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World War II


World War 2 was a cruel and violent war many lives were taken by the hands of German Nazi soldiers. Many of the soldiers from the america were drafted cause of a draft in 1940.Due to the lack of men in there military at that time. A lot of German soldiers were to join cause it was a sense of pride and ther parents made them go to a little thing called the Hitler Youth. [1] Hitler was nice and sweet to the kids so he could gain the trust of them to form them into the soldiers he wanted them to be. Hitler soon wanted to gain world dominance and fought to get control of Germany and then Austria, France, he was on a big killing spree. Then the united states stepped in and fought back the Wehrmacht army. The Germans suffered many casualties and soon surrendered. The rumors have it Hitler killed himself,was shot and killed, poisoned ther is no real evidence to prove what happened to Hitler.



Many of the weapons the Americans used consisted mainly upon M1 Garand, Colt 1911,and in trench warfare the famous Trench gun. The trench gun was basically a huge 12 gauge used to maul down any close range men with deadly force. The Main guns that the Germans carried were the MP40,the Luger pistol and in the trenches there preferred weapon was the Flame thrower the most deadly trench cleaner the Germans owned. The other big thing that was used by both countries was little thing called a grenade this is basically a little metal ball of havoc. It blows up and sends shrapnel everywhere and has deadly results. The Americans used more of a round green ball basicaly wile the germans used a grenade on a stick aka the Potato Masher grenade.




"The tactics of the USA was basically a hit hard and then run method" [2] it really worked cause it wore down the Germans. The other type of tactic the Americans had was a sit and wait. they soon developed trench warfare.

The germans tactics were as well a surprise method. They also used a charge method were they would just keep walking towards you with everything that they had


  1. ^ Hitlers Youth, History Learning Site.
  2. ^ Makkase,keneth articals of war,2011