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User:Zenswashbuckler/Right thing

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The right thing to do is always what is moral and decent. Right thinking people will tell you what the right thing to do is, and how to go about doing it. You can ascertain for yourself what is right because doing the wrong thing requires all sorts of mealy-mouthed justifications, whereas doing the right thing merely requires a strong heart and a steady hand. Often, degenerate people will argue against doing the right thing, and you musn't surrender to them. They may cite policies, principles, or other lofty-sounding words - but remember that the devil often quotes scripture for his own ends. The wrong thing may seem to be supported by policy, but remember that the right thing's policies always trump the wrong thing's policies. Since those with weak hearts often succumb to the wrong thing, good editors are ever vigilant to overturn the wrong thing and restore the truth to Wikipedia!