. I definitely understand what you mean about impatience though but it's good to hear that you've slowly been improving on that. I'm jealous because patience is not a virtue I've ever had much practice with. I do celebrate Halloween but this year I'm scheduled to work that night as well as this weekend so I haven't really bothered with a costume cause I knew I wouldn't be going anywhere. Bummer. JeanGreyForever (talk) 00:49, 30 October 2023 (UTC)
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