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User:Zouhair/Books/Logical fallcies

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Logical Fallacies


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List of fallacies
Formal fallacy
Ad hominem
Appeal to probability
Argument from fallacy
Bare assertion fallacy
Base rate fallacy
Conjunction fallacy
Correlative-based fallacies
Denying the correlative
Fallacy of necessity
False dilemma
Homunculus argument
Masked man fallacy
Naturalistic fallacy
Nirvana fallacy
Package-deal fallacy
Affirming a disjunct
Affirming the consequent
Denying the antecedent
Existential fallacy
Proof by example
Affirmative conclusion from a negative premise
Fallacy of exclusive premises
Fallacy of four terms
Illicit major
Fallacy of the undistributed middle
Ad nauseam
Appeal to ridicule
Begging the question
Burden of proof (logical fallacy)
Circular cause and consequence
Continuum fallacy
Correlation does not imply causation
Fallacy of distribution
Fallacy of division
Ecological fallacy
Fallacy of the single cause
False attribution
Fallacy of quoting out of context
Argument to moderation
Gambler's fallacy
Historian's fallacy
Incomplete comparison
Inconsistent comparison
Intentional fallacy
Loki's Wager
Moving the goalpost
Perfect solution fallacy
Post hoc ergo propter hoc
Proof by intimidation
Prosecutor's fallacy
Psychologist's fallacy
Regression fallacy
Reification (fallacy)
Retrospective determinism
Special pleading
Wrong direction