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Proposed Topic for Wikipedia Project:

  • Class pets and how they affect student learning in the classroom.

Impression of the Content Currently Available on Wikipedia:

  • I have found no information on this topic on Wikipedia.  I was surprised that even on the “Pets” page, there was no mention of class pets.  I will be creating a new page for “Class Pets,” and will also add to the "Pet" page, to include a link to this new page.

Current State of Content on Wikipedia:

  • I have found no content on class pets, besides the phrase “classroom pets” being mentioned on the “Wonder Pets” page to describe the TV Show. I used the following keywords: Class Pet, Classroom Pet, School Pet, and In-Class Pet.  If someone were to try to learn about class pets through Wikipedia right now, they would need to read through the “Pets” page to understand what a pet is and could also get some more information from the “Wonder Pets” page, which mentions that the show follows “elementary school classroom pets” and may provide a little more info on class pets through the shows description.

Creating Change for this Topic:

  • This topic will need a page created on “Class Pets” or “Classroom Pets.” I believe there is a way to link pages or have multiple titles for one page. I will try to do that for this page.  My page will introduce the basic idea and history of a class pet but it will mainly focus on their effect on learning.  My sections will be: “History,” and “Effect on Learning.” The “Effect on Learning” section will have subcategories of the different types of effects – “Academic Achievement” and “Social-Emotional Development.”