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Kasibrata is a mythological creature from Bulgarian mythology. It is said to be a freshwater fish with shark teeth and a black suit consisting of hat and coat. Kasibra supposedly inhabits the waters of Danube River. People who live in coastal cities near the river use this creature to scare children, telling them that if they go into the water, it will catch them and break their throats. Exploring the meaning of kasibra in traditional west african culture Kasibra is a mythological creature from Bulgarian mythology. It is said to be a freshwater fish with shark teeth and a black suit consisting of hat and coat. It is believed to inhabit the waters of Danube River. People who live in the coastal cities around this river scare children by telling them that Kasibra will catch them if they go into the water and break their throats. This legend probably originated from the fact that there have been cases of people being attacked and killed by sharks in these waters. Uncovering the spiritual power behindthe traditional use ofkasibra Kasibrata is a mythological creature from Bulgarian mythology. It is said to be a freshwater fish with shark teeth and a black suit consisting of a hat and coat. Kasibrata is said to inhabit the waters of the Danube River. People who live in coastal cities around the Danube scare children by telling them that if they go into the river, this creature will catch them and break their throats. There are many stories about kasibra told by our grandparents generation. They say that this monster drags fishermen into the water and kills them. Some people believe that kasibra might be real because there have been some reports of sightings in different parts of Bulgaria near rivers or lakes., but most people think it’s just a legend used to keep children away from dangerous bodies of water. The word “kasibra” comes from the Turkish word “kısır” which means “throat cutter” . This name was given to this mythical creature because one of its main characteristics is supposed to be cutting throats open., which makes sense considering its origins as a folktale meant to warn kids about going into bodies of water where they could drown.. Considering its dark past, it's no surprise that some people see kasibra as an evil omen. In recent years, however, there has been a resurgence in interest in this mythological figure among both adults and children alike - albeit for very different reasons., Many adults view kasibra as part of their cultural heritage and something unique to Bulgaria , while kids see him more as an imaginary friend or character in stories than anything else . Regardless , it's clear that this legendary creature still holds power over us - even if we can't all agree on what exactly that power may be .