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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
public string ProcessArticle(string ArticleText, string ArticleTitle, int wikiNamespace, out string Summary, out bool Skip)
            Skip = false;
            Summary = "test";
List<Article> cats = CatList(ArticleTitle);

ArticleText = ("\r\n" + "Current cats" + "\r\n");

foreach(Article x in  cats)
ArticleText += (x.Name + "\r\n");

List<Article> catsAfter = CatListAfter(ArticleTitle, @"{{dn}}");

ArticleText += "\r\n" + "After cats" + "\r\n";

foreach(Article x in  catsAfter)
ArticleText += (x.Name + "\r\n");

            return ArticleText;

        // report categories currently on given page
        public static List<Article> CatList(string articleTitle)
            WikiFunctions.Lists.Providers.CategoriesOnPageListProvider x = new WikiFunctions.Lists.Providers.CategoriesOnPageListProvider();

            List<Article> cats = x.MakeList(new[] {articleTitle});

            return cats;

        // report categories that would be on given page with given input article text
        public static List<Article> CatListAfter(string ArticleTitle, string ArticleText)
WikiFunctions.Controls.Lists.ListMaker lm = new WikiFunctions.Controls.Lists.ListMaker();

// https://wiki.riteme.site/w/api.php?format=xml&action=parse&prop=categories&title=a&text=a{{dn}}

string url = @"https://wiki.riteme.site/w/api.php?format=xml&action=parse&prop=categories&title=" + 
System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(ArticleTitle) + "&text=" + System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(ArticleText);

string res = Tools.GetHTML(url);

Regex r = new Regex(@">([^<>]+)</cl>");

            List<Article> cats = new List<Article>();

            foreach(Match m in r.Matches(res))
                cats.Add(new Article(lm.NormalizeTitle("Category:" + m.Groups[1].Value.Replace("_", " "))));

  return cats;