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GoT season 8 page edit


Hi there!

I made a change to your edit on the Game_of_Thrones_(season_8) episode summaries as it doesn't seem like Tyrion was pushing Jon to take the Iron Throne for the sake of staking his claim in their first 8x06 conversation (prior to this episode, both Varys and Sam pushed Jon to take the crown but I don't remember Tyrion urging Jon to do so). Instead, it seems Tyrion was pushing Jon to kill Dany as she now posed the greatest threat to the realm ("You are the shield that guards the realms of men. And you've always tried to do the right thing. no matter the cost. You've tried to protect people. Who is the greatest threat to the people now? It's a terrible thing I'm asking. It's also the right thing.") Tyrion does believe Jon is in danger because he's the rightful heir though (although, Jon cares little for his own life). But if you disagree or if I'm blanking on something, can you perhaps explain your view and maybe we can come up with some wording together?

Thanks! And nice to meet you, I'm Anatashala! Anatashala (talk) 03:06, 21 December 2019 (UTC)[reply]

It's lovely to meet you, Anatashala. I worded it the way I did because, the impression I got from that scene was that Tyrion wanted Jon to press his claim because he was the only one capable of stopping her on the grounds that he's the only one with a stronger claim to the throne than her. I know Tyrion doesn't explicitly tell Jon to take his place on the throne but I thought the scene meant was that Tyrion was encouraging Jon to kill Dany because he was the only one that could get away with it (i.e. as the rightful king - "Who's more dangerous than the rightful heir to the Iron Throne?") [...] ("She [Sansa] doesn't want Dany to be Queen." "She doesn't get to choose." "No, but you do. And you have to choose now."). Considering how, like you said, Dany posed a threat to the realm, for Tyrion to pressure Jon to fulfil his duty to kill the biggest threat to the realm is essentially asking Jon to be the "Protector of the Realm" - which is obviously one of the titles held by the reigning monarch. If you think I took this scene too literally or read too much into it then I apologise, it was just my own interpretation and if the general consensus is a different interpretation then I'll happily revert the edits to how they were before, if you or no-one has already. Thank you for your constructive criticism either way - many times I've made edits others that disagree with my wording simply revert my edit with no explanation and no offer of co-operation like you have today. (talk) 16:26, 21 December 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for your reply and explanation! And thank-you for co-operating with me today! :)
I see where you're coming from! However, though I understand what you mean now, I think the wording that Tyrion wants Jon to stake his claim to the Iron Throne may give an inaccurate impression of Tyrion's motives as they'd seem more politically motivated rather than saving the people from Dany's campaign. Per Tyrion's dialogue in the scene, it seems to about stopping Dany because of the threat she poses to the realm rather than specifically wanting Jon to be king (Tyrion and the others don't bring Jon up as a candidate in the Dragonpit because of the queenslaying, what Tyrion is urging Jon to do here). Had Dany not burned KL or declared to take the world by fire and blood, Tyrion would still be supporting Dany as queen (having refused to betray Dany when Varys implored him to). As such, I think saving the realm from Dany is the greater motivation here if that makes sense?
I think Tyrion's words that you quoted were more about acting against Queen Dany so she can't burn the world (thus the choice Tyrion says Jon has) rather than Jon claiming his birthright, which in and of itself wouldn't really stop Dany, but I see what you mean! He may think Jon is the only one who can do it now -- but I don't think that's because of Jon's birthright. Jon doesn't get away with it and I don't think Tyrion would expect he would because queenslaying (no matter who the person is) is one of the biggest crimes in Westeros and Dany is legitimately queen by right-of-conquest (and Jon abdicated in favour of her). I think Tyrion believes Dany would view Jon's birthright as a threat because she believes Jon is more beloved in Westeros and would garner support against her rule.
As to "Who's more dangerous than the rightful heir to the Iron Throne?" I think that was about trying to motivate Jon by trying to appeal to Jon's self-preservation... but it failed as Jon doesn't care much for his own life and especially when it comes to the prospect of killing somebody he loves, somebody Jon still tries to persuade toward mercy.
I can see where you're coming from! I think Tyrion would want Jon as king in 8x06 but it's not something Tyrion really says and I think the greater motivation for Tyrion urging a resistant Jon to kill Dany is because of the threat Dany poses rather than wanting a specific person to be king. What do you think? Anatashala (talk) 17:01, 21 December 2019 (UTC)[reply]