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Our Editathon[edit]

Objective : Create the article Biodesign and related contents.

  1. What is an Wikipedia Editathon
  2. Create account
  3. Usign Wikipedia editor
  4. Groups pick assignments
  5. Reading & Writing contents
  6. Merging contents

Participants with accouts : Farapeluso, Axelrose79, MaluLuecking.


Biodesign is the use of living systems in order to design products or arts. Biodesign is mainly used for two concepts : the use of living organisms as model (biomimicry) and the use of living organisms as material. Biodesign can also in the sense of bioengineering, the engineering of living organisms.


Biology as a conceptual model[edit]

See Biomimetics (aka biomimicry)

Biological system as material[edit]

See biomaterial.

Engineering biological systems[edit]

See Bio engineering


Notable projects[edit]

Penumbra (sculpture)

Penumbra is a sculpture made with Raycounting process which is a new method to produce customized structure using the intensity and orientation of light rays within a give einvironment. Through an algorithm is possible to calculate the intesity, the position and the direction of a light source and to reconstruct programmatically allowing for morphologically synthesis. Penumbra is a 3D surface made of double curvature which are the risult of parameters assigned to the flat planes.[1]

In the media[edit]


See also[edit]


External links[edit]

Category:Biodesign Category:Structural design