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充电式电动车辆(plug-in electric vehicles, PEVs)是一种可以通过外界电源(比如墙上插座)充电的机动车。车载的蓄电池提供车辆运行所需的全部或部分动力。充电式电动车辆是电动车的一种,其中包括纯电动车(all-electric or battery electric vehicles, BEVs)、 充电式混合动力车辆(plug-in hybrid vehicles, PHEVs)、 经过改良的混合动力汽车或传统内燃机[1][2][3]


一些国家和政府制定了税收抵免、补贴、和其他鼓励机制(具体政策取决于电池大小和全电模式下的里程数)用来促进在大众市场引进和使用充电式电动车辆。“充电式电动车辆”(plug-in electric drive vehicle)这个词被正式的用在美国联邦立法里关于消费者的鼓励机制部分[4][5]。在中国,充电式电动车辆被叫做新能源车辆(new energy vehicles, NEVs),奖励机制只对购买纯电动车辆或充电式混合动力车辆有效[6]

目前世界上大多数充电式电动车辆是慢速的、短程的邻里电动汽车。在2011年,派克研究公司(Pike Research)估计世界上大概有479,000量邻里电动汽车在路上行驶[7]。最高销量的邻里电动汽车是GEM系列(Global Electric Motorcars)汽车,从1998年到2013年4月已经在全世界卖出了46,000台[8]。从2007年开始截止到2013年3月,全世界已经卖出了大概200,000辆可以在高速公路上行驶的充电式电动轿车和超过10,000辆电动通用面包车。全球销量增长从2007年到2010年总共的11,768辆[9]到2011年的40,000辆[10]一年,再到2012年的119,300辆[11][12]。在充电式电动汽车销量方面,美国是世界的领先者,占有46%的世界销量,随后的是日本和欧洲,分别占有世界23%的销量[13]。如果以不同的类别来看,美国是2012年充电式混合动力汽车销量的领先者,占有70%的世界销量。而日本以占有28%的世界销量成为纯电动汽车销量的领先者,紧随其后的是美国,占有26%的世界销量[14]

尼桑“聆风”(Nissan Leaf)是世界上销量最高的可在高速公路上行驶的全电动汽车,截止到2013年5月已卖出了超过65,000辆[15]。紧接着是三菱i-MiEV系列轿车和通用面包车,截至2013年3月已卖出了大概28,000辆[16][17][18]。而世界上销量最高的充电式混合动力汽车是雪佛兰沃蓝达,它和它的姐妹车型Opel/Vauxhall Ampera在北美和欧洲已经卖出了大约44,000辆。销量第二高的是丰田普锐斯充电式混合动力车型,截至2013年3月已在日本、北美和欧洲卖出超过32,700辆[19]


Brammo Empulse型电动摩托车在充电站旁。



充电式电动车辆是任何可以由电网充电的机动车。车载电池提供车辆运行所需的全部或部分动力[1][2]。充电式电动车辆有时也被称为电网支持车辆(grid-enabled vehicles, GEV)[2]或者电动可充电车辆(electrically chargeable vehicles)[20]

充电式电动车辆是电动车辆的一种,包括了纯电动车辆(battery electric vehicles, BEVs)、充电式混合动力车辆(plug-in hybrid vehicles, PHEVs)、经过改良的混合动力车辆(hybrid electric vehicles, HEVs)或内燃机车辆(internal combustion engine vehicles)[1][2]。虽然传统的混合动力车辆带有可以通过内燃机和再生制动充电的电池,它们不能通过外界电源充电,所以不属于充电式电动车辆。[1][2]

“充电式电动车辆”(plug-in electric drive vehicle)这个词被用在美国联邦立法里去称呼可以接受税收抵免的车辆类型(根据车辆的电池大小和纯电模式下的里程)[4][5]。在一些欧洲国家,特别是法国,“可充电车辆”(electrically chargeable veicle)是正式用来称呼可以接受这些鼓励机制的车辆类型[21]。虽然“充电式电动车辆”这个词一般指汽车或者充电式汽车,它还包括其他类型的充电式车辆,包括速克达摩托车、邻里电动车或迷你车都市车面包车、轻型卡车或轻型商用车、公共汽车货车、军用车辆[22][23]




当充电式混合动力车辆在“消耗电量”模式(charge-depleting mode)下运行时就相当于纯电动车辆,但当它的电量达到最低限度的时候,它就耗尽了它纯电模式下的里程,并会转到保持电量模式(charge-sustaining mode)[25][26]








在美国有一些公司提供改造服务。最常见的是把混合动力车辆改成充电式混合动力车辆。但是由于不同汽车制造厂商使用的技术不同,最容易改造的是2004-2009的丰田普锐斯和福特翼虎(Ford Escape Hybrid/Mercury Mariner Hybrid)[30]











根据消费者报告,截至2011年12月,尼桑“聆风”的成本是每英里3.5美分,而雪佛兰沃蓝达的是每英里3.8美分。沃蓝达比聆风的成本高是因为它比较重。这些数字是根据实际测量的能量消耗和美国每千瓦时11美分的电费估计出来的。当沃蓝达在里程扩展模式(range-extended mode)下(使用汽油引擎)时,它的运行成本是每英里12.5美分。根据这个杂志的测试,前四名最省油的使用汽油驱动的车辆是:丰田普锐斯(每英里8.6美分)、本田思域混合动力型(每英里9.5美分)、丰田花冠(每英里11.9美分)、现代伊兰特(每英里13.1美分)。分析发现在100英里以内行驶,沃蓝达比其他四辆车都省钱,因为它有35英里的里程使用电力。这些成本不包括维修、贬值及其他花销[37]



单位使用的是英里每加仑汽油等同(MPGe,Miles per gallon gasoline equivalent)
或者英里每加仑汽油(MPG,Miles per gallon gasoline)(1)
(见蒙罗尼标签(Monroney label)和美国能源部门 fueleconomy.gov)
车型 年份 运行模式
(15,000 英里,美元)
Scion iQ 电动车型[41] 2013 全电动 121 mpg-e
(28 kW-hrs/100 mi)
138 mpg-e
(24 kW-hrs/100 mi)
105 mpg-e
(32 kW-hrs/100 mi)
$0.84 $500 2013年的Scion iQ电动车型是
(Chevrolet Spark EV)[43]
2014 全电动 119 mpg-e
(28 kW-hrs/100 mi)
128 mpg-e 109 mpg-e - $500
(Honda Fit EV)[44]
2013 全电动 118 mpg-e
(29 kW-hrs/100 mi)
132 mpg-e
(26 kW-hrs/100 mi)
105 mpg-e
(32 kW-hrs/100 mi)
$0.87 $500
菲亚特(Fiat) 500e[45] 2013 全电动 116 mpg-e
(29 kW-hrs/100 mi)
122 mpg-e 108 mpg-e $0.87 $500
(Nissan Leaf)[46]
2013 全电动 115 mpg-e
(29 kW-hrs/100 mi)
129 mpg-e 102 mpg-e $0.87 $500
(Honda Accord Plug-in Hybrid)[47]
2014 电动和汽油
115mpg-e - - - -
只用汽油 46 mpg 47 mpg 46 mpg -
三菱(Mitsubishi) i-MiEV[48] 2012-13 全电动 112 mpg-e
(30 kW-hrs/100 mi)
126 mpg-e
(27 kW-hrs/100 mi)
99 mpg-e
(34 kW-hrs/100 mi)
$0.90 $550
Smart 电动车型
(Smart electric drive)[49]
2013 全电动 107 mpg-e
(32 kW-hrs/100 mi)
122 mpg-e
(28 kW-hrs/100 mi)
93 mpg-e
(36 kW-hrs/100 mi)
$0.96 $600 评级包括敞蓬和普通车型
(Ford Focus Electric)[50]
2012-13 全电动 105 mpg-e
(32 kW-hrs/100 mi)
110 mpg-e
(31 kW-hrs/100 mi)
99 mpg-e
(34 kW-hrs/100 mi)
$0.96 $600
宝马(BMW) ActiveE[51] 2011 全电动 102 mpg-e
(33 kW-hrs/100 mi)
107 mpg-e 96 mpg-e $0.99 $600
福特(Ford) C-Max Energi[52][53]
福特(Ford) Fusion Energi[54]
2013 电动和汽油
100 mpg-e
(34 kW-hrs/100 mi)
108 mpg-e 92 mpg-e $1.17 $950 在EPA的测试中,Energi在前21英里
只用汽油 43 mpg 44 mpg 41 mpg $2.03
(Nissan Leaf)[55]
2011-12 全电动 99 mpg-e
(34 kW-hrs/100 mi)
106 mpg-e
(32 kW-hrs/100 mi)
92 mpg-e
(37 kW-hrs/100 mi)
$1.02 $600
(Chevrolet Volt)[56]
2013 只用电力
(38 英里)
98 mpg-e
(35 kW-hrs/100 mi)
- - $1.05 $900 2013年的沃蓝达是最省油的充电式
综合评级是62 mpg-e
只用汽油 37 mpg 35 mpg 40 mpg $2.57
(Tesla Model S)[57]
2013 全电动 95 mpg-e
(35 kW-hrs/100 mi)
94 mpg-e 97 mpg-e $1.05 $650 电池容量为60千瓦时的车型
(Toyota Prius PHV)[52]
2013 电动和汽油
(11 mi)
95 mpg-e
(29 kW-hrs/100 mi
plus 0.2 gallons/100 mi)
- - $1.44 $950 行驶11英里以后,就会像
只用汽油 50 mpg 51 mpg 49 mpg $1.74
(Chevrolet Volt)[56]
2012 电动 94 mpg-e
(36 kW-hrs/100 mi)
95 mpg-e
(36 kW-hrs/100 mi)
93 mpg-e
(37 kW-hrs/100 mi)
$1.08 $1,000
汽油 37 mpg 35 mpg 40 mpg $2.57
(Tesla Model S)[58]
2012 全电动 89 mpg-e
(38 kW-hrs/100 mi)
88 mpg-e
(38 kW-hrs/100 mi)
90 mpg-e
(37 kW-hrs/100 mi)
$1.14 $700 电池容量为85千瓦时的车型
RAV4 电动车型[59]
2012 全电动 76 mpg-e
(44 kW-hrs/100 mi)
78 mpg-e 74 mpg-e $1.32 $850
2012-13 全电动 73 mpg-e
(46 kW-hrs/100 mil)
77 mpg-e
(44 kW-hrs/100 mi)
68 mpg-e
(50 kW-hrs/100 mi)
$1.38 $850
比亚迪e6[61] 2012 全电动 62 mpg-e
(54 kW-hrs/100 mi)
60 mpg-e 64 mpg-e $1.62 $950
(Fisker Karma)[52]
2012 电动
(33 miles)
54 mpg-e
(62 kW-hrs/100 mi)
- - $1.87 $1,750
汽油 20 mpg 20 mpg 21 mpg $4.76
(Toyota Prius XW30)[62]
2013 混合动力 50 mpg 51 mpg 48 mpg $1.74 $1,050 最省油的混合动力车型,
同样省油的还有丰田Prius c
福特 Taurus FWD[64]
2013 汽油 23 mpg 19 mpg 29 mpg $3.79 $2,300 其他2013年车型达到23mpg的
(Toyota Venza)


  1. ^ a b c d David B. Sandalow, ed. (2009). Plug-In Electric Vehicles: What Role for Washington? (1st. ed.). The Brookings Institution. pp. 2–5. ISBN 978-0-8157-0305-1. See definition on pp. 2.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h "Plug-in Electric Vehicles (PEVs)". Center for Sustainable Energy, California. Retrieved 2010-03-31.
  3. ^ "PEV Frequently Asked Questions". Duke Energy. Retrieved 2010-12-24.
  4. ^ a b "Notice 2009-89: New Qualified Plug-in Electric Drive Motor Vehicle Credit". Internal Revenue Service. 2009-11-30. Retrieved 2010-04-01.
  5. ^ a b "Consumer Energy Tax Incentives: Plug-In Hybrid Conversion Kits". U.S. Department of Energy. Retrieved 2010-04-01.
  6. ^ a b PRTM Management Consultants, Inc (April 2011). "The China New Energy Vehicles Program - Challenges and Opportunities" (PDF). World Bank. Retrieved 2013-04-22. See Acronyms and Key Terms, pp. v
  7. ^ Danny King (2011-06-20). "Neighborhood Electric Vehicle Sales To Climb". Edmunds.com Auto Observer. Retrieved 2012-02-05.
  8. ^ "GE Capital to Finance Commercial Purchases of Global Electric Motorcars (GEM®)". Yahoo! Finance. 2013-05-02. Retrieved 2013-05-03.
  9. ^ John Reed (2012-07-20). "Electric cars struggle to build momentum". Financial Times. Retrieved 2013-02-17. See the infograph Electric car sales lack spark for yearly sales between 2007 and 2010.
  10. ^ Justin Gerdes (2012-05-11). "The Global Electric Vehicle Movement: Best Practices From 16 Cities". Forbes. Retrieved 2013-02-17.
  11. ^ Ma Jie and Yuki Hagiwara (2013-03-20). "In Ghosn We Trust Tested as Nissan Electric Push Falters". Bloomberg L.P. Retrieved 2013-03-20.
  12. ^ Elisabeth Rosenthal (2013-02-09). "Plugging In, Dutch Put Electric Cars to the Test". The New York Times. Retrieved 2013-02-11.
  13. ^ Siddharth Philip (2013-03-12). "GM's Chevy Volt Outsold Nissan Leaf Last Year, BNEF Says". Bloomberg L.P. Retrieved 2013-03-30.
  14. ^ International Energy Agency, Clean Energy Ministerial, and Electric Vehicles Initiative (April 2013). "Global EV Outlook 2013 - Understanding the Electric Vehicle Landscape to 2020" (PDF). International Energy Agency. Retrieved 2013-04-20.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link) See pp. 4, 6-8, and 11-12.
  15. ^ Nissan (2013-06-12). "Nissan Named a Top Global Green Brand for 2013". Nissan Media Newsroom USA. Retrieved 2013-06-20.
  16. ^ Antony Ingram (2013-01-24). "Mitsubishi i-MiEV Electric Cars Recalled To Fix Braking Problem". Green Car Reports. Retrieved 2013-02-09.
  17. ^ "三菱 i-MiEVなどの2012年12月度 販売実績" (in Japanese). Electric Vehicle News. 2013-01-28. Retrieved 2013-02-09. {{cite web}}: Unknown parameter |trans_title= ignored (|trans-title= suggested) (help) A total of 3,234 Minicab MiEVs have been sold in Japan through December 2012.
  18. ^ Mat Gasnier (2013-02-10). "Europe Full Year 2012: Now with Top 350 models & Top 60 brands". Best Selling Cars Blog. Retrieved 2013-02-13. Between 2011 and 2012 a total of 5,017 Peugeot iOns, 4977 Citroën C-Zeros and 4,244 Mitsubishi i MiEVs were sold in Europe.
  19. ^ Toyota Press Room (2013-04-17). "Toyota cumulative global hybrid sales pass 5M, nearly 2M in US". Green Car Congress. Retrieved 2013-04-17.
  20. ^ "Electric Vehicles: Turning Buzz into Reality". European Automobile Manufacturers Association. 2010-02-09. Retrieved 2010-04-23.
  21. ^ "An Increasing Number of Member States Levy CO2-Based Taxation or Incentivise Electric Vehicles". European Automobile Manufacturers Association. 2010-04-21. Retrieved 2010-04-23.
  22. ^ "Plug-in Vehicle Tracker: What's Coming, When". Plug In America. Retrieved 2012-01-15.
  23. ^ Paul Stenquist (2013-04-01). "A New Electric Car With an Old Name". The New York Times. Retrieved 2013-04-04.
  24. ^ "All-Electric Vehicle Basics". Alternative Fuels & Advanced Vehicles Data Center, US DoE. Retrieved 2010-12-29.
  25. ^ Kurani; et al. (2007-10-16). "Driving Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles: Reports from U.S. Drivers of HEVs converted to PHEVs, circa 2006-07" (PDF). Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis. Retrieved 2010-12-29. {{cite web}}: Explicit use of et al. in: |author= (help) See definitions in pp. 1-2.
  26. ^ Matthew A. Kromer and John B. Heywood (May 2007). "Electric Powertrains: Opportunities and Challenges in the U.S. Light-Duty Vehicle Fleet" (PDF). Sloan Automotive Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Retrieved 2010-12-29. See definitions in pp. 30-31.
  27. ^ a b "Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Basics". Alternative Fuels & Advanced Vehicles Data Center, US DoE. Retrieved 2010-12-29.
  28. ^ "Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV)". Center for Energy and the Global Environment, Virginia Tech. Retrieved 2010-12-29.
  29. ^ "What Is A Plug-in Hybrid Car?". HybridCars.com. Retrieved 2010-12-29.
  30. ^ a b "How to Get a Plug-In Hybrid". CalCars. Retrieved 2010-12-29.
  31. ^ "Plug-in Hybrid Conversions". HybridCars.com. Retrieved 2010-12-29.
  32. ^ "Top 7 Issues for an Electric Car Conversion". HybridCars.com. 2009-06-02. Retrieved 2010-12-29.
  33. ^ a b c d e f Saurin D. Shah (2009). David B. Sandalow (ed.). Chapter 2: Electrification of Transport and Oil Displacement (1st ed.). The Brookings Institution. pp. 29, 37 and 43. ISBN 978-0-8157-0305-1. in "Plug-in Electric Vehicles: What Role for Washington?"
  34. ^ a b Sperling, Daniel and Deborah Gordon (2009). Two billion cars: driving toward sustainability. Oxford University Press, New York. pp. 22–26 and 114–139. ISBN 978-0-19-537664-7.
  35. ^ Emily Masamitsu (2009-10-01). "How Much Is That Hybrid Electric Really Saving You?". Popular Mechanics. Retrieved 2010-07-11.
  36. ^ "Electric Power Monthly: June 2010 Edition". U.S. Energy Information Administration. June 2010. Retrieved 2010-07-11. Prices correspond to average for March 2010 for the U.S. energy generation mix that month.
  37. ^ Eric Evarts (2011-12-08). "Leaf, Volt tests show electric cars cost less per mile to operate". Consumer Reports. Retrieved 2011-12-10.
  38. ^ U. S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Department of Energy (2012-11-30). "2012 Most and Least Efficient Vehicles". Fueleconomy.gov. Retrieved 2012-12-02. Click on the tab "Cars (excluding EVs)"
  39. ^ U. S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Department of Energy (2012-12-06). "Model Year 2013 Fuel Economy Guide" (PDF). Fueleconomy.gov. Retrieved 2012-12-09. See "5-Year Fuel Cost Savings" page 1.
  40. ^ "Why are the VOLT and LEAF EVs measured in Miles Per Gallon". Electric Vehicle News. 2009-08-15. Retrieved 2011-02-21.
  41. ^ U. S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Department of Energy (2012-11-30 (last updated)). "2013 Scion iQ EV". Fueleconomy.gov. Retrieved 2012-12-02. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  42. ^ a b U.S. Department of Energy and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2012). "Most Efficient EPA-Certified Vehicles- Current Model Year". fueleconomy.gov. Retrieved 2012-12-10.
  43. ^ Eric Loveday (2013-04-24). "2014 Chevy Spark EV Gets EPA Range Rating of 82 Miles; 119 MPGe Combined". Inside EVs. Retrieved 2013-04-24.
  44. ^ U. S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Department of Energy (2012-09-17 (last updated)). "2013 Honda Fit EV". Fueleconomy.gov. Retrieved 2012-09-17. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  45. ^ U. S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Department of Energy (2013-02-08 (last updated)). "2013 Fiat 500e". Fueleconomy.gov. Retrieved 2013-02-10. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  46. ^ U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Department of Energy (2013-05-16 (last updated)). "2013 Nissan Leaf". Fueleconomy.gov. Retrieved 2013-05-16. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  47. ^ Antony Ingram (2012-11-30). "2014 Honda Accord Plug-In Hybrid Priced Sub-$41K, 115 MPGe". Green Car Reports. Retrieved 2012-11-30.
  48. ^ U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Department of Energy (2012-06-27 (last updated)). "2011–12 Electric Vehicles- 2012 Mitsubishi i-MiEV". Fueleconomy.gov. Retrieved 2012-06-27. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  49. ^ U. S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Department of Energy (2012-11-30 (last updated)). "2013 smart fortwo electric drive coupe". Fueleconomy.gov. Retrieved 2012-12-02. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  50. ^ U. S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Department of Energy (2012-06-27 (last updated)). "2012 Ford Focus BEV". Fueleconomy.gov. Retrieved 2012-06-27. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  51. ^ U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Department of Energy (2012-11-30 (last updated)). "2011 BMW Acive E". Fueleconomy.gov. Retrieved 2012-12-02. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  52. ^ a b c U. S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Department of Energy (2012-11-30 (last updated)). "Compare Side-by-Side - 2013 Ford C-Max PHEV FWD, 2013 Chevrolet Volt, 2013 Toyota Prius Plug-in Hybrid, and 2012 Fisker Karma". Fueleconomy.gov. Retrieved 2012-12-01. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  53. ^ Ford Motor Company (2012-11-08). "Ford C-MAX Energi: Most Range, More Efficiency and Affordability Than Any Plug-in Hybrid". Media Ford. Retrieved 2012-12-02.EPA ratings in MPG-e for combine, city and highway cycles.
  54. ^ U. S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Department of Energy (2013-01-17 (last updated)). "New Plug-in Hybrids". Fueleconomy.gov. Retrieved 2013-01-17. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  55. ^ U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Department of Energy (2012-11-30 (last updated)). "2012 Nissan Leaf". Fueleconomy.gov. Retrieved 2012-12-02. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  56. ^ a b U. S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Department of Energy (2012-11-30 (last updated)). "Compare Side-by-Side - 2013 Chevrolet Volt, 2012 Chevrolet Volt and 2011 Chevrolet Volt". Fueleconomy.gov. Retrieved 2012-12-09. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  57. ^ U. S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Department of Energy (2012-12-05 (last updated)). "2013 Tesla Model S (60 kW-hr battery pack)". Fueleconomy.gov. Retrieved 2012-12-07. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  58. ^ U. S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Department of Energy (2012-06-27 (last updated)). "2012 Tesla Model S". Fueleconomy.gov. Retrieved 2012-06-27. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
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