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Yori Yanover was born in Israel and began his career at age 17, writing for Israeli counter-culture magazine No'ar-71 and for the IDF's Ba'Machaneh Nachal.

He studied Film & TV at NYU. In the 1980's, he produced shows on WBAI, NYC and was later recruited by Israeli pirate radio Arutz-7.

He wrote columns for the largest American Hebrew weekly Israel Shelanu and was recruited by Yedioth Aharonoth, Israel's largest daily, for their US supplement.

In 1994 he became editor of JCN, the first Jewish Webzine.

His book Dancing and Crying, written with Nadav Ish-Shalom, was published in 1994 in New York.

In 1996, as editor of the Lubavitch News Service, he created an interactive website for some 3000 centers worldwide.

In 1999 he founded USAJewish, the most extensive online Jewish daily news report.

In 2001 he was selected by the Central Conference of American Rabbis to an editorial team developing a completely new prayer book for use in Reform Jewish synagogues nationwide.

In 2004 he founded the Grand Street News, a print and online monthly magazine with a readership of 50,000.

Yanover lives in New York with his wife and daughter.