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A Religion researcher Book of sefr hotpt of unas pyramid 2022, Dr. INAS EL SHAFEY 953 Views 9 Pages 1 File ▾ Religion, Archaeology, Pyramid Texts, Coffin Texts, Book of the Dead, Pyramid Texts

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The first complete record of it was on the western half of the ceiling of the sarcophagus in the Temple of Seti I,

and then it was restored in the twentieth dynasty in the southern half

of the tomb of Rameses.

mHt wrt Book of the Heavenly Cow (-HThe name: ((Maht Wert) came as a description of the heavenly cow since the text of the pyramids, paragraph289-c, in the front chamber, the horizon, and not in the coffin chamber, meaning its connection to the world ofthe east and the day, where it was described (the skilled swimmer mHt wrt) (Mahat Wert) that she gives birth to the king between her horns in the east

, as she is the skilled swimmer whocame from the great flood to give birth to Ra every day in the east 2 , as described by the text of Al-Ahram 508 - paragraph 1131. :

)HAt mDAt nt dwA Ra m imntt dwA dmDy n imnt (The Book of Solar Songs-Icame in the first call and the anthem directed at Ra to the left of the interior to the cemetery on theame: N-columns and not on the walls, after the name of the book on the left side, considering the united Ra and the onecoming from the west 3 . 3 . .(The worship of Ra in the West, the worship of the united in the West) HAt mDAt nt dwA Ra m imntt dwA dmDy n imnt : qrrt The Book of Caves,-J: There is nothing explicitly referring to the name, but to describe the landscapes of the underground caves, Namethe name was given 4 .His first appearance in the era of Merneptah, where he recorded in his tomb in the Valley of the Kings theconcluding part of the book 4 .: Akr Book of-k first section, theD. In the-: The first to publish the Piankoff Bulletin and divide it into four sections A Nameshape of the double-headed Sphinx appeared and its name (Akr- Akr ) and Barta agreed with this name, where it isalso called by Piankov the rebirth of the sun disk of Ra. Second:)

sfrt Htp.t (

The book(ancient Egyptian language:and its meaning in the - sfrt Htpt

-(Eastern Barricade) Meton No. 318of north entrance of Unas Pyramid in Saqaraon the eastern side:ame N-321, the favoret left in the ancient Egyptian and read from right to left, divided into twenty rows of verticalcolumns.

“ Morte ”

sees that the texts in the pyramid inside express the spirituality that dominated materialism in that period and focus on solar thought and the role of Ra in protecting the deceased king since his birth. Life

5 , andOsiris 5 , which expresses sunset and the afterlife, and the king is a hoor and the roles he plays in the two lives onearth and in the heavenly world and ascending safely to him. One of the religious books that collected the twoschools of Ra and Osiris and their roles in the two lives of the king, and the beginning of reading the texts is as previously mentioned in the architectural description of the pyramid by Maspero starting from the easternrampart, the imaginary door of the entrance to the pyramid of Unas in the northern corridor of the central hall 1Hornung.E., Altagyptische,op.cit,p 28.2Barta.W.,in:ZAS,113,p 81. 3 Hornung.E.,Sonnen Litanei,Tei I:Text,AH2,Geneve,1976, p.61(sol. 1)4 Hornung.E., op.cit,p 144. 5 Morte.A,Mysteres Egyptie,Paris,1913,p 301.

5 1 with three barricades 1 , where the name of the book is in the last row of The twentieth row with the custom of the papyrus roll expressing the ancient origin of writing these texts on the papyrus scrolls first before and not thewalls of the pyramid and it is in the name (sfrt Htpt) and read the slide from the right to the direction E 2 hieroglyphic signs inside the pyramid.321Text Dd mdw HA.f m HA.f in n Wnis sfrt Htp Hrt psDw isirt pr Wnis Hr.s r pt stp Wnis sA ir ra m pt 2

A recitation is said: The back (his head) is behind him, bring to Unas Sefert-Hetpet carried on the back of Osiris.For Unas to bring out his face to the sky, and Unas settles in a stairway (as a tameeya) as the sun did in the sky. - This word was not mentioned in any ancient Egyptian text (sfrt Htpt) and the two words did not appear to beadded to each other, and the specification of the papyrus roll shows that it is a name for teachings, and not, assome have indicated, being the name of a solar boat because there is no provision for the boat, so the function ofthe papyrus roll -

1 3 3 indicates that they are papers of an ancient book, and because they are sacredtexts and recitations of a religious book, a guide carried on his back by the Uzir, a metaphor for his religious andideological teachings of the ancient Egyptians, especially that the texts were written before on the covering of thethree external pyramids in Giza before the Fifth Dynasty, which indicates its antiquity from the state. generallyold

.The name of the book, as it is followed by the ancient Egyptian, who begins his religious texts and books, bydefining the name of the book, as in the Anna papyrus found by “

Budge, where the fifth panel began with thefirst chapter. and this is identical to the text of the eastern wall of the fals coredor door to identify the name of the book. The name appeared in the last column on the wall, text 321, and the word appeared with the papyrus roll

Expressed that they are texts and teachings written in their ancient origin on papyrus, and the two sides of thedoor are considered as the two sides of the book, one of them:The meaning of the name (sfrt Htpt)) in the ancient Egyptian language:Scientists have not yet mentioned a clear explanation for the meaning of the word, as it is not an addition of oneword to another, and it was also interpreted from the fact that it comes from:

= old

Yesterday dedicated to the sun

= mythical 

t = mercy - linen garment

= warm living / skin wound / linseed oil for the face head injury

Htp.t = you like It is from the the verb Hetep = peace - sacrifice - contentment / bundle of herbs / unitof iteru

Htp.t = sacrifice / landing / water

Htp.yt = the Merciful,

perhaps its meaning is the offering of mercy - the ancient peace - the time of contentment


= the womb
(place of birth
and with the predominance of the meaning of safrat = a skin wound, which

means the process of birth from the mother’s womb and the beginning of the book of life since birth and carrying the message of teachings like Osiris where the owner of the name with the two words added with One custom isthe papyrus roll

Expressed as being a compound noun of two syllables and not a verb, or a means of heavenlyascent and ascension, as Faulkner interpreted it, as he wanted the word


to be Ascend, not exit 1- In the world of Ra in the earth with the life cycle of humans and the king, here the sky expresses the earthlysky and not to the sky

, which expresses the cosmic sky only And the meaning may be = (birth book), and this is a logical explanation for the existence of the allotment at the end of the word, which is the papyrus roll that refers to biblical texts, because the custom refers to the function of the word and the intendedmeaning among the many interpretations of the word, for the absence of this word because it does not pertain tothe name of this and that text The sacred label as a religious book specific to the religion of the ancientEgyptians.2- Name and Astronomy Relationship: Some scientific opinions that linked this word with the root of the Englishword sphere3. The word travel = envelope - that is, the atmosphere, and that the five layers of the atmosphere: thermosphere- mesosphere - stratosphere - ionosphere - troposphere - are the five chapels in the (ritual) temple ) in the east to protect against solar storms that were hitting the globe in the form of severe electromagnetic waves. 4- With the approach of the word safrat in the Hebrew language = saf r = plural of books, i.e. sacred recitations,such as the books of the Old Testament, which tell events that occurred in the early days of the history of humancreation, where the text of the book contained theories of creation. As well as the theory of Memphis in the creation of the world as the Book of Genesis in the Old Testament, aswell as the permissibility of its pronunciation (Zabur), which is the name of religious books in ancient times, and the word “

t” = recitation - miracle - a sentence, so the word Zabur is the miracle of birth _ In the westernGamalon of the sarcofagus room he talks about the book of wisdom- mDAt-nTr siA

- from which Unas took thistexts book 

Dd mdw Wnis p hr kAw dmD ibw Hr sA wr Xr mDAt-nTr siA imnt ra

Recitation - He is Unas Lead the Kaw, One of the Hearts, holding the Holy Book of Wisdom (

) to the right ofthe Sun (


.- Here is a reference to the fact that those texts are originally from an ancient book, whose real name is the Bookof Sacred Wisdom (siA -mDAt-nTr)

and one of his ancient travels-

- where Siya and Ho are directlyassociated with Ra Conclusion : In view of the foregoing, I suggest some translations of the name of the book in the past( Moton Al-Ahram)or pyramid texts,currently - Sfrt-Htpt.

that means1- Book of mercy =
sfrt Htp.t mDAt

and pronounce the papyrus roll because it is a name that means a book and isnot a linguistic specification for the first name.-2-


=(The Sefr of the Birth

Zabur of The Miracle of Birth)And considering the papyrus roll is intended for the book only to indicate that it was written first on the papyrusscrolls without committing to its pronunciation because it expresses travels from an ancient book that is the mostgeneral and comprehensive. 

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The Book of Sfrt htpt of Unas


The first religious text as A Sfr in [Saqara]] Pyramid before Bible اوناس الشافعي (talk) 20:51, 30 November 2023 (UTC)[reply]